1 branch retinal vein occlusion
General subject: BRVOУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > branch retinal vein occlusion
2 окклюзия ветви ретинальной вены
Ophthalmology: BRVO (branch retinal vein occlusion)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > окклюзия ветви ретинальной вены
3 окклюзия ветки вены сетчатки
General subject: BRVO, branch retinal vein occlusionУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > окклюзия ветки вены сетчатки
См. также в других словарях:
retinal vein occlusion — blockage of a vein carrying blood from the retina. Small branch veins carry blood from different parts of the retina and drain into the central retinal vein, which leaves the eye at the optic disc. Blockage of the central retinal vein (central… … Medical dictionary
retinal vein occlusion — blockage of a vein carrying blood from the retina. Small branch veins carry blood from different parts of the retina and drain into the central retinal vein, which leaves the eye at the optic disc. Blockage of the central retinal vein (central… … The new mediacal dictionary
Occlusion de la veine centrale de la rétine — L occlusion de la veine centrale de la rétine est l occlusion du tronc de la veine centrale de la rétine ou de l une de ses 4 branches : veines temporales supérieure et inférieure ou veines nasales supérieure et inférieure. Sommaire 1… … Wikipédia en Français
Central retinal artery — Infobox Artery Name = PAGENAME Latin = arteria centralis retinae GraySubject = 146 GrayPage = 571 Caption = The ophthalmic artery and its branches. (Central retinal artery visible at center.) Caption2 = Interior of posterior half of bulb of left… … Wikipedia
BRVO — branch retinal vein occlusion … Medical dictionary
BRVO — • branch retinal vein occlusion … Dictionary of medical acronyms & abbreviations
List of optometric abbreviations — Contents 1 Eye Examination Terms 2 Clinical Conditions Terms 3 Contact Lens Terms 4 Pharmacy and Drug Terms … Wikipedia
Macular edema — Classification and external resources ICD 10 H35.8 … Wikipedia
Behçet's disease — Not to be confused with Becker disease. Behçet s disease Classification and external resources ICD 10 M35.2 ICD 9 136 … Wikipedia
Electroretinography — measures the electrical responses of various cell types in the retina, including the photoreceptors (rods and cones), inner retinal cells (bipolar and amacrine cells), and the ganglion cells. Electrodes are usually placed on the cornea and the… … Wikipedia
Duane syndrome — Classification and external resources ICD 10 H50.8 ICD 9 378.71 … Wikipedia