1 biting midges
1) Биология: мокрецы (Ceratopogonidae)2) Энтомология: мокрецы (лат. Ceratopogonidae)3) Макаров: кровососущие мошки -
2 biting midges
3 non-biting midges
Энтомология: дергуны (лат. Chironomidae, Tendipedidae), звонцы (лат. Chironomidae, Tendipedidae), комары-дергуны (лат. Chironomidae, Tendipedidae) -
4 non-biting midges
5 midges
1. LAT Chironomidae [Tendipedidae]2. RUS звонцы, (комары-)дергуны3. ENG (non-biting) midges4. DEU Zuckmücken, Tanzmücken, Schwarmmücken5. FRA chironomidés, tendipédidés1. LAT Ceratopogonidae2. RUS мокрецы3. ENG punkies, (biting) midges, black gnats4. DEU Gnitzen, Stechgnitzen, Bartmücken5. FRA cératopogonidés -
6 midges, biting
1. LAT Ceratopogonidae2. RUS мокрецы3. ENG punkies, (biting) midges, black gnats4. DEU Gnitzen, Stechgnitzen, Bartmücken5. FRA cératopogonidésDICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > midges, biting
7 midges, non-biting
1. LAT Chironomidae [Tendipedidae]2. RUS звонцы, (комары-)дергуны3. ENG (non-biting) midges4. DEU Zuckmücken, Tanzmücken, Schwarmmücken5. FRA chironomidés, tendipédidésDICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > midges, non-biting
8 midge
2) энт. галлица; pl галлицы ( Itonididae)3) энт. звонец; pl звонцы, дергуны ( Chironomidae)•- carrot midge
- chironomid midge
- chrysanthemum gall midge
- clover-flower midge
- clover-leaf midge
- clover-seed midge
- fungus midges
- gall midges
- net-winged midges
- nonbiting midges
- pear midge
- phantom midges
- solitary midges
- splay-footed midge
- true midges* * *• галлица• дергуны• звонец• звонцы -
9 midge
midge 1. мелкое двукрылое насекомое; 2. (энт) галлица; pl галлицы, Itonididae; 3. (энт) звонец; Apl звонцы, дергуны, Tendipedidae, Chironomidaealfalfa gall midge галлица люцерновая Вебстера, Asphondylia websteribalsam gall midge галлица бальзамовая, Dasineura balsamicolabiting midges мокрецы, Ceratopogonidaecarrot midge комарик морковный, Asphondylos unbellatarumcatalpa midge галлица катальповая, Itonida catalpaechironomid midge звонец, Chironomuschrysanthemum gall midge галлица хризанитемовая, Diarthronomyia hypogaea, Diarthronomyia chrysanthemiclover-flower midge галлица клеверная, Dasyneura leguminicolaclover-leaf midge галлица клеверная листоая, Dasyneura trifoliiclover-seed midge галлица клеверная, Dasyneura leguminicolacucurbit midge галлица дынная, Itonida citrullidogwood club gall midge галлица кизиловая, Mycopiplosis alternataDouglas fir cone midge галлица шишковая орегонская, Contarinia oregonensisfungus midges комарики грибные, Mycetophilidae, Fungivoridaegall midges галлицы, Itonididaegrape-blossom midge комарик виноградный Джонсона, Contarinia johnsonihorned midge комарик двухцветный, Ceratopogon bicolorMonterey-pine needle midge минирующая моль сосны замечательной, Argyrestia pilatellanet-winged midges блефароцериды, Blepharoceridaepear midge комарик грушевый, галлица грушевая плодовая, Contarinia pyrivoraphantom midges некровососущие комарыred-pine needle midge галлица сосны смолистой, Thecodiplosis piniresinosaesolitary midges таумалеиды, Thaumaleidaesorghum midge галлица сорговая, Contarinia sorghicolasplay-footed midge дергун, Tanypusspruce bract midge галлица еловая канадская, Dasyneura canadensistrue midges галлицы, Itonididaewheat midge комарик оранжевый, Sitodiplosis mosellana, Thecodiplosis mosellanaEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > midge
10 gnats, black
1. LAT Ceratopogonidae2. RUS мокрецы3. ENG punkies, (biting) midges, black gnats4. DEU Gnitzen, Stechgnitzen, Bartmücken5. FRA cératopogonidés -
11 punkies
1. LAT Ceratopogonidae2. RUS мокрецы3. ENG punkies, (biting) midges, black gnats4. DEU Gnitzen, Stechgnitzen, Bartmücken5. FRA cératopogonidés -
12 10053
1. LAT Chironomidae [Tendipedidae]2. RUS звонцы, (комары-)дергуны3. ENG (non-biting) midges4. DEU Zuckmücken, Tanzmücken, Schwarmmücken5. FRA chironomidés, tendipédidés -
13 10062
1. LAT Ceratopogonidae2. RUS мокрецы3. ENG punkies, (biting) midges, black gnats4. DEU Gnitzen, Stechgnitzen, Bartmücken5. FRA cératopogonidés
См. также в других словарях:
biting midge — punkie. [1940 45] * * * ▪ insect any member of a family of small, bloodsucking insects in the fly order, Diptera, that are often serious pests along seashores, rivers, and lakes and may attack in great numbers and cause extreme discomfort. The… … Universalium
biting midge — n. any of a family (Ceratopogonidae) of midges with piercing and sucking mouthparts: some species attack humans and animals in swarms … English World dictionary
dipteran — /dip teuhr euhn/, adj. 1. dipterous (def. 1). n. 2. a dipterous insect. [1835 45; DIPTER(A) + AN] * * * Any member of the more than 85,000 species in the insect order Diptera (the two winged, or true, flies), characterized by the use of only one… … Universalium
Midge — For other uses, see Midge (disambiguation). Midges A biting midge feeding on blood through an artificial membrane for insect rearing Scientific classification … Wikipedia
Ceratopogonidae — A female biting midge, Culicoides sonorensis Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia … Wikipedia
Mansonella ozzardi — Mansonella Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Nematoda Class: Secernentea … Wikipedia
Sandfly — Sandflea redirects here, but can also refer to members of the Talitridae family. Sandfly biting a human s little finger … Wikipedia
insect — insectival /in sek tuy veuhl/, adj. /in sekt/, n. 1. any animal of the class Insecta, comprising small, air breathing arthropods having the body divided into three parts (head, thorax, and abdomen), and having three pairs of legs and usually two… … Universalium
Chironomidae — Male Chironomus plumosus Scientific classification Kingdom: Anima … Wikipedia
midge — /mij/, n. 1. any of numerous minute dipterous insects, esp. of the family Chironomidae, somewhat resembling a mosquito. Cf. gnat (def. 1). 2. a tiny person. [bef. 900; ME mygge, OE mycg(e); c. G Mücke, ON my; akin to Gk myîa, L musca fly] * * *… … Universalium
Highland midge — Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Insecta … Wikipedia