1 blocking device
BD, blocking deviceEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > blocking device
2 blocking device
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > blocking device
3 blocking device
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > blocking device
4 blocking device
5 blocking device
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > blocking device
6 blocking device
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > blocking device
7 blocking device
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > blocking device
8 blocking device
1) Медицина: фиксатор2) Техника: блокировочное устройство, блокирующее устройство3) Полиграфия: устройство для тиснения4) Космонавтика: стопор5) Охрана труда: упорная колодка -
9 blocking device
мед.сущ. фиксатор; арретирующее приспособление -
10 blocking device
English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > blocking device
11 blocking device
12 blocking device
Англо-русский словарь по полиграфии и издательскому делу > blocking device
13 blocking device
блокирующее устройствоEnglish-Russian dictionary of technical terms > blocking device
14 blocking device
1) блокировочное устройство; стопор2) блокировочное устройство; блокирующее устройство; фиксатор; стопор -
15 blocking device
16 code blocking device
Безопасность: прибор блокирования кода -
17 suction valve blocking device
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > suction valve blocking device
18 device
устройство, приспособление, аппарат, прибор, механизмdrill string compensating device — компенсирующее устройство бурильной колонны, компенсатор бурильной колонны
* * *
устройство; приспособление; прибор; механизм; аппаратcavitating jet kerfing device — буровой инструмент, использующий эффект опережающих канавок на забое, получаемых за счёт струй бурового раствора с кавитационным действием
drill string compensating device — компенсирующее устройство бурильной колонны, компенсатор бурильной колонны
hydraulically actuated retaining device — трубодержатель с гидравлическим приводом (для работы с обсадными трубами)
* * *
устройство; аппарат; приспособление; механизм; прибор
* * *
устройство; прибор; установка, зонд
* * *
1) устройство; приспособление; аппарат; прибор; механизм2) план, схема; проект•- ancillary sighting device
- anticrash device
- automatic retraction device
- automatic safety device
- backup device
- bending device
- bit rotation device
- blocking device
- borehole deviation device
- bottom unloading device
- bottomhole rotation device
- breakout device
- built-in diagnostic device
- casing-rotating device
- catching device
- cavitating jet kerfing device
- changeover device
- clean sweep device
- constant hydrostatic head device
- constant tension device
- contact device
- control device
- controlling device
- core interpreting device
- core receiver locking device
- damaged device
- defective device
- density device
- depth-measuring device
- derrick raising device
- desanding device
- deviation device
- diagnostic device
- disengaging device
- diverting device
- downhole device
- downhole surveying device
- drill string compensating device
- drilling device
- drilling bit feed device
- drilling mud device
- drilling mud agitating device
- drilling mud flow measuring device
- drilling pipe racking device
- drive-type split-tube soil-sampling device
- electrical logging device
- electrical resistivity logging device
- electrical survey device
- electromagnetic logging device
- epithermal neutron device
- external diagnostic device
- fail-active device
- fail-passive device
- failure-detection device
- failure-indicating device
- failure-sensing device
- fault-isolation device
- fault-locating device
- fixed stand-off device
- flaw-detecting device
- flow-control device
- flow-diverting device
- focused logging device
- four-arm device
- gamma-gamma logging device
- gamma-ray counting device
- gas-partitioning device
- go-no-go device
- gripping device
- guard device
- hoisting device
- hydraulic releasing device
- hydraulic retaining device
- hydraulically actuated retaining device
- induction logging device
- interlocking device
- jarring device
- kerfing device
- lateral device
- laterolog device
- laterologging device
- leveling device
- lifting device
- limiting device
- load safety device
- locating device
- locking device
- logging device
- long lateral device
- long normal device
- magnetic testing device
- make-and-break device
- marine loading device
- microfocused device
- microlaterolog device
- microlog device
- microresistivity device
- microspacing device
- microspherically focused logging device
- multiple-measurement device
- neutron device
- neutron-gamma device
- nondeteriorating device
- normal device
- normal logging device
- normal resistivity device
- nuclear logging device
- nuclear magnetic resonance device
- open-hole device
- overload-protection device
- pad device
- pad-mounted device
