1 box wagon
2 box wagon
wagon kryty -
3 box-wagon
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > box-wagon
4 box wagon
1) Общая лексика: крытый товарный вагон, открытый вагон удлинённой формы2) Реклама: грузовик с закрытым кузовом, крытый фургон -
5 box-wagon
['bɒksˌwægən]1) Общая лексика: крытый товарный вагон2) Американизм: открытый вагон удлинённой формы (иногда без мест для сидения) -
6 box-wagon
n1) критий товарний вагон2) амер. відкритий вагон подовженої форми* * *n2) aмep. відкритий вагон подовженої форми ( іноді без місць для сидіння) -
7 box-wagon
8 box wagon
n.Kastenwagen m. -
9 box wagon
• otvoren vagon -
10 box-wagon
• härkävaunu -
11 box wagon
(n) крытый товарный вагон; открытый вагон удлиненной формы -
12 box-wagon
[ʹbɒks͵wægən] n1. крытый товарный вагон2. амер. открытый вагон удлинённой формы ( иногда без мест для сидения) -
13 box wagon
n (BrE) (cf boxcar AmE ) -
14 box wagon
s.vagón cerrado, vagón de carga, vagón cubierto. -
15 box-wagon
1. n крытый товарный вагон2. n амер. открытый вагон удлинённой формы -
16 ♦ box
♦ box (1) /bɒks/n.1 scatola; cassetta; cassa: biscuit box, scatola per biscotti; (aeron.) black box, scatola nera; hat box, scatola per cappelli; cappelliera; letter box, cassetta (o buca) per le lettere; tool box, cassetta degli attrezzi; a box of matches, una scatola di fiammiferi; box-shaped, a (forma di) scatola; (edil.) scatolare; (elettr.) fuse box, scatola delle valvole; portafusibili2 (contenuto di una) scatola (o cassetta, cassa): He ate a whole box of chocolates, si è mangiato un'intera scatola di cioccolatini8 palco (spec. di teatro): press box, palco della stampa; royal box, palco reale; box seat, posto in un palco; box owner, palchettista10 (= post-office box, P.O Box) casella postale: box number, numero di casella postale; Box 34, casella postale n. 3412 (tecn.) alloggiamento; sede19 (giorn.) riquadrato; riquadro; palchetto20 (autom., in GB) quadrato a righe trasversali gialle (a un incrocio, non si può impegnare neanche a semaforo verde)26 (volg.) genitali maschili; pacco (pop.)● (edil.) box beam, trave scatolare □ box bed, letto con base piena; letto con cassetti; ( anche) letto ad armadio □ (fotogr.) box camera, macchina fotografica a cassetta □ (mecc.) box coupling, giunto a manicotto □ (mecc., USA) box end wrench, chiave poligonale doppia; chiave a stella doppia □ (edil.) box girder, trave scatolare □ (autom., in GB) box junction, incrocio contrassegnato da un «box» (V. sopra, def. 20) □ ( USA) box lunch, colazione confezionata in una scatola □ (fam.) box of tricks, aggeggio ingegnoso; piccolo marchingegno; ( anche) repertorio di idee, espedienti, ecc. □ (teatr., cinem.) box office, botteghino □ (teatr., cinem.) box-office success (o hit), successo di cassetta □ (tecn.) box pallet, pallet a cassa □ ( sartoria) box pleat, cannone □ ( baseball) box score, punteggio della gara □ box set ► boxset □ (fam.) box-shifter, ditta che si preoccupa solo del fatturato ( e non dell'assistenza ai clienti) □ ( USA) box social, asta di piatti pronti per raccogliere fondi □ (mecc., GB) box spanner, chiave a tubo □ box spring, molla (di materasso, poltrona, ecc.) □ (ferr.) box wagon, carro merci coperto □ (mecc., USA) box wrench, chiave a tubo □ (fam. USA) in a box, in difficoltà; nei guai; nei casini (fam.) □ (fam. Austral.) out of the box, eccellente; straordinario □ (fam.) to think outside the box, guardare un problema da un'ottica nuova, senza preconcetti □ (autom.) three-box car, (auto a) tre volumi □ (autom.) two-box car, (auto a) due volumi.NOTA D'USO: - box o garage?- box (2) /bɒks/n.box (3) /bɒks/ (to) box (1) /bɒks/v. t.1 ( anche to box up) mettere in scatola (o in scatole); confezionare in scatole; inscatolare; mettere in casse; incassare2 racchiudere in un riquadro; riquadrare.(to) box (2) /bɒks/A v. t.B v. i.( sport) boxare; tirare di boxe● (fam. GB) to box clever, muoversi con astuzia; giocare d'astuzia.(to) box (3) /bɒks/v. t.solo nella loc.: to box the compass, (naut.) nominare nell'ordine le 32 quarte della bussola; (fig.) cambiare radicalmente idea; fare un cambiamento a 180 gradi. -
