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См. также в других словарях:

  • box — box1 [bäks] n. [ME & OE, a container, box < VL buxis < L buxus, boxwood < Gr pyxos] 1. any of various kinds of containers, usually rectangular and lidded, made of cardboard, wood, or other stiff material; case; carton 2. the contents or… …   English World dictionary

  • box — Ⅰ. box [1] ► NOUN 1) a container with a flat base and sides and a lid. 2) an area enclosed within straight lines on a page or computer screen. 3) an enclosed area reserved for a group of people in a theatre or sports ground, or for witnesses or… …   English terms dictionary

  • box number — box numbers N COUNT A box number is a number used as an address, for example one given by a newspaper for replies to a private advertisement, or one used by an organization for the letters sent to it …   English dictionary

  • box number — ► NOUN ▪ a number identifying an advertisement in a newspaper, used as an address for replies …   English terms dictionary

  • box — 1. n. & v. n. 1 a container, usu. with flat sides and of firm material such as wood or card, esp. for holding solids. 2 a the amount that will fill a box. b Brit. a gift of a kind formerly given to tradesmen etc. at Christmas. 3 a separate… …   Useful english dictionary

  • box — I [[t]bɒks[/t]] n. 1) a container, case, or receptacle, usu. rectangular, and often with a lid or cover 2) the quantity contained in a box 3) brit. Chiefly Brit. a gift in a box 4) a compartment for the accommodation of a small number of people,… …   From formal English to slang

  • box — box1 noun 1》 a container with a flat base and sides and a lid.     ↘(the box) informal, chiefly Brit. television. 2》 an area enclosed within straight lines on a page or computer screen, to be filled in with or containing information. 3》 (the box) …   English new terms dictionary

  • box number — /ˈbɒks nʌmbə/ (say boks numbuh) noun 1. a number of a box at a post office, used as an address. 2. a number given in a newspaper advertisement as an address to which replies may be directed, care of the newspaper office …  

  • box number — / bɒks ˌnʌmbə/ noun a reference number used when asking for mail to be sent to a post office or when asking for replies to an advertisement to be sent to the newspaper’s offices ● Please reply to Box No. 209 …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • box number — noun a number identifying a private advertisement in a newspaper, used as an address for replies …   English new terms dictionary

  • Metal Box — Studio album by Public Image Ltd Released 23 November 1979 …   Wikipedia

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