2 ♦ big
♦ big /bɪg/a.1 grande; grosso; voluminoso; vasto: big toe, alluce; a big house, una grande casa; DIALOGO → - Shoes- They're a bit big, mi stanno un po' grandi; He has got a big heart, ha un gran cuore; è generoso; great big, grandissimo; enorme; grande e grosso: He's got great big eyes, ha degli occhi grandissimi; She had curly hair and a great big nose, aveva i capelli ricci e un gran nasone2 (attr.) grande ( d'età); maggiore: You're a big boy now, ormai sei grande; my big brother, il mio fratello maggiore3 importante; notevole; grande; grosso; serio; forte: big news, grosse novità; a big success, un grande successo; a big mistake, un grosso errore; a big decision, una decisione importante; a big landowner, un grosso possidente; the big day, il gran giorno; the Big Four [Five, Six, etc.], i (o le) quattro [cinque, sei, ecc.] Grandi (banche, società, ecc.); a big rise in prices, un forte aumento dei prezzi; a big appetite, un forte appetito; a big eater, un gran mangiatore; a big spender, uno che spende e spande; uno spendaccione; He's very big in showbiz, è molto importante (o è un pezzo grosso) nel mondo dello spettacolo; (iron.) big idea, idea grandiosa; gran progetto; trovata; alzata d'ingegno4 (fam.) ambizioso; grande; grandioso: big plans, progetti ambiziosi; to think big, pensare in grande; fare grandi progetti6 (pred.) (fam., spesso iron.) generoso: That's very big of you!, è molto generoso da parte tua; che generosità!7 (fam.) famoso; molto in voga; di successo● (fam. USA) the Big Apple, New York □ big-ass ► bigass □ the big bad wolf, il lupo cattivo □ (mus.) big band, big band; grande orchestra jazz o da ballo □ (astron.) the big bang, il big bang □ (fin., in GB) the Big Bang, la deregolamentazione e computerizzazione della Borsa Valori di Londra ( il 27 dicembre 1986) □ big-bellied, panciuto; ( di femmina) incinta, gravida □ (in GB) Big Ben, il Big Ben NOTE DI CULTURA: Big Ben: è propriamente il nome della campana della torre del Parlamento a Londra, fusa nel 1856 e così chiamata in onore di Benjamin Hall, allora direttore dei lavori pubblici; ormai il nome viene anche usato per indicare la torre stessa e l'orologio, famoso per la sua accuratezza e per essere usato come segnale orario dalla BBC □ (fin., in USA) the Big Board, il cartellone delle quotazioni ( alla Borsa Valori di New York); la Borsa Valori di New York □ big-boned, di forte ossatura; robusto □ Big Brother, Grande Fratello; dittatore □ (fam. USA) big bucks = big money ► sotto □ (fam.) big bug ► bigwig □ big business, attività commerciale redditizia; ( anche) le grandi società, le grandi imprese, la grande industria □ big cat, grosso felino (leone, tigre, leopardo, ecc.) □ (fam. scherz.) big cheese, pezzo grosso □ (astron.) big crunch, «big crunch» ( collasso della materia con cui avrà fine la vita dell'universo) □ ( slang USA) big daddy, capo; capoccia; boss □ ( slang USA) big deal, roba grossa; pezzo grosso: to make a big deal out of st., fare un sacco di storie per qc.; fare un affare di stato (o un dramma) di qc.; (iron.) Big deal!, sai che roba!; bell'affare!; no big deal, niente di speciale; roba da poco; What's the big deal?, e con ciò?; embè? □ (GB) big dipper, (le) montagne russe ( nei luna park) □ (astron., USA) the Big Dipper, l'Orsa Maggiore □ (mecc.) big end, testa ( di pistone) □ (fam. USA) the Big Easy, New Orleans □ big game, le grosse fiere ( come preda di caccia): big-game hunting, caccia grossa □ (fam.) big girl's blouse, smidollato; femminuccia □ ( USA) big government, governo (o Stato) troppo assistenziale; Stato troppo invadente; statalismo □ (fam. USA) big gun, pezzo grosso; persona influente □ big hair, pettinatura cotonata; testa cotonata □ (fam.) big-head, tipo presuntuoso; tipo spocchioso □ (fam.) big-headed, presuntuoso; spocchioso □ big-hearted, generoso; buono □ (fam.) big-hitter, ( persona) pezzo