17 box
коробка, ящик, втулка, гнездо; букса; вкладыш (подшипника); муфта (кабельная); скрепер с ручной загрузкой; заделывать, вставлять•- axle box
- baffle box
- balance box
- base box
- bottom box
- brow box
- cable box
- closed-bottom box
- core box
- culvert box
- cutter chain pick box
- dehydration box
- detonator box
- dewatering box
- dividing box
- drain box
- earth link box
- explosive box
- feed box
- gauge box
- grease box
- gammer box
- haulage box
- hog box
- jig box
- jigging box
- loading box
- miner's box
- miner's tool box
- mud box
- ore box
- packing box
- pick box
- pump snoring box
- ratchet box
- receiving box
- sample box
- sand box
- scraper box
- screen box
- screw conveyor box
- settling box
- shaft box
- shaft ore box
- sloughing-off box
- sparker box
- spillage box
- starting box
- stone box
- stope box
- stuffing box
- surge box
- switch box
- tool box
- voltage control box
- wagon box
- wash box
- wheel box -
18 box
1 nCONST keeper of lock-bolt cerrojo mPRINT cajetín m, recuadro mPROD moulding flask molde de fundición mTRANSP caja control f (AmL), jaula f (Esp), espacio de ocupación m, contenedor m2 vtCONST tenon in mortise encajonar3 -
19 wagon drier
1) Сельское хозяйство: (box) установка для сушки в кузовах прицепов2) Макаров: установка для сушки в кузовах прицепов -
20 wagon box
См. также в других словарях:
box wagon — ˈbox ˌwagon noun [countable] a railway carriage with high sides and a roof, used for carrying goods; = boxcar AmE … Financial and business terms
box-wagon — boxˈ wagon noun A closed railway goods wagon • • • Main Entry: ↑box … Useful english dictionary
box wagon — noun 1. : an open wagon with an oblong body with or without seats 2. Britain : boxcar … Useful english dictionary
wagon bed — noun see wagon box * * * wagon box or wagon bed noun The carrying part of a wagon • • • Main Entry: ↑wagon … Useful english dictionary
wagon- — ⇒WAGON , élém. de compos. Élém. entrant dans la constr. de subst. masc. du vocab. des ch. de fer; le 2e élém. est un subst.; les mots constr. désignent une voiture spécialement aménagée ou un type de wagon de marchandises. A. [Les mots constr.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Wagon Box Fight — Infobox Military Conflict conflict=Wagon Box Fight caption=Monument at the scene of the fight partof=Red Cloud s War date=August 2, 1867 place=near Fort Phil Kearny, Wyoming Territory, Bozeman Trail result=U.S. victory combatant1=United States… … Wikipedia
wagon box — noun also wagon bed : the body of a wagon * * * wagon box or wagon bed noun The carrying part of a wagon • • • Main Entry: ↑wagon … Useful english dictionary
wagon — wagonless, adj. /wag euhn/, n. 1. any of various kinds of four wheeled vehicles designed to be pulled or having its own motor and ranging from a child s toy to a commercial vehicle for the transport of heavy loads, delivery, etc. 2. Informal. See … Universalium
Box Car Blues — Infobox Hollywood cartoon cartoon name = Box Car Blues series = Bosko caption = Bosko and the banjo playing pig director = Hugh Harman Rudolph Ising story artist = animator = Rollin Hamilton Max Maxwell voice actor = Carman Maxwell musician =… … Wikipedia
Wagon Bed Spring (Kansas) — Infobox nrhp | name =Lower Cimarron Spring nrhp type = nhl caption = nearest city= Ulysses, Kansas locmapin = Kansas lat degrees = 37 lat minutes = 23 lat seconds = 54 lat direction = N long degrees = 101 long minutes = 22 long seconds = 15 long… … Wikipedia
box — box1 boxlike, adj. /boks/, n. 1. a container, case, or receptacle, usually rectangular, of wood, metal, cardboard, etc., and often with a lid or removable cover. 2. the quantity contained in a box: She bought a box of candy as a gift. 3. Chiefly… … Universalium