1 blue chip investment
2) Банковское дело: первоклассные инвестиции -
2 blue chip investment
3 blue-chip investment
4 blue chip investment
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > blue chip investment
5 blue chip firm
blue chip investmentEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > blue chip firm
6 investment
[ɪnˈvestmənt]attractive investment привлекательные капиталовложения bad investment неудовлетворительное инвестирование blue chip investment инвестиции в виде первоклассных ценных бумаг blue chip investment первоклассные инвестиции budgeted investment бюджетное инвестирование budgeted investment инвестирование из бюджета business investment капиталовложения предприятий capital investment вложения в капитальные активы capital investment вложения в неликвидные ценные бумаги capital investment инвестиции capital investment капиталовложение capital investment капиталовложения capital investment organization инвестиционная организация capital investment project инвестиционный проект capital-intensive investment капиталоемкие инвестиции credit financed bond investment облигационное инвестирование путем кредитного финансирования direct investment прямое инвестирование direct investment прямые капиталовложения domestic business investment инвестирование внутреннего бизнеса environmental investment капиталовложения на охрану окружающей среды equity investment вложения в акции expansive investment расширяющееся инвестирование extensive investment экстенсивные капиталовложения financial investment инвестиции в ценные буммаги fixed investment вложения в основной капитал fixed investment фиксированные капиталовложения foreign investment зарубежные капиталовложения foreign portfolio investment портфель ценных бумаг у иностранных владельцев high-risk investment рискованные вложения в ценные бумаги immovable property investment инвестиции в недвижимое имущество income from investment доход от инвестиций income from investment доход от капиталовложений indirect investment косвеннное инвестирование intensive investment интенсивное инвестирование intensive investment усиленное инвестирование intercompany investment межфирменные капиталовложения investment (капитало)вложение, помещение денег, инвестирование investment вложения в ценные бумаги investment инвестирование investment инвестиции investment инвестиция, вклад investment капиталовложения investment капитальные вложения investment облечение полномочиями, властью investment помещение капитала investment предприятие или бумаги, в которые вложены деньги investment for environmental reasons капиталовложения для защиты окружающей средой investment in breadth горизонтальное инвестирование investment in default инвестирование невыполненных обязательств investment in depth вертикальное инвестирование investment in equipment капиталовложения в оборудование investment in machinery капиталовложения в станки и механизмы investment in movable property капиталовложения в движимое имущество investment in plant капиталовложения в промышленную установку investment in real property инвестиции в недвижимость investment in securities инвестиции в ценные бумаги investment in share ownership вклад в долевую собственность investment of capital капиталовложения investment of capital помещение капитала liquid investment ликвидные инвестиции listed investment инвестиции, котирующиеся на фондовой бирже long-term investment долгосрочные инвестиции media investment ассигнования на средства рекламы net cash investment чистые инвестиции наличными net investment чистые инвестиции nondirect investment косвенное инвестирование nondirect investment непрямое инвестирование outgoing investment исходящие инвестиции outward investment внешние инвестиции paper investment инвестирование путем покупки ценных бумаг portfolio investment инвестиции в ценные бумаги portfolio investment портфельные инвестиции portfolio investment портфельные капиталовложения private fixed investment частные капиталовложения с фиксированным доходом private investment капиталовложения частного сектора productive investment инвестирование производства property investment капиталовложения в недвижимость public sector investment вложения в государственный сектор rationalization investment инвестиции на совершенствование производства real investment капиталовложения в реальный основной капитал replacement investment инвестиции для замещения выбывающего основного капитала replacement investment капиталовложения на модернизацию safe investment безопасное вложение капитала safe investment безопасное инвестирование speculative investment покупка ненадежных ценных бумаг speculative investment покупка рискованных ценных бумаг syndicated investment синдицированные инвестиции trade investment инвестиция, связанная с основной деятельностью компании trade investment торговые инвестиции trustee investment инвестиции по доверенности trustee investment инвестиции трастовой компании unprofitable investment неприбыльное инвестирование unquoted investment приобретение ценных бумаг, не котирующихся на основной бирже -
7 investment
n1) капиталовложение, помещение капитала, инвестирование2) часто pl капиталовложения, инвестиции5) финансовые инструменты (акции, облигации, депозиты), купленные на инвестированные средства
- active investment
- additional investment
- add-on value investment
- agricultural investment
- amenity investment
- anticipated investment
- authorized investment
- autonomous investment
- bank investments
- blue chip investment
- budgetary investment
- business investment
- capital investment
