Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 blow-off

    [bl'ou ɔf] n 1 saída, escape. 2 purgação (de caldeira).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > blow-off

  • 2 blow-off valve

    blow-off valve
    válvula de purga.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > blow-off valve

  • 3 blow-off valve

    válvula de segurança

    English-Portuguese dictionary of military terminology > blow-off valve

  • 4 to blow off steam

    to blow off steam
    descarregar, desabafar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to blow off steam

  • 5 blow

    I [bləu] noun
    1) (a stroke or knock: a blow on the head.) pancada
    2) (a sudden misfortune: Her husband's death was a real blow.) golpe
    II [bləu] past tense - blew; verb
    1) ((of a current of air) to be moving: The wind blew more strongly.) soprar
    2) ((of eg wind) to cause (something) to move in a given way: The explosion blew off the lid.) fazer voar
    3) (to be moved by the wind etc: The door must have blown shut.) ser soprado
    4) (to drive air (upon or into): Please blow into this tube!) soprar
    5) (to make a sound by means of (a musical instrument etc): He blew the horn loudly.) fazer soar
    - blow-lamp
    - blow-torch
    - blowout
    - blowpipe
    - blow one's top
    - blow out
    - blow over
    - blow up
    * * *
    [blou] n 1 soco, golpe, pancada. 2 calamidade súbita, desgraça repentina, desastre. 3 ataque repentino, assalto, golpe de mão. he struck a blow for me ele me ajudou. they came to blows eles chegaram às vias de fato. with (or at) one blow, with (or at) a single blow com um só golpe, de uma só vez. without striking a blow sem luta.
    [blou] n 1 sopro, assopradela. 2 rajada de vento, ventania. 3 bazófia, fanfarronada. 4 queima de fusível. • vt+vi (ps blew, pp blown) 1 soprar, assoprar. 2 ventar, mover em corrente, mover rapidamente. 3 ser impelido pelo vento. 4 forçar corrente de ar em ou através de, ventilar. 5 soprar, fazer soar (instrumento de sopro). 6 enfatuar-se. 7 encher de ar. 8 dinamitar, rebentar, estourar. 9 sl amaldiçoar. 10 bufar, ofegar, exalar com força. 11 coll contar vantagem, gabar-se. 12 esbanjar dinheiro. 13 fundir, queimar (fusível). 14 difundir, espalhar, revelar. 15 sl sair, partir. to blow down derrubar (pelo vento). to blow in/ into a) chegar inesperadamente. he blew into town / ele chegou inesperadamente na cidade. b) começar a produzir (poço de petróleo). to blow off steam descarregar, desabafar. to blow one’s nose assoar o nariz. to blow one’s own trumpet elogiar a si mesmo. to blow out a) estourar (pneu). b) extinguir, apagar. c) parar de funcionar (máquina elétrica). d) estourar pela força do ar. the explosion blew the windows out / a explosão estourou as janelas. to blow over parar, cessar (tempo ruim). the storm blew over / a tempestade parou. to blow someone a kiss atirar um beijo a alguém. to blow up a) explodir, dinamitar. b) ser destruído por explosão. c) ampliar (fotografia). d) ficar irritado. e) começar, chegar (tempo ruim). there is a storm blowing up / está ameaçando uma tempestade.
    [blou] n florescência. • vi florir, florescer.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > blow

  • 6 blow

    I [bləu] noun
    1) (a stroke or knock: a blow on the head.) pancada
    2) (a sudden misfortune: Her husband's death was a real blow.) golpe
    II [bləu] past tense - blew; verb
    1) ((of a current of air) to be moving: The wind blew more strongly.) sopra
    2) ((of eg wind) to cause (something) to move in a given way: The explosion blew off the lid.) fazer voar
    3) (to be moved by the wind etc: The door must have blown shut.) ser soprado
    4) (to drive air (upon or into): Please blow into this tube!) soprar
    5) (to make a sound by means of (a musical instrument etc): He blew the horn loudly.) soprar
    - blow-lamp - blow-torch - blowout - blowpipe - blow one's top - blow out - blow over - blow up

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > blow

  • 7 blow-lamp

    noun (a lamp for aiming a very hot flame at a particular spot: The painter burned off the old paint with a blow-lamp.) maçarico

