1 binary symmetric channel
двоичный симметричный канал
Канал передачи данных, в котором вероятности появления ошибок в символах “0” и “1” в среднем одинаковы и отсутствует влияние предыдущих символов на последующие. Достоверность передачи информации не зависит от того, какой символ передается в текущий момент, и поэтому такой канал называется также двоичный канал без “памяти” или канал с нулевой памятью. Ср. memory-.
[Л.М. Невдяев. Телекоммуникационные технологии. Англо-русский толковый словарь-справочник. Под редакцией Ю.М. Горностаева. Москва, 2002]Тематики
- электросвязь, основные понятия
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > binary symmetric channel
2 binary symmetric channel
1) Математика: двоичный симметричный канал2) Телекоммуникации: симметричный канал для передачи двоичных данныхУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > binary symmetric channel
3 binary symmetric channel
Англо-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > binary symmetric channel
4 binary symmetric channel
English-Russian electronics dictionary > binary symmetric channel
5 binary symmetric channel
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > binary symmetric channel
6 binary symmetric channel
English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > binary symmetric channel
7 binary symmetric channel
English-Russian scientific dictionary > binary symmetric channel
8 Binary Symmetric Channel (BSC)
двоичный симметричный каналEnglish-Russian dictionary of modern telecommunications > Binary Symmetric Channel (BSC)
9 binary symmetric dependent channel
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > binary symmetric dependent channel
10 binary symmetric independent channel
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > binary symmetric independent channel
11 binary symmetric dependent channel
= BSDCEnglish-Russian electronics dictionary > binary symmetric dependent channel
12 binary symmetric independent channel
English-Russian electronics dictionary > binary symmetric independent channel
13 binary symmetric dependent channel
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > binary symmetric dependent channel
14 binary symmetric independent channel
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > binary symmetric independent channel
15 binary symmetric dependent channel
English-Russian dictionary of modern telecommunications > binary symmetric dependent channel
16 binary symmetric independent channel
English-Russian dictionary of modern telecommunications > binary symmetric independent channel
17 channel
1) канал (1. тракт передачи данных; носитель передаваемых данных 2. ресурсы системы связи или системы вещания, выделяемые для передачи определённых данных 3. любой из составляющих сигналов в стереофонии или квадрафонии 4. тлв любой из сигналов цветности 5. любой из сигналов в многоканальной системе 6. пп область между истоком и стоком в полевом транзисторе, канальная область 7. микр. область между соседними матрицами логических элементов в специализированной ИС) || использовать канал; передавать по каналу; канализировать || канальный2) образовывать канал; формировать канал3) тракт; трасса; шина4) дорожка (напр. магнитной ленты)5) ствол ( в радиорелейной линии)6) вчт шина•- access channel - accompanying sound channel
- active channel
- actuating channel
- additive-noise channel
- adjacent channel
- adjacent audio channel
- allocated channel
- alpha channel
- alternate channel
- analog data channel
- analog data transfer channel
- arithmetic channel
- associated channel
- asynchronously multiplexed channel
- audio channel
- audio-frequency channel
- auxiliary channel
- available channel
- aviation channel
- B-channel
- back channel
- backward channel
- band-limited channel
- basic channel
- bearer channel
- binary channel
- binary erasure channel
- binary symmetric channel - BL channel
- block-multiplexer channel
- blue channel
- brightness channel
- broad-band channel
- broadcast channel - buried channel
- burst channel
- burst-error channel
- busy channel
- bypass channel
- byte-multiplexer channel
- calling channel
- camera channel
- common channel
- carrier channel
- carrier current channel
- chocked channel
- chroma channel
- chromaticity channel
- chrominance channel
- citizen band channel
- class D-channel
- class E-channel
- clear channel
- coherent channel
- color channel
- color-difference channel
- color-sync channel
- color-sync processing channel
- color transmitting channel
- command channel
- common-user channel
- communication channel
- companded channel
- conducting channel
- conductive channel
- contiguous channels
- control channel
- cross-polarized channels
- D-channel
- data channel