- capital-deepening investments
- capital-productive investment
- cash investment
- closed-out investment
- coerced investment
- collective investment
- community investment
- construction investments
- consumer capital investments
- direct investment
- direct investment in new technology
- direct cash investment
- direct foreign investment
- diversified investment
- domestic investment
- downstream investment
- ecological investment
- economic investment
- environmental investment
- equipment investment
- excessive investments
- equity investments
- financial investment
- fixed investment
- fixed capital investment
- fixed income investment
- fixed interest investment
- fixed yield investment
- forced investment
- foreign investment
- foreign direct investment
- government investments
- greenfield investment
- gross investments
- heavy investment
- high investments
- high-grade investments
- immature investments
- impaired investment
- indirect investment
- induced investment
- industrial investment
- infrastructure investment
- initial investment
- intangible investment
- interest-inelastic investments
- inventory investment
- inward investment
- joint investment
- joint capital investment
- large-scale investment
- legal investment
- liquid investments
- long-dated investment
- long-lived investment
- long-range investment
- long-term investment
- low-risk investments
- mature investments
- media investment
- mortgage investment
- negative investment
- net investments
- new investment
- nonequity direct investment
- off-budget investment
- original investment
- over investment
- overall investment
- overseas investment
- owner's investment
- permanent investment
- personal investment
- planned investments
- portfolio investment
- prime investment
- private investments
- productive investment
- profitable investment
- property investments
- public investments
- real investments
- real estate investment
- remunerative investment
- replacement investment
- residential investment
- risk investments
- safe investment
- safety-stock investment
- secure investment
- short investment
- short-lived investment
- short-range investment
- short-term investment
- short-term income-producing investment
- sound investment
- speculative investment
- state investments
- syndicated investment
- tangible investments
- tax-free investments
- total investments
- trade investments
- trust investment
- trustee investment
- unprofitable investment
- unquoted investments
- unseasoned investments
- investments abroad
- investments in companies
- investments in material assets
- investment in modernizing airport facilities
- investment in the partnership
- investments in production
- investments in a project
- investment in real estate
- investment in research and development
- investment in securities
- investment in upgrading
- investment of capital
- investment of finance
- investment of funds
- investments in hedge funds
- investment of money
- investment without a financial return
- attract investments
- attract foreign investment
- back the investment
- carry out investments
- check investments
- curtail investments
- effect investments
- increase investments
- make investments
- promote investments
- protect investment
- recoup investment
- restrict investments
- self-manage investments
- shrink investmentsEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > investment
8 investment
1) капиталовложения, инвестиции (помещение средств в активы для получения дохода)3) финансовые инструменты (акции, облигации, депозиты), купленные на инвестированные средства•Foreign direct investment surged. — Возрос приток прямых иностранных капиталовложений.
Investment slumped. — Снизился уровень инвестиций.
9 safe investment
фин. надежные [безопасные\] инвестиции [капиталовложения\] (вложение капитала в активы, характеризующиеся низким уровнем риска и высокой ликвидностью; напр., вложения в денежные эквиваленты, "голубые фишки", государственные облигации и т. п.)See:* * * -
10 safe investment
фин. надежные [безопасные] инвестиции [капиталовложения] (вложение капитала в активы, характеризующиеся низким уровнем риска и высокой ликвидностью (напр., в денежные эквиваленты, "голубые фишки", государственные облигации и т. п.))See:cash equivalent, blue chip, risk-free returnThe new English-Russian dictionary of financial markets > safe investment
11 secondary stock
фин., бирж. акция второго порядка*, вторичная акция* (акция, считающаяся менее качественной, чем акция голубой фишки, т. е. акция компании, не являющейся отраслевым лидером и проигрывающей голубым фишкам по инвестиционному качеству, уровню риска, рыночной капитализации и т. п.)Syn:See:
* * *
вторичные акции: сравнительно недорогие акции, выпущенные небольшой компанией; акции компаний с небольшой капитализацией; такие акции обычно считаются более рискованными, чем "голубые фишки"; = second-tier stock; см. blue chip. -
12 secondary stock
фин., бирж. акция второго порядка*, вторичная акция* (акция, считающаяся менее качественной, чем акция голубой фишки, т. е. акция компании, не являющейся отраслевым лидером и проигрывающей голубым фишкам по инвестиционному качеству, уровню риска, рыночной капитализации и т. п.)Syn:See:The new English-Russian dictionary of financial markets > secondary stock
13 stock
1) запас, резерв, фонд2) капитал; амер. акционерный капитал3) амер. акция, акции4) ценные бумаги; облигации5) пай; денежный фонд7) имущество; инвентарь• -
14 company
сущ.1) общ. общество, компания; гость, гостиin company — в обществе, на людях
in company with smb. — в обществе кого-л.
