1 short
[ʃo:t] 1. adjective1) (not long: You look nice with your hair short; Do you think my dress is too short?) kratek2) (not tall; smaller than usual: a short man.) majhen3) (not lasting long; brief: a short film; in a very short time; I've a very short memory for details.) kratek4) (not as much as it should be: When I checked my change, I found it was 20 cents short.) premajhen5) ((with of) not having enough (money etc): Most of us are short of money these days.) ne imeti dovolj6) ((of pastry) made so that it is crisp and crumbles easily.) drobljiv2. adverb1) (suddenly; abruptly: He stopped short when he saw me.) nenadoma2) (not as far as intended: The shot fell short.) prekratek•- shortage
- shorten
- shortening
- shortly
- shorts
- shortbread
- short-change
- short circuit
- shortcoming
- shortcut
- shorthand
- short-handed
- short-list 3. verb(to put on a short-list: We've short-listed three of the twenty applicants.) izbrati- short-range
- short-sighted
- short-sightedly
- short-sightedness
- short-tempered
- short-term
- by a short head
- for short
- go short
- in short
- in short supply
- make short work of
- run short
- short and sweet
- short for
- short of* * *I [šc:t]adjectivekratek, majhen; nizek; prosody nenaglašen; figuratively nezadosten, pičel (zaloga, obrok); prhek, drobljiv, lomljiv, lomen; figuratively nasajen, osoren, zadirčen, kratkih besedi, žaljiv; (o pijači) močan, hudat short range — od blizu, iz bližine, na majhno razdaljo (oddaljenost)little short of 5 dollars — ne polnih ɜ dolarjev, skoraj ɜ dolarjevnothing short of — nič manj kot, skoraja short 10 miles — komaj 10 milj, (na pogled) manj od 10 miljshort bill (paper) loan — kratkoročna menica, posojiloshort of breath — zasopel, nadušljivshort circuit electrical kratek stikshort and sweet — kratek in vsebinsko bogat (npr. govor)short temper — razvnemljivost, nagla jezashort ton — mera za težo (907,20 kg)to be short with s.o. — biti kratkih besedi (osoren) s komto cut (to make) a long story short — na kratko povedati; skrajšati; skratkato come (to fall) short of — ne izpolniti pričakovanj, ne zadovoljiti, razočaratiI am short of money — zmanjkalo mi je denarja, trda mi prede za denarto make short shrift of figuratively napraviti kratek proces zto give short weight — dajati slabo vago, goljufati pri težito take short views — videti le sedanjost, ne videti dalečto be of short breath — biti ob sapo, biti nadušljivII [šɔ:t]adverbna kratko, nenadoma, naenkrat, naglo; neposredno, naravnost, brez ovinkov; nezadostno; osorno; economy brez kritjashort of — razen, z izjemo; skorajto cut s.o. short — prekiniti koga (v govoru)cut it short! — povej na kratko!to sell short — pod ceno prodajati, (borza) prodajati brez kritja, špekulirati na baisseto take s.o. up short — prekiniti kogaIII [šɔ:t]nounkratek (dokumentaren, risan itd.) film; kratek zlog (samoglasnik), kratka oblika; znak za kračino samoglasnika (a); economy deficit, primanjkljaj, manko; electrical kratek stik; plural kratke hlače; plural stranski produktiin short — na kratko, skratka, z eno besedothe long and the short of it is that... — nakratko povedano je stvar ta, da...
См. также в других словарях:
bob weight — A mechanical weight in the elevator control of some aircraft that applies a nose down force on the elevator control system. Aerodynamic forces produced by the elevator trim tab counteract this force. At lower speeds, the force of the trim tab is… … Aviation dictionary
bob-weight — n. a component used as a counterweight to a moving part in a machine … Useful english dictionary
Bob Greene (fitness guru) — Bob Greene (born December 8, 1958) is an American exercise physiologist and certified personal trainer specializing in fitness, metabolism, and weight loss. Born in Cherry Hill, NJ, he is a graduate of Cherry Hill High School East. [Burkhart,… … Wikipedia
Bob — may refer to:* A diminutive of Robert * Bob (physics), the weight at the end of a pendulum * BOB (band), a UK indie pop band * Bob (song), a song by Weird Al Yankovic from Poodle Hat * Bob , a song by the Red Hot Chili Peppers from the album One… … Wikipedia
Bob Cousy — (left) going after the basketball No. 14, 19 Point guard Personal information Date of birth August … Wikipedia
weight — [n1] heaviness adiposity, avoirdupois, ballast, burden, density, G factor*, gravity, gross, heft, heftiness, load, mass, measurement, net, ponderosity, ponderousness, poundage, pressure, substance, tonnage; concept 795 weight [n2] something used… … New thesaurus
Bob Backlund — Ring name(s) Bob Backlund Mr. Backlund Billed height 6 ft 1 in (1.85 m)[1] … Wikipedia
Bob Orton, Jr. — Bob Orton, Jr. Orton (right) driving Jimmy Snuka (left) into a ringpost. Ring name(s) Bob Orton[1] Bob Orton Jr … Wikipedia
Bob and Mike Bryan — Bob and Mike Bob Mike Highest doubles ranking: 1 (Sep 8, 2003) … Wikipedia
Bob — (b[o^]b), n. [An onomatopoetic word, expressing quick, jerky motion; OE. bob bunch, bobben to strike, mock, deceive. Cf. Prov. Eng. bob, n., a ball, an engine beam, bunch, blast, trick, taunt, scoff; as, a v., to dance, to courtesy, to disappoint … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bob — bob1 [bäb] n. [ME bobbe, hanging cluster; BOB1 senses 6 7, 8, 9, 11 < the v., BOB1 10 < BOBSLED] [Brit. Dial.] 1. [Brit. Dial.] a hanging cluster 2. any knoblike hanging weight or pendant [a plumb bob] … English World dictionary