1 bore bit
- режущая кромка бура
- коронка для бурения
- керноотборник, вводимый в грунт с вращением
- долото лопастного типа
- долото для бурения
долото для бурения
[ http://slovarionline.ru/anglo_russkiy_slovar_neftegazovoy_promyishlennosti/]Тематики
долото лопастного типа
[ http://slovarionline.ru/anglo_russkiy_slovar_neftegazovoy_promyishlennosti/]Тематики
керноотборник, вводимый в грунт с вращением
[ http://slovarionline.ru/anglo_russkiy_slovar_neftegazovoy_promyishlennosti/]Тематики
коронка для бурения
[ http://slovarionline.ru/anglo_russkiy_slovar_neftegazovoy_promyishlennosti/]Тематики
режущая кромка бура
головка бура
буровой резец
буровая коронка
[ http://slovarionline.ru/anglo_russkiy_slovar_neftegazovoy_promyishlennosti/]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > bore bit
2 bore bit
3 bore bit
1. долото для бурения;
долото лопастного типа;
коронка для бурения
2. режущая кромка бура;
головка бура;
буровая коронка
3. керноотборник, вводимый в грунт с вращениемБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > bore bit
4 bore bit
5 bore-bit
6 bore bit
1. долото, лопастное долото, коронка ( для бурения)2. режущая кромка бура, головка бура
* * *
1. долото; лопастное долото; коронка ( для бурения)2. режущая кромка, бура; головка бура; буровой резец
* * *
* * *
1) долото для бурения; долото лопастного типа; коронка для бурения2) режущая кромка бура; головка бура; буровая коронка3) керноотборник, вводимый в грунт с вращением* * *• долото• керноотборник, вводимый в грунт с вращением• коронкаАнгло-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > bore bit
7 bore bit
1) Геология: долото или коронка для бурения2) Техника: буровое долото, сверло для коловорота3) Строительство: бур, буровое напарье, сверло4) Нефть: буровая коронка, головка бура, долото для бурения, долото лопастного типа, керноотборник, вводимый в грунт с вращением, коронка для бурения, режущая кромка бура, лопастное долото5) Бурение: долото, коронка (для бурения) -
8 bore-bit
Цемент: буровой резец -
9 bore bit
10 bore bit
долото, лопастное долото, коронка (для бурения); режущая кромка бура, головка бура.English-Russian dictionary of terms for geological exploration drilling > bore bit
11 bore-bit
головка бура; буровой резец -
12 bore bit
13 bore bit
головка бура; резец сверла; нфт. буровое долото; коронка -
14 bore bit
головка бура, резец сверла; режущая кромка сверла; долото; коронка -
15 bore-bit
16 bore-bit
головка бура; буровой резец -
17 bit
1. долото, головка бура, буровая коронка2. сверло; перка; зенковка3. кусочек; отрезок; частица4. лезвие; режущая кромка5. выч. двоичная единица информации, бит; знак в двоичной системе ()6. см. bitumen, bituminouscombination pilot, drilling and reaming bit — комбинированное долото, состоящее из трёх частей: направляющей, бурящей и расширяющей
cross roller rock bit — шарошечное долото с расположением шарошек в двух взаимно перпендикулярных направлениях
— bore bit— core bit— disk bit— drag bit— dull bit— jet bit— junk bit— rock bit— used bit
* * *
1. долото2. головка бура; буровая коронка3. битabrasive jet coring bit — колонковое долото с гидромониторными насадками для подачи абразивного бурового раствора на забой скважины
ballaset synthetic diamond bit — долото, армированное синтетическими алмазами в абразивно устойчивой матрице (для бурения плотных пород)
cavitating jet-assisted mechanical bit — долото для механического разрушения породы дополнительными насадками путем кавитационного воздействия (бурового раствора на породу в забое)
combination pilot, drilling and reaming bit — комбинированное долото, состоящее из направляющей, бурящей и расширяющей частей
cross roller rock bit — шарошечное долото с расположением шарошек в двух взаимно перпендикулярных направлениях
diamond compact coring bit — буровая коронка, армированная поликристаллическими синтетическими алмазами
eccentric drilling bit for underreaming — эксцентричное буровое долото для расширения ствола скважины