2) общ. собеседник; партнер по общению3) сокр. Coа) эк. компания; фирма; предприятиеcapital goods company — компания, выпускающая средства производства
company under foreign ownership — компания, являющаяся иностранной собственностью
to set up [form, found\] a company — основать [учредить\] компанию
to float a company [to launch\] a company — учредить компанию и выпустить ее акции на рынок
See:advertising company, barter company, bartering company, cargo-handling company, controlling company, controlled company, domestic company, employee leasing company, export management company, export-import company, factor company, factoring company, foreign company, forfaiting company, forwarding company, freight-handling company, global company, holding company, import-export company, international business company, international company, internationally-based company, leasing company, life settlement company, logistics company, multinational company, offshore company, overseas company, parent company, pension company, sister company, subsidiary company, supranational company, title company, title insurance company, transnational company, wholesale company, affiliated company, agent-owned reinsurance company, captive insurance company, allied company, ancillary company, associate company, related company, auxiliary company, benevolent company, bogus company, captive finance company, captive insurance company, charitable company, chartered company, close company, close investment holding company, closed company, closed end management company, closed-end investment company, close-end investment company, closed-end management company, investment company, commercial company, company agreement, company auditor, company bargaining, company bull, company by-law, company car, company card, company doctor, company formation, company indicia, company law, company limited by guarantee, company limited by shares, company man, company name, company officer, company registrar, company secretary, company statute, company tax, company treasurer, company union, company unionism, company-wide, defunct company, dormant company, established company, exempt private company, farming company, formation of company, incorporated company, independent company, intercompany transaction, investment trust company, joint company, joint stock company, limited company, limited liability company, limited purpose trust company, management company, multiplant company, mutual company, nominee company, non-commercial company, non-for-profit company, not-for-profit company, one man company, open-end company, paper company, plan company, private company, private limited company, private limited liability company, proprietary company, public company, public limited company, public limited liability company, public utility company, publicly held company, publicly owned company, publicly traded company, quasi-public company, registered company, registration of company, regulated company, related company, shell company, sleeping company, small business investment company, small company, statutory company, sub-company, trust company, underlying company, unlimited company, blue chip company, company officer 2) African Management Services Companyб) эк., юр., амер. (собирательное понятие, применяемое, как правило, к формам организации бизнеса, имеющим в основе своей деятельности объединение капиталов: корпорации, товариществу и т. п.; не применяется по отношению к такой форме, как индивидуальное предпринимательство)Syn:See:в) эк., юр., брит. = corporation 2) б),г) ист. (те члены коммерческой организации, чьи фамилии не упоминаются в названии)See:4) общ., разг., амер. контора*, органы* (Центральное разведывательное управление США, ЦРУ; с определенным артиклем, с прописной буквы)See:5) эк. тр. гильдия (организация, действующая в Лондонском Сити, занимающаяся в основном благотворительной деятельностью и образовавшаяся из средневековых профессиональных объединений)6) мор. экипаж, команда7) воен. воинская единица; батальон, рота ( пехотные), батарея ( артиллерийская), эскадрон ( кавалерийский)See:
* * *
company (Co; Coy) компания: юридическое лицо, представляющее собой ассоциацию вкладчиков капитала (акционеров) для осуществления той или иной деятельности (товарищество, акционерная компания); = corporation 2.* * *компания, акционерное общество, фирма. . Словарь экономических терминов .* * *корпоративное предприятие, которое является юридическим лицом, в отличие от его участников; компания оперирует как самостоятельная единица, успеха которой добиваются все ее члены -
15 stock
n1) запас, резерв, фонд2) ассортимент (товаров)3) инвентарь, имущество4) сырье5) капитал; акционерный капитал6) амер. акция, акции7) ценные бумаги; облигации8) пай; денежный фонд9) оборотный капитал торговой фирмы 10. парк (автомобилей, вагонов)
