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  • 1 filter

    ['filtə] 1. noun
    1) (a strainer or other device through which liquid, gas, smoke etc can pass, but not solid material: A filter is used to make sure that the oil is clean and does not contain any dirt; ( also adjective) filter paper.) filter; filtrový
    2) (a kind of screening plate used to change or correct certain colours: If you are taking photographs in sun and snow, you should use a blue filter.) filter
    2. verb
    1) ((of liquids) to (become) clean by passing through a filter: The rain-water filtered into a tank.) filtrovať
    2) (to come bit by bit or gradually: The news filtered out.) presakovať
    * * *
    • sitko
    • preniknút
    • presiaknut
    • prenikat
    • presakovat
    • filtrovat
    • filter
    • cigareta s filtrom
    • cistic

    English-Slovak dictionary > filter

  • 2 clash

    [klæʃ] 1. noun
    1) (a loud noise, like eg swords striking together: the clash of metal on metal.) rinčanie
    2) (a serious disagreement or difference: a clash of personalities.) konflikt
    3) (a battle: a clash between opposing armies.) zrážka
    4) ((of two or more things) an act of interfering with each other because of happening at the same time: a clash between classes.) kolízia
    2. verb
    1) (to strike together noisily: The cymbals clashed.) udierať o seba
    2) (to fight (in battle): The two armies clashed at the mouth of the valley.) stretnúť sa
    3) (to disagree violently: They clashed over wages.) odporovať (si)
    4) (to interfere (with something or each other) because of happening at the same time: The two lectures clash.) kolidovať
    5) ((of colours) to appear unpleasant when placed together: The (colour of the) jacket clashes with the (colour of the) skirt.) biť sa
    * * *
    • zrazit sa
    • zrážka
    • štrngot
    • štrngat
    • cvendžat
    • kolidovat
    • konflikt

    English-Slovak dictionary > clash

  • 3 every

    1) (each one of or all (of a certain number): Every room is painted white; Not every family has a car.) každý
    2) (each (of an indefinite number or series): Every hour brought the two countries nearer war; He attends to her every need.) každý
    3) (the most absolute or complete possible: We have every reason to believe that she will get better.) akýkoľvek
    4) (used to show repetition after certain intervals of time or space: I go to the supermarket every four or five days; Every second house in the row was bright pink; `Every other day' means èvery two days' or `on alternate days'.) každý
    - everyone
    - everyday
    - everything
    - everywhere
    - every bit as
    - every now and then / every now and again / every so often
    - every time
    * * *
    • každá
    • každé
    • každý

    English-Slovak dictionary > every

  • 4 gum

    I noun
    ((usually in plural) the firm flesh in which the teeth grow.) ďasno
    II 1. noun
    1) (a sticky juice got from some trees and plants.) živica
    2) (a glue: We can stick these pictures into the book with gum.) lepidlo
    3) (a type of sweet: a fruit gum.) gumený cukrík
    4) (chewing-gum: He chews gum when he is working.) žuvačka
    2. verb
    (to glue with gum: I'll gum this bit on to the other one.) zlepiť
    - gumminess
    * * *
    • prilepit
    • guma
    • gumovat
    • dasno
    • lep
    • ocný sliz

    English-Slovak dictionary > gum

  • 5 knock

    [nok] 1. verb
    1) (to make a sharp noise by hitting or tapping, especially on a door etc to attract attention: Just then, someone knocked at the door.) klopať
    2) (to cause to move, especially to fall, by hitting (often accidentally): She knocked a vase on to the floor while she was dusting.) zhodiť
    3) (to put into a certain state or position by hitting: He knocked the other man senseless.) udrieť
    4) ((often with against, on) to strike against or bump into: She knocked against the table and spilt his cup of coffee; I knocked my head on the car door.) naraziť
    2. noun
    1) (an act of knocking or striking: She gave two knocks on the door; He had a nasty bruise from a knock he had received playing football.) úder
    2) (the sound made by a knock, especially on a door etc: Suddenly they heard a loud knock.) klopanie
    - knock-kneed
    - knock about/around
    - knock back
    - knock down
    - knock off
    - knock out
    - knock over
    - knock up
    - get knocked up
    * * *
    • vycítat
    • zaklopat
    • zaklopanie
    • zarazit
    • zazlievat
    • udivit
    • udierat
    • tlct
    • úder
    • udriet
    • prekvapit
    • klopat
    • klopanie
    • bit
    • rana
    • kritizovat
    • ohromit