hard-formation rolling cutter core drilling bit — шарошечное керновое буровое долото для бурения твёрдых пород
jet hard-alloy insert rolling cutter drilling bit — шарошечное буровое долото с твердосплавными зубьями и боковой промывкой
jet nozzled rock bit — струйное долото, гидромониторное долото; долото с нижней промывкой
massive set diamond bit — долото, армированное крупными алмазами
multisector scraping-cutting drilling bit with hard-alloy inserts — многосекторное буровое долото истирающе-режущего типа с твердосплавными вставками
offset cone-angle rolling cutter drilling bit — шарошечное буровое долото со смещёнными осями шарошек
rolling cutter core drilling bit — шарошечное керновое буровое долото, шарошечное колонковое буровое долото
rotary core drilling bit — керновое долото для роторного бурения, колонковое долото для роторного бурения
sintered diamond coring bit — буровая коронка, армированная син тетическими алмазами, термически впекаемыми в матрицу
sintered tungsten-carbide teeth drilling bit — буровое долото со вставными зубьями из карбида вольфрама
soft-formation rolling cutter core drilling bit — шарошечное керновое буровое долото для мягких горных пород
to break a drilling bit off — отвинчивать буровое долото;
to buildback a drilling bit — восстанавливать буровое долото;
to buildup a drilling bit — восстанавливать буровое долото;
to pull a drilling bit green — поднимать буровое долото несработанным;
— bore bit— bull bit— core bit— disk bit— drag bit— dull bit— jet bit— junk bit— rock bit— shot bit— spud bit— used bit
* * *
долото, буровая коронка, головка бура (состоит из режущего и циркуляционного элементов; циркуляционный элемент обеспечивает продвижение бурового раствора и использование гидравлической силы жидкого потока для увеличения скорости бурения).
* * *
2. буровое долото; головка бура
* * *
1) долото2) головка бура; буровая коронка3) долото бура; коронка для алмазного бурения4) режущий инструмент; сверло5) бит•bit for underreaming — эксцентрическое долото для расширения скважины;
to break a drilling bit off — отвинчивать буровое долото;
to buildback a drilling bit — восстанавливать буровое долото;
to buildup a drilling bit — восстанавливать буровое долото;
to dress a bit — заправлять долото;
to pick up a drilling bit — приподнимать буровое долото;
to pull a drilling bit — поднимать буровое долото;
- abrasive jet bitto pull a drilling bit green — поднимать буровое долото несработанным;
- abrasive jet coring bit
- air-drilling bit
- air-type bit
- alloy bit
- alloy throw-away bit
- all-purpose bit
- annular bit
- Appleman gumbo bit
- auger bit
- balanced bit
- balanced drilling bit
- ballaset coring bit
- ballaset synthetic diamond bit
- balled-up drilling bit
- basket bit
- bevel-wall bit
- bi-center drilling bit
- big-stone bit
- blade bit
- blade-diamond drilling bit
- blade-drilling bit
- blade-type diamond bit
- blank bit
- blank-casing bit
- blasthole bit
- blind bit
- blunt bit
- blunt drilling bit
- bodiless rolling-cutter drilling bit
- bore bit
- boreway bit
- boring bit
- bort bit
- bort-set bit
- bottom cleanout bit
- bottom discharge bit
- bottoming-type bit
- box-thread bit
- box-type bit
- box-type rolling cutter drilling bit
- broaching bit
- broken-in bit
- bull bit
- bull point drilling bit
- bullnose bit
- burnt bit
- button bit
- button roller bit
- cable drilling bit
- cable tool bit
- California pattern bit
- California-type ideal fishtail bit
- carbide bit
- carbide insert bit
- carbide-type bit
- carboloy-set bit
- carbon bit
- carbonado bit
- carbon-set bit
- carbon-steel bit
- Carr bit
- casing bit
- casing shoe bit
- cast bit
- castellated bit
- cast-insert bit
- cast-set bit
- cavitating jet-assisted mechanical bit
- center bit
- center-hole bit
- chain bit
- changed bit
- chert drilling bit
- chip bit
- chipping-type drilling bit
- chisel bit
- chisel-chopping bit
- chisel-crest insert bit
- chisel-drilling bit
- chisel-type bit
- chopping bit
- chopping drilling bit
- churn-drill bit
- clay bit
- clean-out bit
- collapsible drilling bit
