1 booster adapter
переходник крепления ( капсулы) к ракете-носителю -
2 adapter
адаптер; переходник, переходное [соединительное] устройство; переходная муфта; приставка; регулировочное приспособление (для подгонки, пригонки) ; соединительный отсек -
3 adapter-booster
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > adapter-booster
4 adapter booster
1) Военный термин: блок подрыва2) Космонавтика: запальный стакан -
5 adapter-booster
[əˌdæptə'buːstə]Американизм: запальный стакан -
6 booster-spacecraft adapter
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > booster-spacecraft adapter
7 adapter booster
(n) запальный стакан -
8 adapter booster
9 adapter-booster
10 adapter-booster
арт. запальный стакан -
11 booster-spacecraft adapter
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > booster-spacecraft adapter
12 adapter-booster
n амер. воен. запальный стакан -
13 booster-spacecraft adapter
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > booster-spacecraft adapter
14 missile/booster transporter adapter
транспортировочный ложемент ракеты ( в сборе) с ускорителемEnglsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > missile/booster transporter adapter
15 adapterbooster
1> _ам. _воен. запальный стакан -
16 circuit
1) схема; цепь; контур2) эл. сеть4) шлейф ( в телефонии)•to track circuits — сопрягать контуры-
in-line hydraulic circuit
tee-test hydraulic circuit
absorption circuit
ac circuit
active circuit
adapter circuit
adder circuit
addressing circuit
aerial circuit
aerodrome circuit
aerodrome taxi circuit
aerodrome traffic circuit
aeromagnetic circuit
alarm circuit
alive circuit
amplifying circuit
analogous circuit
analog circuit
ancillary circuit
AND circuit
AND-to-OR circuit
AND-OR circuit
anticoincidence circuit
antihunt circuit
antireciprocal circuit
antiresonance circuit
antiresonant circuit
aperiodic circuit
approach circuit
astable circuit
autodyne circuit
automatic frequency control circuit
automatic reciprocation pneumatic circuit
auxiliary circuit
auxiliary coolant circuit
averaging circuit
back-to-back circuit
balanced circuit
balancing circuit
bias and erase circuit
bias circuit
bidirectional hydraulic motor circuit
bipolar circuit
bistable circuit
black-level restoring circuit
blanking circuit
blasting circuit
blocking circuit
booster hydraulic circuit
bound circuit
boxcar circuit
brake retraction circuit
branched circuit
branch circuit
breadboard circuit
break circuit
bridge circuit
bridged circuit
broken circuit
bubble circuit
bucket-brigade circuit
buffer circuit
burst-gating circuit
calibrating circuit
call circuit
carrier recovery circuit
cascode circuit
cavity circuit
charge circuit
charge-coupied device circuit
charging circuit
checkout circuit
cholesteric circuit
chopping circuit
chromatic circuit
circulating lubrication circuit
clamp circuit
cleaning circuit
clearing circuit
clipping circuit
clocked circuit
closed circuit
close circuit
closed loop circuit
closed loop hydraulic motor circuit
coaxial circuit
code track circuit
coincidence circuit
color-killer circuit
color-processing circuit
combination air-oil circuit
combinational circuit
common-base circuit
common-collector circuit
common-drain circuit
common-emitter circuit
common-gate circuit
common-source circuit
communication circuit
comparator circuit
compensating circuit
complementary circuit
completed circuit
composite circuit
condensate circuit
control circuit
convergence circuit
coolant circuit
cooling short circuit
cord circuit
correcting circuit
counter circuit
coupled circuits
cross rectifier circuit
crushing circuit
current circuit
current-feedback circuit
current-limiting circuit
current-limit circuit
damping circuit
Danington circuit
dc circuit
dead circuit
decision making circuit
decision circuit
decoding circuit
decoupling circuit
dedicated circuit
de-emphasis circuit
degaussing circuit