grosso; big; ( cosa) hit; successo □ the big house, la casa più importante (di un villaggio, un circondario); la casa dei signori □ ( USA) the big league, ( baseball) la serie A; (fig. fam.) i grandi, i campioni □ (fam. USA) big-league (agg.), grosso; importante; serio □ (fam.) big money, somme enormi; un sacco di soldi; soldi a palate: This is where the big money is, qui si fanno un sacco di soldi □ (fam.) big-mouth, uno che parla troppo o a sproposito; chiacchierone; lingua lunga □ (fam.) big-mouthed, chiacchierone; che ha la lingua lunga; che non sa tenere la lingua a posto □ (fam.) big name, persona famosa; grosso nome □ (fam.) big noise = big shot ► sotto □ ( slang USA) a big one, (un biglietto da) mille dollari □ ( USA) the big one, il grande evento; il grande momento; il gran giorno; ‘quello grosso’ (uragano, terremoto, ecc.) □ the big screen, il grande schermo; il cinema □ (fam.) big science, la grande ricerca scientifica □ (fam.) big shot, pezzo grosso; persona influente □ (fam.) big-shot (agg.), importante; influente; grosso □ (fin., stor.) the big slump, il tracollo ( della Borsa Valori) di Wall Street ( nel 1929) □ (fam. GB) the Big Smoke, Londra □ (fam.) the big stick, la maniera forte; l'uso della forza; il bastone □ (fam. USA) big talk, promesse vuote; millanterie; vanterie; spacconate □ (polit.) big-tent party, partito che riunisce diverse ideologie e punti di vista eterogenei □ (fam. USA) big-ticket (agg.), costoso; caro □ ( slang) the big time, l'apice di una professione, una carriera, un'attività; ( per estens.) il successo, la fama: to hit (o to make it to) the big time, arrivare al successo; sfondare □ ( slang) big-time (agg.), molto importante; grosso; di alto livello □ ( slang) big time (avv.), molto; alla grande (fam.): You've screwed it up big time!, hai fatto proprio un gran casino □ ( slang) big-timer, personaggio di primo piano; pezzo grosso; peso massimo □ the big top, il tendone ( del circo) □ (bot., USA) big tree ( Sequoiadendron giganteum), sequoia gigante □ big wheel, ruota gigante ( di luna park); ( slang) pezzo grosso □ to get (o to grow) big (o bigger), ingrossare; ingrandire; ingrassare; crescere □ (fam.) to go over big, avere successo; andare forte □ (fam.) in a big way, moltissimo; enormemente; alla grande (fam.): They do a lot of entertaining in a big way, ricevono moltissimo; danno un sacco di ricevimenti □ (fam.) to make it big, avere un gran successo; sfondare □ (fam.) to talk big, vantarsi; fare lo sbruffone; spararle grosse □ too big for one's boots (o, antiq., breeches; USA pants), che si dà un sacco d'arie; che si è montato la testa; presuntuoso.NOTA D'USO: - big, grand, great o large?- -
3 big
big [bɪg](a) (in size → car, hat, majority) grand, gros (grosse); (→ crowd, field, room) grand; (→ person) grand, fort;∎ the crowd got bigger la foule a grossi;∎ in big letters en (lettres) majuscules;∎ a big A un A majuscule;∎ to make sth bigger (garment, hole) agrandir;∎ the new wallpaper makes the room look bigger le nouveau papier peint agrandit la pièce;∎ we're not big eaters nous ne sommes pas de gros mangeurs;∎ to earn big money gagner gros;∎ advertising is where the big money is la publicité rapporte gros;∎ figurative he has a big head il a la grosse tête;∎ familiar why did you have to open your big mouth? tu ne pouvais pas la fermer, non?;∎ familiar she's too big for her boots or her breeches elle ne se prend pas pour n'importe qui(b) (in height) grand;∎ to get or to grow bigger grandir;∎ you're a big boy now tu es un grand garçon maintenant;∎ she's big enough to look after herself elle est assez grande pour se défendre∎ my big sister ma grande sœur(d) (as intensifier) grand, énorme;∎ he's just a big bully ce n'est qu'une grosse brute;∎ you're the biggest fool of the lot! c'est toi le plus bête de tous!