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  • 1 strain

    I 1. [strein] verb
    1) (to exert oneself or a part of the body to the greatest possible extent: They strained at the door, trying to pull it open; He strained to reach the rope.) leggja sig allan fram, streitast við
    2) (to injure (a muscle etc) through too much use, exertion etc: He has strained a muscle in his leg; You'll strain your eyes by reading in such a poor light.) ofreyna/-gera; togna
    3) (to force or stretch (too far): The constant interruptions were straining his patience.) ganga fram af
    4) (to put (eg a mixture) through a sieve etc in order to separate solid matter from liquid: She strained the coffee.) sía
    2. noun
    1) (force exerted; Can nylon ropes take more strain than the old kind of rope?) álag
    2) ((something, eg too much work etc, that causes) a state of anxiety and fatigue: The strain of nursing her dying husband was too much for her; to suffer from strain.) álag
    3) ((an) injury especially to a muscle caused by too much exertion: muscular strain.) tognun
    4) (too great a demand: These constant delays are a strain on our patience.) álag
    - strainer
    - strain off
    II [strein] noun
    1) (a kind or breed (of animals, plants etc): a new strain of cattle.) afbrigði, kynbættur stofn
    2) (a tendency in a person's character: I'm sure there's a strain of madness in her.) hneigð, tilhneiging
    3) ((often in plural) (the sound of) a tune: I heard the strains of a hymn coming from the church.) ómur, tónar

    English-Icelandic dictionary > strain

  • 2 mass

    I 1. [mæs] noun
    1) (a large lump or quantity, gathered together: a mass of concrete/people.) massi; hrúga; klumpur; fjöldi
    2) (a large quantity: I've masses of work / things to do.) ógrynni
    3) (the bulk, principal part or main body: The mass of people are in favour of peace.) meginhluti
    4) ((a) measure of the quantity of matter in an object: The mass of the rock is 500 kilos.) massi
    2. verb
    (to bring or come together in large numbers or quantities: The troops massed for an attack.) safnast saman
    3. adjective
    (of large quantities or numbers: mass murder; a mass meeting.) fjölda-
    - mass-produce
    - mass-production
    - the mass media
    II [mæs] noun
    1) ((a) celebration, especially in the Roman Catholic church, of Christ's last meal (Last Supper) with his disciples: What time do you go to Mass?) messa
    2) (a setting to music of some of the words used in this service.) messa (tónverk)

    English-Icelandic dictionary > mass

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