    English-Portuguese dictionary > blow-lamp

  • 8 blow-torch

    noun (a lamp for aiming a very hot flame at a particular spot: The painter burned off the old paint with a blow-lamp.) maçarico

    English-Portuguese dictionary > blow-torch

  • 9 blow-lamp

    noun (a lamp for aiming a very hot flame at a particular spot: The painter burned off the old paint with a blow-lamp.) maçarico

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > blow-lamp

  • 10 blow-torch

    noun (a lamp for aiming a very hot flame at a particular spot: The painter burned off the old paint with a blow-lamp.) maçarico

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > blow-torch

  • 11 to fend off a blow

    to fend off a blow
    aparar um golpe.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to fend off a blow

  • 12 valve

    1) (a device for allowing a liquid or gas to pass through an opening in one direction only.) válvula
    2) (a structure with the same effect in an animal body: Valves in the heart control the flow of blood in the human body.) válvula
    3) (a type of electronic component found in many, especially older, types of television, radio etc.) válvula
    * * *
    [vælv] n 1 Anat, Electr, Mech, Tech válvula. 2 Zool, Bot valva. 3 dispositivo para regular o tom (em instrumento de sopro). • vt+vi controlar o fluxo (líquido, gás) por meio de uma válvula. adjustable valve válvula regulável. admission valve válvula de admissão. blow-off valve válvula de purga. by-pass valve válvula de passagem. delivery valve válvula de recalque. discharge valve válvula de emissão. draining valve válvula de descarga. inlet valve válvula de admissão. non-return valve válvula de retenção. piston valve válvula de êmbolo. safety valve válvula de segurança. slide valve válvula corrediça. stop valve válvula de vedação.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > valve

