1 bole
[boul] n. trung (peme) -
2 testicles
bole -
3 bollard
['bolë:d] n 1. det. shtyllë ankorimi. 2. shtyllë tabele rrugore -
4 balls
5 ball
ball I [bo:l] n.,v. -n 1. top; tennis ball top tenisi. 2. sport. gjuajtje topi, shërbim. 3. lëmsh, top; rruzull; a snowball top dëbore. 4. gjyle. 5. bilë (bilardoje). 6. plumb (pushke). 7. shuk. 8. tek. saçme, zar, sferë; ball bearings kushinetë me sfera. 9. anat. pjesë e fryrë/e tultë (e gishtit etj). 10. pl., anat. koqe, tope, bole, herdhe; balls! Br.vulg. lesh!; dëngla!● be on the ball zhrg. ia di hilet punës; have sth on the ball zhrg. i kam pesë pare mend; keep the ball rolling mbaj gjallë bisedën; play ball bashkëpunoj /-v 1. bëj lëmshe; mbledh lëmsh (fillin). 2. kokrrizohet; formon rruzuj● get ballsed up [get bo:lsd ap] bie në batak● ball ( s) -up [bo:lzap] n. vulg. lëmsh, çorbë● ball bearing [bo:l 'beëring] n 1. kushinetë me saçme, me sfera. 2. saçme, sferë● ball game [bo:l geim] n. lojë me top* * *top -
6 bollocks
['bolëks] n. Br.zhrg. vulg. 1. koqe, bole, herdhe. 2. gjepura, dëngla
См. также в других словарях:
Bôle — Basisdaten Staat: Schweiz Kanton … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bole — bezeichnet: eine Ortschaft in Ghana, siehe Bole (Ghana) einen Distrikt in Ghana, siehe Bole District einen Dialekt der Sprache Vagla in diesem Distrikt eine Ortschaft in Großbritannien, siehe Bole (Großbritannien) eine Ortschaft in Äthiopien,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bole — may refer to: * A hearth where lead was smelted on a Bole hill; * Bole District, Ghana; * Bole, Ghana, town; * Bole, Nottinghamshire, England; * Bole, Ethiopia; * Bole, Slovenian programmer and hex master; * Bole, Xinjiang, China; * bole (unit),… … Wikipedia
Bólè — Bole (Xinjiang) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Bole. Bólè (Börtala) · 博乐 (بۆرتال) … Wikipédia en Français
Bôle — Une vue d ensemble de la commune serait la bienvenue Administration Pays Suisse Canton Neuchâtel … Wikipédia en Français
Bôle — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Bôle Escudo … Wikipedia Español
Bole — Bole, n. [Gr. ? a clod or lump of earth: cf. F. bol, and also L. bolus morsel. Cf. {Bolus}.] 1. Any one of several varieties of friable earthy clay, usually colored more or less strongly red by oxide of iron, and used to color and adulterate… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Böle — ist: der schwedische Name eines Stadtteils der finnischen Hauptstadt Helsinki, siehe Pasila der Name folgender Ortschaften in Schweden: Böle (Berg), in der Provinz Jämtlands län, Gemeinde Berg Böle (Luleå), in der Provinz Norrbottens län,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
-bole — ♦ Élément, du gr. bolé « action de jeter, lancer », de ballein « jeter, lancer » : discobole. bole ❖ ♦ Élément, du grec bolê « action de jeter, lancer », de ballein « jeter, lancer ». ⇒ Discobole, hyperbole, métabole, parabole, symbole … Encyclopédie Universelle
Bole — Bole, n. [OE. bole, fr. Icel. bolr; akin to Sw. b[*a]l, Dan. bul, trunk, stem of a tree, G. bohle a thick plank or board; cf. LG. boll round. Cf. {Bulge}.] The trunk or stem of a tree, or that which is like it. [1913 Webster] Enormous elm tree… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Bole — Bole, n. [Etym. doubtful.] An aperture, with a wooden shutter, in the wall of a house, for giving, occasionally, air or light; also, a small closet. [Scot.] [1913 Webster] Open the bole wi speed, that I may see if this be the right Lord Geraldin … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English