1 brainwashing system
Дипломатический термин: система "промывания мозгов" -
2 brainwashing system
система "промывания мозгов" -
3 brainwashing system
система "промывания мозгов"English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > brainwashing system
4 brainwashing
n "промивання мозку", ідеологічна обробка- brainwashing system система "промивання мозку" -
5 brainwashing
6 brain
[brein]1) (the centre of the nervous system: an injury to the brain; ( also adjective) brain surgery; brain damage.) hjerne2) ((often in plural) cleverness: a good brain; You've plenty of brains.) forstand; hjerne3) (a clever person: He's one of the best brains in the country.) hjerne; godt hoved•- brainy
- brainchild
- brain drain
- brainwash
- brainwashing
- brainwave* * *[brein]1) (the centre of the nervous system: an injury to the brain; ( also adjective) brain surgery; brain damage.) hjerne2) ((often in plural) cleverness: a good brain; You've plenty of brains.) forstand; hjerne3) (a clever person: He's one of the best brains in the country.) hjerne; godt hoved•- brainy
- brainchild
- brain drain
- brainwash
- brainwashing
- brainwave -
7 brain
brein1) (the centre of the nervous system: an injury to the brain; (also adjective) brain surgery; brain damage.) cerebro2) ((often in plural) cleverness: a good brain; You've plenty of brains.) cabeza, inteligencia3) (a clever person: He's one of the best brains in the country.) cerebro, cerebrito•- brainy
- brainchild
- brain drain
- brainwash
- brainwashing
- brainwave
brain n cerebro / sesotr[breɪn]1 (organ) cerebro, seso1 (intellect) cerebro, seso, inteligencia2 (as food) sesos nombre masculino plural\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto blow one's brains out pegarse un tiroto blow somebody's brains out volar la tapa de los sesos a alguiento brain somebody familiar partirle la cara a alguiento have brains ser un cerebro, ser inteligenteto have something on the brain estar obsesionado,-a con algoto pick somebody's brains hacer una consulta a alguienthe brains (instigator, originator) el cerebro grisbrain cell célula cerebralbrain death muerte nombre femenino cerebralbrain drain fuga de cerebrosbrain scan electroencefalograma nombre masculinobrain scanner escáner nombre masculino cerebralbrain tumour tumor nombre masculino cerebralbrain wave idea genialelectronic brain cerebro electrónicobrain ['breɪn] vt: romper la crisma a, aplastar el cráneo abrain n1) : cerebro m2) brains nplintellect: inteligencia f, sesos mpln.• cerebro s.m.• inteligencia s.f.• seso s.m.
I breɪn1) ( organ) cerebro m; (before n)brain damage — lesión f cerebral
brain surgeon — neurocirujano, -na m,f
brain tumor — tumor m cerebral
2) ( intellect)to have something on the brain — (colloq) tener* algo metido en la cabeza
3) ( clever person) cerebro m; (before n)the brain drain — la fuga de cerebros; see also brains
transitive verb (colloq) romperle* la crisma a (fam)[breɪn]1. N1) (Anat) cerebro m- get one's brain into gear2) brainsa) (Anat, Culin) sesos mpl- beat sb's brains out- blow one's brains outpick 2., 5), rack I, 2., 1)he's got brains — es muy listo, tiene mucha cabeza
2.VT ** romper la crisma a *3.CPDbrain cell N — (Anat) célula f cerebral
brain damage N — lesión f cerebral or medular
brain death N — muerte f clínica or cerebral
brain drain N — fuga f de cerebros
brain haemorrhage, brain hemorrhage (US) N — hemorragia f cerebral
brain scan N — exploración f cerebral mediante escáner
brain scanner N — escáner m cerebral
brains trust, brain trust (US) N — grupo m de peritos; (TV etc) jurado m de expertos
brain surgeon N — neurocirujano(-a) m / f
brain teaser N — rompecabezas m inv
brain tumour, brain tumor (US) N — tumor m cerebral
* * *
I [breɪn]1) ( organ) cerebro m; (before n)brain damage — lesión f cerebral
brain surgeon — neurocirujano, -na m,f
brain tumor — tumor m cerebral
2) ( intellect)to have something on the brain — (colloq) tener* algo metido en la cabeza
3) ( clever person) cerebro m; (before n)the brain drain — la fuga de cerebros; see also brains
transitive verb (colloq) romperle* la crisma a (fam) -
8 brain
1. noun1) Gehirn, dasuse your brain[s] — gebrauch deinen Verstand
he's got a good brain — er ist ein kluger Kopf
3) (coll.): (clever person)2. transitive verbshe's the brain[s] of the class — sie ist die Intelligenteste in der Klasse
I'll brain you! — (coll.) du kriegst gleich eins auf die Rübe! (ugs.)
