1 bloody dock
Биология: щавель красный (Rumex sanguineus) -
2 bloody dock
3 dock
batter dock рдест плавающий, Potamogeton natansbitter dock щавель туполистный, Rumex obtusifoliusbladder dock щавель пузырчатый, Rumex vesicariusbloody dock щавель красный, Rumex sanguineusclustered dock щавель скученный, Rumex conglomeratuscuckold dock лопух большой, Arctium majuscurled dock щавель курчавый, Rumex crispuself dock девясил высокий, Inula heleniumfiddle-leaved dock щавель красивый, Rumex pulchergolden dock щавель почечуйновидный, Rumex persicarioidesgreat dock щавель британский, Rumex britanicalarge-tubercled dock щавель бледный, Rumex pallidusmullen dock медвежье ухо, коровяк обыкновенный, Verbascum thapsuspond dock щавель водяной, Rumex aquaticusprairie dock 1. сильфия перистонадрезная, Silphium terebinthinaceum ; 2. партениум цельнолистный, Parthenium integrifoliaround dock просвирник лесной, Malva silvestrissharp dock щавель обыкновенный кислый, Rumex acetosasorrel dock, sour dock щавелёк, щавель малый, Rumex acetosellaspinach dock щавель шпинатный, английский шпинат, Rumex patientiaswamp dock щавель мутовчатый, Rumex verticillatusveined dock щавель жилистый, Rumex venosuswater dock щавель прибрежный, Rumex hydrolapathumwhite dock щавель мексиканский, Rumex mexicanusyellow dock щавель курчавый, Rumex crispusEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > dock
4 dock
2) обрубленный хвост; обрубать хвост, подрезать хвост•- bitter dock
- bladder dock
- bloody dock
- clustered dock
- cuckold dock
- curled dock
- elf dock
- fiddle-leaved dock
- golden dock
- great dock
- large-tubercled dock
- mullen dock
- pond dock
- prairie dock
- round dock
- sharp dock
- sorrel dock
- sour dock
- spinach dock
- swamp dock
- veined dock
- water dock
- yellow dock* * *• щавель
См. также в других словарях:
bloody dock — noun : bloodwort 2 … Useful english dictionary
Bloody Sunday (1887) — For other incidents referred to by this name, see Bloody Sunday. Bloody Sunday, London, 13 November, 1887, was the name given to a demonstration against coercion in Ireland and to demand the release from prison of MP William O Brien, who was… … Wikipedia
John Maclean's Speech From the Dock — John Maclean MA, Scottish socialist agitator was a prominent activist against World War I. On 9 May 1918 he was tried for his anti war activities at the High Court in Edinburgh. He used this trial to argue for socialism and against war by making… … Wikipedia
Rumex — Patience dock (Rumex patientia) Scientific classification Kingdom … Wikipedia
1934 West Coast waterfront strike — The 1934 West Coast Waterfront Strike (also known as the 1934 West Coast Longshoremen s Strike, as well as a number of variations on these names) lasted eighty three days, triggered by sailors and a four day general strike in San Francisco, and… … Wikipedia
List of words having different meanings in British and American English: A–L — Differences between American and British English American English … Wikipedia
My Bonny Light Horseman — Author(s) Louis A. Meyer … Wikipedia
National Register of Historic Places listings in Detroit, Michigan — Location of Detroit in Michigan … Wikipedia
Manchester Bolton & Bury Canal — The steam crane at Mount Sion, on the Bury arm Original owner Manchester Bolton Bury Canal Company Principal engineer … Wikipedia
Norman J. Warren — Born June 25, 1942 (1942 06 25) (age 69) London, England, U.K. Occupation Film director, film producer, screenwriter Norman John Warren, born 25 June 1942 in London, is a British film director best known for such 1970s horror films as… … Wikipedia
Old Colony Council — Owner … Wikipedia