(e) (important, significant → decision, problem) grand, important; (→ drop, increase) fort, important; (→ mistake) grave;∎ the big day le grand jour;∎ you've got a big day ahead of you tomorrow tu as une journée importante devant toi demain;∎ this is your big scene (of main character) la scène est à toi; (of minor character) c'est ta scène;∎ he's big in publishing, he's a big man in publishing c'est quelqu'un d'important dans l'édition;∎ we're onto something big! nous sommes sur une piste intéressante!;∎ familiar to be into sb/sth big time or in a big way être dingue de qn/qch;∎ familiar he's been doing drugs big time or in a big way depuis quelque temps il arrête pas de se droguer;∎ familiar it's going to cost them big time ça va leur revenir vachement cher;∎ familiar he messed up his driving test big time il s'est planté dans les grandes largeurs au permis;∎ familiar did you have fun? - big time! vous vous êtes bien amusés? - oui, vachement bien!;∎ familiar to be in the big time, to have made the big time être en haut de l'échelle, être le dessus du panier, être arrivé;∎ familiar to hit or to make or to reach the big time arriver, réussir;∎ familiar once they've had a taste of the big time une fois qu'ils ont goûté au succès;∎ familiar big deal! tu parles!;∎ familiar it's no big deal il n'y a pas de quoi en faire un plat!(f) (grandiose) grand;∎ he has very big ideas about the future il a de grands projets d'avenir;∎ don't get any big ideas about doing this yourself ne crois pas que tu vas pouvoir faire ça tout seul;∎ I've got big plans for you j'ai de grands projets pour toi;∎ you really do things in a big way tu ne fais pas les choses à moitié;∎ he went into politics in a big way il est entré dans la politique par la grande porte;∎ they entertain in a big way ils font les choses en grand quand ils reçoivent;∎ big words! ce sont de bien grands mots!(g) (generous) grand, généreux;∎ he has a big heart il a du cœur ou bon cœur;∎ he's a big spender c'est un grand dépensier;∎ ironic you know what he's like, the last of the big spenders! tu le connais, toujours à faire des frais;∎ ironic that's big of you! quelle générosité!∎ Japanese food is really big just now la cuisine japonaise est vraiment à la mode en ce moment∎ to be big on sth être fana de qch;∎ the company is big on research l'entreprise investit beaucoup dans la recherche2 adverb∎ he talks big il se vante, il fanfaronne;∎ to think big voir grand∎ their music goes over or down big with teenagers les adolescents adorent leur musique;∎ they made it big in the pop world ce sont maintenant des stars de la musique pop►► familiar the Big Apple = surnom donné à la ville de New York;Music big band big band m (grand orchestre de jazz typique des années 40-50);British familiar Stock Exchange the Big Bang = déréglementation de la Bourse de Londres en octobre 1986;Astronomy the big bang theory la théorie du big-bang ou big bang;big bank grande banque f, enseigne f bancaire;Big Ben Big Ben;Computing Big Blue = surnom de la société IBM;American Stock Exchange the big board = la Bourse de New York;Big Brother Big Brother;∎ Big Brother is watching you Big Brother vous surveille;Commerce big business (UNCOUNT) les grandes entreprises fpl;Zoology big cat fauve m, grand félin m;the big cats les fauves mpl, les grands félins mpl;familiar figurative big cheese gros bonnet m;big dipper (in fairground) montagnes fpl russes;British formerly Banking the Big Four = les quatre grandes banques anglaises (Lloyds, National Westminster, Barclays, Midland);Hunting big game gros gibier m;American pejorative Politics Big Government = gouvernement interventionniste sur le plan social;familiar figurative big gun gros bonnet m;∎ he's gone to the big house on l'a mis à l'ombre;∎ new product development is all about coming up with a Big Idea le développement de nouveaux produits démarre toujours avec une idée-force;British