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  • 1 brace

    breis 1. noun
    1) (something that draws together and holds tightly: a brace to straighten teeth.) bøyle; tannregulering
    2) (a pair usually of game-birds: a brace of pheasants.) (fugle)par
    2. verb
    (to make (often oneself) firm or steady: He braced himself for the struggle.) manne/stramme seg opp
    - bracing
    subst. \/breɪs\/
    1) spenne, krampe, bånd
    2) støtte, skråstøtte, (skrå)stiver, stag
    3) ( typografi) klamme, sammenfatningstegn
    4) hengerem, fjærrem
    5) ( sjøfart) bras
    6) ( samme i flertall) par (særlig om dyr som jages), kobbel (om hunder)
    braces bukseseler hengsler tannregulering (teknikk, også brace and bit) borvinde (med bor) ( medisin) skinne(r)
    verb \/breɪs\/
    1) binde rundt, binde sammen, dra til, trekke til
    2) spenne fast
    3) forsterke, styrke, støtte (også moralsk)
    4) ( sjøfart) brase
    brace oneself against presse seg mot
    brace oneself (up) samle krefter, stålsette seg, ta seg sammen, stramme seg opp
    brace one's feet against ta spenntak mot, spenne føttene mot
    brace up samle mot, ta seg sammen, stramme seg opp sette mot i, støtte (moralsk) ( hverdagslig) ta en styrkedråpe, styrke seg ( sjøfart) brase bidevind

    English-Norwegian dictionary > brace

См. также в других словарях:

  • brace bit — noun : a bit for use in a brace …   Useful english dictionary

  • brace and bit — n. a tool for boring, consisting of a removable drill (bit) in a rotating handle ( brace): see DRILL1 * * * ▪ hand tool   hand operated tool for boring holes in wood, consisting of a crank shaped turning device, the brace, that grips and rotates… …   Universalium

  • brace — ► NOUN 1) (braces) Brit. a pair of straps passing over the shoulders and fastening to the top of trousers to hold them up. 2) a strengthening or supporting piece or part. 3) a wire device fitted in the mouth to straighten the teeth. 4) (also… …   English terms dictionary

  • brace-and-bit — brace and bitˈ noun A brace with the drilling bit in place • • • Main Entry: ↑brace …   Useful english dictionary

  • brace and bit — n. a tool for boring, consisting of a removable drill (bit) in a rotating handle ( brace): see DRILL1 …   English World dictionary

  • brace — brace1 [brās] vt. braced, bracing [ME bracen < OFr bracer, to brace, embrace < L brachia, pl. of brachium, an arm < Gr brachiōn, arm, upper arm < brachys, short (in contrast to the longer lower arm): see MERRY] 1. to tie or bind on… …   English World dictionary

  • bit — bit1 [bit] n. [ME < OE bite, a bite < bītan, BITE] 1. the part of a bridle that goes into a horse s mouth, used to control the horse: see BRIDLE 2. anything that curbs or controls 3. the part of a pipestem held in the mouth: see PIPE 4. th …   English World dictionary

  • Bit — Bit, n. [OE. bite, AS. bita, fr. b[=i]tan to bite; akin to D. beet, G. bissen bit, morsel, Icel. biti. See {Bite}, v., and cf. {Bit} part of a bridle.] 1. A part of anything, such as may be bitten off or taken into the mouth; a morsel; a bite.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bit|brace — «BIHT BRAYS», noun. = bitstock. (Cf. ↑bitstock) …   Useful english dictionary

  • bit|stock — «BIHT STOK», noun. the handle for holding and turning a bit in drilling or boring holes; a brace …   Useful english dictionary

  • Brace (tool) — A brace or brace and bit is a hand tool used to drill holes, usually in wood. Pressure is applied to the top and the tool is rotated with a U shaped grip.The U shaped part is a kind of crankshaft. It gives the brace much greater torque than other …   Wikipedia

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