  • 13 strike

    1. past tense - struck; verb
    1) (to hit, knock or give a blow to: He struck me in the face with his fist; Why did you strike him?; The stone struck me a blow on the side of the head; His head struck the table as he fell; The tower of the church was struck by lightning.) atingir
    2) (to attack: The enemy troops struck at dawn; We must prevent the disease striking again.) atacar
    3) (to produce (sparks or a flame) by rubbing: He struck a match/light; He struck sparks from the stone with his knife.) riscar
    4) ((of workers) to stop work as a protest, or in order to force employers to give better pay: The men decided to strike for higher wages.) fazer greve
    5) (to discover or find: After months of prospecting they finally struck gold/oil; If we walk in this direction we may strike the right path.) encontrar
    6) (to (make something) sound: He struck a note on the piano/violin; The clock struck twelve.) dar
    7) (to impress, or give a particular impression to (a person): I was struck by the resemblance between the two men; How does the plan strike you?; It / The thought struck me that she had come to borrow money.) impressionar
    8) (to mint or manufacture (a coin, medal etc).) cunhar
    9) (to go in a certain direction: He left the path and struck (off) across the fields.) seguir por
    10) (to lower or take down (tents, flags etc).) desmontar
    2. noun
    1) (an act of striking: a miners' strike.) greve
    2) (a discovery of oil, gold etc: He made a lucky strike.) achado
    - striking
    - strikingly
    - be out on strike
    - be on strike
    - call a strike
    - come out on strike
    - come
    - be within striking distance of
    - strike at
    - strike an attitude/pose
    - strike a balance
    - strike a bargain/agreement
    - strike a blow for
    - strike down
    - strike dumb
    - strike fear/terror into
    - strike home
    - strike it rich
    - strike lucky
    - strike out
    - strike up
    * * *
    [straik] n 1 greve. 2 golpe. 3 ato de derrubar todos os pinos no jogo de boliche, pontos feitos assim. 4 ataque, investida. 5 beliscada (de peixe no anzol). 6 descoberta de petróleo, ouro, etc. 7 sucesso, êxito, achado feliz. 8 Min direção do filão. • vt (ps struck, pp struck, stricken) 1 bater, malhar, golpear. I was struck by his reply / fui tomado de surpresa pela sua resposta. 2 dar, infligir, arremessar, desferir, lançar. 3 estampar, imprimir, cunhar. 4 acender (fósforo), ferir fogo. 5 atingir, colidir, cair (raio), incidir (luz). 6 abalroar, colidir, dar de encontro, chocar-se, encalhar. 7 impressionar. 8 tocar, bater, soar, bater as horas. 9 estarrecer, fulminar, impressionar, assustar. 10 afetar, tocar, afligir, atacar, surpreender. 11 atacar, assaltar. 12 acontecer, ocorrer, suceder. 13 descobrir, encontrar (petróleo, ouro, etc.). 14 surgir, aparecer, vir de repente, encontrar inesperadamente. the thought struck him / ocorreu-lhe a idéia. 15 fazer greve. 16 riscar, apagar, cancelar. 17 tirar, tomar (com um golpe). 18 andar rapidamente. 19 assumir (atitude). he strikes an attitude / ele assume uma pose teatral. 20 enraizar, aprofundar, afundar, criar raízes. 21 determinar, calcular. 22 fazer, decidir, entrar em (acordo), concordar. 23 abaixar, arriar (velas). 24 raspar, alisar, deixar plano, tirar o excesso de uma medida. 25 pegar o anzol, morder a isca, fisgar. 26 desbotar, apagar-se. 27 arriar bandeiras, render-se. 28 tomar (caminho ou direção). 29 chamar a atenção, dar na vista. 30 estender, alisar. 31 enveredar. 32 tirar (linha). 33 rufar (tambores). 34 tocar (uma corda em instrumento musical). 35 levantar (acampamento). 36 cravar, meter, enfiar. 37 avançar, seguir. 38 lançar-se, disparar, avançar com rapidez. strike the iron while it is hot / malhe o ferro enquanto está quente (faça isso agora e não deixe para mais tarde). he’s struck on her ele está louco (apaixonado) por ela. it strikes me as strange that... parece-me esquisito que... strike me dead! Deus me castigue! that struck home! este golpe acertou, fig isto deu resultado. this strikes my fancy isto me agrada. to go on strike entrar em greve. to strike a balance chegar a um acordo, encontrar um ponto de equilíbrio. to strike a bargain fechar um negócio. to strike a blow at dar um soco ou golpe em. to strike a chord parecer familiar, fazer lembrar alguma coisa. to strike a dividend distribuir dividendo. to strike against bater contra, lutar contra, defender-se contra. to strike an average tirar ou calcular a média. to strike at someone bater em alguém, levantar a mão contra alguém. to strike back revidar. to strike blind cegar. to strike camp levantar acampamento. to strike dead matar. to strike down derrubar, derrubar no chão, abater. to strike dumb fazer calar, deixar bobo. to strike hands ( with) chegar a um acordo (com). to strike it rich tirar a sorte grande, enriquecer rapidamente. to strike in interromper. to strike into entrar em. to strike off a) cortar. b) copiar, imprimir. to strike oil ter sucesso, ter êxito. to strike on a) agir sobre, incidir sobre (luz), cair sobre. b) descobrir algo, ter uma idéia. to strike out a) riscar, apagar, cancelar. b) nadar ativamente (em direção a alguma coisa). c) golpear. to strike out on one’s own tomar seu rumo próprio. to strike someone with fear encher alguém de medo. to strike the eye dar na vista, chamar a atenção. to strike through remover, cancelar (algo escrito). to strike up a) Mus começar a tocar. b) iniciar (relacionamento, conversa, etc.). to strike upon incidir sobre, cair sobre, encontrar, bater contra. well stricken in years de idade avançada.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > strike

