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  • 1 Sail

    P. and V. ἱστίον, τό (generally pl., sing. in Plat., Parm., 131B and C), V. λαῖφος, τό.
    Set sail: P. and V. παίρειν, νγεσθαι, ἐξανγεσθαι, P. ἐπανάγεσθαι, ἀναγωγὴν ποιεῖσθαι, V. ἐξιέναι κλως; see put out.
    Shorten sail: Ar. and V. φεσθαι
    (absol.): see also Furl.
    How I may set a prosperous sail to the sea-girt land of Cyprus: V. ὅπη νεὼς στείλαιμʼ ἂν οὔριον πτερὸν εἰς γῆν ἐναλίαν Κύπρον (Eur., Hel. 147).
    Voyage: P. and V. πλοῦς, ὁ; see Voyage.
    v. trans.
    Sail ( a boat): P. and V. κυβερνᾶν.
    Sail (the sea, etc.): P. and V. πλεῖν (acc.), V. ναυστολεῖν (acc.). V. intrans. P. and V. πλεῖν, ναυτίλλεσθαι (also Plat. but rare P.), Ar. and V. ναυσθλοῦσθαι (also Ar.), ναυστολεῖν.
    ( of a ship): P. πλεῖν, V. τρέχειν.
    Sail fast: P. ταχυναυτεῖν.
    Put to sea: P. and V. νγεσθαι, ἐξανγεσθαι, παίρειν, P. ἐπανάγεσθαι, ἀναγωγὴν ποιεῖσθαι, ἀναπλεῖν; see put out.
    Sail across: Ar. and P. διαπλεῖν (absol. or acc.).
    Sail against: P. ἐπιπλεῖν (dat. or absol.), προσπλεῖν (dat. or absol.).
    Sail along the coast: P. παραπλεῖν (absol.).
    Sail away: Ar. and P. ποπλεῖν, P. and V. ἐκπλεῖν.
    Sail back: P. ἐπαναπλεῖν.
    Sail from: P. and V. παίρειν (πό, gen. or V. also gen. alone).
    Sail home: P. καταπλεῖν.
    Sail in or into: P. and V. εἰσπλεῖν (εἰς, acc. or V. acc. alone or absol.).
    Sail in to attack: P. ἐπεισπλεῖν (absol.).
    Sail in front: P. προπλεῖν (absol.).
    Sail on board: P. ἐπιπλεῖν (ἐπί, gen. or absol.), ἐμπλεῖν (absol.).
    Sail round: Ar. and P. περιπλεῖν (acc. or absol.).
    Sail out: P. and V. ἐκπλεῖν.
    Sail over: P. and V. πλεῖν (acc.), V. ναυστολεῖν (acc.).
    Sail up: P. προσπλεῖν.
    Sail up stream: P. ἀναπλεῖν (Thuc. 1, 104).
    Sail with: P. and V. συμπλεῖν (absol. or dat.), P. συνεκπλεῖν (absol. or dat.).

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Sail

  • 2 score

    [sko:] 1. plurals - scores; noun
    1) (the number of points, goals etc gained in a game, competition etc: The cricket score is 59 for 3.) αποτέλεσμα,βαθμολογία,σκορ
    2) (a written piece of music showing all the parts for instruments and voices: the score of an opera.) παρτιτούρα/μουσική επένδυση
    3) (a set or group of twenty: There was barely a score of people there.) εικοσάδα
    2. verb
    1) (to gain (goals etc) in a game etc: He scored two goals before half-time.) σημειώνω,πετυχαίνω,σκοράρω
    2) ((sometimes with off or out) to remove (eg a name) from eg a list by putting a line through it: Please could you score my name off (the list)?; Is that word meant to be scored out?) διαγράφω
    3) (to keep score: Will you score for us, please?) σημειώνω τη βαθμολογία
    - score-board
    - on that score
    - scores of
    - scores
    - settle old scores