- collaring bit
- combination pilot, drilling and reaming bit
- common bit
- concave bit
- concave diamond drilling bit
- concave plug bit
- cone bit
- cone-and-blade rock drilling bit
- cone-rock bit
- cone-type roller bearing rock bit
- cone-type rolling cutter drilling bit
- conical bit
- convex bit
- core bit
- core-barrel bit
- core-crusher diamond drilling bit
- core-drilling bit
- core-ejector drilling bit
- coreless bit
- coreless drilling bit
- coring bit
- coring drilling bit
- corncob bit
- cross bit
- cross-bladed chisel bit
- cross-chopping bit
- cross-edged bit
- cross-plug bit
- cross-roller bit
- cross-roller rock bit
- cross-section button bit
- cross-section cone bit
- cross-section milled tooth core bit
- cross-section roller core bit
- crown bit
- crowned bit
- cruciform bit
- crushing rock drilling bit
- cutaway wing bit
- cutting-shearing drilling bit
- cutting-type core drilling bit
- cutting-type drilling bit
- Davis cutter bit
- deflecting bit
- deflecting jet drilling bit
- deflection bit
- demountable bit
- demountable drilling bit
- detachable bit
- detachable tungsten carbide insert bit
- deviation control bit
- diamond bit
- diamond-blade drilling bit
- diamond-compact bit
- diamond-compact coring bit
- diamond-core drilling bit
- diamond-crown bit
- diamond-drilling bit
- diamond-drilling core bit
- diamond-impregnated bit
- diamond-insert drilling bit
- diamond-particle bit
- diamond-plug bit
- diamond-point bit
- diamond-point drilling bit
- diamond-set bit
- diamond-set hard metal alloy drilling bit
- differential rolling-cutter drilling bit
- digging bit
- Dimitriyev bit
- disk bit
- double-arc bit
- double-cone bit
- double-cone drilling bit
- double-round nose bit
- double-taper bit
- drag bit
- drag-chisel drilling bit
- drag-drilling bit
- dress bit
- dress drilling bit
- drill bit
- drill-rod bit
- drive bit
- drop-center bit
- dull bit
- dull drilling bit
- dulled drilling bit
- eccentric bit
- eccentric drilling bit
- eccentric underreaming bit
- erosion drilling bit
- even-duty bit
- expandable drilling bit
- expansion bit
- extended insert core bit
- expansion drilling bit
- extended gage bit
- extended nozzle bit
- face-discharge bit
- face-discharge diamond bit
- face-ejection bit
- factory-set bit
- failure bit
- Ferrax journal bit
- finger bit
- finger rotary detachable bit
- finishing bit
- fishtail bit
- fishtail drag bit
- fishtail drilling bit
- flat bit
- flat-face bit
- flat-nose bit
- forged bit
- forged two-wing bit
- four-blade drilling bit
- four-blade rotation bit
- fourble cutter core drilling bit
- four-cone rock drilling bit
- four-cutter rock drilling bit
- four-disk reaming bit
- four-point bit
- four-roller bit
- four-way bit
- four-way drag drilling bit
- four-way rotation bit
- four-wing bit
- four-wing churn drilling bit
- four-wing drag drilling bit
- four-wing drilling bit
- four-wing reaming bit
- four-wing rotary bit
- four-wing rotation bit
- free-falling bit
- fresh bit
- freshly-sharpened bit
- friction bearing bit
- full-gage bit
- full-gage deflecting drilling bit
- full-gage drilling bit
- full-hole bit
- full-hole rock drilling bit
- full-round nose bit
- full-size drilling bit
- geophysical jetting bit
- gimlet bit
- gouge bit
- gravity aspirator bit
- green bit
- gumbo drilling bit
- half-round nose bit
- hand-set bit
- hard-alloy bit
- hard-alloy button drilling bit
- hard-alloy crown bit
- hard-alloy drilling bit
- hard-alloy insert drilling bit
- hard-faced drilling bit
- hard-formation bit
- hard-formation rolling cutter core drilling bit
- hard-metal bit
- hawthorn bit
- heavy-set diamond core drilling bit
- heavy-set diamond drilling bit
- hexagon bit
- high-center bit
- high-pressure bit
- high-pressure diamond bit
- high-pressure drag bit
- high-pressure roller bit
- hollow bit
- hollow drill bit
- Hughes disk bit
- impact action bit
- impregnated bit
- impregnated casing bit
- impregnated diamond drilling bit
- injection drill bit
- insert bit