  • 14 strike

    1. past tense - struck; verb
    1) (to hit, knock or give a blow to: He struck me in the face with his fist; Why did you strike him?; The stone struck me a blow on the side of the head; His head struck the table as he fell; The tower of the church was struck by lightning.) bater
    2) (to attack: The enemy troops struck at dawn; We must prevent the disease striking again.) atacar
    3) (to produce (sparks or a flame) by rubbing: He struck a match/light; He struck sparks from the stone with his knife.) riscar
    4) ((of workers) to stop work as a protest, or in order to force employers to give better pay: The men decided to strike for higher wages.) fazer greve
    5) (to discover or find: After months of prospecting they finally struck gold/oil; If we walk in this direction we may strike the right path.) encontrar
    6) (to (make something) sound: He struck a note on the piano/violin; The clock struck twelve.) soar, tocar
    7) (to impress, or give a particular impression to (a person): I was struck by the resemblance between the two men; How does the plan strike you?; It / The thought struck me that she had come to borrow money.) ocorrer
    8) (to mint or manufacture (a coin, medal etc).) cunhar
    9) (to go in a certain direction: He left the path and struck (off) across the fields.) seguir
    10) (to lower or take down (tents, flags etc).) baixar, desmontar
    2. noun
    1) (an act of striking: a miners' strike.) greve
    2) (a discovery of oil, gold etc: He made a lucky strike.) descoberta, achado
    - striking - strikingly - be out on strike - be on strike - call a strike - come out on strike - come - be within striking distance of - strike at - strike an attitude/pose - strike a balance - strike a bargain/agreement - strike a blow for - strike down - strike dumb - strike fear/terror into - strike home - strike it rich - strike lucky - strike out - strike up

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > strike

  • 15 bang

    [bæŋ] 1. noun
    1) (a sudden loud noise: The door shut with a bang.) estoiro
    2) (a blow or knock: a bang on the head from a falling branch.) pancada
    2. verb
    1) (to close with a sudden loud noise: He banged the door.) bater
    2) (to hit or strike violently, often making a loud noise: The child banged his drum; He banged the book down angrily on the table.) martelar
    3) (to make a sudden loud noise: We could hear the fireworks banging in the distance.) estoirar
    * * *
    [bæŋ] n 1 pancada, estrondo, estrépito. it went off with a bang / explodiu com um estrondo. 2 golpe violento e barulhento. 3 ímpeto, vigor. 4 coll pontapé. 5 franja de cabelo. 6 bangs cabelo cortado para cair como franja sobre a testa. • vt 1 fazer estrondo, bater, martelar. 2 golpear, bater com violência e ruído. 3 bater a porta, fechar ruidosamente. he banged the door / ele bateu a porta. 4 manejar rudemente. 5 cortar reto. 6 sovar, esmurrar. 7 sobrepujar, vencer. 8 aparar cabelos da testa de animal. 9 estrondear, estridular. 10 sl praticar sexo. • adv coll bem, exatamente, diretamente. bang in the middle of the performance bem no meio da apresentação. • interj bumba! to bang away coll trabalhar com determinação. to bang off pipocar. to bang out sair às carreiras. to bang up coll a) estragar algo, machucar-se, causar dano físico. b) aprisionar, colocar na prisão. to get a bang out of movies divertir-se muito com cinema. to go off with a bang ter sucesso, ser bem-sucedido.
    [bæŋ] n = link=bhang bhang.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > bang

  • 16 hit

    [hit] 1. present participle - hitting; verb
    1) (to (cause or allow to) come into hard contact with: The ball hit him on the head; He hit his head on/against a low branch; The car hit a lamp-post; He hit me on the head with a bottle; He was hit by a bullet; That boxer can certainly hit hard!) bater
    2) (to make hard contact with (something), and force or cause it to move in some direction: The batsman hit the ball (over the wall).) bater
    3) (to cause to suffer: The farmers were badly hit by the lack of rain; Her husband's death hit her hard.) atingir
    4) (to find; to succeed in reaching: His second arrow hit the bull's-eye; Take the path across the fields and you'll hit the road; She used to be a famous soprano but she cannot hit the high notes now.) alcançar
    2. noun
    1) (the act of hitting: That was a good hit.) golpe
    2) (a point scored by hitting a target etc: He scored five hits.) ponto
    3) (something which is popular or successful: The play/record is a hit; ( also adjective) a hit song.) sucesso
    - hit-or-miss
    - hit back
    - hit below the belt
    - hit it off
    - hit on
    - hit out
    - make a hit with
    * * *
    [hit] n 1 golpe, pancada, estocada. 2 sucesso, sorte. 3 ataque, crítica. • vt+vi (ps and pp hit) 1 dar um golpe, dar uma pancada (at em). he hit me a blow / ele me deu uma pancada. 2 acertar, atingir. he was hit by the ball / ele foi atingido pela bola. his hand was hit by the knife / a sua mão foi ferida pela faca. a lucky hit um bom lance, um golpe feliz. he hit the town coll ele chegou à cidade. hit or miss a esmo. to hit against bater contra. to hit it off concordar. to hit it up injetar drogas. to hit off imitar ou descrever perfeitamente. to hit the bottle beber muito, em excesso. to hit the ceilving/ roof ficar com raiva. to hit the hay/ sack ir dormir, ir para a cama. to hit the jackpot acertar na sorte grande. to hit the nail on the head dar na trilha. to hit the road partir, pegar a estrada. to hit upon encontrar, topar com. to make a hit with someone a) ficar popular. b) impressionar alguém. you have hit my taste você acertou meu gosto.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hit

