1 biological integration
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > biological integration
2 biological integration
3 biological integration
Биология: биологическая интеграцияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > biological integration
4 biological integration
English-russian biological dictionary > biological integration
5 biological integration
6 integration
integration 1. интеграция, объединение; 2. интегрированиеbiological integration биологическая интеграцияgene integration интеграция геновnervous integration нервная интеграцияphage integration интеграция фагаEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > integration
7 integration
1) интеграция, объединение•- nervous integration
- phage integration
- restriction enzyme integration -
8 constant
1) константа, постоянная (величина)2) коэффициент3) модуль4) постоянный; неизменный•to calibrate a constant — точно определять значение постояннойconstant of motion — интеграл движенияconstant of proportionality — коэффициент пропорциональности-
absolute dielectric constant
absolute gas constant
acidity constant
additive constant
address constant
amplification constant
anisotropic elastic constants
anodization constant
arbitrary constant
atomic constant
attenuation constant
Avogadro constant
basicity constant
biological-decay constant
boiling-point gravity constant
boiling-point-viscosity constant
Boltzmann constant
calibration constant
character constant
chemical constant
circuit constant
coagulation constant
coil constant
compile-time constant
complex constant
complex dielectric constant
condenser constant
contiguous constant
corrosion constant
couple-stress constant
coupling constant
CR time constant
CR constant
damping constant
decay constant
deferred constant
dielectric attenuation constant
dielectric constant
dielectric phase constant
diffusion constant
dimensional constant
dimensionless constant
direct-axis subtransient open-circuit time constant
direct-axis subtransient short-circuit time constant
direct-axis transient open-circuit time constant
direct-axis transient short-circuit time constant
dissociation constant
distributed constants
effective decay constant
elastic constant
electric charge time constant
electric constant
electric discharge time constant
electrochemical constant
electromagnetic time constant
electromechanical time constant
electrooptic constant
electrostrictive constant
emission constant
empirical constant
exposure constant
fall time constant
Faraday constant
Fermi constant
gain constant
gas constant
generalized constants
gravitational constant
Hall constant
harmonic constant
Hollerith constant
hysteresis material constant
hysteresis constant
ideal gas constant
image transfer constant
instructional constant
instrument constant
instrumental stadia constant
integer constant
integration constant
intermolecular energy constant
ionization constant
Joule's constant
Kerr constant
lattice constant
literal constant
logical constant
loop-time constant
lumped circuit constants
magnetic constant
manifest constant
mechanical time constant
migration constant
multiplication constant
multiplying constant
network constant
noncontiguous constant
nondimensional constant
nuclear constant
numerical constant
numeric constant
open-circuit time constant of armature winding
open-circuit time constant
Pascal constant
permittivity constant
phase-change constant
phase constant
photoelastic constant
photometric constant
Planck constant
principal elastic constants
propagation constant
proportionality constant
quadrature-axis subtransient open-circuit time constant
quadrature-axis subtransient short-circuit time constant
quadrature-axis transient open-circuit time constant
quadrature-axis transient short-circuit time constant
radiation constant
radioactive decay constant
radiological decay constant
reaction constant
reactor time constant
real constant
relative dielectric constant
reproduction constant
resistivity constant
resonance constant
Seebeck constant
sensitization constant
short-circuit time constant of armature winding
short-circuit time constant
slot-reactance constant
solar constant
spring constant
stadia constant
Stefan-Boltzmann constant
stored energy constant
strain-hardening constant
strain-optic constant
structured constant
thermal time constant
thermodynamic constant
time constant
torsion constant
transfer constant
transformation constant
transient time constant
transmission constant
universal constant
Van der Waals constant
viscosity-gravity constant
wavelength constant
wedge constant -
1) Компьютерная техника: Black Digital Interface, Brain Dead Install2) Медицина: Beck Depression Inventory, baseline dyspnoea index3) Американизм: Business Data Integration4) Военный термин: biological damage indicator5) Техника: base diffusion isolation, bearing direction indicator6) Юридический термин: Behavior Determinant Intervention, Belief Desire And Intention7) Экономика: Baltic Dry Index( индекс стоимости перевозки грузов)8) Бухгалтерия: bank deposit interest9) Грубое выражение: Big, Dumb Idiot10) Сокращение: Battle Damage Indication device, Bearing Deviation / Distance Indicator, Blast Deflectors Inc. (USA), Bomb Damage Intelligence, Bullet Direction Indicator, bearing deviation indicator11) Физиология: Behaviors Determinants And Interventions12) Транспорт: Basic Driver Improvement13) Реклама: Индекс потребительского спроса14) Деловая лексика: Behavior Description Interviewing15) Образование: Beginners Discussion Initiative16) Безопасность: background disturbance indicator17) Чат: Beginner's Discussion Initiative -