* * *[brein]1) (the centre of the nervous system: an injury to the brain; ( also adjective) brain surgery; brain damage.) das Gehirn3) (a clever person: He's one of the best brains in the country.) der Kopf•- academic.ru/8637/brainless">brainless- brainy
- brainchild
- brain drain
- brainwash
- brainwashing
- brainwave* * *[breɪn]I. n▪ \brains pl [Ge]hirn ntto have a good \brain einen scharfen Verstand haben▪ \brains pl (intelligence) Intelligenz f kein pl, Grips m fam, Köpfchen nt fam; (imagination) Einbildung f kein pl, Fantasie f kein plto use one's \brains seinen Kopf [o fam sein Hirn] anstrengenthe best \brains die fähigsten Köpfe4. (smartest of a group)▪ the \brains + sing vb der [hellste] Kopf5.▶ to blow sb's \brains out ( fam) jdm eine Kugel durch den Kopf jagen fam, jdm das [Ge]hirn rauspusten slIII. adj Gehirn-* * *[breɪn]1. nI've got that tune on the brain (inf) — das Lied geht or will mir nicht aus dem Kopf
3) (= mind) Verstand mto have a good brain — einen klaren or guten Verstand haben
he has brains — er ist intelligent, er hat Grips (inf) or Köpfchen (inf)
she's the brains of the family — sie ist das Familiengenie (hum), sie ist die Schlauste in der Familie
use your brains — streng mal deinen Kopf or Grips (inf) an
he didn't have the brains to... — er ist nicht einmal daraufgekommen, zu...
2. vtden Schädel einschlagen ( sb jdm)* * *brain [breın]A s1. ANAT Gehirn n2. meist pl fig umg Gehirn n, Hirn n:have brains gescheit sein, Köpfchen haben umg;beat sb’s brains out jemandem den Schädel einschlagen;I’ve got that song on the brain dieses Lied geht mir nicht aus dem Kopf;he’s got sex on the brain er hat nur Sex im Kopf, er denkt immer nur an Sex;a) geistigen Diebstahl an jemandem begehen,b) jemanden ausholen, jemandem die Würmer aus der Nase ziehen (beide umg),c) sich jemandes Wissen zunutze machen;3. umga) kluger Kopf (Person):he’s no big brain er ist nicht gerade eine Leuchteb) meist pl Kopf m, Gehirn n, pej Drahtzieher(in)4. pl GASTR Hirn nB v/t1. jemandem den Schädel einschlagen* * *1. noun1) Gehirn, dashave [got] sex/money on the brain — nur Sex/Geld im Kopf haben
use your brain[s] — gebrauch deinen Verstand
3) (coll.): (clever person)2. transitive verbshe's the brain[s] of the class — sie ist die Intelligenteste in der Klasse
I'll brain you! — (coll.) du kriegst gleich eins auf die Rübe! (ugs.)