- accounting stock
- accumulated stocks
- accumulative stocks
- active stock
- adjustable rate preferred stock
- air pocket stock
- assented stock
- authorized stock
- authorized capital stock
- bank stock
- barometer stock
- basic stock
- bearer stock
- bellweather stocks
- below par stock
- blue chip stock
- bonification stock
- bonus stock
- buffer stock
- cabinet stock
- callable preferred stock
- capital stock
- carry-over stocks
- cash stock
- certificated stocks
- certified stocks
- classified stocks
- closed stock
- closing stock
- commodity stocks
- common stock
- consignment stock
- consolidated stocks
- consumable stock
- consumed stock
- contingency stock
- control stock
- conversion stocks
- convertible stocks
- convertible loan stocks
- corporation stock
- credit stock
- cumulative stock
- cumulative preferred stock
- curb stock
- cushion stock
- cyclical stocks
- dated stock
- dead stock
- debenture stock
- defensive stock
- deferred stock
- deliverable stocks
- diluted stock
- distributed stocks
- distributing stock
- distribution stock
- dividend-paying stock
- dollar stock
- donated stock
- emergency stock
- equity stock
- excess stock
- excessive stock
- exhausted stock
- existing stocks
- extra stock
- factory stock
- fancy stocks
- farm stock
- feed stock
- final stock
- finished stock
- firm stock
- fixed capital stock
- floating stock
- fluctuation stock
- food stocks
- foreign stock
- founders' stock
- free stock
- fully paid-up stock
- general stock
- gilt-edged stock
- glamour stock
- go-go stock
- gold stock
- gold reserve stock
- government stocks
- gross stock
- growth stock
- guaranteed stock
- half stock
- hauling stock
- heavy stock
- high-flying stocks
- high technology stocks
- high-yielding stocks
- hot stocks
- inactive stock
- incoming stocks
- industrial stock
- initial stock
- inscribed stock
- insurance companies' stock
- intangible capital stock
- international stocks
- interprocess stock
- investment stock
- irredeemable stock
- issued stock
- joint stock
- junior stock
- landed stocks
- large stock
- legended stock
- letter stock
- leveraged stock
- limited-life preferred stock
- listed stock
- loan stock
- loaned stock
- long stock
- low stocks
- low-par stock
- major stocks
- management stock
- mining stock
- model stock
- monetary stock
- money stock
- municipal stock
- national stocks
- nationalization stock
- newly created stock
- newly issued stock
- nonassented stock
- nonclearing-house stock
- noncumulative stock
- noncumulative preferred stock
- nondistributed stocks
- nonparticipating preferred stock
- nonvoting stock
- no-par stock
- no-par value stock
- old stocks
- open stock
- opening stock
- option stocks
- ordinary stock
- original stock
- outstanding stock
- over-norm stocks
- over-the-counter stock
- paid-up stock
- participating preferred stock
- partly paid stock
- part-paid stock
- par-value stock
- penny stock
- performance stock
- permanent stock
- physical stock
- planned stock
- pool stock
- potential stock
- preference stock
- preferred stock
- preferred ordinary stock
- preferred redeemable stock
- prior preferred stock
- privatization stock
- promoters' protection stock
- protective stock
- public stocks
- quarter stock
- railroad stock
- registered stock
- remaining stocks
- remnant stock
- reserve stock
- residual stock
- residue stock
- restricted stock
- retailers' stock
- rolling stock
- safety stock
- security stocks
- select blue chip stocks
- semiprocessed stock
- shelf stocks
- silver stock
- slow-moving stock
- small stocks
- speculative stock
- standard stocks
- standard inventory stock
- stapled stock
- strategic stock
- street-name stock
- subscribed capital stock
- substantial stocks
- surplus stock
- take-over stock
- tangible capital stock
- tap stocks
- total stock
- trading stock
- transferable stock
- transit stock
- Treasury stocks
- treasury stock
- trust stocks
- uncertified stock
- undated stocks
- underlying stock
- underpriced privatization stock
- undervalued stock
- unissued stock
- unlisted stock
- unregistered stock
- unregulated stock
- unsalable stock
- unsecured stock
- unsecured loan stock
- unvalued stock
- value stocks
- vast stocks
- volatile stock
- voting stock
- watered stock
- working stock
- world food stock
- stock in the bank
- stocks in the till
- stock in transit
- stock of bills of exchange
- stock of capital goods
- stock of commodities
- stock of equipment
- stock of gold
- stock of goods
- stock of material
- stock of merchandise
- stock of orders
- stock of products
- stock of raw materials
- stock of spare parts
- stock of tangible assets
- stock of wealth
- stock on hand
- stock on order
- stocks with an arbitrary low value
- stocks with low multiples
- from stock
- absorb stocks
- acquire stock
- accumulate stocks