- data transfer channel
- dedicated channel - deep sound channel
- default color channels
- delta channel
- demand-assigned channel
- demodulator channel
- depletion channel
- dial-up channel
- difference channel
- diffuse optical channel
- digital data channel
- digital data transfer channel
- dipole channel
- direct-access radar channel
- direct memory access channel
- discrete channel
- discrete-input channel
- discrete memoryless channel
- display data channel - DMA channel
- dogleg channel
- domain-tip propagation channel
- Doppler-shifted channel
- duplex channel
- emergency radio channel
- engineering channel
- excitation channel
- fading channel
- fast-acting channel - FET channel
- fiber channel
- fiber-optic communication channel
- field-effect transistor channel
- fixed-tuned channel
- forward channel
- four-wire channel
- frequency-modulation broadcast channel - green channel
- guard channel
- half-duplex channel - high-frequency channel
- horizontal channel
- I-channel
- idle channel
- induced channel
- information channel
- information bearer channel
- input channel
- input/output channel
- interference channel
- Internet relay chat channel
- interrupt channel
- inversion channel
- I/O channel
- ion channel
- ion-implanted channel
- ionospheric channel
- IRC channel
- isolating channel
- jammed channel
- L-channel
- leased channel
- left front channel
- left rear channel
- left stereo channel
- left stereophonic channel
- line-of-sight channel
- local channel
- logical channel
- low-frequency channel
- luminance channel
- M-channel
- melting channel
- memory channel
- memoryless channel
- meteor-burst channel
- MIDI channel
- monochrome channel
- multipath channel
- multipath-fading resistant channel
- multiple-access channel
- multiplex channel
- multiuser channel
- narrow-band channel
- news-talk-sports channel
- noiseless channel
- noisy channel
- nonswitched channel
- n-type channel
- off-hook channel
- one-way channel
- on-hook channel
- optical channel
- optical scatter channel
- ordinary channel
- output channel - permanent virtual channel
- photo-defined channel
- picture channel
- pilot channel
- plasma channel
- primary color channel
- programmed channel
- p-type channel
- Q-channel
- R-channel
- radio channel
- radio-frequency channel - read/write channel
- recording channel
- red channel
- reference channel
- regional channel
- relay channel
- rented channel
- reproducing channel
- reverberation channel
- right front channel
- right rear channel
- right stereo channel
- right stereophonic channel
- S-channel
- scatter channel
- scribe channel
- sealed channel
- second channel
- selector channel
- serial management channel
- service channel
- shared channel
- side-lobe blanker channel
- side-lobe canceller channel
- signal channel
- signaling channel
- simplex channel - SLC channel - sound channel
- spacecraft channel
- SPX channel
- standard broadcast channel
- standard broadcasting channel
- stereo channel
- stereophonic channel
- subcarrier channel
- subcarrier-regeneration channel
- sum channel
- superconducting channel
- supervisory channel
- surface channel
- switched channel
- symmetrical channel
- synchronizing channel
- telecommunication channel
- telegraph channel
- telemeter channel
- telemetering channel
- telephone channel
- television channel
- time-derived channel
- time-division multiplex channel
- time-varying channel
- tone channel
- top channel - transponder channel
- troposcatter channel
- two-wire channel
- undersea communication channel
- vertical channel - VF channel
- VHF channel
- video-frequency channel
- virtual channel
- vision channel
- VM channel
- voice channel
- voice-band channel
- voice-frequency channel
- voice-grade channel
- waveguide channel
- wide-band channel
- wireless channel
- wire-tap channel
- write channel -
18 channel
1) канал (1. тракт передачи данных; носитель передаваемых данных 2. ресурсы системы связи или системы вещания, выделяемые для передачи определённых данных 3. любой из составляющих сигналов в стереофонии или квадрафонии 4. тлв. любой из сигналов цветности 5. любой из сигналов в многоканальной системе 6. пп. область между истоком и стоком в полевом транзисторе, канальная область 7. микр. область между соседними матрицами логических элементов в специализированной ИС) || использовать канал; передавать по каналу; канализировать || канальный2) образовывать канал; формировать канал3) тракт; трасса; шина4) дорожка (напр. магнитной ленты)5) ствол ( в радиорелейной линии)6) вчт. шина•- access channel
- access grant channel
- accompanying audio channel
- accompanying sound channel
- active channel
- actuating channel
- additive-noise channel
- adjacent audio channel
- adjacent channel