* * *n.Gehirn -e n.Grips nur sing. m.Hirn -e n.Köpfchen - n.Verstand -¨e m. v.den Schädel einschlagen ausdr. -
9 brain
brein1) (the centre of the nervous system: an injury to the brain; ( also adjective) brain surgery; brain damage.) hjerne2) ((often in plural) cleverness: a good brain; You've plenty of brains.) forstand, vett3) (a clever person: He's one of the best brains in the country.) et godt hode, skarping•- brainy
- brainchild
- brain drain
- brainwash
- brainwashing
- brainwaveforstand--------geni--------hjerne--------vidd--------åndIsubst. \/breɪn\/( anatomi) hjernebeat somebody's brains out slå inn skallen på noenblow one's brains out blåse hodet av seghan er intelligent\/skarpcudgel\/beat\/rack one's brains ransake hjernen, bry hjernengo off one's brain ( slang) bli fra seg, bli avsindig\/rasendehave a good brain ha godt hodehave (got) something on the brain ha (fått) noe på hjernen, være besatt av noebe long on brains være intelligentpick\/suck somebody's brains ( overført) utnytte noens kunnskap, stjele noens ideerturn somebody's brain gjøre noen usikker\/forvirretIIverb \/breɪn\/1) ( hverdagslig) slå inn skallen på2) slå i hodet -
10 brain
[brein]1) (the centre of the nervous system: an injury to the brain; ( also adjective) brain surgery; brain damage.) heili2) ((often in plural) cleverness: a good brain; You've plenty of brains.) gáfur3) (a clever person: He's one of the best brains in the country.) gáfumaður•- brainy
- brainchild
- brain drain
- brainwash
- brainwashing
- brainwave -
11 brain
agyvelő, ész, agy to brain: kiloccsantja az agyvelejét, agyonüt, fejbe ver* * *[brein]1) (the centre of the nervous system: an injury to the brain; ( also adjective) brain surgery; brain damage.) agy2) ((often in plural) cleverness: a good brain; You've plenty of brains.) ész3) (a clever person: He's one of the best brains in the country.) akinek jó feje van•- brainy
- brainchild
- brain drain
- brainwash
- brainwashing
- brainwave -
12 brain
[brein]1) (the centre of the nervous system: an injury to the brain; ( also adjective) brain surgery; brain damage.) cérebro2) ((often in plural) cleverness: a good brain; You've plenty of brains.) cabeça3) (a clever person: He's one of the best brains in the country.) inteligência•- brainy
- brainchild
- brain drain
- brainwash
- brainwashing
- brainwave* * *[brein] n 1 cérebro, miolo. 2 (geralmente brains) inteligência, intelecto. 3 sl crânio: a) pessoa muito inteligente. b) aluno que tira notas altas. • vt quebrar a cabeça de alguém, esfacelar o crânio. he blew out his brains ele deu um tiro na cabeça. he has his music on the brain ele só pensa na sua música. he knocked out his enemy’s brains ele esmagou a cabeça do seu inimigo. -
13 brain
n. beyin, akıl; zekâ, kafalı kimse, zeki kimse————————v. kafa yarmak, beynini patlatmak (Argo)* * *beyin* * *[brein]1) (the centre of the nervous system: an injury to the brain; ( also adjective) brain surgery; brain damage.) beyin2) ((often in plural) cleverness: a good brain; You've plenty of brains.) beyin, zekâ, akıl3) (a clever person: He's one of the best brains in the country.) zeki kimse, kafalı adam•- brainy
- brainchild
- brain drain
- brainwash
- brainwashing
- brainwave -
14 brain
[brein]1) (the centre of the nervous system: an injury to the brain; ( also adjective) brain surgery; brain damage.) možgani2) ((often in plural) cleverness: a good brain; You've plenty of brains.) pamet3) (a clever person: He's one of the best brains in the country.) glava•- brainy
- brainchild
- brain drain
- brainwash
- brainwashing
- brainwave* * *I [brein]nounmožgani; figuratively pamet, razum, glavato blow out s.o.'s brains — ustreliti koga v glavoto crack one's brains — zgubiti glavo, ponoretito dash s.o.'s brain out — razbiti komu lobanjoto have s.th. on the brain — pretirano se zanimati za kaj, noreti za čimhis brain is a bit touched — ni čisto pri pameti, je nekoliko prismuknjento turn s.o.'s brains — zbegati kogabrain trust — skupina strokovnjakov s skupno nalogo; skupina strokovnjakov, ki odgovarja prek radiaII [brein]transitive verbrazbiti glavo, izbiti možgane -
