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  • Blear — Blear, a. [See {Blear}, v.] 1. Dim or sore with water or rheum; said of the eyes. [1913 Webster] His blear eyes ran in gutters to his chin. Dryden. [1913 Webster] 2. Causing or caused by dimness of sight; dim. [1913 Webster] Power to cheat the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • blear´i|ly — blear|y «BLIHR ee», adjective, blear|i|er, blear|i|est. 1. dim: »Her eyes were bleary with weeping. 2. indistinct in outline; blurred …   Useful english dictionary

  • blear|y — «BLIHR ee», adjective, blear|i|er, blear|i|est. 1. dim: »Her eyes were bleary with weeping. 2. indistinct in outline; blurred …   Useful english dictionary

  • Blear — Blear, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Bleared}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Blearing}.] [OE. bleren; cf. Dan. plire to blink, Sw. plira to twinkle, wink, LG. plieren; perh. from the same root as E. blink. See {Blink}, and cf. {Blur}.] To make somewhat sore or watery …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • blear — bli(ə)r vt to make (the eyes) sore or watery blear adj dim with water or tears blear eyed īd adj …   Medical dictionary

  • blear — blear·i·ly; blear·i·ness; blear; …   English syllables

  • blear — index blind (obscure) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • blear — [blir] adj. [ME blere, watery, rheumy < the v.] 1. made dim by tears, mucus, etc.: said of eyes 2. blurred; dim; indistinct; misty vt. [ME bleren, to have watery eyes, akin to Ger plärren, to bawl, cry < IE base * bhlē , to howl, weep (of… …   English World dictionary

  • blear — {{11}}blear (adj.) c.1300, blere watery, rheumy, perhaps related to BLUR (Cf. blur). Cf. M.H.G. blerre having blurred vision. {{12}}blear (v.) to dim (of vision); to have watery or rheumy eyes, early 14c., of uncertain origin, possibly from an… …   Etymology dictionary

  • blear — blearedness /blear id nis/, n. /blear/, v.t. 1. to make dim, as with tears or inflammation: a biting wind that bleared the vision. adj. 2. (of the eyes) dim from tears. 3. dim; indistinct. n. 4. a blur; cloudiness; dimness: She was concerned… …   Universalium

  • blear — 1. adjective /ˈblɪə/ Of eyes or vision: dim, unclear from water or rheum. The Devil, now disguised as a half wit peasant to Lars Gorens left, stood grinning, his blear eyes glittering. 2. verb /ˈblɪə/ To make blurred or dim, especially the eyes …   Wiktionary

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