Press The Big Issue = hebdomadaire vendu au profit des sans-logis par ces derniers, ≃ le Réverbère;American Sport Big League (gen) première division f; (in baseball) = une des deux principales divisions de baseball professionnel aux États-Unis;American University familiar big man on campus = étudiant jouissant d'une certaine popularité grâce à ses exploits sportifs etc;Sport big match grand match m;big name grand nom m;British familiar figurative big noise gros bonnet m;Cinema the big screen le grand écran, le cinéma;familiar figurative big shot gros bonnet m;∎ he thinks he's a real big shot il croit qu'il est vraiment quelqu'un;familiar figurative the big stick le bâton, la force;big stick diplomacy diplomatie f musclée;American Sport the Big Ten = équipes sportives universitaires du Mid West, réputées de très haut niveau;Cars the Big Three = les trois principaux constructeurs automobiles américains (General Motors, Ford, Chrysler);Anatomy big toe gros orteil m;familiar figurative big wheel gros bonnet mⓘ BIG BEN Nom de la cloche de la Tour de l'horloge à Westminster, souvent donné à tort à la tour elle-même. Elle est considérée comme un des monuments principaux de Londres.ⓘ Big brother is watching you Cette formule ("Big Brother vous surveille") est tirée du roman de George Orwell 1984, dans lequel Big Brother personnifie l'état tout-puissant et omniprésent. Le terme "Big Brother" est entré dans la langue pour décrire tout état totalitaire, et l'expression Big Brother is watching you s'utilise souvent sur le mode humoristique à propos d'un gouvernement ou de tout autre forme d'autorité perçus comme impersonnels et envahissants. -
4 big
big [bɪg]1. adjective• a big boy/girl un grand garçon/une grande fille2. adverb3. compounds• tourism is big business here le tourisme rapporte beaucoup d'argent par ici ► big cat noun grand félin m• he's a big name in politics c'est un grand nom de la politique ► big shot (inf) noun grand ponte (inf) m[athlete, industrialist] de première catégorie* * *[bɪg]to get big(ger) — ( taller) grandir; ( fatter) grossir; ( in pregnancy) s'arrondir
2) ( in size) [bed, room, building, garden, lake, town] grand (before n); [animal, car, boat, parcel, box] gros/grosse (before n), grand (before n)a big book — ( thick) un gros livre; ( large-format) un grand livre
3) ( in age) grand (before n)his big brother — son grand frère, son frère aîné
4) ( in extent) [family, crowd, class, party] grand (before n); [collection, organization, company] gros/grosse (before n), grand (before n); [meal] copieux/-ieuse5) ( important) [question, problem, decision, change, moment, event] grand (before n)I think we're on to something big — (colloq) je sens qu'on est sur un gros coup (colloq)
6) ( emphatic)to be big in the music business — (colloq) être très connu dans le monde de la musique
7) (colloq) US ( enthusiastic)to be big on — être fanatique or fana (colloq) de [activity]
8) ( generous) [person] généreux/-euse9) gen, Politicsthe Big Four/Five — les Quatre/Cinq Grands
••to be ou go over big — (colloq) faire fureur, faire un tabac (colloq) (in à, en)
to have a big head — péj avoir la grosse tête (colloq)
why can't you keep your big mouth shut? — (colloq) tu n'aurais pas pu la fermer? (colloq)
to have big ideas, think big — (colloq) voir grand (colloq)
to make it big — (colloq) avoir beaucoup de succès
5 big
1. голям, едър, висок, наедрял, прен. значителен, крупен
the B-Four пол. Четиримата големи
2. силен, висок (за глас)
3. важен, виден, надменен, надут
BIG bug/Chief/Daddy/gun/noise/pot/shot/wig sl. важна особа, голямаклечка. големец
BIG talk/words самохвалство, големи приказки
BIG head разг. самомнение, самомнителен/тщеславен човек
4. порасъл, възрастен
5. щедър, великодушен, благороден
6. бременна (и BIG with child)
7. главен, важен
the BIG issue най-спорният/оспорваният въпрос
