1 bid
1. verb1) (- past tense, past participle bid - to offer (an amount of money) at an auction: John bid ($1,000) for the painting.) pujar, hacer una oferta2) ((with for) - past tense, past participle bid - to state a price (for a contract): My firm is bidding for the contract for the new road.) hacer una oferta de adquisición; hacer una licitación3) (- past tense bade bæd, past participle bidden - to tell (someone) to (do something): He bade me enter.) pedir, rogar4) (- past tense bade bæd, past participle bidden - to express a greeting etc (to someone): He bade me farewell.) dar
2. noun1) (an offer of a price: a bid of $20.) oferta2) (an attempt (to obtain): a bid for freedom.) intento/tentativa (de conseguir)•- bidder- bidding
- biddable
bid1 n1. oferta / puja2. intento / tentativabid2 vb ofrecer / pujarshe bid £100 for the record ofreció 100 libras por el discotr[bɪd]1 (at auction) puja2 (attempt) intento3 (offer) oferta4 (in card game) declaración nombre femenino1 (at auction) pujar ( for, por)2 (in card game) declarar1 (at auction) pujar, hacer una oferta de3 ( past también bade tr[beɪd] ; past participle también bidden tr['bɪdən]) literal (order) ordenar, mandar\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto put in a bid for something hacer una oferta por algoto bid somebody good-day literal dar a alguien los buenos díasto bid somebody welcome literal dar la bienvenida a alguiento bid somebody farewell literal despedirse de alguien1) order: pedir, mandar2) invite: invitar3) say: dar, decirto bid good evening: dar las buenas nochesto bid farewell to: decir adiós a4) : ofrecer (en una subasta), declarar (en juegos de cartas)bid n1) offer: oferta f (en una subasta), declaración f (en juegos de cartas)2) invitation: invitación f3) attempt: intento m, tentativa fn.• declaración s.f.• oferta s.f.• postura s.f.• propuesta s.f.• puja s.f.• tentativa s.f.pret., p.p.(Preterito definido y participio pasivo de "to bid")v.(§ p.,p.p.: bid) or: bade•) = envidar v.• licitar v.
1. bɪda) ( at auction) ofrecer*what am I bid for this vase? — ¿cuánto ofrecen por este jarrón?
b) ( in bridge) declarara) (wish, say)to bid somebody welcome — darle* la bienvenida a alguien
to bid somebody farewell — despedirse* de or decirle* adiós a alguien
b) ( request)to bid somebody (to) + inf — pedirle* a alguien que + subj
a) ( at auction) hacer* ofertas, pujara woman was bidding against me — una mujer estaba haciendo ofertas or pujando por el mismo lote que yo
b) ( in bridge) declarar
1)a) ( at auction) oferta f, puja fb) ( in bridge) declaración f2) ( attempt) intento m, tentativa f; ( unsuccessful) intentona f, conato m, intento m, tentativa fan escape bid — un conato or una intentona de fuga
[bɪd]bid for something: their bid for power su intento de hacerse con el poder; he made one last bid for freedom hizo un último intento de escapar; bid to + inf intento m de + inf; his bid to topple the regime — su intento de derribar al gobierno
1. Nthe highest bid — la mejor oferta or puja
2) (=attempt) tentativa f, intento mto make a bid for freedom/power — hacer un intento para conseguir la libertad/el poder
3) (Cards) marca f2. VT1) (pt, pp bid) (at auction etc) pujarto bid £10 for — ofrecer 10 libras por
2) (pt bad(e))(pp bidden) (=order) † mandar3) (pt bad(e))(pp bidden) adieu3. VI(pt, pp bid)to bid (for) — pujar (por), hacer una oferta (por)
2) (=try)to bid for power/fame — intentar alcanzar el poder/la fama
3) (Cards) marcar, declarar4) literto bid fair to — + infin prometer + infin, dar esperanzas de + infin
4.CPD- bid up* * *
1. [bɪd]a) ( at auction) ofrecer*what am I bid for this vase? — ¿cuánto ofrecen por este jarrón?