10 IBP
1) Компьютерная техника: in-band power, integrated business package2) Медицина: invasive blood pressure3) Военный термин: Integration By Parts4) Химия: н.к.5) Автомобильный термин: integral back pressure6) Сокращение: Ion-Beam Processing7) Нефть: начало кипения (initial boiling point), начальная точка кипения (initial boiling point)8) Фирменный знак: Institute Of Bankers Pakistan9) Экология: International Biological Program10) Деловая лексика: Internet Business Process11) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: ТНК (initial boiling point), температура начала кипения (initial boiling point), initial boiling point (temperature at which a petroleum fraction begins to boil)12) Нефтегазовая техника температура начала вскипания, температура начала перегонки13) Сетевые технологии: Interrupted Bernoulli Process14) Полимеры: initial boiling point15) Программирование: Insert Bug and Proceed16) NYSE. I B P, Inc. -
11 bdi
1) Компьютерная техника: Black Digital Interface, Brain Dead Install2) Медицина: Beck Depression Inventory, baseline dyspnoea index3) Американизм: Business Data Integration4) Военный термин: biological damage indicator5) Техника: base diffusion isolation, bearing direction indicator6) Юридический термин: Behavior Determinant Intervention, Belief Desire And Intention7) Экономика: Baltic Dry Index( индекс стоимости перевозки грузов)8) Бухгалтерия: bank deposit interest9) Грубое выражение: Big, Dumb Idiot10) Сокращение: Battle Damage Indication device, Bearing Deviation / Distance Indicator, Blast Deflectors Inc. (USA), Bomb Damage Intelligence, Bullet Direction Indicator, bearing deviation indicator11) Физиология: Behaviors Determinants And Interventions12) Транспорт: Basic Driver Improvement13) Реклама: Индекс потребительского спроса14) Деловая лексика: Behavior Description Interviewing15) Образование: Beginners Discussion Initiative16) Безопасность: background disturbance indicator17) Чат: Beginner's Discussion Initiative -
12 ibp
1) Компьютерная техника: in-band power, integrated business package2) Медицина: invasive blood pressure3) Военный термин: Integration By Parts4) Химия: н.к.5) Автомобильный термин: integral back pressure6) Сокращение: Ion-Beam Processing7) Нефть: начало кипения (initial boiling point), начальная точка кипения (initial boiling point)8) Фирменный знак: Institute Of Bankers Pakistan9) Экология: International Biological Program10) Деловая лексика: Internet Business Process11) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: ТНК (initial boiling point), температура начала кипения (initial boiling point), initial boiling point (temperature at which a petroleum fraction begins to boil)12) Нефтегазовая техника температура начала вскипания, температура начала перегонки13) Сетевые технологии: Interrupted Bernoulli Process14) Полимеры: initial boiling point15) Программирование: Insert Bug and Proceed16) NYSE. I B P, Inc.
См. также в других словарях:
biological integration — the acquisition of functional coordination during embryonic development through humoral and nervous influences … Medical dictionary
Biological database — Biological databases are libraries of life sciences information, collected from scientific experiments, published literature, high throughput experiment technology, and computational analyses. They contain information from research areas… … Wikipedia
Biological constraints — are factors which make populations resistant to evolutionary change. Constraint has played an important role in the development of such ideas as homology and body plans. Types of constraintConstraint, broadly considered, is so general as to be an … Wikipedia
biological development — Introduction the progressive changes in size, shape, and function during the life of an organism by which its genetic potentials (genotype) are translated into functioning mature systems (phenotype). Most modern philosophical outlooks would … Universalium
Biological classification — Scientific classification redirects here. For other uses, see Scientific classification (disambiguation) … Wikipedia
Biological pesticide — Contents 1 Perceived advantages 2 Perceived disadvantages 3 See also 4 References 5 … Wikipedia
Biological network inference — Many types of biological networks exist. Few such networks are known in anything approaching their complete structure, even in the simplest bacteria. Still less is known on the parameters governing the behavior of such networks over time, how the … Wikipedia
Biological neuron model — A biological neuron model (also known as spiking neuron model) is a mathematical description of the properties of nerve cells, or neurons, that is designed to accurately describe and predict biological processes. This is in contrast to the… … Wikipedia
Integration and Application Network — The Integration and Application Network (IAN) is a collection of scientists interested in solving, not just studying environmental problems. The intent of IAN is to inspire, manage and produce timely syntheses and assessments on key environmental … Wikipedia
European integration — European Union This article is part of the series: Politics and government of the European Union … Wikipedia
Convention on Biological Diversity — Document The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), known informally as the Biodiversity Convention, is an international legally binding treaty. The Convention has three main goals: conservation of biological diversity (or biodiversity);… … Wikipedia