1 body capacity
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > body capacity
2 body capacity
1) Биология: объём тела2) Железнодорожный термин: паразитная ёмкость3) Автомобильный термин: вместимость кузова4) Макаров: объём тела (животного) -
3 body capacity
4 body capacity
5 body capacity
6 body capacity
7 capacity
capacity 1. способность; 2. объём, ёмкость; 3. мощность, производительностьcapacity of host bacteria способность бактерий поддерживать размножение фагаabsorbing capacity абсорбционная способность, поглотительная способностьaerobic capacity for work аэробная работа, максимальная аэробная производительностьantigas capacity противогазовая защитная накидкаbiosynthetic capacity биосинтетическая способностьbody capacity объём тела (животного)breathing capacity дыхательная способностьbreeding capacity воспроизводительная способностьcalorific capacity 1. теплотворная способность; 2. теплоёмкостьcarrying capacity 1. переносимый объём (максимальная плотность популяции, которая может длительно поддерживаться саморегуляцией) ; 2. производительность, кормовая продуктивность (напр. фитоценоза)cation-exchange capacity ёмкость катионного обменаcellulose decomposing capacity целлюлозоразлагающая способностьcoding capacity кодирующая емкостьcombing capacity вяжущая способностьdiffusion capacity диффузионная способностьdissolving capacity растворяющая способностьexchange capacity ёмкость обменаfertilizing capacity оплодотворяющая способностьflow capacity пропускная способностьfood capacity кормность (водоёма, пастбища)functional capacity 1. функциональная способность; 2. функциональная ёмкостьgerminating capacity всхожесть (семян)growing capacity энергия ростаheat capacity теплоёмкостьhereditary capacity препотентность (способность к наследственной передаче)holding capacity емкостьholding capacity удерживающая способностьideational capacity этол способность к формированию представленийinductive capacity индукционная способность, способность к индукцииinformation capacity информационная ёмкостьinsect catching capacity уловистость насекомыхloading capacity сорбционная емкостьlung capacity жизненная ёмкость лёгкихmaximal breathing capacity максимальная дыхательная способность, максимальная вентиляцияmeans-end capacity этол способность предвидеть результат действияmental capacity умственная способностьmoisture capacity влагоёмкостьnet capacity 1. полезная ёмкость; 2. полезная производительностьorgan-formation capacity орган-образующая способностьoxygen-binding capacity кислородосвязывающая способность (крови)photosynthetic capacity фотосинтетическая способностьproducing capacity продуктивность, производительная способностьproduction capacity производственная мощностьproductive capacity способность к размножениюreducing capacity восстанавливающая способностьregeneration capacity способность к регенерацииregenerative capacity регенерационная способностьrejuvenation capacity порослевая способностьreproductive capacity воспроизводительная способностьsemen fertilizing capacity оплодотворяющая способность спермыshoot-forming capacity побегопроизводительностьtranspiration capacity транспирационная способностьtRNA acceptro capacity т РНК-акцепторная способностьunsaturated iron-binding capacity остаточная железосвязывающая способностьuptaking capacity усваивающая способность (растений)vital capacity жизненная ёмкость (легких)water capacity влагоёмкость (почвы)work(ing) capacity работоспособностьEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > capacity
8 capacity
1) паспортная мощность; допустимая нагрузка; производительность; выработка3) пропускная способность, расход4) ёмкость (напр. водохранилища, кузова)6) способность•capacity in bales — грузовместимость для киповых, штучных грузов
- capacity of a storage battery - capacity of boiler - capacity of cell - capacity of crane - capacity of driven pile - capacity of floating dock - capacity of heat - capacity of heat transmission - capacity of highway - capacity of reaction - capacity of road - capacity of saturation - capacity of stream - capacity of tyre - capacity of unit - capacity of vehicle - absorbing capacity - absorption capacity - active reservoir capacity - active storage capacity - actual reservoir capacity - adhesive capacity - adsorptive capacity - aggregate capacity - air-conditioner capacity - annual capacity - apparent contaminant capacity - atmospheric moisture capacity - available capacity - basic capacity - bearing capacity of beam - blotting capacity - blower capacity - body capacity - boiler full power capacity - boiler overload capacity - bucket capacity - bunker capacity - burner capacity - burning capacity - carrying capacity - carrying capacity of crane - carrying capacity of pipe - colloidal capacity of bituminous substances - contaminant