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  • 101 swift

    I [swift] adjective
    (fast or quick: a swift horse; Our methods are swift and efficient; a swift-footed animal.) rýchly
    - swiftness II [swift] noun
    (a type of bird rather like a swallow.) dažďovník
    * * *
    • šikovný
    • svižný
    • svižne
    • tažký
    • tvrdý
    • bubon
    • bezprostredný
    • bystrý
    • bystrina
    • dáždovník (vták)
    • rýchly
    • prudko
    • rýchlo
    • prudký
    • prúd
    • ostrý
    • pohotový
    • pramen
    • letiaci
    • lopatka
    • krídlo
    • náchylný
    • moták
    • náhly
    • navijak
    • okamžitý

    English-Slovak dictionary > swift

  • 102 tail

    [teil] 1. noun
    1) (the part of an animal, bird or fish that sticks out behind the rest of its body: The dog wagged its tail; A fish swims by moving its tail.) chvost
    2) (anything which has a similar function or position: the tail of an aeroplane/comet.) chvost
    2. verb
    (to follow closely: The detectives tailed the thief to the station.) stopovať, sledovať
    - - tailed
    - tails 3. interjection
    (a call showing that a person has chosen that side of the coin when tossing a coin to make a decision etc.) orol
    - tail-light
    - tail wind
    - tail off
    * * *
    • vrkoc
    • vytrhnút
    • vytrhávat
    • zadná cast
    • zadok
    • spodný okraj stránky
    • stopa
    • tylo
    • prenasledovat
    • frak
    • chvost
    • plutva
    • koniec
    • odtok
    • opatrit chvostom
    • obmedzené vlastníctvo

    English-Slovak dictionary > tail

  • 103 talon

    (the claw of a bird of prey.) pazúr, dráp
    * * *
    • žliabkovnica (archit.)
    • talón
    • dráp
    • pazúr

    English-Slovak dictionary > talon

  • 104 tit

    I noun
    1) (any of several kinds of small bird: a blue tit.) sýkorka
    2) ((slang) a woman's breast or nipple.) prsník, bradavka
    (blow for blow; repayment of injury with injury: He tore my dress, so I spilt ink on his suit. That's tit for tat.) oko za oko, zub za zub
    * * *
    • sýkorka

    English-Slovak dictionary > tit

  • 105 Turkey

    1) (a kind of large farmyard bird.) moriak, morka
    2) (its flesh used as food, eaten especially at Christmas or (in the United States) Thanksgiving: We had turkey for dinner.) morka
    * * *
    • Turecko

    English-Slovak dictionary > Turkey

  • 106 turkey

    1) (a kind of large farmyard bird.) moriak, morka
    2) (its flesh used as food, eaten especially at Christmas or (in the United States) Thanksgiving: We had turkey for dinner.) morka
    * * *
    • moriak
    • morka

    English-Slovak dictionary > turkey

  • 107 vulture

    (a type of large bird of prey feeding chiefly on dead bodies.) sup
    * * *
    • sup
    • sup (obrazne o ludoch)

    English-Slovak dictionary > vulture

  • 108 warbler

    noun (any of several kinds of small singing bird.) spevavý vták
    * * *
    • slávik
    • spevavý vták

    English-Slovak dictionary > warbler

  • 109 waterfowl

    noun or noun plural (a bird or birds which live on or beside water.) vodný vták; vodné vtáctvo
    * * *
    • vodné vtáctvo
    • vodný vták

    English-Slovak dictionary > waterfowl

  • 110 woodpecker

    noun (a type of bird which pecks holes in the bark of trees, searching for insects.) ďateľ
    * * *
    • datel

    English-Slovak dictionary > woodpecker

  • 111 wren

    (a type of very small bird.) oriešok
    * * *
    • striežik (vták)

    English-Slovak dictionary > wren

  • 112 -throated

    (having a (certain type of) throat: a red-throated bird.) s... hrdlom / krkom

    English-Slovak dictionary > -throated

  • 113 beady

    adjective ((of eyes) small and bright: the beady eyes of the bird.)

