Перевод: с английского на язык хинди

с языка хинди на английский


  • 21 assorted

    1. मिलाजुला
    Give me a box of assorted chocolates.

    English-Hindi dictionary > assorted

  • 22 backbone

    1. रीढ़\backboneकी\backboneहड्डी
    He is the back bone of his party.
    He hurt his backbone while lifting the heavy box.

    English-Hindi dictionary > backbone

  • 23 collection

    1. संग्रहण
    I have a huge collection of books.
    2. इकट्ठा\collectionनिकालना
    There is only one collection from this letter box.
    3. कपड़ो\collectionका\collectionसंग्रह
    Recently there was a show of winter collection in Paris.
    4. समूह
    A collection of scientists gathered at the symposium.

    English-Hindi dictionary > collection

  • 24 counterfeit

    1. जाली/नकली
    A large amount of counterfeit notes have been found from the visitor.
    1. जालसाज़ी
    Some anti-social elements have put counterfeit ballot papers into the ballot box.
    1. जालसाज़ी\counterfeitकरना
    It is a crime to counterfeit notes.

    English-Hindi dictionary > counterfeit

  • 25 empty

    1. शून्य
    He left the empty jug on the table.
    1. खाली\emptyकरना
    Ram emptied the overloaded box.

    English-Hindi dictionary > empty

  • 26 in situ

    1. मूल\in situस्थान\in situपर
    The old box is still in situ.

    English-Hindi dictionary > in situ

  • 27 kiosk

    1. गुमटी
    There is a little kiosk here where you can get all you want.
    2. A public telephone box
    You can make a call from the kiosk here.

    English-Hindi dictionary > kiosk

  • 28 memorabilia

    1. स्मरणीय\memorabiliaवस्तुएँ
    Well, the ornate box is a memorabilia of her stay in China.

    English-Hindi dictionary > memorabilia

  • 29 metal fatigue

    1. धातु कमजोरी
    The box cracked due to metal fatigue.

    English-Hindi dictionary > metal fatigue

  • 30 monkey

    1. बंदर
    The mokey ate potatoes from the box.

    English-Hindi dictionary > monkey

  • 31 pastel

    1. हल्का फीका रंग
    She likes to wear pastel shades.
    1. पेस्टल\{रंगीन रेखा चित्र बनाने के लिए चाक\}
    She bought a box of pastels for making sketches.

    English-Hindi dictionary > pastel

  • 32 peep show

    1. सैरबीन
    At every mela there is man with a TV shaped box on a tripod and many children enjoy the peep-स्होत् through the small sieving window.

    English-Hindi dictionary > peep show

  • 33 poky

    1. ज़रा सा जगह
    He hid the jewellery box in a poky place.

    English-Hindi dictionary > poky

  • 34 slam

    1. पटक देना
    She slammed the box on the table.

    English-Hindi dictionary > slam

  • 35 stow

    1. सजाकर रखना
    He stowed the sweet box with colourful ribbons.

    English-Hindi dictionary > stow

  • 36 tack

    1. दिशा[ठीक\tackया\tackगलत\tackरास्ते\tackपर]
    It is good that you changed your tack now.
    2. हवा\tackकी\tackदिशा\tackमें\tackजहाज\tackकी\tackबढत
    It is a tack for the ship.
    3. चिपटी\tackबिरिंजी
    Get a box of tacks from the shop.
    1. टाँकना
    Tack the notice on the board.
    2. दिशा\tackबदलना
    He tacked the ship by turning the sail with favorable wind.

    English-Hindi dictionary > tack

  • 37 weighing machine

    1. तोलने\weighing machineकी\weighing machineमशीन
    He keeps the box on the weighing machine.

    English-Hindi dictionary > weighing machine

  • 38 weighty

    1. भारी
    This box is weighty.

    English-Hindi dictionary > weighty

  • 39 wooden

    1. लकड़ी\woodenका
    Lift the wooden box.

    English-Hindi dictionary > wooden

См. также в других словарях:

  • box — box …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • Box — describes a variety of containers and receptacles. When no specific shape is described, a typical rectangular box may be expected. Nevertheless, a box may have a horizontal cross section that is square, elongated, round or oval; sloped or domed… …   Wikipedia

  • Box — Box, n.; pl. {Boxes} [As. box a small case or vessel with a cover; akin to OHG. buhsa box, G. b[ u]chse; fr. L. buxus boxwood, anything made of boxwood. See {Pyx}, and cf. {Box} a tree, {Bushel}.] 1. A receptacle or case of any firm material and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • box — box; box·en; box·i·ness; box·man; box·wal·lah; car·box·yl; car·box·yl·ase; car·box·yl·ic; car·box·y·meth·yl; car·box·y·pep·ti·dase; em·box; juke·box; touch·box; un·box; econ·o·box; ho·meo·box; iso·car·box·az·id; kick·box; kick·box·ing;… …   English syllables

  • Box — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.  Pour l’article homophone, voir Boxe. {{{image}}}   …   Wikipédia en Français

  • box — box1 [bäks] n. [ME & OE, a container, box < VL buxis < L buxus, boxwood < Gr pyxos] 1. any of various kinds of containers, usually rectangular and lidded, made of cardboard, wood, or other stiff material; case; carton 2. the contents or… …   English World dictionary

  • BOX — Beschreibung Bundesweites Magazin für die Community Verlag BOX Medien GmbH Erstausgabe …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Box — (lat. buxis ‚Büchse‘) steht für: Box (Zeitschrift), eine Zeitschrift für Schwule Mailbox (Computer) Lautsprecherbox Boxkamera allgemein einen quader oder würfelförmiger Behälter, siehe z. B. Paketbox ein Abteil in einem Stall eine… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • box — Ⅰ. box [1] ► NOUN 1) a container with a flat base and sides and a lid. 2) an area enclosed within straight lines on a page or computer screen. 3) an enclosed area reserved for a group of people in a theatre or sports ground, or for witnesses or… …   English terms dictionary

  • Box — (b[o^]ks), n. [As. box, L. buxus, fr. Gr. ?. See {Box} a case.] (Bot.) A tree or shrub, flourishing in different parts of the world. The common box ({Buxus sempervirens}) has two varieties, one of which, the dwarf box ({Buxus suffruticosa}), is… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Box 13 — was a syndicated radio series about the escapades of newspaperman turned mystery novelist Dan Holliday, played by film star Alan Ladd. Created by Ladd s company, Mayfair Productions, Box 13 premiered August 22, 1948, on Mutual s New York flagship …   Wikipedia

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