capacity - continuous capacity - conveyance capacity - conveying capacity - cubic capacity - cutting capacity - cylinder capacity - damage capacity - damping capacity - deformation capacity - delivery capacity - dependable capacity - designed capacity - dipper capacity - discharge capacity - dissolving capacity - driving capacity - earning capacity - effective capacity - elevating capacity - emergency capacity - extra-load bearing capacity - fan capacity - filter capacity - freight capacity - fuel capacity - generator capacity - gross capacity - guaranteed capacity - hauling capacity - heap capacity - heat capacity - heating capacity - high capacity - holding capacity - hourly capacity - hydraulic reservoir charge capacity - idle capacity - inactive storage capacity - infiltration capacity - information capacity - intake capacity - inverted capacity - labour capacity - lateral capacity of pile - lifting capacity of crane - lime-binding capacity - load-carrying capacity - maximum capacity - net capacity - output capacity - overhead door capacity per day - overload capacity - parking capacity - payload capacity - petrol capacity - pigment binding capacity - pile capacity - pipe capacity - posted capacity - productive capacity - pump capacity - pylon capacity - rated capacity - rated crane capacity - rated pumping capacity - refrigerating capacity - reserve capacity - road capacity - runway capacity - sand-carrying capacity of lime - solids take-up capacity - spare capacity - specific capacity - specific heat capacity - strain capacity - subsoil bearing capacity - supporting capacity - tank capacity - tested capacity - total cooling capacity - tractive capacity - traffic capacity - throughput capacity - ultimate capacity - ultimate working capacity - useful capacity - water capacity - wearing capacity - weight-carrying capacity - working capacitycapacity in grane — грузовместимость для насыпных, зерновых грузов
* * *1. производительность2. грузоподъёмность3. вместимость4. мощность5. способность ( материала)6. электрическая ёмкость7. подача (напр. насоса)8. расход, пропускная способность9. объём жидкости в сосуде, заполненном на 75 мм ниже переливного отверстия или верхнего края ( в сантехнике)10. транспортирующая способность ( водного потока при переносе наносов)- capacity of stream
- absolute traffic capacity
- absorbent capacity
- actual capacity
- actual carrying capacity
- adequate load-carrying capacity
- aerodrome handling capacity
- air capacity
- air carrying capacity
- airport capacity
- allowable bearing capacity
- apparent specific heat capacity
- average annual working capacity
- bearing capacity
- boiler capacity
- bucket capacity
- carrying capacity
- carrying capacity of a line
- channel capacity
- cooling capacity
- covering capacity
- damping capacity
- deformation capacity
- dehumidifying capacity
- delivery capacity
- design capacity
- digging capacity of power shovels
- discharge capacity
- dust holding capacity
- energy-absorption capacity
- erecting equipment capacity
- exchange capacity
- exchange capacity of ion exchanger
- fabricating capacity
- fabricating plant capacity
- fan capacity
- field capacity
- filter capacity
- flood absorption capacity
- gate capacity
- gross storage capacity
- hauling capacity
- heat capacity
- heating capacity
- heat storage capacity
- highway traffic capacity
- hoisting capacity
- holding capacity
- hourly capacity
- humidification capacity
- hydroscopic capacity
- idle capacity
- intersection capacity
- inverted capacity
- ion-exchange capacity
- labor capacity
- lane capacity
- lateral capacity of pile
- lifting capacity
- loading capacity
- load capacity
- load-carrying capacity
- moisture capacity
- nominal capacity
- oxidation capacity
- oxygenating capacity
- parking capacity
- pile load capacity
- pile capacity
- pipe capacity
- possible capacity
- posted capacity
- practical runway capacity
- production capacity
- radiating capacity
- rated capacity
- rated capacity of jack
- rated pumping capacity
- refrigerating capacity
- regulating capacity
- regulation carrying capacity
- reservoir capacity
- rotation capacity
- runway capacity
- saturation runway capacity
- seating capacity
- sediment-carrying capacity
- skin resistance capacity
- slewing capacity
- solids take-up capacity
- specific heat capacity
- steam-generating capacity
- storage capacity
- strain capacity
- strength-developing capacity
- subsoil bearing capacity
- suction capacity
- sustaining capacity
- tank capacity
- taxiway capacity
- terminal capacity
- thermal capacity
- thermal capacity of building
- throughput capacity
- total cooling capacity
- total storage capacity
- track capacity
- traffic capacity
- truck capacity
- ultimate bearing capacity