    English-Slovak dictionary > beady

  • 114 budgerigar

    (abbreviation budgie ['bа8i]) noun
    (a type of small (originally Australian) brightly-coloured bird, often kept as a pet.) andulka

    English-Slovak dictionary > budgerigar

  • 115 cagebird

    noun (a bird, eg a canary, suitable for keeping in a cage.) vták chovaný v klietke

    English-Slovak dictionary > cagebird

  • 116 disentangle

    (to free from being tangled; to unravel: The bird could not disentangle itself from the net.) vyslobodiť sa

    English-Slovak dictionary > disentangle

  • 117 emu

    (a type of Australian bird which cannot fly.) emu

    English-Slovak dictionary > emu

  • 118 flamingo

    plural - flamingo(e)s; noun
    (a type of long-legged wading bird, pink or bright red in colour.) plameniak

    English-Slovak dictionary > flamingo

  • 119 fledg(e)ling

    (a young bird ready to fly.) vtáčie mláďa, vtáčatko

    English-Slovak dictionary > fledg(e)ling

  • 120 fledg(e)ling

    (a young bird ready to fly.) vtáčie mláďa, vtáčatko

    English-Slovak dictionary > fledg(e)ling

См. также в других словарях:

  • Bird — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Adrian Peter Bird, britischer Genetiker Andrew Bird (Filmeditor) (* 1957), britischer Filmeditor und Übersetzer Andrew Bird (Ruderer) (* 1967), neuseeländischer Ruderer Andrew Bird (Musiker) (* 1973), US… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • BIRD — (homonymie) Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. {{{image}}}   Sigles d une seule lettre   Sigles de deux lettres   Sigles de trois lettres …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Bird — (b[ e]rd), n. [OE. brid, bred, bird, young bird, bird, AS. bridd young bird. [root]92.] 1. Orig., a chicken; the young of a fowl; a young eaglet; a nestling; and hence, a feathered flying animal (see 2). [1913 Webster] That ungentle gull, the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bird — W2S2 [bə:d US bə:rd] n [: Old English; Origin: bridd] 1.) a creature with wings and feathers that can usually fly. Many birds sing and build nests, and female birds lay eggs. ▪ wild birds ▪ The dawn was filled with the sound of birds. ▪ a flock… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • bird — ► NOUN 1) a warm blooded egg laying vertebrate animal which has feathers, wings, and a beak, and typically is able to fly. 2) informal a person of a specified kind or character: she s a sharp old bird. 3) Brit. informal a young woman or… …   English terms dictionary

  • bird — [bʉrd] n. [ME bird, brid < OE bridd, bird, orig., young bird] 1. any of a class (Aves) of warmblooded, two legged, egg laying vertebrates with feathers and wings 2. a small game bird: distinguished from WATERFOWL 3. a clay pigeon in… …   English World dictionary

  • bird — [ bɜrd ] noun count *** 1. ) an animal covered in feathers, with two wings for flying and a hard pointed mouth called a beak or a bill. Birds build nests, in which female birds lay eggs. 2. ) OLD FASHIONED a particular type of person: She s a… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • BIRD — bezeichnet einen Kleinsatelliten des Deutschen Zentrums für Luft und Raumfahrt (DLR), der am DLR Standort Berlin Adlershof unter Mitarbeit anderer DLR Standorte entwickelt und gebaut wurde. Wesentliche Komponenten und Beiträge stammen vom… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • bird|ie — «BUR dee», noun, verb, bird|ied, bird|y|ing. –n. 1. a little bird. 2. a score of one stroke less than par for any hole on a golf course. 3. = shuttlecock. (Cf. ↑shutt …   Useful english dictionary

  • bird|y — «BUR dee», adjective, bird|i|er, bird|i|est. 1. resembling or suggesting a bird: »Pauline made birdy, disapproving vibrations with her head (New Yorker). 2 …   Useful english dictionary

  • bird|er — «BUR duhr», noun. 1. a person who breeds birds. 2. = bird watcher. (Cf. ↑bird watcher) …   Useful english dictionary

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