- insert drilling bit
- insert rock bit
- insert roller core bit
- insert set bit
- insert-type bit
- integral bit
- interchangeable bit
- jack bit
- jet bit
- jet assisted drag bit
- jet assisted roller bit
- jet circulation bit
- jet diamond bit
- jet drilling bit
- jet fishtail drilling bit
- jet hard-alloy insert rolling cutter drilling bit
- jet nozzled rock bit
- jet percussive bit
- jet pump pellet impact drill bit
- jet rock drilling bit
- jet roller bit
- jet rolling cutter drilling bit
- jet two-blade drag bit
- jet two-blade drilling bit
- jet-type tricone bit
- journal-bearing bit
- journal-bearing insert bit
- journal-bearing milled tooth bit
- junk bit
- large-stone bit
- lead bit
- lead drilling bit
- light set bit
- long-inserts bit
- long-shank chopping bit
- long-teeth milled cutter roller core bit
- low-torque drilling bit
- machine-set bit
- machine-sharpened bit
- masonry bit
- massive set diamond bit
- mechanical-set bit
- medium-formation bit
- medium-inserts bit
- medium-round nose bit
- medium-stone bit
- milled-cutter bit
- milled-cutter core bit
- milled-cutter cross section core bit
- milled-teeth drilling bit
- milling bit
- Mother Hubbard bit
- mud bit
- multiblade drilling bit
- multilayer bit
- multilayer diamond drilling bit
- multisector scraping-cutting drilling bit with hard-alloy inserts
- multistone bit
- new bit
- noncoring bit
- off-balance bit
- off-balance drilling bit
- offset chopping bit
- offset cone-angle rolling cutter drilling bit
- oil-field bit
- oil-field rotary bit
- oil-well bit
- oil-well jet bit
- oil-well jet coring bit
- one-cutter rock drilling bit
- opening bit
- oriented diamond bit
- out-of-gage bit
- overburden bit
- overman bit
- oversize drilling bit
- padded bit
- paddle reaming bit
- paddy bit
- paraffin bit
- pellet impact bit
- pencil-core bit
- Pennsylvanian bit
- percussion bit
- percussion-drag drilling bit
- percussion-drilling bit
- percussive coring bit
- pilot bit
- pilot blast-hole bit
- pilot reaming bit
- pineapple drilling bit
- pipe bit
- pipe shoe bit
- placer bit
- plain fishtail drilling bit
- plug bit
- plugged bit
- plugged drilling bit
- pod bit
- pointed drilling bit
- polycrystalline diamond cutter bit
- powder metal bit
- precementing reamer bit
- processed bit
- pyramid-set bit
- quadricone rock drilling bit
- quenched bit
- quill bit
- radial diamond drilling bit
- random set bit
- rathole bit
- reamer bit
- reaming bit
- redrill bit
- Reed roller bit
- removable drill bit
- replaceable bit
- replaceable-blade bit
- replaceable-cutter head bit
- replaceable-head bit
- replacement bit
- rerun drilling bit
- reset bit
- restricted bit
- retractable bit rock
- retracted expandable drilling bit
- reverse circulation drilling bit
- reversed fishtail drilling bit
- reversed two-blade drilling bit
- ring bit
- ringed-out bit
- ripper step bit
- rock bit
- rock bit with lubricant bearing
- rock-cutter drilling bit
- rock-drilling bit
- rock-roller bit
- rod bit
- roller bit
- roller-cone core bit
- roller-cutter core bit
- roller-cutter drilling bit
- rolling cutter expandable drilling bit
- rolling-cutter rock bit
- rose bit
- rotary bit
- rotary core bit
- rotary core drilling bit
- rotary disk bit
- rotary disk drilling bit
- rotary rock bit
- rotation bit
- round-face bit
- round shoulder bit
- rugged bit
- saw bit
- sawtooth bit
- scraping-cutting-type drilling bit
- seal bit
- sealed bearing insert bit
- sealed roller bit
- sectional rolling-cutter drilling bit
- self-cleaning bit
- self-cleaning cone rock drilling bit
- self-cleaning cone rolling cutter drilling bit
- self-sharpening bit
- self-sharpening drilling bit
- semicoring bit
- semiround nose bit
- semispherical bit
- set bit
- sharp bit
- shoe-type washover bit
- shot bit
- shoulder bit
- side-hole bit
- side-tracking bit
- simulated insert bit
- single-bladed bit
- single-chisel bit
- single-layer bit
- single-layer diamond drilling bit
- single-round nose bit
- sintered bit