too BIG for one's boots/breeches/shocs главозамаян, самонадеян, възгордял се
to come/go over BIG имам успех, правя голямо впечатление* * *{big} а 1. голям, едър, висок; наедрял; прен. значителен, крупен;* * *голям; едър;* * *1. big bug/chief/daddy/gun/noise/pot/shot/wig sl. важна особа, голямаклечка. големец 2. big head разг. самомнение, самомнителен/тщеславен човек 3. big talk/words самохвалство, големи приказки 4. the b-four пол. Четиримата големи 5. the big issue най-спорният/оспорваният въпрос 6. to come/go over big имам успех, правя голямо впечатление 7. too big for one's boots/breeches/shocs главозамаян, самонадеян, възгордял се 8. бременна (и big with child) 9. важен, виден, надменен, надут 10. главен, важен 11. голям, едър, висок, наедрял, прен. значителен, крупен 12. порасъл, възрастен 13. силен, висок (за глас) 14. щедър, великодушен, благороден* * *big [big] adj 1. голям, едър, висок; прен. крупен, значителен; \big gun тежко оръдие; the \big toe палец на крака; in a \big way разг. в широк мащаб; по грандиозен начин, внушително; 2. силен, висок, мощен, гръмък (за глас); 3. разг. важен, виден, влиятелен; надменен, надут; Mr B., \big wig ( pot, gun; ам. cheese, noise, shot; sl bug, dog, fish, number) прен. важна особа, важна (голяма) клечка, големец; \big words ( talk) големи хвалби (приказки); to talk \big хваля се, бия се в гърдите, говоря на едро, на ангро; to look \big придавам си важен вид; надувам се; \big deal! много важно! голяма работа! (ирон.); to make a \big deal of обръщам прекалено голямо внимание на, отдавам прекомерно значение на; 4. пораснал, възрастен; \big boy разг. братче, бате, друже; 5. щедър, великодушен, благороден; a \big heart 1) великодушен, благороден човек, с широка ръка (сърце); 2) великодушие, благородство; that's very \big of you това е много благородно от ваша страна; 6. бременна (и \big with child); 7. пълен, наситен; to go over \big имам успех; (влияние); правя голямо впечатление ( with на); \big purse пълна кесия, богатство, имане, пари; обезпеченост; • to think \big мисля мащабно; to make it \big успявам (в живота), преуспявам; \big stick политика на силата; to shake the \big stick провеждам политика на силата; to get too \big for o.'s shoes ( boots, breeches) прен. главозамайвам се, възгордявам се, ставам самонадеян; the \biggest frog in the pond местен управител; той коли, той беси. -
6 big
[big] adj 1. i madh; big game a) gjuajtja e kafshëve të mëdha për sport(laun, elefant etj.); egërsira të mëdha; b) fig. llokme e madhe; have big ideas jam ambicioz; talk big mburrem; get/grow too big for one's boots fryhem, krekosem. 2. i rritur; when he is big kurtë rritet. 3. i madh, me rëndësi; big news lajme të rëndësishme. 4. (zë) i plotë, i lartë. 5. bujar; a big heart zemër e madhe/bujare. 6. i fryrë, mburracak; big talk fjalë të mëdha, mburrje.● big with child me barrë; big deal! punë e madhe!● bigamy [bigëmi] n. bigami, martesë me dy gra a dy burra njëherësh● big band [big bænd] n. muz. orkestër e madhe● Big Ben [big ben] n. Br. Sahati i Madh, Kulla e Sahatit (në Londër)● Big Bertha [big bë:ta] n 1. top gjigand (në Luftën I Botërore). 2. artileri e rëndë. 3. fig. armë e fuqishme● Big Brother [big bradhë:] n. tiran, diktator; shtet policor● Big Dipper [big 'dipë:] n. amer.astr. Arusha e Madhe● big dipper [big 'dipë:] n. amer. tren i çmendur (në parqe lodrash)● big end [big end] n. aut. kokë bjelle● big game [big geim] n. Br. egërsira të mëdha; gjuajtja e kafshëve të mëdha për sport(laun, elefant etj.)● big gun ['biggan] n. gj.fol. person me rëndësi, peco● big head [big hed] n. kapadai● big-hearted ['bighartid] adj. zemërgjerë, me zemër të madhe● big mouth 'bigmauth] n. llafazan● big-mouthed ['bigmautht] adj. llafazan● big noise [big nois] n. zhrg. njeri me rëndësi; peco* * *i madh -
7 big
