1 bilateral treaty
2 bilateral treaty
1) Общая лексика: двусторонний договор2) Торговля: двухсторонний договор3) юр.Н.П. двусторонний договор (as distinguished from "multilateral treaty"; international law) -
3 bilateral treaty
= bipartite treaty двусторонний договор -
4 bilateral treaty
двусторонний договорАнгло-русский словарь экономических терминов > bilateral treaty
5 bilateral treaty
двусторонний договорАнгло-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > bilateral treaty
6 bilateral treaty
7 bilateral treaty
двусторонний договор; -
8 bilateral treaty
9 bilateral treaty
двусторонний договорEnglish-Russian dictionary of technical terms > bilateral treaty
10 bilateral treaty
11 bilateral treaty
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > bilateral treaty
12 bilateral treaty
13 bilateral treaty
14 (a) bilateral treaty
English-Russian combinatory dictionary > (a) bilateral treaty
15 treaty
16 bilateral
aдвусторонний; билатеральный;bilateral treaty - двусторонний договор;
bilateral observation - двусторонние наблюдения.
* * *прил.двусторонний; билатеральный; -
17 treaty
n( on smth) договор (о чем-л.)to abandon a treaty — отказываться от договора, денонсировать договор
to abolish / to abrogate a treaty — аннулировать / отменять договор
to adhere to (terms of) a treaty — придерживаться условий / соблюдать условия договора
to annul a treaty — аннулировать / отменять договор
to become a party to / to join a treaty — присоединяться к договору
to breach / to break treaty — нарушать договор
to break off a treaty — денонсировать / расторгать договор
to cancel a treaty — аннулировать / отменять договор
to conflict with / to contravene a treaty — противоречить договору
to denounce a treaty — денонсировать / расторгать договор
to draft / to draw up a treaty — разрабатывать проект договора
to end a treaty — денонсировать / расторгать договор
to extend (the validity of) a treaty — продлевать срок действия договора, пролонгировать договор
to give the President the Senate's counsel and consent to ratify the treaty — давать президенту совет и согласие Сената на ратификацию договора
to implement a treaty — выполнять договор / условия договора
to impose a treaty (on / upon smb) — навязывать договор (кому-л.)
to legally write smth into a treaty — официально вносить что-л. в договор
to observe the terms / provisions of a treaty — выполнять положения договора
to offer to sign a nonaggression treaty with a country — предлагать подписать договор о ненападении с какой-л. страной
to pass a treaty — утверждать / одобрять договор ( о законодательном органе)
to present one's draft treaty — представлять свой проект договора
to prolong (the validity of) a treaty — продлевать срок действия договора, пролонгировать договор
to ram a treaty down smb's throat — навязывать договор кому-л.
to renounce a treaty — денонсировать / расторгать договор
to revoke a treaty — аннулировать / отменять договор
to rush headlong to a treaty — необдуманно / безрассудно заключать договор
to sign a treaty in smb's name — подписывать договор от имени кого-л.
to sign a peace treaty — подписывать мирный договор / мир
- abortive treatyto withdraw from a treaty — денонсировать договор, выходить из договора
- abrogation of a treaty - Antarctic treaty
- antiballistic missile treaty - arms-control treaty
- article of a treaty
- basic treaty
- bilateral treaty - boundary treaty
- broad interpretation of a treaty
- by virtue of a treaty
- cancellation of a treaty
- circumvention of a treaty
- clause of a treaty
- closed treaty
- collapse of a treaty
- collusive treaty
- commercial treaty
- compliance with a treaty
- comprehensive arms control treaty
- Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
- comprehensive treaty
- conclusion of a treaty
- consular treaty
- contravention of a treaty
- Conventional Force in Central Europe treaty
- Conventional Force in Europe treaty
- conventional force treaty
- cooperation treaty
- crucial foreign treaty
- delay over the ratification of a treaty
- demarcation treaty - draft treaty
- duration of treaty
- enslaving treaty
- entry of the treaty into force
- equal treaty
- equitable treaty
- European security treaty
- exploitative treaty
- expulsion from a treaty
- extension of a treaty
- extradition treaty
- fettering treaty
- founder of a treaty
- friendship and brotherhood treaty
- friendship and cooperation treaty
- full member of a treaty
- guarantor of a treaty
- implementation of the treaty
- in accordance with a treaty
- in compliance with a treaty
- in the shape of a treaty
- inequitable treaty
- INF treaty
- integral part of a treaty
- inter-American treaties
- interim treaty
- intermediate-range nuclear-forces treaty
- international treaty
- interpretation of a treaty
- interstate treaties
- invalid treaty
- landmine ban treaty
- lawmaking treaty
- leak-proof treaty
- limited test ban treaty
- long-term treaty
- missile treaty
- modified draft treaty
- much delayed treaty
- multilateral treaty
- neutrality treaty
- nonaggression treaty
- nonproliferation treaty
- normalization treaty
- nuclear nonproliferation treaty
- nuclear test ban treaty
- nuclear weapons not covered by the treaty
- nuclear-free zone treaty
- objectives and principles of the treaty
- observance of a treaty
- open treaty
- Pacific security treaty
- partial test ban treaty - permanent treaty
- phased treaty
- plunderous treaty
- preliminary treaty
- prolongation of a treaty
- provision of a treaty
- publication of a treaty
- ratification of a treaty is now in jeopardy
- ratification of a treaty
- reciprocal treaty
- regional treaty
- renunciation of a treaty
- restricted treaty
- revision of a treaty
- right to withdraw from a treaty
- secret treaty
- security treaty
- separate peace treaty
- separate treaty
- signatories to a treaty
- signatory of a treaty
- signatory to a treaty