degenerative circuit
delay circuit
delta circuit
derived circuit
detecting circuit
detuned circuit
dial toll circuit
dial-up circuit
differentiating circuit
digital circuit
diplex circuit
direct circuit
direct speech circuit
discharge circuit
distributed-element circuit
dividing circuit
double-rail track circuit
drive circuit
driver circuit
dual circuit
dual-relief braking hydraulic motor circuit
duplex circuit
dynamic braking circuit
earthed circuit
earth circuit
edge-activated circuit
electric circuit
electrical safety circuit
electrolysis circuit
electronic circuit
emphasis circuit
enabling circuit
energized circuit
engineering circuit
enhancement circuit
equilization circuit
equivalent circuit
error correcting circuit
evaporating circuit
exciting circuit
exclusive OR circuit
exposure control circuit
exposure measuring circuit
external circuit
external load circuit
fallback circuit
feed circuit
feed motor circuit
feedback circuit
feedrate override circuit
filament circuit
filter hydraulic circuit
firing circuit
flip-flop circuit
flotation circuit
flow circuit
fluid circuit
forked circuit
four-terminal circuit
four-wire circuit
frame-scanning circuit
free-running circuit
frequency determining circuit
frequency-changing circuit
full-wave circuit
gain circuit
gas circuit
gate circuit
grinding circuit
ground short circuit
grounded circuit
ground circuit
half-duplex circuit
half-phantom circuit
half-wave circuit
half-wave track circuit
heat transport main circuit
heater circuit
holding circuit
horizontal scanning circuit
hotline circuit
hybrid-type circuit
hybrid circuit
hydraulic circuit
hydraulic servo circuit
identification circuit
idler circuit
ignition circuit
ignition primary circuit
ignition secondary circuit
impulse circuit
impulsing circuit
incoming track circuit
inductive circuit
inhibit circuit
input circuit
insulated circuit
integrated circuit
integrating circuit
intentional short circuit
interface circuit
interlocking circuit
interlock circuit
international television circuit
inverter circuit
invert circuit
iron circuit
jointless pulse track circuit
junction circuit
keep-alive circuit
ladder circuit
lagging circuit
latching circuit
LC circuit
leakage circuit
leak circuit
leased circuit
level circuit
linear circuit
linearizing circuit
line-scanning circuit
line-to-ground short circuit
live circuit
load circuit
locking circuit
locking hydraulic circuit
locking track circuit
logic circuit
long-distance transmission circuit
loop circuit
low-loss circuit
lumped-element lumped-parameter circuit
lumped lumped-parameter circuit
lumped-element circuit
lumped circuit
magnetic circuit
magnetic-core circuit
main circuit
majority circuit
make circuit
matching circuit
match circuit
matrix circuit
maximum power control circuit
measuring circuit
memory circuit
mesh circuit
metallic circuit
meter-current circuit
metering circuit
meter-voltage circuit
microelectronic circuit
microwave circuit
molecular circuit
monitoring circuit
monostable circuit
motor control circuit
multidrop circuit
multiplication circuit
multipoint circuit
multistable circuit
multistage circuit
muting circuit
NAND circuit
narrowband circuit
network circuit
neutral track circuit
neutralizing circuit
noise-balancing circuit
noninductive circuit
NOR circuit
NOT circuit
NOT-AND circuit
NOT-OR circuit
offset compensating circuit
one-pole circuit
one-rail track circuit
one-wire circuit
open circuit
open loop circuit
open-wire circuit
OR circuit
order wire circuit
OR-ELSE circuit
oscillating circuit
oscillation circuit
oscillatory circuit
output circuit
overflux circuit
overhead circuit
packaged circuit
paging circuit
parallel circuit
parallel-resonant circuit
parallel-series circuit
passive circuit
peak white-limiting circuit
peaking circuit
phantom circuit
phase switching circuit
phase-comparison circuit
phase-compensating circuit
phase-equalizing circuit