- alienate stocks
- allot stocks
- bear the stocks
- be in stock
- be long of stock
- be out of stock
- bond a stock
- breed stock
- build up stocks
- carry in stock
- clear the stocks
- deplete stocks
- dispose of stocks
- draw on stocks
- float stocks
- have stocks
- have in stock
- hold a stock
- hold in stock
- increase the capital stock
- issue stocks
- keep a stock
- keep goods in stock
- keep stocks in trust
- lay in stock
- order from stock
- pay off stocks
- raise stock
- recall stocks
- renew stocks
- replenish stocks
- run down stocks
- sell from stock
- speculate in stocks and shares
- split stocks
- subscribe for stocks
- supply from stock
- surrender the stocks
- take stock
- take in stock
- tout the stock
- trade stocks
- water down the stock
- withdraw stocks -
16 company
компания; общество; фирма; предприятие•- place the company on "creditwatch" -
17 security
18 stock
19 company
nкомпания; общество; фирма; предприятие
- affiliated company
- ailing company
- air company
- airline company
- alien company
- allied company
- appraisal company
- associated company
- assurance company
- bank holding company
- bloated company
- blue-chip company
- bogus company
- broker company
- bubble company
- building company
- cable company
- car rental company
- carrying company
- chartered company
- closed company
- closed-end company
- closed-end investment company
- commercial company
- commercial credit company
- commission company
- competitive company
- consulting company
- consumer finance company
- consumer-goods company
- controlled company
- controlling company
- credit card company
- customer-centric company
- daughter company
- dealer company
- defunct company
- designing company
- development company
- distributing company
- diversified company
- domestic company
- domestic road haulage company
- dormant company
- emerging company
- engineering company
- export company
- factoring company
- farming company
- finance company
- financially-troubled company
- financing company
- foreign company
- foreign trade company
- forwarding company
- front company
- general marketing company
- general trade company
- hire-purchase company
- holding company
- home company
- immediate holding company
- incorporated company
- independent appraisal company
- industrial company
- inland navigation company
- installment credit company
- insurance company
- international company
- investment company
- issuing company
- joint-stock company
- large company
- leading company
- leased company
- leasing company
- life assurance company
- life insurance company
- limited-liability company
- liner company
- listed company
- loss-making company
- low-liquid company
- mail-order company
- major company
- management company
- managing company
- manufacturing company
- marketing company
- medium-sized company
- mixed company
- mobile radiotelephone company
- mortgage company
- multi-industry company
- multinational company
- mutual insurance company
- national company
- nationalized company
- navigation company
- nominee company
- nonoperating company
- nonprofit-making company
- nonresident company
- ocean company
- offshore company
- oil company
- one-man company
- open-end company
- open-end investment company
- operating company
- overseas company
- packaging company
- packing company
- paging company
- parent company
- personal loan company
- predecessor company
- private company
- private limited company
- privatized company
- processing company
- producer company
- product company
- property company
- proprietary company
- public company
- public limited company
- public utility company
- purchasing company
- quoted company
- railway company
- real estate company
- realty company
- registered company
- reinsurance company
- rival company
- sales company
- sales finance company
- salvage company
- securities company
- separate company
- service company
- shell company
- shipping company
- short-line company
- sister company
- specialized company
- state company
- statutory company
- steamship company
- stevedoring company
- stock company
- subsidiary company
- sub-subsidiary company
- supplier company
- surety company
- target company
- trade company
- trading company
- transparent company
- transport company
- troubled company
- trucking company
- trust company
- trust and mortgage loan company
- turnaround company
- unlimited company
- unregistered company
- venture capital company
- vendor company
- warehouse company
- well-established company
- wild cat company
- absorb a company
- close down a company
- constitute a company
- create a company
- dissolve a company
- establish a company
- float a company
- form a company
- keep a company afloat
- liquidate a company
- promote a company
- register a company
- represent a company
- run a company
- sell out a company
