1 brain drain
(the loss of experts to another country (usually in search of better salaries etc): As a result of the brain drain Britain does not have enough doctors.) beg možganov -
2 brain
[brein]1) (the centre of the nervous system: an injury to the brain; ( also adjective) brain surgery; brain damage.) možgani2) ((often in plural) cleverness: a good brain; You've plenty of brains.) pamet3) (a clever person: He's one of the best brains in the country.) glava•- brainy
- brainchild
- brain drain
- brainwash
- brainwashing
- brainwave* * *I [brein]nounmožgani; figuratively pamet, razum, glavato blow out s.o.'s brains — ustreliti koga v glavoto crack one's brains — zgubiti glavo, ponoretito dash s.o.'s brain out — razbiti komu lobanjoto have s.th. on the brain — pretirano se zanimati za kaj, noreti za čimhis brain is a bit touched — ni čisto pri pameti, je nekoliko prismuknjento turn s.o.'s brains — zbegati kogabrain trust — skupina strokovnjakov s skupno nalogo; skupina strokovnjakov, ki odgovarja prek radiaII [brein]transitive verbrazbiti glavo, izbiti možgane -
3 put
[put]present participle - putting; verb1) (to place in a certain position or situation: He put the plate in the cupboard; Did you put any sugar in my coffee?; He put his arm round her; I'm putting a new lock on the door; You're putting too much strain on that rope; When did the Russians first put a man into space?; You've put me in a bad temper; Can you put (=translate) this sentence into French?) postaviti2) (to submit or present (a proposal, question etc): I put several questions to him; She put her ideas before the committee.) zastaviti3) (to express in words: He put his refusal very politely; Children sometimes have such a funny way of putting things!) izraziti4) (to write down: I'm trying to write a letter to her, but I don't know what to put.) zapisati5) (to sail in a particular direction: We put out to sea; The ship put into harbour for repairs.) zapluti•- put-on- a put-up job
- put about
- put across/over
- put aside
- put away
- put back
- put by
- put down
- put down for
- put one's feet up
- put forth
- put in
- put in for
- put off
- put on
- put out
- put through
- put together
- put up
- put up to
- put up with* * *I [put]nounmet kamna z rame; (borza) premijski posliII [put]1.transitive verbpoložiti, postaviti, dati kam, vtakniti ( in one's pocket v žep; in prison v ječo); spraviti (koga v posteljo, v neprijeten položaj, v red, v tek); izpostaviti, podvreči čemu ( to put to death usmrtiti koga); posaditi (into, under s čim; the land was put under potatoes); poslati, dati, siliti, naganjati (to v, k; to put to school poslati v šolo, to put to trade dati koga v uk, to put the horse to the fence nagnati konja v skok čez ograjo); napeljati, zvabiti (on, to k); napisati ( to put one's signature to a document); prestaviti, prevesti ( into French v francoščino); izraziti, formulirati ( I cannot put it into words ne znam tega z besedami izraziti; how shall I put it kako naj to formuliram?); oceniti, preceniti (at; I put his income at £ 1000 a year po mojem zasluži 1000 funtov na leto); uporabiti (to; to put s.th. to a good use dobro kaj uporabiti); zastaviti, postaviti (vprašanje, predlog; I put it to you apeliram na vas, obračam se na vas); staviti (on; denar na kaj); vložiti, investirati ( into v); naložiti (npr. davek, to put a taɔ on obdavčiti kaj); naprtiti, pripisati komu kaj (on; they put the blame on him krivdo valijo na njega); sport metati, vreči (kroglo); poriniti (bodalo), streljati (in, into);2.intransitive verbpodati se, napotiti se, iti, hiteti ( for kam; to put to land podati se na kopno; to put to sea odplutito put for home — napotiti se domov); nautical jadrati, krmariti, pluti; American izlivati se ( into v)to put s.o. above s.o. else — postaviti koga pred drugegato put one's brain to it — koncentrirati se na kaj, lotiti se česato put a bullet through — ustreliti, preluknjati kogato put in black and white, to put in writing — napisatito be hard put to it — biti v zagati, v škripcih, biti prisiljen k čemuput the case that — recimo, dato put o.s. in (under) the care of s.o. — postaviti se pod zaščito kogato put s.o. out of countenance — spraviti koga iz ravnotežjato