phase-inverting circuit
phase-sensitive track circuit
phase-shifting circuit
phase-shift circuit
pilot circuit
pneumatic circuit
points control circuit
points track circuit
point-to-point circuit
polarity circuit
polarized track circuit
polling circuit
polyphase circuit
potential circuit
power circuit
precharge circuit
precision timing circuit
pressure control hydraulic circuit
primary circuit
primary coolant circuit
printed circuit
protection circuit
pulse circuit
pulse-shaping circuit
pump unloading hydraulic circuit
pumping circuit
pump circuit
push-pull circuit
push-to-type circuit
quadruplex circuit
radiation-hardened circuit
radio communication circuit
radio circuit
RC circuit
reaction circuit
reaction track circuit
reactive circuit
reclosing circuit
rectification circuit
reference circuit
reflex circuit
regenerative circuit
register mark recognition circuit
regrinding circuit
regulating circuit
rejector circuit
relay circuit
relay contact switching circuit
relay contact circuit
remote-ring circuit
replenishing hydraulic motor circuit
reset circuit
resonance circuit
retaining circuit
return circuit
ring circuit
ringing circuit
route locking circuit
sample circuit
sample-and-hold circuit
sampler circuit
scaling circuit
scanning circuit
schematic circuit
screening circuit
secondary circuit
secondary coolant circuit
selecting circuit
selection circuit
self-bias circuit
self-checking circuit
self-holding circuit
self-test circuit
semiconductor circuit
separation circuit
sequencing circuit
series circuit
series-resonant circuit
series-tuned circuit
service circuit
shell circuit
shifting circuit
short circuit
shunt circuit
shutoff circuit
signal circuit
signaling circuit
simplex circuit
single-phase circuit
single-rail track circuit
single-wire circuit
slow-wave circuit
smoothing circuit
sneak circuit
solid-state circuit
solid circuit
spare circuit
speaker circuit
speed regulating circuit
squelch circuit
standby circuit
star-connected circuit
starting circuit
station conventional track circuit
steady energy track circuit
stripline circuit
strip circuit
subcarrier recovery circuit
subtransmission circuit
superconducting circuit
supply circuit
suppression circuit
sustained short circuit
sweep circuit
switched circuit
switching circuit
symbolic circuit
symmetrical circuit
symmetric circuit
synchronization circuit
synchronizing hydraulic circuit
synchronous circuit
table circuit
tank circuit
tap circuit
tapped circuit
telegraph circuit
telephone circuit
temperature stabilized circuit
tension sensing circuit
terminal circuit
test circuit
thickening circuit
three-phase circuit
threshold circuit
throttled circuit
through circuit
tilt kickout hydraulic circuit
time-base circuit
time-delay circuit
timer circuit
time-slot assigner circuit
timing circuit
toll circuit
tool selector circuit
toroidal magnetic circuit
touch sensing circuit
track circuit
train dispatching circuit
transient short circuit
transmission hydraulic circuit
trap circuit
tree circuit
triggering circuit
trigger circuit
trouble-detecting circuit
trunk circuit
tube circuit
tuned circuit
two-port circuit
two-state circuit
two-terminal circuit
two-wire circuit
unbalanced circuit
unidirectional hydraulic motor circuit
unipolar circuit
vertical-scanning circuit
virtual circuit
voltage-feedback circuit
warning circuit
white clip circuit
wideband circuit
wire circuit
wired AND circuit
wired circuit
wired OR circuit
wye-connected circuit
wye circuit
zero-lose circuit -
17 transformer
3) пищ. котёл для получения инвертированного сиропа•-
adapter transformer
adjustable transformer
air transformer
air-blast transformer
air-cooled transformer
air-core transformer
air-natural transformer
amorphous-core transformer
- arc furnace transformer -
arc-welding transformer
audio-frequency transformer
autocompounded current transformer
autocompounded voltage transformer
