1 botany
['botəni](the scientific study of plants.) botanică- botanical- botanic
- botanist
- botanical gardens
- botanic gardens -
2 bottom
['botəm]1) (the lowest part of anything: the bottom of the sea.) fund2) (the part of the body on which a person sits.) fund, dos•- be at the bottom of
- get to the bottom of -
3 lip
4 mouth
5 nose
6 nozzle
(mas) ajutaj; duză; jiclor; efuzor; nas; cioc; vârf; bot; muştiuc de furtun; ştuţ -
7 snout
(cstr) bot, cioc -
8 jaw
[‹o:]1) (either of the two bones of the mouth in which the teeth are set: the upper/lower jaw; His jaw was broken in the fight.) maxilar2) ((in plural) the mouth (especially of an animal): The crocodile's jaws opened wide.) bot; falcă -
9 muzzle
10 nose
[nəuz] 1. noun1) (the part of the face by which people and animals smell and usually breathe: She held the flower to her nose; He punched the man on the nose.) nas2) (the sense of smell: Police dogs have good noses and can follow criminals' trails.) miros3) (the part of anything which is like a nose in shape or position: the nose of an aeroplane.) bot2. verb1) (to make a way by pushing carefully forward: The ship nosed (its way) through the ice.) a-şi croi drum cu grijă2) (to look or search as if by smelling: He nosed about (in) the cupboard.) a adulmeca•- - nosed- nosey
- nosy
- nosily
- nosiness
- nose-bag
- nosedive
- nose job 3. verb(to make such a dive: Suddenly the plane nosedived.)- lead by the nose
- nose out
- pay through the nose
- turn up one's nose at
- under a person's very nose
- under very nose
- under a person's nose
- under nose -
11 snout
(the projecting mouth and nose part of certain animals, especially of a pig.) rât, bot
См. также в других словарях:
bot — bot … Dictionnaire des rimes
bot — bot, bote [ bo, bɔt ] adj. • mil. XVe; p. ê. du germ. °butta « émoussé » ♦ Pied bot, rendu difforme par rétraction de tendons et de ligaments, souvent associée à des malformations osseuses. Par ext. (Rare) Main bote. Hanche bote. ⇒ varus. Loc.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
bot — BOT, boturi, s.n. 1. Partea anterioară a capului unor mamifere, cuprinzând gura (şi nasul). ♢ expr. A bea la botul calului = a bea încă un pahar, în picioare, la plecare; a bea ceva la repezeală. A fi (sau a pune pe cineva) cu botul pe labe = a… … Dicționar Român
BOT — steht als Abkürzung für: Botswana (IOC) Bottrop (Kfz Kennzeichen) Build Operate Transfer, klassisches Betreibermodell Bulk Only Transfer (Übertragungsart bei USB Massenspeichern) BO T steht für: Tarija (Departamento), ISO 3166 2 Code des… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bot — or BOT or similar may refer to:In people: * Bernard Bot, Dutch Minister of Foreign AffairsIn places: * Bot, Spain, municipality of the comarca of Terra AltaIn computers: * Alienware Bot, line of budget desktop PCs manufactured by Alienware * Bots … Wikipedia
BOT — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Pour les articles homophones, voir Beau (homonymie), Baud et Botte … Wikipédia en Français
bot — → bieten * * * bot: ↑ bieten. * * * I BOT [Abk. für Broadcast Online Television, dt. »Aussenden von Online Fernsehen«], ein im … Universal-Lexikon
BOT — (bot) аббревиатура. BOT (автомобильный код) Автомобильный код (Рурский регион) Bulk Only Transport протокол передачи только массивов данных для устройств USB mass storage. См. также Вот (кириллица) Бот bot Bot … Википедия
bot — BOT. adj. qui n a point de feminin. Il ne se dit que du pied, & ne se separe jamais de son substantif. Il a un pied bot. On appelle aussi l homme qui a cette incommodité, Pied bot. c est un pied bot. il y a dans cette compagnie deux ou trois… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
Bot — (de robot) es un programa que realiza en línea funciones normalmente realizadas por humanos. En sitios wiki como este, un bot puede realizar funciones rutinarias de edición. En sitios de conversación en línea (chat o IRC), un bot puede simular… … Enciclopedia Universal
bot — bȍt m (samo jd) DEFINICIJA reg. vrijeme kad je jedan sat poslije podne; 13 sati SINTAGMA bot i po jedan i po; pola dva; trinaest i trideset; bot po ponoći jedan sat u noći, jedan poslije ponoći; (u) po bota (u) dvanaest i po; (u) pola jedan; (u)… … Hrvatski jezični portal