- sintered diamond bit
- sintered diamond coring bit
- sintered tungsten-carbide teeth drilling bit
- six-cone drilling bit
- six-cutter drilling bit
- six-roller drilling bit
- slip-on bit
- slug bit
- small-stone bit
- smooth bit
- soft-formation bit
- soft-formation insert bit
- soft-formation rolling cutter core drilling bit
- soft-formation tricone bit
- solid bit
- solid concave bit
- solid crown bit
- spade bit
- spark assisted roller drill bit
- spiral bit
- spiral diamond drilling bit
- spiral drilling bit
- spiral whipstock bit
- spoon bit
- spud bit
- spudding drilling bit
- square-nose bit
- square-shoulder bit
- standard core bit
- star bit
- star cable bit
- star pattern drilling bit
- steel bit
- steel-teeth bit
- step bit
- step-core bit
- step-crown bit
- step-face bit
- step-shaped diamond drilling bit
- step-shaped drilling bit
- stepped-crown bit
- straight bit
- straight-chopping bit
- straight-hole bit
- straight-sided core bit
- straight-wall bit
- streamlined waterway bit
- structure bit
- stuck drilling bit
- surface-set bit
- Swedish bit
- taper bit
- tapered bit
- tapered core bit
- tapered socket bit
- tapered step-core bit
- tapered stepped profile bit
- taper-wall bit
- tear-drop set bit
- T-gage bit
- thin-faced bit
- thin-kerf bit
- thin-wall bit
- three-blade drilling bit
- three-cone bit
- three-cone expandable drilling bit
- three-cone rock drilling bit
- three-cutter expandable drilling bit
- three-point bit
- three-point core drilling bit
- three-roller bit
- three-rolling cutter drilling bit
- three-stage drilling bit
- three-way bit
- three-way drilling bit
- three-winged bit
- throw-away bit
- tipped bit
- toothed drilling bit
- toothed roller bit
- torpedo bit
- top hole bit
- tricone bit
- tricone bit with tungsten carbide inserts
- tricone drilling bit
- tricone expandable drilling bit
- tricone jet rock drilling bit
- tricone rock drilling bit
- tricone roller rock bit
- trigger bit
- true-rolling bit
- tungsten-carbide boring bit
- tungsten-carbide drag bit
- tungsten-carbide insert drilling bit
- tungsten-carbide tipped bit
- tungsten-insert bit
- twin-cone bit
- twist bit
- twisted bit
- two-blade drag drilling bit
- two-cone bit
- two-cone drilling bit
- two-cone expandable drilling bit
- two-cutter expandable drilling bit
- two-disk bit
- two-point bit
- two-prong rotary bit
- two-roller bit
- two-way bit
- two-wing drag drilling bit
- unbalanced jet drilling bit
- undergage bit
- underreaming bit
- underweight bit
- unfaced drilling bit
- unstabilized drilling bit
- used bit
- vibrating bit
- wedge bit
- wedge-reaming bit
- wedge-set bit
- wedging bit
- wheel-type drilling bit
- whole-stone bit
- winged scraping bit
- wireline bit
- wireline core drilling bit
- wireline drilling bit
- worn bit
- worn-out drilling bit
- X-bit
- X-shape bit
- Z-bit
- Z-shape bit
- Zublin bit
- Zublin differential bit* * * -
18 bit
1. n кусок; кусочек2. n частица, доля3. n небольшое количество, немного, чуть-чутьa bit at a time — понемногу, не спеша, постепенно
not a bit — нисколько, ничуть
4. n разг. мелкая монетаthreepenny bit — трёхпенсовая монета, трёхпенсовик
5. n амер. сл. срок заключенияbit life — срок службы долота; метраж проходки на долото
6. n амер. сл. эпизодическая рольbit player — актёр или актриса, исполняющие эпизодические роли; статист
7. n поведение, образ действий8. n обычная процедураthe familiar 1-2-3-4 bit to check the acoustics — обычная процедура счёта вслух, принятый в таких случаях счёт раз-два-три-четыре для проверки акустики
9. n мода, фасон; стиль10. n предмет обсужденияas for the bit about marriage … — если речь идёт о браке …
a good bit — изрядно, много
11. n бур12. n бурав13. n зубило14. n зубок; вставной резец15. n режущая кромка16. n бородка ключаbucky bit key — маркерный ключ; маркерная клавиша
17. n головка паяльника18. n удила, мундштук; трензель19. v взнуздывать20. v обуздывать, сдерживать21. n вчт. бит; единица информацииinformation bit — информационный разряд; информационный бит