autoconnected transformer
auxiliary transformer
balanced-to-unbalanced transformer
balance-to-unbalanced transformer
balanced-to-unbalance transformer
balance-to-unbalance transformer
balanced transformer
balancing transformer
ballast transformer
banked distribution transformers
bar-type transformer
bell transformer
booster transformer
bridge transformer
busbar current transformer
capacitive voltage transformer
cascade transformer
cast resin transformer
center-tapped transformer
closed core transformer
code transformer
combined voltage and current transformer
compensated current transformer
compensated voltage transformer
compound-filled instrument transformer
constant-current transformer
constant-potential transformer
control circuit transformer
control transformer
converter transformer
coreless transformer
core-type transformer
coupling transformer
current transformer
decoupling transformer
differential transformer
diode-split line-output transformer
direct-current transformer
distribution transformer
double-stub transformer
double-tuned transformer
double-winding transformer
driving transformer
dry-type transformer
dry transformer
dry-type forced-air-cooled transformer
dry-type self-cooled transformer
E transformer
earthed transformer
earthing transformer
effective grounded transformer
EHV power transformer
excitation transformer
extra-high-voltage power transformer
feed transformer
feeder transformer
feeding transformer
filter transformer
five-legged transformer
flash transformer
flyback transformer
forced-air-cooled transformer
forced-oil transformer
frame-output transformer
furnace transformer
gas-filled transformer
gas-insulated transformer
general transformer
general-purpose transformer
grounded transformer
grounding transformer
high-potential transformer
high-power transformer
high-voltage transformer
horizontal-output transformer
house transformer
hydropneumatic transformer
ideal transformer
image-output transformer
impedance transformer
impedance-matching transformer
impulse current transformer
indoor transformer
induction voltage transformer
injector transformer
input transformer
instrument transformer
insulated-core transformer
insulating transformer
integral current transformer
interphase transformer
intervening current transformer
iron-clad transformer
iron-core transformer
isolating transformer
lightning-proof transformer
line regulating transformer
line transformer
linear hydraulic transformer
line-output transformer
liquid-filled transformer
loading transformer
low-power transformer
low-voltage transformer
mains transformer
manhole transformer
matching transformer
measuring transformer
micromodular transformer
mode transformer
molded transformer
multiratio current transformer
multiratio voltage transformer
multiwinding transformer
natural-draft transformer
network transformer
nonmagnetic current transformer
nonresonating transformer
oil-cooled transformer
oil transformer
oil-filled instrument transformer
oil-immersed forced-air-cooled transformer
oil-immersed forced-oil-cooled transformer
oil-immersed self-cooled transformer
oil-immersed transformer
oil-immersed water-cooled transformer
one-coil transformer
one-to-one transformer
on-load tap-changing transformer
open-core transformer
outdoor transformer
output transformer
pad-mounted transformer
peaking transformer
peak transformer
phase-shifting transformer
pole-type transformer
polyphase transformer
potential transformer
power transformer
protection current transformer
protection voltage transformer
protective transformer
pulse transformer
pulse-forming transformer
radio-frequency transformer
reactance-earthed transformer
reactor transformer
rectifier transformer
reducing transformer
regulating transformer
relay transformer
resistance-earthed transformer
resonance transformer
rotary hydraulic transformer
rotary transformer