- set up a company
- start a company
- tout a company
- turn around a company
- wind up a company
- wipe out a companyEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > company
20 firm
- accountancy firm
- accounting firm
- accredited brokerage firm
- affiliated firm
- agency firm
- auditing firm
- auditor firm
- banking firm
- bankrupt firm
- blue chip firm
- broker's firm
- brokerage firm
- business firm
- civil engineering firm
- commercial firm
- competing firm
- competitive firm
- competitor firm
- consultancy firm
- consultation firm
- consulting firm
- consulting engineering firm
- contracting firm
- correspondent firm
- dealer firm
- distressed firm
- engineering firm
- entrant firm
- executive search firm
- exempted firm
- export firm
- financial firm
- financially troubled firm
- foreign firm
- forwarding firm
- incorporated firm
- individual firm
- industrial firm
- investment firm
- investment advisory firm
- investment banking firm
- joint firm
- joint commercial firm
- large firm
- law firm
- leading firm
- local firm
- long firm
- loss-making firm
- mail order firm
- major firm
- marketing firm
- member firm
- moderate-sized firm
- nonmember firm
- offshore firm
- outside firm
- over-leveraged firm
- participating firm
- patent law firm
- principal firm
- private firm
- prosperous firm
- public accounting firm
- purchasing firm
- renowned firm
- reputable firm
- retail firm
- rival firm
- search firm
- small firm
- solvent firm
- specialized firm
- start-up firm
- state firm
- state-owned firm
- stockbroker firm
- subsidiary firm
- target firm
- trade firm
- trading firm
- turnaround firm
- universal firm
- wholesale firm
- close down a firm
- cooperate with a firm
- direct a firm
- dissolve a firm
- establish a firm
- found a firm
- handle a firm
- keep a firm afloat
- liquidate a firm
- manage a firm
- operate a firm
- register a firm
- represent a firm
- run a firm
- set up a firm
- turn around a firm
- wind up a firm
- wipe out a firm
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
blue chip investment — Highest quality stock or bond of company with long record of profit growth, minimum risk and satisfactory income or yield; commonly required by trust managers … Black's law dictionary
blue chip investment — Highest quality stock or bond of company with long record of profit growth, minimum risk and satisfactory income or yield; commonly required by trust managers … Black's law dictionary
Blue Chip Cookies — is a chain of bakeries with headquarters in Loveland, Ohio, and dozens of locations, mostly in the Midwestern United States. Founded in 1983 by Lori Nader, Blue Chip Cookies specializes in cookies and claims to be one of the first bakeries to… … Wikipedia
blue-chip — adjective extremely valuable Rembrandt is considered a blue chip artist • Similar to: ↑valuable * * * ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ adjective Etymology: blue chip 1. : of or relating to a blue chip with the … Useful english dictionary
Blue Chip Stamps — started as a trading stamps company called Blue Chip Stamp Co. In 1963, the United States government began an antitrust action against Blue Chip Stamp. In 1967, the parties agreed to a consent decree which led to the creation of a new company… … Wikipedia
blue chip — n: a stock issue of high investment quality that usu. pertains to a substantial well established company and enjoys public confidence in its worth and stability blue–chip adj Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
blue chip — blue ,chip noun count a company or INVESTMENT that makes a lot of money and is safe to invest in ╾ blue ,chip adjective: blue chip company stocks … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
blue chip — blue′ chip n. 1) gam a blue colored chip of high value, used esp. in poker 2) bus a common stock issued by a major company with a reputation for stability and financial strength and a good record of dividend payments: regarded as a low risk… … From formal English to slang
blue chip — blue chips N COUNT: oft N n Blue chip stocks and shares are an investment which are considered fairly safe to invest in while also being profitable. Blue chip issues were sharply higher, but the rest of the market actually declined slightly by… … English dictionary
blue chip — (adj.) also blue chip, in reference to the high value poker counter, from 1904 in the figurative sense of valuable; stock exchange sense, in reference to shares considered a reliable investment, is first recorded 1929; especially of stocks that… … Etymology dictionary
blue-chip — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ denoting companies or their shares considered to be a reliable investment. ORIGIN from the blue chip used in gambling games, which usually has a high value … English terms dictionary