1 инерционный груз
2 инерционный груз
Русско-английский аэрокосмический словарь > инерционный груз
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4 инерционный груз
Авиация и космонавтика. Русско-английский словарь > инерционный груз
5 грузик
6 противовес
1) General subject: backbalance, balance, balance weight, balance-beam (обыкн. подъёмного моста), balance-weight, counter-weight, counterbalance, counterpoise, counterweight, equipoise, makeweight, offset, pullback weight, set-off2) Geology: donkey3) Aviation: adjust weight, blade counterweight, compensation weight5) Engineering: balance box (крана), balancing weight (антенны), bob, cantledge, counter balancing weight, counter weight, counterpoise earth (антенны), ctwt, ground plane (антенны), kentledge, make-weight, mass balance, rocker (на составной тяге группового привода станков-качалок), setoff, counter jib ballast6) Construction: counterbalance weight, hummer (моста), kent ledge7) Mathematics: equipose8) Railway term: balancing aerial, capacity earth, capacity ground, counter balance, counter-balance weight, counterpoise ground, pull-back weight9) Automobile industry: baby, back balance, flyweight, pull-back weights, weight counterbalance10) Architecture: balance mass11) Mining: back-weight, balance box, barney (тележка с грузом), bulldog (в одностороннем бремсберге), donkey (в бремсберге), tension weight12) Forestry: weight equalizer13) Oil: CB (counterbalance), bob-weight, counterbalance (балансира станка-качалки), damper weight, balance bob, balance box14) Astronautics: dynamic damper15) Mechanics: balancer16) Household appliances: ground screen17) Polymers: poise18) Automation: balancer weight, counterbalanced weight, gravity weight19) Robots: gravity balancer20) General subject: counter balancer21) Makarov: concrete block (консольного моста)22) Building structures: weight kit23) Caspian: ballast -
7 балансир
1) General subject: backbalance, balance (в часовом механизме), balance-beam, balancer, bob, fly, reciprocating level, rocker, walking beam, working beam, swing mass (часов)2) Naval: balance lever, fend-off, outrigger, rocking beam, side lever3) Military: (опорного катка) road arm, rocker beam, support arm, support beam, wheel arm, wheel beam4) Engineering: balance beam (доменной печи), balancing lever, beam, equalizer, hoosier pole (машины для чистки трубопроводов), lever, oscillating lever, reciprocating lever, rocker arm, rocker bar, rocking lever, rocking shaft, sway-beam, walking-beam5) Construction: plumb bob, rocker (шарнирной опорной части)6) Mathematics: balance wheel7) Railway term: compensating beam, cross arm, equalizing lever8) Automobile industry: crossbeam, equalizer beam, equalizing bar, rocking arm, scale beam9) Mining: balance beam (бурового станка), oscillating beam (станка канатно-ударного бурения), walking beam (при ударно-канатном бурении)10) Oil: balance (станка ударно-канатного бурения), balance arm, bob (насоса или двигателя), oscillating beam (установки ударно-канатного бурения), sway beam, walking beam (станка-качалки)11) Astronautics: bob weight, cradle12) Mechanics: equalizer bar13) Drilling: balance beam, balance bob14) Sakhalin energy glossary: walking beam (станка - качалки)16) Makarov: back-balance (кривошипа), balance (летательного аппарата), balance beam (в доменной печи), balance weight (летательного аппарата), bell beam (в доменной печи), cross beam, walking beam (бурового станка), weight equalizer17) oil&gas: balance beam (крана), horse head, horse-head, sucker rod pump horsehead18) Aluminium industry: walking beams (станка-качалки)19) Caspian: level -
8 противотежест