- signing of a treaty
- state treaty
- still-extant treaty
- Strategic Arms Reduction treaty
- ten-year treaty - text of a treaty
- the Moscow Test Ban Treaty
- threshold testing ban treaty
- threshold treaty
- trade treaty
- treaty banning nuclear weapon tests in the atmosphere, in outer space and under water
- treaty broke down
- treaty comes into effect
- treaty comes into force
- treaty comes into operation
- treaty does not cover underground tests
- treaty envisages smth
- treaty establishing normal relations
- treaty excluding the use of force
- treaty for good-neighborly relations
- treaty goes to... for endorsement
- treaty governing the canal
- treaty has been warmly welcomed
- treaty in force
- treaty is due to expire in 2010
- treaty is feasible
- treaty is moribund
- treaty is still at the heart of the disagreement
- treaty is subject to ratification
- treaty limiting anti-ballistic missile systems
- treaty of accession
- treaty of alliance
- treaty of commerce and navigation
- treaty of cooperation
- treaty of extradition
- treaty of friendship
- treaty of guarantee
- treaty of mutual assistance
- treaty of mutual security
- treaty of neutrality
- treaty of nonaggression
- treaty of peace
- treaty of relations
- treaty of union
- treaty of unity
- treaty of unlimited duration
- treaty on the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons
- treaty on the non-use of force
- treaty provides for smth
- treaty remained in suspension
- tripartite treaty
- under the treaty
- unequal treaty
- unfair treaty
- unification treaty
- unilateral renunciation of a treaty
- union treaty
- unratified treaty
- vassal treaty
- verifiable treaty
- verification of compliance with the treaty - world treaty -
18 treaty
19 bilateral
1. n двусторонние переговоры2. a двусторонний; билатеральныйСинонимический ряд:1. shared (adj.) collective; common; cooperative; joint; shared2. two-sided (adj.) involving two parties; mutual; reciprocal; respective; two-sided -
20 treaty
1) договор (преим. международный); трактат•treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation — договор о дружбе, торговле и мореплавании
- treaty of cessiontreaty of friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance — договор о дружбе, сотрудничестве и взаимной помощи
- treaty of friendship
- treaty of limits
- treaty of marriage
- treaty of peace
- arbitration treaty
- bilateral treaty
- boundary treaty
- commercial treaty
- constitutive treaty
- contractual treaty
- equal treaty
- extradition treaty
- formal treaty
- international treaty
- law-making treaty
- law treaty
- legislative treaty
- Moon treaty
- multilateral treaty
- non-self-executing treaty
- open treaty
- peace treaty
- permanent treaty
- private treaty
- protectorate treaty
- reciprocal treaty
- regional treaty
- restricted treaty
- secret treaty
- self-executing treaty
- tax treaty
- trade treaty
- trilateral treaty
- unequal treaty
- bipartite treaty
- tripartite treaty
См. также в других словарях:
Bilateral treaty — A bilateral treaty is a treaty strictly between two state parties. These two parties can be two states, or two international organizations, or one state and one international organization.It is similar to a contract, so it is called contractual… … Wikipedia
Treaty — The first two pages of the Treaty of Brest Litovsk, in (left to right) German, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Ottoman Turkish and Russian A treaty is an express agreement under international law entered into by actors in international law, namely… … Wikipedia
treaty — /tree tee/, n., pl. treaties. 1. a formal agreement between two or more states in reference to peace, alliance, commerce, or other international relations. 2. the formal document embodying such an international agreement. 3. any agreement or… … Universalium
treaty — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ global, international, regional, union ▪ bilateral, multilateral ▪ formal ▪ draft … Collocations dictionary
Bilateral relations between Colombia and India — The Diplomatic Relations between India and Colombia were established in January 1959 and the Embassy of Colombia in New Delhi was opened in 1972. Currently, the ambassador of Colombia Juan Alfredo Pinto Saavedra, an entrepreneur, writer,… … Wikipedia
Treaty of Georgievsk — The Treaty of Georgievsk ( ru. Георгиевский трактат, Georgievskiy traktat ; ka. გეორგიევსკის ტრაქტატი, georgievskis trak tati ) was a bilateral treaty concluded between the Russian Empire and the east Georgian kingdom of Kartli Kakheti on July 24 … Wikipedia
bilateral — adjective Date: 1775 1. having two sides 2. affecting reciprocally two nations or parties < a bilateral treaty > < a bilateral trade agreement > 3. a. of, relating to, or affecting the right and left sides of the body or the right and left… … New Collegiate Dictionary
bilateral investment treaty — (BIT) USA A treaty between two governments designed to promote and protect foreign private investment by minimizing the political risks associated with investing in a foreign country. These agreements establish the terms and conditions under… … Law dictionary
Treaty of 1818 — Convention respecting fisheries, boundary, and the restoration of slaves United States territorial border changes Signed 1818 Location London, United Kingdom Signatories … Wikipedia
Treaty of Nanking — Peace Treaty between the Queen of Great Britain and the Emperor of China Signing of the Treaty of Nanking Type Bilateral Signed June 29, 1852 ( … Wikipedia
Bilateral copyright agreements of the United States — are agreements between the United States and another country which allow U.S. authors to claim copyright protection in the other country and authors from that country to claim protection under United States copyright law.The agreements can take… … Wikipedia