saturable current transformer
saturable transformer
saturating current transformer
sealed transformer
self-cooled transformer
self-protected transformer
series regulating transformer
series transformer
SF6-filled transformer
shell-core transformer
shell-type transformer
shunt transformer
signal transformer
single-phase transformer
single-turn current transformer
small-power transformer
solidly earthed transformer
spare transformer
standard current transformer
standard instrument transformer
standard potential transformer
standby transformer
starting transformer
step-down transformer
step-up transformer
subdivided transformer
submersible transformer
substation transformer
supply transformer
tank transformer
tap-changing transformer
tap-changing-under-load transformer
tapped transformer
teaser transformer
testing transformer
test transformer
thermal transformer
three-circuit transformer
three-legged transformer
three-leg transformer
three-phase transformer
three-winding transformer
through-type current transformer
tool transformer
track-circuit transformer
track transformer
traction-feeding transformer
triple-wound transformer
tuned transformer
two-winding transformer
unbalanced-to-balanced transformer
unbalance-to-balanced transformer
unbalanced-to-balance transformer
unbalance-to-balance transformer
unearthed transformer
variable-ratio transformer
vertical-output transformer
voltage measuring transformer
voltage transformer
water-cooled transformer
welding transformer
window-type current transformer
zero-phase sequence current transformer -
18 AB
1) Общая лексика: Assembly Bill, (Aurora Borealis) северное сияние2) Компьютерная техника: Application Bulletin3) Авиация: abort4) Морской термин: матрос первого класса (able seaman)5) Медицина: астматический бронхит (сокр. от asthmatic bronchitis), вспомогательное дыхание6) Французский язык: Балканский пакт (Турция, Греция, Югославия) (историч.) (сокр. от Alliance Balkanique)7) Ботаника: Apple Blossom8) Спорт: Air Bike9) Военный термин: Able Bodied, After The Bomb, All Battle, Answer Back, Armor Board, Army Book, Atomic Bomb, acquisition beacon, advisory board, aerial burst, afterbody, air blast, air bomber, airborne, alert building, ambush, ammunition bearer, area bombing, armored brigade, aviation battalion, aviation brigade10) Техника: absorption band, accumulator buffer, acid bath, actinide burning, activate button, address buffer, address bus, air breaker, alabamine, alabamium, anechoic box, annealed in box, antenna supports, audio bandwidth, auto beacon, auxiliary boiler, auxiliary building, avionics bay, continuous automatic transcribed broadcast service11) Химия: Acid Base12) Религия: American Baptist13) Метеорология: Aurora Borealis14) Экономика: Aktiebolag( Swedish: Limited Company on shares)15) Страхование: Able-bodied seaman16) Грубое выражение: Absolute Belligerence, After The Ban, Always Bad, Australian Bitch17) Политика: Abkhazia18) Сокращение: ABle seaman, Abkhazian, Able Rate / Seaman (UK Royal Navy), Adapter Booster, Admiralty Board (UK), Admiralty Board, Afterburner, Air Base (USA), Airborne forces, Aktie Bolag (Company constitution (Finland, Sweden)), Assault Breaker, able-bodies seaman, Air-break, Alberta, about, American Bureau of Shipping (Американское бюро судоходства (классификационное общество)), automated bibliography (библиография, составляемая при помощи ЭВМ), auxiliary breaker (вспомогательный выключатель), abbreviation (сокращение, аббревиатура)19) Текстиль: Adult Baby20) Университет: Accreditation Body, Activities Building, Advanced Business, Alpha Beta21) Физиология: A Or B, Abnormal, Adaptive Behavior, Added Benefit, Antigen Binding, Automatic Behavior22) Хирургия: вспомогательная вентилляция легких23) Электроника: Active Bridge, Amplifier Board, Automatic Balancing24) Нефть: air base25) Иммунология: Aerobic Bacteria26) Биохимия: Alcian Blue27) Космонавтика: база ВВС28) Транспорт: Airframe Bulkhead29) Пищевая промышленность: American Breakfast30) Атомная энергия: ПРК (auxiliary boiler - пуско-резервная котельная)31) Фирменный знак: Amphenol- Borg, Avatars Banners32) СМИ: American Bandstand33) Деловая лексика: Annual Budget34) Сетевые технологии: Accessed By35) Полимеры: acrylonitrile butadiene, allyl bromide36) Автоматика: алкилбензол (Alkyl Benzene)37) Океанография: Asymmetric Balance38) Химическое оружие: Anchor bolt, зарин (усл. обозначение от sarine)39) Военно-морской флот: старшина авиационной боцманской команды [на авианосце] (сокр. от Aviation Boatswain's Mate)40) Безопасность: Apache Benchmark41) Каспий: able body42) Имена и фамилии: Allan Border, Angela Brant, Annie Besant43) Программное обеспечение: Apache Benchmarking, Application Bridge44) Хобби: Antique Brass45) AMEX. Cannon Express, Inc. -
19 Ab
1) Общая лексика: Assembly Bill, (Aurora Borealis) северное сияние2) Компьютерная техника: Application Bulletin3) Авиация: abort4) Морской термин: матрос первого класса (able seaman)5) Медицина: астматический бронхит (сокр. от asthmatic bronchitis), вспомогательное дыхание6) Французский язык: Балканский пакт (Турция, Греция, Югославия) (историч.) (сокр. от Alliance Balkanique)7) Ботаника: Apple Blossom8) Спорт: Air Bike9) Военный термин: Able Bodied, After The Bomb, All Battle, Answer Back, Armor Board, Army Book, Atomic Bomb, acquisition beacon, advisory board, aerial burst, afterbody, air blast, air bomber, airborne, alert building, ambush, ammunition bearer, area bombing, armored brigade, aviation battalion, aviation brigade10) Техника: absorption band, accumulator buffer, acid bath, actinide burning, activate button, address buffer, address bus, air breaker, alabamine, alabamium, anechoic box, annealed in box, antenna supports, audio bandwidth, auto beacon, auxiliary boiler, auxiliary building, avionics bay, continuous automatic transcribed broadcast service11) Химия: Acid Base12) Религия: American Baptist13) Метеорология: Aurora Borealis14) Экономика: Aktiebolag( Swedish: Limited Company on shares)15) Страхование: Able-bodied seaman16) Грубое выражение: Absolute Belligerence, After The Ban, Always Bad, Australian Bitch17) Политика: Abkhazia18) Сокращение: ABle seaman, Abkhazian, Able Rate / Seaman (UK Royal Navy), Adapter Booster, Admiralty Board (UK), Admiralty Board, Afterburner, Air Base (USA), Airborne forces, Aktie Bolag (Company constitution (Finland, Sweden)), Assault Breaker, able-bodies seaman, Air-break, Alberta, about, American Bureau of Shipping (Американское бюро судоходства (классификационное общество)), automated bibliography (библиография, составляемая при помощи ЭВМ), auxiliary breaker (вспомогательный выключатель), abbreviation (сокращение, аббревиатура)19) Текстиль: Adult Baby20) Университет: Accreditation Body, Activities Building, Advanced Business, Alpha Beta21) Физиология: A Or B, Abnormal, Adaptive Behavior, Added Benefit, Antigen Binding, Automatic Behavior22) Хирургия: вспомогательная вентилляция легких23) Электроника: Active Bridge, Amplifier Board, Automatic Balancing24) Нефть: air base25) Иммунология: Aerobic Bacteria26) Биохимия: Alcian Blue27) Космонавтика: база ВВС28) Транспорт: Airframe Bulkhead29) Пищевая промышленность: American Breakfast30) Атомная энергия: ПРК (auxiliary boiler - пуско-резервная котельная)31) Фирменный знак: Amphenol- Borg, Avatars Banners32) СМИ: American Bandstand33) Деловая лексика: Annual Budget34) Сетевые технологии: Accessed By35) Полимеры: acrylonitrile butadiene, allyl bromide36) Автоматика: алкилбензол (Alkyl Benzene)37) Океанография: Asymmetric Balance38) Химическое оружие: Anchor bolt, зарин (усл. обозначение от sarine)39) Военно-морской флот: старшина авиационной боцманской команды [на авианосце] (сокр. от Aviation Boatswain's Mate)40) Безопасность: Apache Benchmark41) Каспий: able body42) Имена и фамилии: Allan Border, Angela Brant, Annie Besant43) Программное обеспечение: Apache Benchmarking, Application Bridge44) Хобби: Antique Brass45) AMEX. Cannon Express, Inc. -