1 ( in build) ( tall) grand (before n) ; ( strong) grand et fort, costaud ○ ; euph ( heavy) fort ; to get big(ger) ( taller) grandir ; ( fatter) grossir ; ( in pregnancy) s'arrondir ;2 ( in size) [bed, room, building, garden, lake, town] grand (before n) ; [animal, car, boat, parcel, box] gros/grosse (before n), grand (before n) ; a big book ( thick) un gros livre ; ( large-format) un grand livre ; to have big hands/big feet avoir de grandes mains/de grands pieds ; in big letters en grosses lettres ;3 ( in age) grand (before n) ; his big brother son grand frère, son frère aîné ; the big boys les grands ; you're a big girl tu es une grande fille ; you're big enough to know that tu es assez grand pour savoir que ;4 ( in extent) [family, crowd, class, party] grand (before n) ; [collection, organization, company] gros/grosse (before n), grand (before n) ; [meal] copieux/-ieuse ; to be a big eater manger beaucoup ;5 ( important) [question, problem, decision, change, moment, event] grand (before n) ; it makes a big difference ça fait une grande différence ; the extra rooms make a big difference ça fait une grande différence d'avoir des salles en plus ; you're making a big mistake tu es en train de faire une grave erreur ; I think we're on to something big ○ je sens que nous allons découvrir quelque chose d'important ; this may be the start of something big c'est peut-être le début de quelque chose d'important ;6 ( emphatic) you big baby! espèce de bébé! ; big bully! espèce de grande brute! ; to be big in the music business ○ être très connu dans le monde de la musique ; to be in big trouble être dans le pétrin ○ ; he gave me a big smile il m'a fait un grand sourire ; the big moment le grand moment ; a big thank you to… un grand merci à… ; to do sth in a big way faire qch sur une grande échelle ; to do things in a big way faire les choses en grand ; he fell for her in a big way il est tombé follement amoureux d'elle ;8 ( generous) [person] généreux/-euse ; to have a big heart avoir bon cœur, être très généreux ; that's big of you! iron c'est trop généreux de ta part! iron ;to be ou go over big ○ faire fureur, faire un tabac ○ (in à, en) ; to have a big head péj avoir la grosse tête ○ ; to have a big mouth ne pas savoir garder un secret ; why can't you keep your big mouth shut? tu n'aurais pas pu la fermer ○ ? ; to have big ideas, think big ○ voir grand ○ ; what's the big idea? qu'est-ce qui te prend? ; to look big US péj se donner de l'importance, frimer ○ ; to make it big ○ avoir beaucoup de succès ; to talk big ○ fanfaronner. -
8 big
[big]1. a մեծ, խոշոր. This dress /coat is too big for me Այս հագուստը/վերարկուն շատ մեծ է ինձ համար. big բիզնես խոշոր կապիտալ/բիզնես. (կարևոր, նշանակալից) big person/ question կարևոր անձ/հարց look big ուռած/փքված տեսք ունենալ. in a big way թափով. անխնա փող ծախսելով. (չափահաս, հասունացած) He is already a big boy Նա արդեն չափահաս տղա է. big money փողային մագ նատներ, օլիգարխ. big head ինքնահավա նություն. big brass բարձրաստիճան զինվո ր ական. big bug երևելի մարդ. (նաև՝ ծաղր.). too big for one’s boots ինքնավստահ. big mouth մեծ բերան, մեծախոս. big news կարևոր լուր. That’s big of you Դուք շատ մեծահոգի եք. big repair կապիտալ վերանորոգում. խսկց. big time հաջողություն. big top կրկեսի գմբեթ. big tree բսբ. սեկվոյա.2. adv talk big պարծենալ, մեծ-մեծ խոսել. think big լայնախոհ մտածել -
9 big
big [bɪg]1. a1) большо́й, кру́пный;big repair капита́льный ремо́нт
2) высо́кий; широ́кий3) гро́мкий;а) си́льный шум; перен. хвастовство́;б) амер. разг. хозя́ин, шеф4) ва́жный, значи́тельный;to look big принима́ть ва́жный вид
5) взро́слый6) разг. хвастли́вый;big talk хвастовство́
;big mouth хвастли́вый болту́н
7) часто ирон. великоду́шный;that's big of you э́то великоду́шно с ва́шей стороны́
8) бере́менная (тж. big with child)◊big business кру́пный капита́л; собир. промы́шленные и ба́нковые магна́ты
;big money де́нежные тузы́
;big head амер. самомне́ние, ва́жничанье
;big stick «больша́я дуби́нка»