- allocated channel
- alpha channel
- alternate channel
- analog data channel
- analog data transfer channel
- arithmetic channel
- associated channel
- asynchronously multiplexed channel
- audio channel
- audio-frequency channel
- auxiliary channel
- available channel
- aviation channel
- B channel
- back channel
- backward channel
- band-limited channel
- basic channel
- bearer channel
- binary channel
- binary erasure channel
- binary symmetric channel
- binary symmetric dependent channel
- binary symmetric independent channel
- BL channel
- block-multiplexer channel
- blue channel
- brightness channel
- broad-band channel
- broadcast channel
- broadcast control channel
- bulk channel
- buried channel
- burst channel
- burst-error channel
- busy channel
- bypass channel
- byte-multiplexer channel
- calling channel
- camera channel
- carrier channel
- carrier current channel
- chocked channel
- chroma channel
- chromaticity channel
- chrominance channel
- citizen band channel
- class D channel
- class E channel
- clear channel
- coherent channel
- color channel
- color transmitting channel
- color-difference channel
- color-sync channel
- color-sync processing channel
- command channel
- common channel
- common-user channel
- communication channel
- companded channel
- conducting channel
- conductive channel
- contiguous channels
- control channel
- cross-polarized channels
- D channel
- data channel
- data transfer channel
- dedicated channel
- dedicated control channel
- deep channel
- deep sound channel
- default color channels
- delta channel
- demand-assigned channel
- demodulator channel
- depletion channel
- dial-up channel
- difference channel
- diffuse optical channel
- digital data channel
- digital data transfer channel
- dipole channel
- direct memory access channel
- direct-access radar channel
- discrete channel
- discrete memoryless channel
- discrete-input channel
- display data channel 1
- display data channel 2
- display data channel
- diversity channel
- DMA channel
- dogleg channel
- domain-tip propagation channel
- Doppler-shifted channel
- duplex channel
- emergency radio channel
- engineering channel
- excitation channel
- fading channel
- fast associated control channel
- fast-acting channel
- feedback channel
- FET channel
- fiber channel
- fiber-optic communication channel
- field-effect transistor channel
- fixed-tuned channel
- forward channel
- four-wire channel
- frequency-modulation broadcast channel
- full rate traffic channel
- Gaussian channel
- green channel
- guard channel
- half rate traffic channel
- half-duplex channel
- hard-limited channel
- high-frequency channel
- horizontal channel
- I channel
- I/O channel
- idle channel
- induced channel
- information bearer channel
- information channel
- input channel
- input/output channel
- interference channel
- Internet relay chat channel
- interrupt channel
- inversion channel
- ion channel
- ion-implanted channel
- ionospheric channel
- IRC channel
- isolating channel
- jammed channel
- L channel
- leased channel
- left front channel
- left rear channel
- left stereo channel
- left stereophonic channel
- line-of-sight channel
- local channel
- logical channel
- low-frequency channel
- luminance channel
- M channel
- melting channel
- memory channel
- memoryless channel
- meteor-burst channel
- MIDI channel
- monochrome channel
- multipath channel
- multipath-fading resistant channel
- multiple-access channel
- multiplex channel
- multiuser channel
- narrow-band channel
- news-talk-sports channel
- noiseless channel
- noisy channel
- nonswitched channel
- n-type channel
- off-hook channel
- one-way channel
- on-hook channel
- optical channel
- optical scatter channel
- ordinary channel
- output channel
- paging channel
- percolating conduction channel
- permanent virtual channel
- photo-defined channel
- picture channel
- pilot channel
- plasma channel
- primary color channel
- programmed channel
- p-type channel
- Q channel
- R channel
- radio channel
- radio-frequency channel
- random access channel
- Rayleigh channel
- read/write channel
- recording channel
- red channel
- reference channel
- regional channel
- relay channel
- rented channel
- reproducing channel
- reverberation channel
- right front channel
- right rear channel
- right stereo channel
- right stereophonic channel
- S channel
- scatter channel
- scribe channel
- sealed channel
- second channel
- selector channel
- serial management channel
- service channel
- shared channel
- side-lobe blanker channel
- side-lobe canceller channel
- signal channel
- signaling channel
- simplex channel
- single channel per carrier
- SLB channel
- SLC channel
- slow associated control channel
- sofar channel
- sound channel