bit chain — последовательность двоичных знаков; цепочка бит
bit location — местоположение бита; местоположение разряда
bit configuration — конфигурация бит; битовая конфигурация
framing bit — бит цикловой организации; кадрирующие биты
Синонимический ряд:1. awl (noun) awl; gimlet2. bridle (noun) bridle; check; control; curb; rein; restrainer3. particle (noun) ace; atom; bite; crumb; dab; damn; dash; doit; dram; drop; end; fraction; fragment; grain; hoot; iota; jot; minim; mite; modicum; molecule; morsel; mouthful; ounce; particle; piece; ray; scrap; scruple; shred; smidgen; smitch; snap; speck; spot; syllable; tittle; whit4. time (noun) space; spell; stretch; time; while5. bit (verb) ate; ate away; bit; champed; corroded; eroded; fretted; gnashed; gnawed; scoured; wear away; wore; wore away6. restrain (verb) bridle; check; coarct; constrain; crimp; curb; hold back; hold down; hold in; inhibit; keep; pull in; restrain; withhold7. smarted (verb) burned; burned or burnt; smarted; stung -
19 bit
режущий инструмент; зубок; буровая коронка, головка бура, сверло, долото; резец; бит (существует 177 наименований)•
- dress a bit
- alloy tipped bit
- auger bit
- auger twist bit
- bore bit
- boring bit
- borway bit
- bottom-discharge bit
- bottoming type bit
- broaching bit
- bull bit
- bullnose bit
- carbide bit
- carbon bit
- carbon-steel bit
- carr bit
- casing bit
- cast bit
- cast-insert bit
- castset bit
- castset diamond bit
- centre bit
- centre-hole bit
- chamfering bit
- chisel bit
- chopping bit
- churn-drill bit
- clean-out bit
- collapsible drilling bit
- common bit
- cone bit
- concave bit
- convex bit
- core bit
- coreless bit
- coring bit
- corncob bit
- cornish bit
- countersink bit
- cross bit
- cross-chopping bit
- cross-cut bit
- cross-edged bit
- cross roller bit
- crowned bit
- cruciform bit
- cutter bit
- cutting bit
- detachable bit
- diamond bit
- diamond-impregnated bit
- diamond-point bit
- diamond-set bit
- disk bit
- double-taper bit
- drag bit
- drag rotary detachable bit
- drill bit
- drilling bit
- dull bit
- eccentric bit
- even-duty bit
- expansion bit
- factory-set bit
- finger rotary detachable bit
- fishtail bit
- flat bit
- flat-faced bit
- forged bit
- four-point bit
- four-pointed bit
- four-wing drilling bit
- four-wing rotary bit
- full-hole bit
- full-hole rock bit
- dimlet bit
- gouge bit
- hand-set bit
- hard-metal bit
- hexagon bit
- high-centre bit
- impregnated bit
- insert rack bit
- integral bit
- interchangeable bit
- jack bit
- jet bit
- jumper bit
- mortising bit
- multistone bit
- non-coring bit
- nose bit
- oil-field bit
- oil-field rotary bit
- oil-well bit
- opening bit
- oriented bit
- oriented diamond bit
- overburden bit
- pencil coring bit
- percussive coring bit
- pilot bit
- pilot-type bit
- pilot reaming bit
- pipe bit
- plane bit
- plogh bit
- plug bit
- pod bit
- removable drill bit
- rose bit
- quenched bit
- quill bit
- random-set bit
- reamer bit
- reaming bit
- removable drill bit
- retractable rock bit
- reversed fishtail bit
- ring cutter bit
- rip bit
- rock bit
- rock roller bit
- roller bit
- rolling cutter bit
- roof bit
- rose bit
- rotary bit
- rotary core bit
- round-faced bit
- self-cleaning bit
- self-sharpening bit
- semi-spherical bit
- sharp bit
- shoulder-type bit
- side-hole bit
- single-chisel bit
- sintered bit
- six-point bit
- slip-on bit
- slotted bit
- soldering bit
- solid concave bit
- spade-type bit
- spoon bit
- spudding bit
- star bit
- star-shaped bit
- steel bit
- steel rip bit
- straight bit
- straight wall bit
- taper bit
- tapered bit
- tapered socket bit
- thin-faced bit
- three-cone bit
- three-point bit
- three-way bit
- three-wing bit
- throwaway bit
- tipped bit
- tool bit
- tungsten carbide bit
- tungsten carbide tipped bit
- twist bit
- two-point bit
- under-reaming bit
- wedge rose bit
- worn bit
- X-bit -
20 bit