- personal protective device
- pipe collapsing device
- pipe hoisting device
- pipe makeup and breakout automatic device
- pipe stabber device
- pipeline tension device
- pit level device
- plugging device
- porosity-estimating device
- porosity-sensitive device
- pressure-sensing device
- pressure-sensitive device
- production control device
- protecting device
- protective device
- proximity log device
- ratcheting device
- rathole kelly guiding device
- ready-not-ready device
- redundancy device
- redundant device
- releasing device
- repairable device
- resistivity device
- resistivity logging device
- resistivity measuring device
- retaining device
- rod-handling device
- rotary power-torque device
- safety device
- safety alarm device
- sample-splitting device
- sampling device
- screw derrick raising device
- screw locking device
- scrolling device
- seafloor rocket coring device
- seismic detection device
- selective chargeover device
- self-healing device
- self-repair device
- sensing device
- sensing-switching device
- short lateral device
- short normal device
- shutdown device
- sidewall device
- sidewall coring device
- single receiver acoustic logging device
- skid device
- skimming device
- sound emitting device
- sound receiving device
- sounding device
- spherically focused logging device
- spooling device
- stand racking device
- stirring device
- stop device
- subsurface device
- sucker-rod hanging device
- surface-readout device
- tensioner device
- tensioning device
- testing device
- tripping device
- trouble-location device
- trouble-shooting device
- tubing suspension device
- two-electrode device
- underwater scour prevention device
- vacuum-hydraulic mixing device
- water locating device
- well-head pressure reducing automatic device
- well-logging device
- withdrawing device -
19 blocking
блокирование; блокировка; система блоков; полиспаст; таль; с.х. букетировка; II блокирующий; запирающий- blocking device - blocking lever - blocking lock - blocking of piston rings - blocking of tractor for belt work - blocking-oil inlet passage - blocking pawl - blocking pin - blocking relay - blocking ring - blocking valve - hand blocking - mechanized blocking - mechanical blocking - blockstone pavement -
20 blocking
1. склеивание; слипание2. тиснение
См. также в других словарях:
Blocking device — Устройство для тиснения … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Device file system — In Unix like operating systems, a device file system or special file system allows software to interact with a device driver using standard input/output system calls, which simplifies many tasks.It includes device files , device nodes , or device … Wikipedia
Device file — In Unix like operating systems, a device file or special file is an interface for a device driver that appears in a file system as if it were an ordinary file. There are also special device files in MS DOS and Microsoft Windows. They allow… … Wikipedia
Blocking oscillator — A blocking oscillator is the minimal configuration of discrete electronic components which can produce a free running signal, requiring only a capacitor, transformer, and one amplifying component. The name is derived from the fact that the… … Wikipedia
semiconductor device — ▪ electronics Introduction electronic circuit component made from a material that is neither a good conductor nor a good insulator (hence semiconductor). Such devices have found wide applications because of their compactness, reliability,… … Universalium
Power semiconductor device — Power semiconductor devices are semiconductor devices used as switches or rectifiers in power electronic circuits (switch mode power supplies for example). They are also called power devices or when used in integrated circuits, called power… … Wikipedia
ANSI Device Numbers — The ANSI Standard Device Numbers [ [http://www.geindustrial.com/pm/notes/ref/ANSI.pdf GE Multilin ANSI Standard Device Number] ] [ Protective Relaying Manual , Pennsylvania Electric Association (1975)] [ [http://www.basler.com/downloads/ANSI… … Wikipedia
History of radar — The history of radar starts with experiments by Heinrich Hertz in the late 19th century that showed that radio waves were reflected by metallic objects. This possibility was suggested in James Clerk Maxwell s seminal work on electromagnetism.… … Wikipedia
Liste der Schaltsymbole — In diesem Artikel oder Abschnitt fehlen folgende wichtige Informationen: Es müssen noch zahlreiche Schaltzeichen und graphische Symbole eingefügt werden Bevorzugt DIN Norm ähnlich, jedoch auch andere Normen Bevorzugt SVG für die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Digital forensics — Forensic science Physiological sciences … Wikipedia
Digital forensic process — A Tableau forensic write blocker The Digital forensic process is a recognised scientific and forensic process used in digital forensics investigations.[1][2] Forensics researcher Eoghan Casey … Wikipedia