1 brain drain
2 brain-drain
fuite f des cerveauxAn IT brain-drain could hit Tony Blair's plans for Britain to be a leading site for e-commerce, according to e-business consultant Steve Allan. Allan, who has moved to The Netherlands because of the new IR35 tax regulations, said that European businesses are taking advantage of the exodus of British contractors to catch up and overtake the UK.
3 brain drain
(the loss of experts to another country (usually in search of better salaries etc): As a result of the brain drain Britain does not have enough doctors.) exode des cerveaux -
4 brain drain
Soc. exode (ou fuite) des cerveaux; pf. exode des compétencesEnglish-French dictionary of law, politics, economics & finance > brain drain
5 brain drain
noun fuite f des cerveaux -
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7 brain
brain [breɪn]1. nouncerveau m( = knock out) [+ person] (inf!) assommer3. compounds* * *[breɪn] 1.1) ( living organ) cerveau mto blow one's brains out — (colloq) se faire sauter la cervelle (colloq)
3) Culinary cervelle f4) ( mind)2.to have football on the brain — (colloq) ne penser qu'au football
brains plural noun ( intelligence) intelligence f3.noun modifier [ cell, tissue] du cerveau, cérébral; [ tumour] au cerveau; [ haemorrhage, fever] cérébral4.(colloq) transitive verb ( knock out) assommer, estourbir (colloq)•• -
8 brain
brain [breɪn]1 noun∎ Medicine she had a brain scan on lui a fait un scanner du cerveau∎ we're going to beat his brains out on va lui casser la figure;∎ to blow one's brains out se faire sauter la cervelle;∎ you've got money on the brain tu es obsédé par l'argent;∎ she's got it on the brain elle ne pense qu'à ça, ça la tient(c) (intelligence) intelligence f;∎ he's got brains il est intelligent;∎ you need a good brain to solve this puzzle il faut être intelligent pour résoudre ce problème;∎ I haven't got the brains to become a doctor je ne suis pas assez intelligent pour devenir médecin;∎ anyone with half a brain n'importe qui d'un tant soit peu intelligent;∎ can I pick your brains for a minute? j'ai besoin de tes lumières;∎ Radio Brain of Britain = jeu radiophonique britannique portant sur des questions de culture générale;∎ British familiar figurative he's a real Brain of Britain c'est une grosse têtefamiliar (clever person) cerveau m;∎ the brains le cerveau;∎ she's the brains of the family/business c'est elle le cerveau de la famille/de l'entreprise►► Medicine brain damage lésions fpl cérébrales;Medicine brain death mort f cérébrale;brain drain fuite f ou exode m des cerveaux;familiar brain food = aliments censés être bons pour la mémoire, les capacités intellectuelles etc;Medicine brain surgeon neurochirugien m;Medicine brain surgery neurochirurgie f;Medicine brain tumour tumeur m au cerveau -
9 brain
[brein]1) (the centre of the nervous system: an injury to the brain; ( also adjective) brain surgery; brain damage.) (au/du) cerveau2) ((often in plural) cleverness: a good brain; You've plenty of brains.) intelligence3) (a clever person: He's one of the best brains in the country.) cerveau•- brainy - brainchild - brain drain - brainwash - brainwashing - brainwave -
10 drain
См. также в других словарях:
Brain-Drain — Brain|drain, Brain Drain [ breɪndreɪn ], der od. das; s [engl. brain drain, aus: brain = Gehirn u. drain = Abfluss(rohr)]: Abwanderung von Wissenschaftler[inne]n u. a. hoch qualifizierten Arbeitskräften ins Ausland, wodurch dem Abwanderungsland… … Universal-Lexikon
brain drain — ˈbrain drain noun [uncountable] the movement of highly skilled or professional people from their own country to another country where they can earn more money : • Many of the country s top scientists have joined the brain drain to the US. * * *… … Financial and business terms
Brain Drain — may refer to:*Brain drain, an emigration term * Brain Drain (album), a Ramones album *Brain Drain (comics), a Marvel Comics character *Brain Drain (Charmed episode), an episode of the WB television series Charmed … Wikipedia
Brain Drain — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Brain Drain Álbum de Ramones Publicación mayo de 1989 Grabación diciembre de 198 … Wikipedia Español
brain-drain — ● brain drain, brain drains nom masculin (anglais brain, cerveau, et drain, drainage) Synonyme de exode des cerveaux. ● brain drain, brain drains (synonymes) nom masculin (anglais brain, cerveau, et drain, drainage) Synonymes … Encyclopédie Universelle
brain´-drain´er — brain drain, Informal. a shortage of professional or skilled labor caused by the emigration of scientists, technicians, and craftsmen to more favorable labor markets: »Part of the problem…is that there is a “brain drain” from the farms into the… … Useful english dictionary
brain drain — n the brain drain a movement of highly skilled or professional people from their own country to a country where they can earn more money … Dictionary of contemporary English
brain drain — When organisations or countries can pay higher salaries to attract talented people from poorer countries, there s a brain drain, a loss of talent … The small dictionary of idiomes
brain\ drain — [ brɛndrɛn ] n. m. • v. 1960; mot angl. amér. « drainage de cerveaux » ♦ Anglic. Recrutement à l étranger de cadres de valeur (ingénieurs, chercheurs...) au profit des États Unis (cf. Exode, fuite des cerveaux). Des brain drains … Encyclopédie Universelle
brain drain — [bʀɛndʀɛn] n. m. ÉTYM. V. 1960 1965; mot angl. des États Unis, « drainage de cerveaux ». ❖ ♦ Anglic. Recrutement à l étranger (drainage), au profit des États Unis, de cadres de valeur (ingénieurs, techniciens, chercheurs…) … Encyclopédie Universelle
brain drain — brain ,drain noun singular INFORMAL a situation in which a country s most intelligent people, especially scientists, go to another country in order to make more money or to improve their living or working conditions … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English