put down the drain — vreči v vodo, neumno zapravitito put an end ( —ali stop, period) to — napraviti konec s čim, končatito put one's foot in it — narediti napako, osramotiti se, blamirati seto put s.o. on his feet — spraviti koga na nogeto put the finger on — pokazati s prstom na, identificirati koga (kaj)to put s.o. on guard — opozoriti koga na previdnostto put one's hands to — lotiti se; pomagatito put into the hands of s.o. — prepustiti komu, dati komu v roketo put out of one's head — izbiti si iz glave, pozabitito put s.o. in a hole — spraviti koga v neugodon položajto put it to s.o. — apelirati na koga, dati komu na voljoslang to put the lid on — presegati vse meje, biti višek česato put s.o.'s nose out of joint — spodriniti kogato put s.o. on his oath — zapriseči kogato put o.s. in s.o.'s place — vživeti se v položaj koga drugegato put s.o. right — popraviti kogato put in shape — spraviti v dobro kondicijo, oblikovatito put a spoke in s.o.'s wheel — metati komu polena pod nogefiguratively to put teeth into — zagristi se v kajto put s.o. through it — dajati koga na sito in rešetoto put into words — izraziti z besedami, točno opisatito put s.o. in the wrong — postaviti koga na laž, dokazati, da nima pravto put s.o. out of the way — spraviti koga s potislang to put s.o. wise — odpreti komu očislang to put the wind up s.o. — prestrašiti koga, dati mu vetraIII [pʌt]nounarchaic tepec, čudak, kmetIV [pʌt]noun& verb see putt
См. также в других словарях:
Brain-Drain — Brain|drain, Brain Drain [ breɪndreɪn ], der od. das; s [engl. brain drain, aus: brain = Gehirn u. drain = Abfluss(rohr)]: Abwanderung von Wissenschaftler[inne]n u. a. hoch qualifizierten Arbeitskräften ins Ausland, wodurch dem Abwanderungsland… … Universal-Lexikon
brain drain — ˈbrain drain noun [uncountable] the movement of highly skilled or professional people from their own country to another country where they can earn more money : • Many of the country s top scientists have joined the brain drain to the US. * * *… … Financial and business terms
Brain Drain — may refer to:*Brain drain, an emigration term * Brain Drain (album), a Ramones album *Brain Drain (comics), a Marvel Comics character *Brain Drain (Charmed episode), an episode of the WB television series Charmed … Wikipedia
Brain Drain — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Brain Drain Álbum de Ramones Publicación mayo de 1989 Grabación diciembre de 198 … Wikipedia Español
brain-drain — ● brain drain, brain drains nom masculin (anglais brain, cerveau, et drain, drainage) Synonyme de exode des cerveaux. ● brain drain, brain drains (synonymes) nom masculin (anglais brain, cerveau, et drain, drainage) Synonymes … Encyclopédie Universelle
brain´-drain´er — brain drain, Informal. a shortage of professional or skilled labor caused by the emigration of scientists, technicians, and craftsmen to more favorable labor markets: »Part of the problem…is that there is a “brain drain” from the farms into the… … Useful english dictionary
brain drain — n the brain drain a movement of highly skilled or professional people from their own country to a country where they can earn more money … Dictionary of contemporary English
brain drain — When organisations or countries can pay higher salaries to attract talented people from poorer countries, there s a brain drain, a loss of talent … The small dictionary of idiomes
brain\ drain — [ brɛndrɛn ] n. m. • v. 1960; mot angl. amér. « drainage de cerveaux » ♦ Anglic. Recrutement à l étranger de cadres de valeur (ingénieurs, chercheurs...) au profit des États Unis (cf. Exode, fuite des cerveaux). Des brain drains … Encyclopédie Universelle
brain drain — [bʀɛndʀɛn] n. m. ÉTYM. V. 1960 1965; mot angl. des États Unis, « drainage de cerveaux ». ❖ ♦ Anglic. Recrutement à l étranger (drainage), au profit des États Unis, de cadres de valeur (ingénieurs, techniciens, chercheurs…) … Encyclopédie Universelle
brain drain — brain ,drain noun singular INFORMAL a situation in which a country s most intelligent people, especially scientists, go to another country in order to make more money or to improve their living or working conditions … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English