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См. также в других словарях:

  • box-spanner — boxˈ spanner noun A spanner consisting of a cylindrical piece of steel shaped at one or both ends into a hexagon to fit over the appropriate nut, and turned by a rod inserted through a hole at the opposite end • • • Main Entry: ↑box …   Useful english dictionary

  • box spanner — noun : box wrench * * * box spanner, Especially British. a box wrench …   Useful english dictionary

  • box spanner — noun Brit. a cylindrical spanner with a hexagonal end fitting over the head of a nut …   English new terms dictionary

  • box spanner — /ˈbɒks spænə/ (say boks spanuh) noun a hollow tube shaped at one or both ends to fit a nut, and turned by a bar inserted through the diameter …  

  • box spanner — A British term for a hollow tube with a socket at each end and two holes through which a bar can be inserted to turn the wrench. The bar is called a T bar; but the British call it a tommy bar …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • spanner — Although a British term for a wrench, it is also used for many bicycle tools in the U.S.A. and Canada. See adjustable spanner box spanner brake adjusting spanner C spanner chainring nut spanner combination spanner double ended spanner …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • box — 1. n. & v. n. 1 a container, usu. with flat sides and of firm material such as wood or card, esp. for holding solids. 2 a the amount that will fill a box. b Brit. a gift of a kind formerly given to tradesmen etc. at Christmas. 3 a separate… …   Useful english dictionary

  • spanner — n. a box spanner (BE; AE has lug wrench) * * * [ spænə] a box spanner (BE; AE has lug wrench) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • box end wrench — n AmE a type of ↑wrench with a hollow end that fits over a ↑nut that is being screwed or unscrewed British Equivalent: ring spanner …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • box wrench — noun a wrench with a closed loop (a socket) that fits over a nut or bolt head • Syn: ↑box end wrench • Hypernyms: ↑wrench, ↑spanner • Part Meronyms: ↑socket * * * noun …   Useful english dictionary

  • box end wrench — noun a wrench with a closed loop (a socket) that fits over a nut or bolt head • Syn: ↑box wrench • Hypernyms: ↑wrench, ↑spanner • Part Meronyms: ↑socket …   Useful english dictionary

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