- ultimate carrying capacity of pile
- ultimate point capacity
- ultimate pullout capacity
- ultimate runway capacity
- ultimate static pile point capacity
- useful capacity
- visual airport weather runway departure capacity
- visual airport weather runway capacity
- volumetric heat capacity
- water-carrying capacity
- waterholding capacity
- waterproofing capacity
- water-retaining capacity
- wearing capacity
- wear capacity
- well capacity
- working capacity -
9 capacity
1) способность2) объём, ёмкость3) мощность, производительность•- aerobic capacity for work
- allergenic capacity
- basic capacity
- blotting capacity
- body capacity
- breathing capacity
- breeding capacity
- buffer capacity
- calorific capacity
- capillary moisture capacity
- carrying capacity
- cation-exchange capacity
- cellulose decomposing capacity
- chest capacity
- competitive capacity
- coupling capacity
- daily capacity
- dead-storage capacity
- diffusion capacity
- dissolving capacity
- equilibrium capacity
- evaporating capacity
- exchange capacity
- fertilizing capacity
- filter capacity
- fish capacity
- food capacity
- functional capacity
- functional residual capacity
- germinating capacity
- grazing capacity
- growing capacity
- heat capacity
- hereditary capacity
- ideational capacity
- immunizing capacity
- impregnation capacity
- information capacity
- inspiratory capacity
- keeping capacity
- layering capacity
- lung capacity
- maximal breathing capacity
- means-end capacity
- membrane capacity
- mental capacity
- moisture capacity
- net capacity
- nitrogen-fixing capacity
- oxygen-binding capacity
- producing capacity
- productive capacity
- regenerative capacity
- rejuvenation capacity
- reproductive capacity
- residual lung capacity
- respiratory capacity
- root penetration capacity
- semen fertilizing capacity
- shoot-forming capacity
- soil water capacity
- solvent capacity
- tilling capacity
- timed vital capacity
- total lung capacity
- transpiration capacity
- tRNA acceptor capacity
- unsaturated iron-binding capacity
- uptaking capacity
- vital capacity
- water capacity
- water-absorbing capacity
- work capacity
- working capacity -
10 capacity
1) вместимость; ёмкость2) мощность; производительность3) способность•- actual capacity
- ampere-hour capacity
- battery capacity
- bearing capacity
- body capacity
- braking surface capacity
- bulk capacity
- carrying capacity
- charging capacity
- chassis capacity
- condenser capacity
- cooling system capacity
- cross-country capacity
- cubic capacity
- damping capacity
- energy-dissipation capacity
- engine capacity
- fuel capacity
- haul capacity
- hauling capacity
- heat capacity
- liter capacity
- load capacity
- load-carrying capacity
- nominal capacity
- overload capacity
- payload capacity
- plant capacity
- productive capacity
- pump capacity
- rated capacity
- road capacity
- seating capacity
- specific capacity
- storage capacity
- tank capacity
- thermal capacity
- tire capacity
- towing capacity* * * -
11 capacity
ёмкость; вместимость; вместительность; рабочий объём; производительность; мощность; нагрузка; пропускная способность; расход- capacity indicator - capacity in grain - capacity of accumulator - capacity of body - capacity of heat transmission - capacity of highway - capacity of road - capacity of tyre - capacity of vehicle - capacity operations - capacity plan - capacity rating - work at - bale capacity - cargo capacity - carrying capacity - climbing capacity - cutting capacity - cylinder capacity - dipper capacity - discharge capacity - engine of 300 H.P. capacity - fuel capacity - grain capacity - hauling capacity - lifting capacity - litre capacity - measure of capacity - load capacity - load-carrying capacity - petrol capacity - pump capacity - rated capacity - road capacity - seating capacity - spare capacity - stroke capacity - surplus capacity - tyre capacity - under-employed capacity -
12 capacity
1) способность7) мощность8) выработка, выход продукции11) вчт. (информационная) ёмкость, объём12) вчт. разрядность•-
absorbent capacity
absorbing capacity
accumulator capacity
active storage capacity
adhesive capacity
adsorption capacity
aerodrome handling capacity
air cleaner capacity
air tank capacity
air-cooler capacity
aircraft capacity
ampere-hour capacity
anion-exchange capacity
apparent contaminant capacity
average freight car capacity
bale capacity
bar capacity
barrier layer capacity
base-load generating capacity
basic capacity
battery capacity
battery discharge capacity
bearing capacity
binding capacity
bit capacity
blotting capacity
body cubic capacity
boiler capacity
breaking capacity
brine heat capacity
bucket capacity
bucking shear capacity
buffer capacity
buffer storage capacity
cable off-load breaking capacity
cable-charging breaking capacity