15 brain
• aivot• aivo• välkky• pää• murskata• äly• kyky* * *brein1) (the centre of the nervous system: an injury to the brain; ( also adjective) brain surgery; brain damage.) aivot2) ((often in plural) cleverness: a good brain; You've plenty of brains.) äly3) (a clever person: He's one of the best brains in the country.) älykkö•- brainy
- brainchild
- brain drain
- brainwash
- brainwashing
- brainwave -
16 brain
I 1. [breɪn]1) (organ) cervello m.to blow one's brains out — colloq. farsi saltare le cervella
2) gastr. cervella f.pl.3) (mind)2.to have football on the brain — colloq. pensare solo al calcio
nome plurale brains (intelligence) cervello m.sing., intelligenza f.sing.3.the brains behind the operation — il cervello o la mente dell'operazione
modificatore [cell, tissue, haemorrhage] cerebrale; [ tumour] al cervello, cerebrale••II [breɪn]to beat o to rack one's brains lambiccarsi il cervello, scervellarsi; to pick sb.'s brains consultare qcn.; I need to pick your brains — ho bisogno della tua consulenza
verbo transitivo colloq. (knock out) spaccare la testa a* * *[brein]1) (the centre of the nervous system: an injury to the brain; ( also adjective) brain surgery; brain damage.) cervello; cerebrale2) ((often in plural) cleverness: a good brain; You've plenty of brains.) intelligenza, cervello3) (a clever person: He's one of the best brains in the country.) cervello, esperto•- brainy
- brainchild
- brain drain
- brainwash
- brainwashing
- brainwave* * *I 1. [breɪn]1) (organ) cervello m.to blow one's brains out — colloq. farsi saltare le cervella
2) gastr. cervella f.pl.3) (mind)2.to have football on the brain — colloq. pensare solo al calcio
nome plurale brains (intelligence) cervello m.sing., intelligenza f.sing.3.the brains behind the operation — il cervello o la mente dell'operazione
modificatore [cell, tissue, haemorrhage] cerebrale; [ tumour] al cervello, cerebrale••II [breɪn]to beat o to rack one's brains lambiccarsi il cervello, scervellarsi; to pick sb.'s brains consultare qcn.; I need to pick your brains — ho bisogno della tua consulenza
verbo transitivo colloq. (knock out) spaccare la testa a -
17 brain
[breɪn]n- brains* * *[brein]1) (the centre of the nervous system: an injury to the brain; ( also adjective) brain surgery; brain damage.) mózg2) ((often in plural) cleverness: a good brain; You've plenty of brains.) rozum3) (a clever person: He's one of the best brains in the country.) tęga głowa•- brainy
- brainchild
- brain drain
- brainwash
- brainwashing
- brainwave -
18 brain
[brein]1) (the centre of the nervous system: an injury to the brain; ( also adjective) brain surgery; brain damage.) smadzenes2) ((often in plural) cleverness: a good brain; You've plenty of brains.) prāts; saprāts; garīgās spējas3) (a clever person: He's one of the best brains in the country.) gudrs cilvēks; gudra galva•- brainy
- brainchild
- brain drain
- brainwash
- brainwashing
- brainwave* * *smadzenes; garīgās spējas, saprāts, prāts; elektronu skaitļošanas mašīna; sašķaidīt galvaskausu -
19 brain
[brein]1) (the centre of the nervous system: an injury to the brain; ( also adjective) brain surgery; brain damage.) smegenys2) ((often in plural) cleverness: a good brain; You've plenty of brains.) protas3) (a clever person: He's one of the best brains in the country.) galvotas žmogus, galva•- brainy
- brainchild
- brain drain
- brainwash
- brainwashing
- brainwave -
20 brain
n. hjärna; förstånd--------v. slå in skallen på* * *[brein]1) (the centre of the nervous system: an injury to the brain; ( also adjective) brain surgery; brain damage.) hjärna2) ((often in plural) cleverness: a good brain; You've plenty of brains.) huvud, begåvning3) (a clever person: He's one of the best brains in the country.) skarp hjärna•- brainy
- brainchild
- brain drain
- brainwash
- brainwashing
- brainwave
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
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