режущий край инструмента; лезвие; сверло; долото; головка бура; буровая коронка; пёрка; зубило; бурав; дрель; головка паяльника; бородка ключа; прошивка; развёртка; кусочек; отрезок; частица; небольшое количество чего-л.; приспособление для притирки клапанов- bit brace - bit brake-in procedure - bit for Phillips screws - bit for slot-head screws - bit-holder adapter - bit-holder with grip - bit holes - bit reamer - bit stock - annular bit - auger twist bit - bore bit - broaching bit - bull bit - centre bit - chamfering bit - chisel bit - chisel-shaped bit - common bit - concave bit - cone bit from super rapid steel - cornish bit - countersink bit - cross bit - crowned bit - diamond bit - drill bit - enlarging bit - expansion bit - finishing bit - fish-tail bit - flat bit - forged bit - four-point bit - gimlet bit - gouge bit - hatched soldering bit - interchangeable bit - jumper bit - jaw bit - magnetic bit holder adapter - mortising bit - multistone bit - non-coring bit - nose bit - opening bit - plane bit - plough bit - plug bit - pod bit - quill bit - reamer bit - rip bit - rose bit - rotary bit - soldering bit - spudding bit - straight bit - taper bit - three-way bit - tool bit - twist bit
См. также в других словарях:
bore bit — noun a drill for penetrating rock • Syn: ↑borer, ↑rock drill, ↑stone drill • Derivationally related forms: ↑bore (for: ↑borer) • Hypernyms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
BIT — (binary digit) Contraction de l’expression anglaise binary digit (chiffre binaire), le terme bit prend en informatique trois significations différentes. Puisqu’on se trouve ici dans un système de numération à base 2, deux symboles (habituellement … Encyclopédie Universelle
bore — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 person ADJECTIVE ▪ awful, crashing, dreadful (esp. BrE), real, terrible ▪ Her husband is a crashing bore. ▪ complete … Collocations dictionary
bore — [[t]bɔ͟ː(r)[/t]] ♦♦♦ bores, boring, bored 1) VERB If someone or something bores you, you find them dull and uninteresting. [V n with n] Dickie bored him all through the meal with stories of the Navy... [V n] Life in the country bores me … English dictionary
cross bit — noun a rock drill having cruciform cutting edges; used in mining • Hypernyms: ↑bore bit, ↑borer, ↑rock drill, ↑stone drill * * * noun : a rock drill made with cruciform cutting edges and used in mining … Useful english dictionary
Drill bit — For the fictional character, see Drill Bit (Transformers). For the cancelled skyscraper nicknamed Drill bit, see Chicago Spire. For the types used in drilling wells, see Well drilling. From top to bottom: Spade, lip and spur (brad point), masonry … Wikipedia
Gauge (bore diameter) — The Gauge or bore of a shotgun or rifle is a unit of measurement used to express the diameter of the barrel. The gauge or bore of a barrel is equal to the number of solid spheres of lead each having the same diameter as the inside of the barrel… … Wikipedia
Drill bit shank — The shank is the part of a drill bit grasped by the chuck of a drill. The cutting edges of the drill bit are at one end, and the shank is at the other. Different styles of shank/chuck combination deliver different performance, such as allowing… … Wikipedia
Auger bit — Auger Au ger, n. [OE. augoure, nauger, AS. nafeg[=a]r, fr. nafu, nafa, nave of a wheel + g[=a]r spear, and therefore meaning properly and originally a nave bore. See {Nave} (of a wheel) and 2d {Gore}, n.] 1. A carpenter s tool for boring holes… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
2001 and a Bit — Infobox The Goodies episode name = 2001 and a Bit number = 54 airdate = 26 October, 1976 (Tuesday mdash; 9 p.m.) director = producer = guests = Oliver Gilbert as Jimmy Hill series = 62001 and a Bit is an episode of the British comedy television… … Wikipedia
spudding bit — noun : a broad dull drilling tool used for the preliminary boring of wells through earth down to rock or other solid substrata * * * spudding bit noun (mining) A large drill bit for making an initial bore hole, eg into which the casing of an oil… … Useful english dictionary