  • 17 pat

    [pæt] 1. noun
    1) (a light, gentle blow or touch, usually with the palm of the hand and showing affection: She gave the child a pat on the head.) pancadinha
    2) ((of butter) a small piece; a lump.) pequena porção
    2. verb
    (to strike gently with the palm of the hand, usually as a sign of affection: He patted the horse's neck.) afagar
    3. adverb
    ((often off pat) memorized, prepared and ready to be said: He had the answer (off) pat.) prontinho
    * * *
    [pæt] n 1 pancadinha, tapinha. 2 ruído de passos. 3 afago, carícia. 4 qualquer coisa que se forma por meio de batidas (por exemplo, um naco de manteiga). • vt+vi 1 bater de leve. 2 afagar, acariciar, passar a mão de leve. a pat on the back uma palavra de encorajamento ou de louvor. pat him on the back! estimule-o um pouquinho!
    [pæt] adj 1 apropriado, oportuno, conveniente. 2 preso, fixo, imutável (também no xadrez). 3 preparado, ensaiado, memorizado. she had a song pat / ela tinha uma canção ensaiada. • adv apropriadamente, convenientemente, oportunamente. to come pat to its purpose convir inteiramente a propósito. to know something off pat saber na ponta da língua. to stand pat coll ser conservador, ficar firme, não ceder, não mudar de idéia, não voltar atrás.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > pat