- spacecraft channel
- SPX channel
- standard broadcast channel
- standard broadcasting channel
- stereo channel
- stereophonic channel
- subcarrier channel
- subcarrier-regeneration channel
- sum channel
- superconducting channel
- supervisory channel
- surface channel
- switched channel
- symmetrical channel
- synchronizing channel
- telecommunication channel
- telegraph channel
- telemeter channel
- telemetering channel
- telephone channel
- television channel
- time-derived channel
- time-division multiplex channel
- time-varying channel
- tone channel
- top channel
- traffic channel
- transfer channel
- transponder channel
- troposcatter channel
- two-wire channel
- undersea communication channel
- vertical channel
- VESA media channel
- vestigial-sideband channel
- VF channel
- VHF channel
- video-frequency channel
- virtual channel
- vision channel
- VM channel
- voice channel
- voice-band channel
- voice-frequency channel
- voice-grade channel
- waveguide channel
- wide-band channel
- wireless channel
- wire-tap channel
- write channelThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > channel
19 channel
1) канал2) русло; фарватер; водоток3) канава; траншея4) выемка; желоб5) желобок; канавка; бороздка6) метал. швеллер7) метал. боров ( часть дымохода)8) выбирать паз; делать канавку•channel with memory — т. инф. канал с памятью
channel with past history — ТМО канал с предысторией
channel with priorities — ТМО канал с приоритетами
20 channel
канал (связи, передачи информации)Англо-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > channel
См. также в других словарях:
Binary symmetric channel — A binary symmetric channel (or BSC) is a common communications channel model used in coding theory and information theory. In this model, a transmitter wishes to send a bit (a zero or a one), and the receiver receives a bit. It is assumed that… … Wikipedia
Binary erasure channel — A binary erasure channel (or BEC) is a common communications channel model used in coding theory and information theory. In this model, a transmitter sends a bit (a zero or a one), and the receiver either receives the bit or it receives a message … Wikipedia
Binary Symmetric Channel — Schema eines BSC Ein binärer symmetrischer Kanal (BSC) ist ein informationstheoretischer Kanal, bei dem die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Falschübermittlung von 1 genau so hoch ist wie die Wahrscheinlichkeit der Falschübermittlung einer 0. Das heißt,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Channel (communications) — Old telephone wires are a challenging communications channel for modern digital communications. In telecommunications and computer networking, a communication channel, or channel, refers either to a physical transmission medium such as a wire, or … Wikipedia
Distributed source coding — (DSC) is an important problem in information theory and communication. DSC problems regard the compression of multiple correlated information sources that do not communicate with each other.[1] By modeling the correlation between multiple sources … Wikipedia
Information theory — Not to be confused with Information science. Information theory is a branch of applied mathematics and electrical engineering involving the quantification of information. Information theory was developed by Claude E. Shannon to find fundamental… … Wikipedia
information theory — the mathematical theory concerned with the content, transmission, storage, and retrieval of information, usually in the form of messages or data, and esp. by means of computers. [1945 50] * * * ▪ mathematics Introduction a mathematical… … Universalium
Linear code — In mathematics and information theory, a linear code is an important type of block code used in error correction and detection schemes. Linear codes allow for more efficient encoding and decoding algorithms than other codes (cf. syndrome… … Wikipedia
Decoding methods — In communication theory and coding theory, decoding is the process of translating received messages into codewords of a given code. There has been many common methods of mapping messages to codewords. These are often used to recover messages sent … Wikipedia
List of mathematics articles (B) — NOTOC B B spline B* algebra B* search algorithm B,C,K,W system BA model Ba space Babuška Lax Milgram theorem Baby Monster group Baby step giant step Babylonian mathematics Babylonian numerals Bach tensor Bach s algorithm Bachmann–Howard ordinal… … Wikipedia
BSc — steht für: Balanced Scorecard, ein Controlling bzw. Strategieinstrument Banking Supervision Committee, ein Teil des European System of Central Banks Barcelona Supercomputing Center, ein spanisches Computerarchitektur und… … Deutsch Wikipedia