babybalance weightbalance weightsмин.barneybob-weightмин.bulldogcounter weightcounter weightscounterbalancecounterpoisecounterweightcounterweight blockcounterweight blockspoiseweight counterbalanceweight equalizerweight equalizers -
9 грузик
10 грузик
11 грузик
12 противовес
( моста) hummer, equipoise, counterbalance, counterpoise, baby, backbalance, balance, (напр. подъёмного моста) balance-beam, balance-weight, bob-weight, balance box, cantledge, counterweight, flyweight, kentledge, make-weight, balance weight, tension weightРусско-английский словарь по строительству и новым строительным технологиям > противовес
13 топуз
1. (на кантар и пр.) weight2. (боздуган) mace* * *топу̀з,м., -и, (два) топу̀за 1. (на кантар и пр.) weight; poise;2. ( боздуган) mace;3. (на часовник) bob.* * *weight ; tup (тех.)* * *1. (боздуган) mace 2. (на кантар и пр.) weight -
14 kontravekt
subst. counter-weight, bob-weight -
15 балансир весов
1) General subject: beam2) Oilfield: balance bob weight -
16 груз-заполнитель ограничителя свеса
Engineering: droop-stop bob weight (лопасти несущего винта вертолета)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > груз-заполнитель ограничителя свеса
17 грузик ограничителя свеса
Engineering: droop stop bob weight (лопасти несущего винта вертолёта)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > грузик ограничителя свеса
18 противовес
19 противовес
* * *bob-weight, ( балансира станка-качалки) counterbalance, counterweight -
20 грузик ограничителя свеса
( лопасти несущего винта вертолета) droop stop bob weightРусско-английский политехнический словарь > грузик ограничителя свеса
См. также в других словарях:
bob weight — A mechanical weight in the elevator control of some aircraft that applies a nose down force on the elevator control system. Aerodynamic forces produced by the elevator trim tab counteract this force. At lower speeds, the force of the trim tab is… … Aviation dictionary
bob-weight — n. a component used as a counterweight to a moving part in a machine … Useful english dictionary
Bob Greene (fitness guru) — Bob Greene (born December 8, 1958) is an American exercise physiologist and certified personal trainer specializing in fitness, metabolism, and weight loss. Born in Cherry Hill, NJ, he is a graduate of Cherry Hill High School East. [Burkhart,… … Wikipedia
Bob — may refer to:* A diminutive of Robert * Bob (physics), the weight at the end of a pendulum * BOB (band), a UK indie pop band * Bob (song), a song by Weird Al Yankovic from Poodle Hat * Bob , a song by the Red Hot Chili Peppers from the album One… … Wikipedia
Bob Cousy — (left) going after the basketball No. 14, 19 Point guard Personal information Date of birth August … Wikipedia
weight — [n1] heaviness adiposity, avoirdupois, ballast, burden, density, G factor*, gravity, gross, heft, heftiness, load, mass, measurement, net, ponderosity, ponderousness, poundage, pressure, substance, tonnage; concept 795 weight [n2] something used… … New thesaurus
Bob Backlund — Ring name(s) Bob Backlund Mr. Backlund Billed height 6 ft 1 in (1.85 m)[1] … Wikipedia
Bob Orton, Jr. — Bob Orton, Jr. Orton (right) driving Jimmy Snuka (left) into a ringpost. Ring name(s) Bob Orton[1] Bob Orton Jr … Wikipedia
Bob and Mike Bryan — Bob and Mike Bob Mike Highest doubles ranking: 1 (Sep 8, 2003) … Wikipedia
Bob — (b[o^]b), n. [An onomatopoetic word, expressing quick, jerky motion; OE. bob bunch, bobben to strike, mock, deceive. Cf. Prov. Eng. bob, n., a ball, an engine beam, bunch, blast, trick, taunt, scoff; as, a v., to dance, to courtesy, to disappoint … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bob — bob1 [bäb] n. [ME bobbe, hanging cluster; BOB1 senses 6 7, 8, 9, 11 < the v., BOB1 10 < BOBSLED] [Brit. Dial.] 1. [Brit. Dial.] a hanging cluster 2. any knoblike hanging weight or pendant [a plumb bob] … English World dictionary