caking capacity
calorific capacity
capacitor capacity
capillary capacity
capillary moisture capacity
carrying capacity
cation-exchange capacity
cellulose-decomposing capacity
cementing capacity
channel capacity
channel-storage capacity
charging capacity
chucking capacity
circuit capacity
climbing capacity
coal-fired generating capacity
coke-burning capacity
coking capacity
cold-storage capacity
combining capacity
compartment capacity
condensing unit capacity
conservation storage capacity
container capacity
contaminant capacity
conveyance capacity
conveyor capacity
cooling capacity
cooling system capacity
cooling-down capacity
correcting capacity
cracking capacity
cross-country capacity
crosscut capacity
crude-charging capacity
crush-loaded capacity
cryosorption capacity
cubic capacity
current-carrying capacity
current capacity
cushioning capacity
cutting capacity
cylinder capacity
daily crude capacity
damping capacity
dead load derrick capacity
deadweight capacity
deck load capacity
delivery capacity
design capacity
dicharge capacity
dipper capacity
dirt-holding capacity
dirt capacity
dischargeable gasholder capacity
display capacity
display character capacity
dissolving capacity
diversion capacity
draft gear capacity
drainage capacity
dry bulk cargo capacity
effective capacity
effective storage capacity
energy capacity
environmental capacity
evaporative capacity
exceed capacity
excess capacity
exchange capacity
exclusive flood-control storage capacity
face capacity
fatigue capacity
field moisture capacity
field producing capacity
film capacity
film loading capacity
film pulling capacity
filter capacity
filtering capacity
firm capacity
flood-control storage capacity
flotation capacity
foaming capacity
forest site capacity
forest capacity
formatted capacity
freezing capacity
fuel capacity
fuel tank capacity
full capacity
furnace capacity
gas capacity
general cargo capacity
generating capacity
grain capacity
gross column capacity
gross margin capacity
hardening capacity
harmonic capacity
hauling capacity
H-cycle capacity
heaped capacity
heat absorption capacity
heat capacity
heat exchange capacity
heat storage capacity
heating capacity
hoisting capacity
hold capacity
holding capacity
hook load capacity
hydropower-plant capacity
idle capacity
inactive storage capacity
induced surcharge storage capacity
inductive capacity
information capacity
input capacity
installed capacity
installed generator capacity
installed nuclear capacity
intake capacity of well
interrupting capacity
ion-exchange capacity
irrigation capacity
joint use storage capacity
lading capacity
latent heat capacity
leak capacity
lifeboat capacity
lift capacity
lifting capacity
limiting cycling capacity
line capacity
line carrying capacity
line off-load breaking capacity
line-charging breaking capacity
liquefaction capacity
liquid capacity
liquid cargo capacity
live storage capacity
load capacity of a lubricant
load drum lifting capacity
load-carrying capacity
lumber load capacity
magnetic capacity
making capacity
marginal load capacity
membrane-exchange capacity
memory capacity
mine capacity
minimum stable capacity
moisture capacity
moisture-holding capacity
music power-handling capacity
nameplate capacity
net capacity
nominal capacity
off-highway truck capacity
oil-refining capacity
open flow capacity
operating capacity
output capacity
overload capacity
paper stock water-retention capacity
passenger capacity
payload capacity
peaking capacity
peak capacity
percolating capacity
pile capacity
pipe capacity
pipeline input capacity
pipeline transmission capacity
plant capacity
potential capacity
power line capacity
power system connected capacity
power system installed capacity
power transmission capacity
primary cell capacity
production capacity
productive capacity
pulp swelling capacity
pump capacity
pumped-storage capacity
pumping capacity
racking capacity
railway tonnage capacity
rain capacity
rated capacity
rated discharge capacity
reclaiming capacity
reducing capacity
refill capacity
refrigerant heat capacity
refrigerated cargo capacity
refrigerating capacity
register capacity
reserve capacity
reservoir fluid capacity
reservoir reserve capacity
resin-exchange capacity
resolving capacity
retired capacity
roadway capacity
road capacity
rope capacity
rotary static load capacity
runway capacity
rupturing capacity
safe load derrick capacity
sealing capacity
seating capacity
secondary side heat capacity
sedimentation capacity
self-hardening capacity
self-purification capacity
sensible refrigerating capacity
service brake capacity
setback capacity
sewing capacity
shaft capacity
shell capacity
shock-absorbing capacity
shoot-forming capacity
short-circuit making capacity
short-time capacity
single chamber capacity
soil intake capacity
spare capacities