  • 18 wind

    I 1. [wind] noun
    1) ((an) outdoor current of air: The wind is strong today; There wasn't much wind yesterday; Cold winds blow across the desert.) vento
    2) (breath: Climbing these stairs takes all the wind out of me.) fôlego
    3) (air or gas in the stomach or intestines: His stomach pains were due to wind.) gases
    2. verb
    (to cause to be out of breath: The heavy blow winded him.) tirar o fôlego
    3. adjective
    ((of a musical instrument) operated or played using air pressure, especially a person's breath.) de sopro
    - windiness
    - windfall
    - windmill
    - windpipe
    - windsurf
    - windsurfer
    - windsurfing
    - windscreen
    - windsock
    - windsurf
    - windsurfer
    - windsurfing
    - windswept
    - get the wind up
    - get wind of
    - get one's second wind
    - in the wind
    - like the wind
    II past tense, past participle - wound; verb
    1) (to wrap round in coils: He wound the rope around his waist and began to climb.) enrolar
    2) (to make into a ball or coil: to wind wool.) enrolar
    3) ((of a road etc) to twist and turn: The road winds up the mountain.) subir
    4) (to tighten the spring of (a clock, watch etc) by turning a knob, handle etc: I forgot to wind my watch.) dar corda
    - winding
    - wind up
    - be/get wound up
    * * *
    [wind] n 1 vento. 2 brisa, aragem. 3 vento forte, temporal, ventania. 4 gases, flatulência. 5 (caça) faro, cheiro. 6 fôlego. 7 conversa à toa. 8 Mus instrumento de sopro (também winds) ou quem toca instrumento de sopro. • vt 1 expor ao vento e ao ar, arejar. 2 farejar, seguir o cheiro de. 3 exaustar, cansar (cavalo). 4 (deixar) resfolegar, tomar fôlego, descansar (cavalo). you must wind your horse / você precisa deixar o seu cavalo descansar. I was winded with my run / fiquei sem fôlego com a corrida. 5 [waind] (ps, pp wound, winded) soprar, tocar instrumento de sopro. before the wind levado pelo vento. between wind and weather entre a espada e a parede, em alternativa difícil. broken wind respiração dificultosa (de cavalos). contrary wind vento contrário. fair/ good wind vento favorável. gone with the wind levado pelo vento. he got his wind ele tomou fôlego. he got the wind of him ele tirou vantagem dele. he got the wind up Mil ele ficou com medo. he got wind of it fig ele farejou algo, ficou sabendo daquilo. he hit me in the wind ele me alvejou na boca do estômago. he is in good wind ele tem bom fôlego (boa capacidade respiratória). in the wind’s eye, in the teeth of the wind contra o vento. it is an ill wind that blows nobody any good o prazer de um é o desgosto de outro. it is in the wind está em andamento. on the wind a favor do vento, levado pelo vento. the wind is very high está soprando um vento forte. there is something in the wind fig há algo no ar, está se passando ou acontecendo alguma coisa. they know where the wind hits/ blows eles sabem de onde o vento sopra. thrown to the winds espalhado por todos os ventos/lados. to raise the wind arranjar dinheiro, angariar fundos. to sail near/ close to the wind Naut navegar à bolina cerrada. under the wind a sotavento. up him nós lhe fizemos medo. we put the wind there is a great wind up fig sl o ambiente está carregado. we spoke to the wind fig nós falamos ao vento, em vão. wind and waterline Naut linha d’água. wind and weather o tempo, as condições atmosféricas.
    [waind] n 1 torcedura, enroscamento. 2 curvatura, tortuosidade, sinuosidade. 3 giro, volta, curva, rotação. • vt+vi (ps, pp wound) 1 serpear, serpentear. the river wound its way through the valley / o rio serpenteava pelo vale. 2 envolver, enroscar(-se) ( round em volta de). she wound round his heart / ela soube conquistá-lo. she wound her arms round her child / ela envolveu o filho em seus braços. 3 girar, rotar. 4 Naut virar a proa. 5 empenar(-se), dobrar(-se), entortar(-se), torcer(-se), retorcer(-se). 6 enrolar(se). 7 envolver. 8 abraçar. 9 enredar. 10 guindar, içar, levantar. 11 dar corda a. 12 insinuar-se. 13 girar o braço antes de lançar a bola (em beisebol). he wound himselt into her favour ele soube ganhar a sua simpatia. she wound the wool into a ball ela formou um novelo de lã. to wind off a) desenrolar. b) filmar. to wind on enrolar. to wind up a) guindar, içar, elevar. b) rolar, enrolar. c) dar corda a (relógio). d) resumir (discurso). e) encerrar, acertar (contas). f) regularizar, terminar, finalizar, acabar, concluir. they wound up by marrying / eles acabaram se casando. g) resolver, liquidar, fechar (negócio). h) pôr em forma, reanimar (alguém), incitar, estimular, dar energia a. i) estar preso. the ship winds up / Naut o navio vira (preso à âncora).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > wind

  • 19 fend

    * * *
    [fend] vt+vi 1 afastar, desviar, rechaçar (um golpe, etc.). 2 prover a. to fend for someone arranjar-se, prover a própria subsistência. to fend off (people or questions) agir defensivamente em relação a pessoas ou perguntas para não ser prejudicado. to fend off a blow aparar um golpe.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > fend