;big brass вы́сшие офице́ры, большо́е нача́льство
;too big for one's boots разг. самонаде́янный
2. adv разг. хвастли́во, с ва́жным ви́дом -
10 big
* * *[big]sostantivo maschile e sostantivo femminile invariabile* * *big/big/m. e f.inv.i big dell'alta finanza the big shots in finance; i big della canzone the greats of music. -
11 big
/big/ * tính từ - to, lớn =a big tree+ cây to =big repair+ sửa chữa lớn =Big Three+ ba nước lớn =Big Five+ năm nước lớn - bụng to, có mang, có chửa =big with news+ đầy tin, nhiều tin - quan trọng =a big man+ nhân vật quan trọng - hào hiệp, phóng khoáng, rộng lượng =he has a big hear+ anh ta là người hào hiệp - huênh hoang, khoác lác =big words+ những lời nói huênh hoang khoác lác =big words+ những lời nói huênh hoang !too big for one's boots (breeches, shoes, trousers) - (từ lóng) quá tự tin, tự phụ tự mãn; làm bộ làm tịch * phó từ - ra vẻ quan trọng, với vẻ quan trọng =to look big+ làm ra vẻ quan trọng - huênh hoang khoác lác =to talk big+ nói huênh hoang, nói phách -
12 big
13 big
bigbig [big] <->sostantivo MaskulinGröße Feminin, großes TierDizionario italiano-tedesco > big
14 big
big s.m./f.inv. ( persona influente) gros bonnet m.: i big della finanza les gros bonnets de la finance; i big dello spettacolo les grands du spectacle.15 big
16 big
17 big C
18 Big Mo
19 big up
20 Big Mo
См. также в других словарях:
big — /bIg/ adjective comparative bigger superlative biggest 1 SIZE of more than average size, amount, weight etc: a big house | Your baby s getting big! | a big increase in prices | the biggest hotel in New York | She had a big grin on her face. |… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
big — [ bıg ] adjective *** 1. ) large in size: a beautiful woman with big eyes He kept all his secret papers in a big box. great big (=very big): At the end of the lane was a great big house. a ) a big person is tall and heavy, and often fat: A big… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Big 4 — Big Four Ne doit pas être confondu avec Big Four of Thrash. Ne doit pas être confondu avec Big Four (football). . On appelle Big Four ou Fat Four (littéralement, les « quatre gros ») les quatre groupes d audit les plus… … Wikipédia en Français
Big 6 — Big Four Ne doit pas être confondu avec Big Four of Thrash. Ne doit pas être confondu avec Big Four (football). . On appelle Big Four ou Fat Four (littéralement, les « quatre gros ») les quatre groupes d audit les plus… … Wikipédia en Français
Big 8 — or Big Eight may refer to:*Big 8 (Usenet) the original 8 top level hierarchies in the Usenet news group collection *Once the Big eight accounting firms in the United States, then became the Big Six , is now the Big Four. *Big Eight Conference a… … Wikipedia
Big X — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Big X ビッグX (Biggu X) Manga Creado por Osamu Tezuka Editorial Shūeisha … Wikipedia Español
Big L — Полное имя Лэмонт Коулмэн Дата рождения 30 мая 1974(1974 05 30) Место рождения Гарлем, Манхэттен, Нью Йорк … Википедия
Big — (b[i^]g), a. [Compar. {Bigger}; superl. {Biggest}.] [Perh. from Celtic; cf. W. beichiog, beichiawg, pregnant, with child, fr. baich burden, Arm. beac h; or cf. OE. bygly, Icel. biggiligr, (properly) habitable; (then) magnigicent, excellent, fr.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Big-L — Pour la radio pirate britannique, voir Radio London. Big L Nom Lamont Coleman Naissance 30 mai 1974 Harlem, New York … Wikipédia en Français
Big L. — Pour la radio pirate britannique, voir Radio London. Big L Nom Lamont Coleman Naissance 30 mai 1974 Harlem, New York … Wikipédia en Français
Big Me — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda «Big Me» Sencillo de Foo Fighters del álbum Foo Fighters Publicación 24 de marzo de 2006 Formato CD … Wikipedia Español
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