    English-Slovak dictionary > knock

  • 6 swear

    past tense - swore; verb
    1) (to state, declare, or promise solemnly with an oath, or very definitely and positively: The witness must swear to tell the truth; He swore an oath of loyalty; Swear never to reveal the secret; I could have sworn (= I'm sure) she was here a minute ago.) prisahať
    2) (to use the name of God and other sacred words, or obscene words, for emphasis or abuse; to curse: Don't swear in front of the children!) kliať
    - swear-word
    - swear by
    - swear in
    - swear to
    * * *
    • vziat jed na to
    • zaprisahat sa
    • zanadávat
    • zakliatie
    • zakliat
    • zahrešenie
    • zaviazat sa
    • zlostne vrcat
    • zložit prísahu
    • slúbit na cestné slovo
    • slúbit pod prísahou
    • sproste hovorit
    • tlct sa
    • tvrdit
    • urobit pod prísahou
    • preklínat
    • prehlasovat
    • prisahat
    • prísaha
    • dovolit advokátsku prax
    • dôverovat
    • kliat
    • hrešit
    • kliatba
    • bit sa
    • dat cestné slovo
    • rucit
    • prskat
    • nadávka
    • nadávat
    • nadávanie
    • neíst dokopy
    • nenechat dopustit
    • odhadnút pod prísahou
    • odprisahat

    English-Slovak dictionary > swear

  • 7 vex

    (to annoy or distress (a person): There were no other problems to vex us.) znepokojovať, trápiť
    * * *
    • znepokojovat
    • súžit
    • sužovat
    • spôsobit starosti
    • týrat
    • trýznit
    • trápit
    • hnevat
    • hnevat sa
    • bit
    • bicovat
    • rozbúrit (more)
    • rozbúrit
    • rozculovat
    • otravovat
    • pôsobit bolest
    • mucit

    English-Slovak dictionary > vex

См. также в других словарях:

  • Bit rate — Bit rates Decimal prefixes (SI) Name Symbol Multiple kilobit per second kbit/s 103 megabit per second Mbit/s 106 gigabit per second Gbit/s 109 …   Wikipedia

  • Bit Cloud — is a character from , an anime based on TOMY s Zoids model franchise. Voiced by Takahiro Sakurai in the Japanese version and Richard Ian Cox in the English version of the series, he is the protagonist of the story, and a member of the Blitz team …   Wikipedia

  • Bit manipulation — is the act of algorithmically manipulating bits or other pieces of data shorter than a byte. Programming tasks that require bit manipulation include low level device control, error detection and correction algorithms, encryption algorithms, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Bit rot — Bit rot, also known as bit decay, data rot, or data decay, is a colloquial computing term used to describe either a gradual decay of storage media or the degradation of a software program over time. The latter use of the term implies that… …   Wikipedia

  • Bit Corporation — (普澤 Pu Ze in Chinese) [cite web |url=http://fuji.drillspirits.net/gamate/?p=bit |title=Gamate: Bit Corporation |accessdate=2008 06 09 |author=Taizou |date=2008 |work=Neo Fuji |publisher=] was a Taiwanese game developer and console… …   Wikipedia

  • bit Generations — Developer(s) Skip Ltd. Q Games Publisher(s) …   Wikipedia

  • Bit-banging — is a technique for serial communications to use software instead of dedicated hardware such as a UART or shift register. A software routine handles the UART transmit function by alternating a pin on the microcontroller by given time intervals. A… …   Wikipedia

  • Bit stream access — refers to the situation where a wireline incumbent install a high speed access link to the customers premises (e.g., by installing ADSL equipment in the local access network) and then makes this access link available to third parties, to enable… …   Wikipedia

  • Bit Corporation — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Bit Corporation (普澤 Pu Ze en chino)[1] fue una empresa con sede en Taiwán, dedicada al desarrollo de videojuegos para videoconsolas y la fabricación de ordenadores domésticos y consolas de sobremesa y mano.… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Bit cell — is the length of tape, the area of disc surface, or the part of integrated circuit in which a single bit is recorded. The smaller the bit cells are, the better the storage density of the medium is.In magnetic storage, the magnetic flux or… …   Wikipedia

  • Bit-string physics — is an emerging body of theory which considers the universe to be a process of operations on strings of bits. Bit string physics is often associated with A.F. Parker Rhodes combinatorial hierarchy, which is notable for its relationship with the… …   Wikipedia

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