20 ab
1) Общая лексика: Assembly Bill, (Aurora Borealis) северное сияние2) Компьютерная техника: Application Bulletin3) Авиация: abort4) Морской термин: матрос первого класса (able seaman)5) Медицина: астматический бронхит (сокр. от asthmatic bronchitis), вспомогательное дыхание6) Французский язык: Балканский пакт (Турция, Греция, Югославия) (историч.) (сокр. от Alliance Balkanique)7) Ботаника: Apple Blossom8) Спорт: Air Bike9) Военный термин: Able Bodied, After The Bomb, All Battle, Answer Back, Armor Board, Army Book, Atomic Bomb, acquisition beacon, advisory board, aerial burst, afterbody, air blast, air bomber, airborne, alert building, ambush, ammunition bearer, area bombing, armored brigade, aviation battalion, aviation brigade10) Техника: absorption band, accumulator buffer, acid bath, actinide burning, activate button, address buffer, address bus, air breaker, alabamine, alabamium, anechoic box, annealed in box, antenna supports, audio bandwidth, auto beacon, auxiliary boiler, auxiliary building, avionics bay, continuous automatic transcribed broadcast service11) Химия: Acid Base12) Религия: American Baptist13) Метеорология: Aurora Borealis14) Экономика: Aktiebolag( Swedish: Limited Company on shares)15) Страхование: Able-bodied seaman16) Грубое выражение: Absolute Belligerence, After The Ban, Always Bad, Australian Bitch17) Политика: Abkhazia18) Сокращение: ABle seaman, Abkhazian, Able Rate / Seaman (UK Royal Navy), Adapter Booster, Admiralty Board (UK), Admiralty Board, Afterburner, Air Base (USA), Airborne forces, Aktie Bolag (Company constitution (Finland, Sweden)), Assault Breaker, able-bodies seaman, Air-break, Alberta, about, American Bureau of Shipping (Американское бюро судоходства (классификационное общество)), automated bibliography (библиография, составляемая при помощи ЭВМ), auxiliary breaker (вспомогательный выключатель), abbreviation (сокращение, аббревиатура)19) Текстиль: Adult Baby20) Университет: Accreditation Body, Activities Building, Advanced Business, Alpha Beta21) Физиология: A Or B, Abnormal, Adaptive Behavior, Added Benefit, Antigen Binding, Automatic Behavior22) Хирургия: вспомогательная вентилляция легких23) Электроника: Active Bridge, Amplifier Board, Automatic Balancing24) Нефть: air base25) Иммунология: Aerobic Bacteria26) Биохимия: Alcian Blue27) Космонавтика: база ВВС28) Транспорт: Airframe Bulkhead29) Пищевая промышленность: American Breakfast30) Атомная энергия: ПРК (auxiliary boiler - пуско-резервная котельная)31) Фирменный знак: Amphenol- Borg, Avatars Banners32) СМИ: American Bandstand33) Деловая лексика: Annual Budget34) Сетевые технологии: Accessed By35) Полимеры: acrylonitrile butadiene, allyl bromide36) Автоматика: алкилбензол (Alkyl Benzene)37) Океанография: Asymmetric Balance38) Химическое оружие: Anchor bolt, зарин (усл. обозначение от sarine)39) Военно-морской флот: старшина авиационной боцманской команды [на авианосце] (сокр. от Aviation Boatswain's Mate)40) Безопасность: Apache Benchmark41) Каспий: able body42) Имена и фамилии: Allan Border, Angela Brant, Annie Besant43) Программное обеспечение: Apache Benchmarking, Application Bridge44) Хобби: Antique Brass45) AMEX. Cannon Express, Inc.
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См. также в других словарях:
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Orion (Constellation program) — For deep space spacecraft based on the Orion design, see Multi Purpose Crew Vehicle. For initial design of the Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle, see Crew Exploration Vehicle. For the nuclear powered spacecraft designed in the 1950s, see Project… … Wikipedia