    English-Greek dictionary > score

  • 3 Pick

    See pick-axe.
    Choicest portian: P. also V. ἄνθος, τό, V. λωτίσματα, τά.
    Take one's pick of: V. λωτίζεσθαι (acc.), πολωτίζειν (acc.), ἀκροθινιάζεσθαι (acc.).
    v. trans.
    Gather, call: P. and V. δρέπειν (or mid.) (Plat.).
    Choose, pick out: P. and V. ἐξαιρεῖν (or mid.), αἱρεῖσθαι, ἐκκρνειν, προκρνειν, P. ἐπιλέγεσθαι, V. κρνειν, Ar. and P. πολέγειν (or mid.), ἐκλέγειν (or mid.).
    Pluck (deprive of hair, feathers, etc.): Ar. and V. τίλλειν, Ar. ποτίλλειν.
    Pick a quarrel with: P. and V. εἰς ἔριν φικνεῖσθαι (dat.), V. ἔριν συμβάλλειν (dat.).
    Pick holes in, met.: P. and V. διαβάλλειν (acc.), P. διασύρειν (acc.).
    Pick out: see Pick.
    Diversify: P. and V. ποικίλλειν.
    Pick to pieces: see Tear.
    met., P. διασύρειν.
    Pick up: P. and V. ναιρεῖσθαι, P. ἀναλαμβνειν.
    Take on board: P. ἀναλαμβνειν.
    met., meet with: P. and V. ἐντυγχνειν (dat.); see Meet.
    Resume: P. ἀναλαμβνειν.
    Pick up a living: P. βιοτεύειν, Ar. and P. ζῆν; see make a living under living.
    V. intrans. Get better: P. ἀναλαμβνειν.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Pick

  • 4 card

    1) (thick paper or thin board: shapes cut out from card.) χαρτόνι
    2) ((also playing card) a small piece of such paper etc with designs, used in playing certain games: a pack of cards.) χαρτί, τραπουλόχαρτο
    3) (a similar object used for eg sending greetings, showing membership of an organization, storing information etc: a birthday card; a membership card; a business card.) κάρτα
    - cardboard

    English-Greek dictionary > card

  • 5 carry

    1) (to take from one place etc to another: She carried the child over the river; Flies carry disease.) μεταφέρω
    2) (to go from one place to another: Sound carries better over water.) μεταφέρομαι
    3) (to support: These stone columns carry the weight of the whole building.) φέρω, βαστώ
    4) (to have or hold: This job carries great responsibility.) συνεπάγομαι
    5) (to approve (a bill etc) by a majority of votes: The parliamentary bill was carried by forty-two votes.) εγκρίνω
    6) (to hold (oneself) in a certain way: He carries himself like a soldier.) φέρομαι

    ((slang) a fuss; excited behaviour.) σαχλαμάρισμα, καμώματα

    ((of bags or cases) that passengers can carry with them on board a plane.) (αποσκευές) που μπορώ να έχω μαζί μου κατά την διάρκεια πτήσης

    - carry-cot
    - be/get carried away
    - carry forward
    - carry off
    - carry on
    - carry out
    - carry weight

    English-Greek dictionary > carry

  • 6 dive

    1. verb
    1) (to plunge headfirst into water or down through the air: He dived off a rock into the sea.) βουτώ
    2) (to go quickly and suddenly out of sight: She dived down a back street and into a shop.) εξαφανίζομαι
    2. noun
    (an act of diving: She did a beautiful dive into the deep end of the pool.) βουτιά
    - diving-board
    - great diving beetle

    English-Greek dictionary > dive

  • 7 iron

    1. noun
    1) (( also adjective) (of) an element that is the most common metal, is very hard, and is widely used for making tools etc: Steel is made from iron; The ground is as hard as iron; iron railings; iron determination (= very strong determination).) σίδερο/σιδερένιος
    2) (a flat-bottomed instrument that is heated up and used for smoothing clothes etc: I've burnt a hole in my dress with the iron.) σίδερο
    3) (a type of golf-club.) μπαστούνι του γκολφ
    2. verb
    (to smooth (clothes etc) with an iron: This dress needs to be ironed; I've been ironing all afternoon.) σιδερώνω
    - irons
    - ironing-board
    - ironmonger
    - ironmongery
    - have several
    - too many irons in the fire
    - iron out
    - strike while the iron is hot

    English-Greek dictionary > iron

  • 8 move

    [mu:v] 1. verb
    1) (to (cause to) change position or go from one place to another: He moved his arm; Don't move!; Please move your car.) (μετα)κινώ,-ούμαι
    2) (to change houses: We're moving on Saturday.) μετακομίζω
    3) (to affect the feelings or emotions of: I was deeply moved by the film.) συγκινώ
    2. noun
    1) ((in board games) an act of moving a piece: You can win this game in three moves.) κίνηση
    2) (an act of changing homes: How did your move go?) μετακόμιση
    - moveable
    - movement
    - movie
    - moving
    - movingly
    - get a move on
    - make a move
    - move along
    - move heaven and earth
    - move house
    - move in
    - move off
    - move out
    - move up
    - on the move

