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bookkeeping entry

  • 1 bookkeeping entry

    бухгалтерський запис; проводка (бухг.)

    The English-Ukrainian Dictionary > bookkeeping entry

  • 2 double-entry bookkeeping

    The English-Ukrainian Dictionary > double-entry bookkeeping

  • 3 single-entry bookkeeping

    The English-Ukrainian Dictionary > single-entry bookkeeping

  • 4 single entry bookkeeping

    бухг. проста бухгалтерія, бухгалтерський облік за системою одинарних записів

    English-Ukrainian dictionary > single entry bookkeeping

  • 5 single entry bookkeeping

    бухг. проста бухгалтерія, бухгалтерський облік за системою одинарних записів

    English-Ukrainian dictionary > single entry bookkeeping

  • 6 accounting equation

    бухг., рах. балансове рівняння; бухгалтерська збалансованість; бухгалтерська рівність
    формула подвійного запису (double-entry bookkeeping), що вказує на рівність та встановлює зв'язок між активами (assets²), пасивами (liabilities) і акціонерним (власним) капіталом (shareholders' equity); ♦ існують дві основні форми балансового рівняння, які відтворюють зв'язок або з точки зору господарської одиниці (entity's view), або власника (proprietary view); з погляду господарської одиниці зв'язок вказує на те, що активи організації фінансуються коштом власників і кредиторів (creditor), і має таку формулу підрахунку:
    assets = liabilities + shareholder's equity,
    де assets — активи, liabilities — пасиви, shareholder's equity — акціонерний (власний) капітал; з погляду власника зв'язок вказує на те, що частка власника визначається як перевищення активів над заборгованістю, і має таку формулу підрахунку:
    assets - liabilities = shareholder's equity
    accounting equation:: accounting identity:: balance sheet equation:: balance sheet identity:: double-entry equation accounting identity
    бухг., рах. бухгалтерська тотожність
    ▷ accounting equation
    * * *

    The English-Ukrainian Dictionary > accounting equation

См. также в других словарях:

  • Entry — En try, n.; pl. {Entries}. [OE. entree, entre, F. entr[ e]e, fr. entrer to enter. See {Enter}, and cf. {Entr[ e]e}.] 1. The act of entering or passing into or upon; entrance; ingress; hence, beginnings or first attempts; as, the entry of a person …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Entry clerk — Entry En try, n.; pl. {Entries}. [OE. entree, entre, F. entr[ e]e, fr. entrer to enter. See {Enter}, and cf. {Entr[ e]e}.] 1. The act of entering or passing into or upon; entrance; ingress; hence, beginnings or first attempts; as, the entry of a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Bookkeeping — is the recording of financial transactions. Transactions include sales, purchases, income, receipts and payments by an individual or organization. Bookkeeping is usually performed by a bookkeeper. Bookkeeping should not be confused with… …   Wikipedia

  • Bookkeeping by double entry — Bookkeeping Book keep ing, n. The art of recording pecuniary or business transactions in a regular and systematic manner, so as to show their relation to each other, and the state of the business in which they occur; the art of keeping accounts.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Bookkeeping by single entry — Bookkeeping Book keep ing, n. The art of recording pecuniary or business transactions in a regular and systematic manner, so as to show their relation to each other, and the state of the business in which they occur; the art of keeping accounts.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Bookkeeping — Book keep ing, n. The art of recording pecuniary or business transactions in a regular and systematic manner, so as to show their relation to each other, and the state of the business in which they occur; the art of keeping accounts. The books… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • entry — en·try n pl en·tries 1: the privilege of entering real property see also right of entry 2: the act of entering real property a warrantless entry by the officer see also trespass …   Law dictionary

  • entry — A declaration and request for customs release in respect of imports or goods intended for export. It is usually made on a Single Administrative Document ( SAD). Traders approved to do so can submit entries electronically. HM Customs & Revenue… …   Financial and business terms

  • bookkeeping — the process of recording business transactions in the accounting records * * * bookkeeping UK US (also book keeping) /ˈbʊkˌkiːpɪŋ/ noun [U] ACCOUNTING ► the activity of keeping records of all the money a company spends and receives: »The company… …   Financial and business terms

  • bookkeeping — bookkeeper, n. /book kee ping/, n. the work or skill of keeping account books or systematic records of money transactions (distinguished from accounting). [1680 90; BOOK + KEEPING] * * * Recording of the money values of business transactions.… …   Universalium

  • bookkeeping — n. 1) to do the bookkeeping 2) double entry; single entry bookkeeping * * * [ bʊkˌkiːpɪŋ] single entry bookkeeping double entry to do the bookkeeping …   Combinatory dictionary

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