  • 20 kick

    [kik] 1. verb
    1) (to hit or strike out with the foot: The child kicked his brother; He kicked the ball into the next garden; He kicked at the locked door; He kicked open the gate.) dar um pontapé
    2) ((of a gun) to jerk or spring back violently when fired.) dar um coice
    2. noun
    1) (a blow with the foot: The boy gave him a kick on the ankle; He was injured by a kick from a horse.) pontapé
    2) (the springing back of a gun after it has been fired.) coice
    3) (a pleasant thrill: She gets a kick out of making people happy.) prazer
    - kick off
    - kick up
    * * *
    [kik] n 1 pontapé. 2 chute. 3 coice, patada. 4 recuo, retrocesso de arma de fogo. 5 Amer sl queixa, reclamação, objeção, protesto. 6 Amer sl emoção, excitação, estímulo, ímpeto, energia. 7 fig depressão do fundo da garrafa. 8 kicks sl motivo de queixa. • vt+vi 1 dar pontapés, espernear, escoicear. 2 Sport chutar, impelir com as pernas (futebol, natação). 3 recuar, retroceder (arma de fogo). 4 queixar(-se), reclamar. a kick in the ass sl falta de sorte. a kick in the teeth coll uma recusa, um insucesso. for kicks coll por brincadeira. he got the kick sl ele recebeu o chute, o pontapé (jogaram-no fora). it’s all the kick é alta moda. to get a kick out of living aproveitar, gozar a vida, divertir-se a valer, sentir prazer de viver. to get the kick out ser despedido. to kick about coll 1 perambular. 2 estar por aí, ficar despercebido. to kick against opor-se, reagir contra. to kick around 1 tratar rudemente. 2 mudar de um lugar para outro, perambular. 3 estar por aí, ficar despercebido. 4 discutir, pensar a respeito, considerar. to kick ass sl assegurar o poder, ser durão. to kick back coll a) recuar ou reagir repentina e inesperadamente. b) devolver ao dono um objeto furtado. c) pagar como propina uma parte do salário ao intermediário. to kick down abater a pontapés, derrubar com chutes. to kick in a) quebrar com chute. b) contribuir, participar de um rateio. to kick off a) Ftb dar o chute inicial. b) sl morrer, empacotar. c) tirar, pôr para fora. to kick oneself coll estar aborrecido/descontente consigo mesmo. to kick one’s heels esperar impacientemente. to kick out a) excluir, expulsar, jogar fora. b) morrer. c) ir embora, fugir. d) Ftb chutar a bola fora de campo. to kick over the traces exagerar, exceder-se. to kick the bucket sl morrer, esticar a canela. to kick the habit vencer um vício, um hábito. to kick up a dust, a fuss, a row fazer barulho, causar perturbação ou briga.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > kick

См. также в других словарях:

  • Blow-off — n. 1. A blowing off steam, water, etc.; Also, adj. as, a blow off cock or pipe. [1913 Webster] 2. An outburst of temper or excitement. [Colloq.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • blow off — (something) 1. to get rid of something. The old millionaire blew off one marriage to wed his new partner. Your average worker can t just blow off his credit card debt. 2. to consider something to be unimportant. Some students will simply blow off …   New idioms dictionary

  • blow-off — blowˈ off see ↑blow off below. • • • Main Entry: ↑blow …   Useful english dictionary

  • blow|off — «BLOH F, OF», noun. 1. a blowing off. 2. an apparatus that blows off steam. 3. Informal, Figurative. a sudden outburst of anger, pent up emotion, or the like. 4. Slang, Figurative. a boaster …   Useful english dictionary

  • blow off — ► blow off informal 1) lose one s temper and shout. 2) break wind noisily. Main Entry: ↑blow …   English terms dictionary

  • blow off — 1. in. to goof off; to waste time; to procrastinate. □ You blow off too much. □ All your best time is gone blown off. 2. n. a time waster; a goof off. (Usually blow off.) □ Fred is such a blow off! …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • blow off — verb come off due to an explosion or other strong force (Freq. 1) • Hypernyms: ↑detach, ↑come off, ↑come away • Verb Frames: Something s Something is ing PP * * * lose one s temper and shout …   Useful english dictionary

  • blow off — phrasal verb Word forms blow off : present tense I/you/we/they blow off he/she/it blows off present participle blowing off past tense blew off past participle blown off 1) [intransitive/transitive] if something blows off or is blown off, the wind …   English dictionary

  • blow off — vb 1. British to fart. A children s term of the 1950s which was revived in the 1980s. ► We were right in the middle of the restau rant and Kitty blew off in front of them all. (Recorded, father, London, 1986) 2. American to reject, get rid of… …   Contemporary slang

  • blow off — 1. • blow off v. waste time. I blew off the evening playing with my Wii. 2. • blow (someone) off v. ignore or neglect someone; reject or abandon someone. She s totalling blowing me off …   English slang

  • blow off — transitive verb Date: 1856 1. a. to refuse to take notice of, honor, or deal with ; ignore < decided to blow off two billion viewers Harry Homburg > b. to end a relationship with 2. to outperform in a contest 3 …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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