    English-Greek dictionary > move

  • 9 sit

    present participle - sitting; verb
    1) (to (cause to) rest on the buttocks; to (cause to) be seated: He likes sitting on the floor; They sat me in the chair and started asking questions.) κάθομαι,καθίζω
    2) (to lie or rest; to have a certain position: The parcel is sitting on the table.) βρίσκομαι
    3) ((with on) to be an official member of (a board, committee etc): He sat on several committees.) συμμετέχω
    4) ((of birds) to perch: An owl was sitting in the tree by the window.) κουρνιάζω
    5) (to undergo (an examination).) συμμετέχω,διαγωνίζομαι
    6) (to take up a position, or act as a model, in order to have one's picture painted or one's photograph taken: She is sitting for a portrait/photograph.) ποζάρω
    7) ((of a committee, parliament etc) to be in session: Parliament sits from now until Christmas.) συνεδριάζω
    - sitting
    - sit-in
    - sitting-room
    - sitting target
    - sitting duck
    - sit back
    - sit down
    - sit out
    - sit tight
    - sit up

    English-Greek dictionary > sit

  • 10 sweep

    [swi:p] 1. past tense, past participle - swept; verb
    1) (to clean (a room etc) using a brush or broom: The room has been swept clean.) σκουπίζω
    2) (to move as though with a brush: She swept the crumbs off the table with her hand; The wave swept him overboard; Don't get swept away by (= become over-enthusiastic about) the idea!; She swept aside my objections.) παρασύρω, σαρώνω
    3) (to move quickly over: The disease/craze is sweeping the country.) διατρέχω
    4) (to move swiftly or in a proud manner: High winds sweep across the desert; She swept into my room without knocking on the door.) κινούμαι ανεμπόδιστος
    2. noun
    1) (an act of sweeping, or process of being swept, with a brush etc: She gave the room a sweep.) σκούπισμα
    2) (a sweeping movement: He indicated the damage with a sweep of his hand.) οριζόντια ημικυκλική κίνηση του χεριού
    3) (a person who cleans chimneys.) καπνοδοχοκαθαριστής
    4) (a sweepstake.) λαχείο του ιπποδρόμου
    - sweeping
    - sweeping-brush
    - at one/a sweep
    - sweep someone off his feet
    - sweep off his feet
    - sweep out
    - sweep the board
    - sweep under the carpet
    - sweep up

    English-Greek dictionary > sweep

См. также в других словарях:

  • board out — transitive verb chiefly Britain : to discharge from the service on medical grounds * * * board out 1. To have one s meals elsewhere than where one lives 2. To place in lodgings • • • Main Entry: ↑board * * * ˌboard ˈout …   Useful english dictionary

  • board out — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms board out : present tense I/you/we/they board out he/she/it boards out present participle boarding out past tense boarded out past participle boarded out British to arrange for a person or animal to stay with… …   English dictionary

  • board out — PHRASAL VERB: usu passive If someone in your care is boarded out, they are sent to stay with someone else. [BRIT] [be V ed P] As a child in the care of a local authority he had been boarded out with a farmer in Shropshire …   English dictionary

  • board out — eat out …   English contemporary dictionary

  • in|board-out|board — «IHN brd OWT brd, bohrd , bohrd», adjective, noun. –adj. of or having to do with an inboard motorboat engine attached to an outboard drive shaft: »a boat with inboard outboard power. –n. an inboard engine with an outboard drive unit; stern drive …   Useful english dictionary

  • in|board-out|drive — «IHN brd OWT dryv, bohrd », adjective, noun. = inboard outboard. (Cf. ↑inboard outboard) …   Useful english dictionary

  • board — /bɔd / (say bawd) noun 1. a piece of timber sawn thin, and of considerable length and breadth compared with the thickness. 2. (plural) Theatre the stage. 3. a. Also, shearing board. in a shearing shed, the clear part of the floor on which the… …  

  • board — board1 W1S1 [bo:d US bo:rd] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(information)¦ 2¦(for putting things on)¦ 3¦(group of people)¦ 4¦(in names)¦ 5¦(in building)¦ 6 on board 7¦(meals)¦ 8 go by the board 9¦(in water sports)¦ 10 across the board …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • board — board1 [ bɔrd ] noun *** ▸ 1 flat piece of wood ▸ 2 for showing information ▸ 3 group that manages something ▸ 4 meals ▸ 5 examinations ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) count a long thin flat piece of wood, used especially for making floors and other parts of… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • board — I UK [bɔː(r)d] / US [bɔrd] noun Word forms board : singular board plural boards *** 1) [countable] a long thin flat piece of wood, used especially for making floors and other parts of buildings There s a loose board in the bedroom floor. Boards… …   English dictionary

  • board — [[t]bɔ͟ː(r)d[/t]] ♦♦ boards, boarding, boarded 1) N COUNT: usu n N A board is a flat, thin, rectangular piece of wood or plastic which is used for a particular purpose. ...a chopping board. 2) N COUNT A board is a square piece of wood or stiff… …   English dictionary

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