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blaze cut

См. также в других словарях:

  • blaze — ► NOUN 1) a very large or fiercely burning fire. 2) a very bright light or display of colour. 3) a conspicuous outburst: a blaze of publicity. 4) a white stripe down the face of a horse or other animal. 5) (blazes) informal a euphemism for ‘hell’ …   English terms dictionary

  • blaze a trail — {v. phr.} 1. To cut marks in trees in order to guide other people along a path or trail, especially through a wilderness. * /Daniel Boone blazed a trail for other hunters to follow in Kentucky./ 2. To lead the way; make a discovery; start… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • blaze a trail — {v. phr.} 1. To cut marks in trees in order to guide other people along a path or trail, especially through a wilderness. * /Daniel Boone blazed a trail for other hunters to follow in Kentucky./ 2. To lead the way; make a discovery; start… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • Blaze Bayley — This article is about the singer/songwriter Blaze Bayley. For the viewpoint in the Forest of Dean, see Blaize Bailey. Blaze Bayley Background information Birth name Bayley Alexa …   Wikipedia

  • blaze — {{11}}blaze (n.1) bright flame, fire, O.E. blæse a torch, flame, firebrand, lamp, from P.Gmc. *blas shining, white (Cf. O.S. blas white, whitish, M.H.G. blas bald, originally white, shining, O.H.G. blas ros horse with a white spot, M.Du., Du.… …   Etymology dictionary

  • blaze — Synonyms and related words: Vandyke, arrow, backfire, bake, balefire, be bright, be in heat, beacon, beacon fire, beam, bedazzle, birthmark, blare, blare forth, blast, blaze a trail, blaze abroad, blaze of light, blaze up, blazing light, blazon,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • cut — Synonyms and related words: AWOL, French leave, Parthian shot, Platonic form, Platonic idea, Spartan, Vandyke, abandon, abate, abatement, abbreviate, abbreviated, abrade, abrasion, abridge, abridged, abscind, abscondence, absence, absence without …   Moby Thesaurus

  • blaze — blaze1 noun 1》 a very large or fiercely burning fire. 2》 a very bright light or display of colour.     ↘a conspicuous display or outburst of something: they broke up in a blaze of publicity. 3》 (blazes) informal used as a euphemism for ‘hell’.… …   English new terms dictionary

  • cut a wide swath — verb a) To clear a broad track through a grassland, woodland, geographical region, or other area, either by natural means or by human action …   Wiktionary

  • blaze\ a\ trail — v. phr. 1. To cut marks in trees in order to guide other people along a path or trail, especially through a wilderness. Daniel Boone blazed a trail for other hunters to follow in Kentucky. 2. To lead the way; make a discovery; start something new …   Словарь американских идиом

  • Coventry Blaze — 2011–12 Coventry Blaze season …   Wikipedia

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