specific capacity
specific heat capacity
specific inductive capacity
spool capacity
spreading capacity
standby capacity
static load capacity
station capacity
steam capacity
steelmaking capacity
stockpiling capacity
storage capacity
strain capacity
struck capacity
supporting capacity of film
surcharge storage capacity
surface loading capacity
surplus capacity
swelling capacity
swing capacity
switching capacity
tank capacity
terminal capacity
thermal capacity
thermal storage capacity
throughput capacity
tire capacity
tool storage capacity
torque capacity
torque-carrying capacity
total moisture capacity
total storage capacity
total tankage capacity
track capacity
traffic capacity
traffic-carrying capacity
transmission capacity
transmission line capacity
transportation capacity
treatment capacity
truck capacity
turbine capacity
ultimate bearing capacity
underdeck capacity
unformatted capacity
unit capacity
usable storage capacity
useful capacity
utilized capacity
vacuum-degassing capacity
volumetric capacity
volumetric heat capacity
water absorption capacity
water capacity
water storage capacity
water-holding capacity
watt-hour capacity
wearing capacity
weft insertion capacity
weight-carrying capacity
wing bearing capacity
wiring capacity
word capacity
working capacity
zero-error capacity -
13 body cubic capacity
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > body cubic capacity
14 body cubic capacity
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > body cubic capacity
15 body cubic capacity
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > body cubic capacity
16 body cubic capacity
1) Военный термин: ёмкость кузова2) Автомобильный термин: вместимость кузова -
17 capacity of body
1) Железнодорожный термин: грузоподъёмность2) Автомобильный термин: ёмкость кузова, вместительность кузова3) Горное дело: грузоподъёмность (вагонетки) -
18 capacity of body
19 capacity of body
20 body cubic capacity
См. также в других словарях:
Capacity (law) — The capacity of both natural and artificial persons determines whether they may make binding amendments to their rights, duties and obligations, such as getting married or merging, entering into contracts, making gifts, or writing a valid will.… … Wikipedia
Capacity for heat — Heat Heat (h[=e]t), n. [OE. hete, h[ae]te, AS. h[=ae]tu, h[=ae]to, fr. h[=a]t hot; akin to OHG. heizi heat, Dan. hede, Sw. hetta. See {Hot}.] 1. A force in nature which is recognized in various effects, but especially in the phenomena of fusion… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
body — by Bruce Baugh Body for Deleuze is defined as any whole composed of parts, where these parts stand in some definite relation to one another, and has a capacity for being affected by other bodies. The human body is just one example of such a … The Deleuze dictionary
body — by Bruce Baugh Body for Deleuze is defined as any whole composed of parts, where these parts stand in some definite relation to one another, and has a capacity for being affected by other bodies. The human body is just one example of such a … The Deleuze dictionary
Heat capacity — Thermodynamics … Wikipedia
Specific heat capacity — Specific heat capacity, also known simply as specific heat, is the measure of the heat energy required to increase the temperature of a unit quantity of a substance by a certain temperature interval. The term originated primarily through the work … Wikipedia
Diffusion capacity — Diagnostics MeSH D011653 In biology, diffusion capacity is a measurement of the lung s ability to transfer gases. Oxygen uptake may be limited by diffusion in circumstances of low ambient oxygen or high pul … Wikipedia
Oxygen radical absorbance capacity — (ORAC) is a method of measuring antioxidant capacities in biological samples in vitro.[1][2] A wide variety of foods has been tested using this method, with certain spices, berries and legumes rated highly.[3] There exists no physiological proof… … Wikipedia
human body — Introduction the physical substance of the human organism, composed of living cells and extracellular materials and organized into tissues, organs, and systems. Human anatomy and physiology are treated in many different articles. For… … Universalium
Car body style — articleissues unreferenced = November 2007 original research = November 2007 Cars can come in a large variety of different body styles. Some are still in production, while others are of historical interest only. These styles are largely (though… … Wikipedia
Wide-body aircraft — also are in operation. History (with convert|147|in|m|sing=on fuselage) in the late 1950s, airlines began seeking larger aircraft to meet the rising global demand for air travel. Engineers were faced with many challenges as airlines demanded more … Wikipedia