b) ( in bridge) declarara) (wish, say)to bid somebody welcome — darle* la bienvenida a alguien
to bid somebody farewell — despedirse* de or decirle* adiós a alguien
b) ( request)to bid somebody (to) + inf — pedirle* a alguien que + subj
a) ( at auction) hacer* ofertas, pujara woman was bidding against me — una mujer estaba haciendo ofertas or pujando por el mismo lote que yo
b) ( in bridge) declarar
1)a) ( at auction) oferta f, puja fb) ( in bridge) declaración f2) ( attempt) intento m, tentativa f; ( unsuccessful) intentona f, conato m, intento m, tentativa fan escape bid — un conato or una intentona de fuga
bid for something: their bid for power su intento de hacerse con el poder; he made one last bid for freedom hizo un último intento de escapar; bid to + inf intento m de + inf; his bid to topple the regime — su intento de derribar al gobierno
2 ♦ bid
♦ bid /bɪd/n.1 (comm.) offerta (spec. a un'asta): There were no bids for the vase, non ci sono state offerte per il vaso; to make a bid for st., fare un'offerta per qc.2 [u] ( Borsa, fin.) prezzo di domanda; denaro; prezzo (o cambio, corso) denaro; prezzo d'inventario ( di quota di fondo d'investimento)3 (fin., = takeover bid) offerta pubblica di acquisto (abbr. OPA): hostile bid, offerta di acquisto ostile4 (comm.) offerta (negli appalti e nei mercati ad asta): to invite bids, indire una gara d'appalto; to put in a bid for a contract, fare un'offerta per un appalto; advertisement for bids, bando d'appalto; sealed-bid auction, asta ( con offerte) in busta chiusa5 tentativo, sforzo (per ottenere qc.): a bid for independence, un tentativo per conquistare l'indipendenza; uno sforzo per rendersi indipendente; a rescue bid, un tentativo di soccorso; to make a bid for freedom, tentare la fuga; tentare l'evasione; to make a strong bid for the title, fare un serio sforzo di vincere il titolo; He made a bid for the party's leadership, ha puntato alla direzione del partito; measures taken in a desperate bid to rescue the country's economy, misure prese nel disperato sforzo di salvare l'economia del paese● (ass., banca) bid bond, garanzia dell'offerta; garanzia passiva ( per partecipare a una gara d'appalto) □ ( Borsa) bid market, mercato della domanda □ ( Borsa) bid/offer spread, scarto denaro/lettera □ ( Borsa) bid price, prezzo di domanda; denaro.(to) bid (1) /bɪd/(pass. e p. p. bid)A v. t.1 (comm.) offrire, fare un'offerta (spec. all'asta): I bid £10,000 for the painting, offrii diecimila sterline per il quadro; Who is going to bid?, chi fa un'offerta?; to bid against sb. at an auction, competere con q. a un'asta2 ( a carte) dichiarare: to bid two spades, dichiarare due picche; It's your turn to bid, tocca a te dichiarareB v. i.1 – (comm.) to bid for (o USA, to bid on), fare un'offerta per ottenere ( un appalto); partecipare a ( una gara di appalto): We're going to bid for the contract to build the new school, parteciperemo alla gara d'appalto per la costruzione della nuova scuola3 – to bid for, cercare di conquistare (o di prendere, ottenere); impegnarsi per: to bid for the presidency, cercare di conquistare la presidenza; to bid for victory, impegnarsi per la vittoria(to) bid (2) /bɪd/1 augurare: to bid sb. farewell, dire addio a q.; to bid sb. goodbye, salutare q. ( nell'accomiatarsi); to bid sb. goodnight, augurare (o dare) la buonanotte a q.2 comandare; ordinare: Do as you are bid!, fa' quel che ti si ordina (o ti si dice)● to bid fair to, promettere di: Our efforts bid fair to succeed, i nostri sforzi promettono d'avere successo. -
3 bid
bid [bɪd]offrir ⇒ 1 (a), 2 (a) faire une soumission ⇒ 1 (b) demander, annoncer ⇒ 1 (c) offre ⇒ 3 (a) soumission ⇒ 3 (b) demande, annonce ⇒ 3 (c) tentative ⇒ 3 (d)(pt & pp vi all senses and transitive verb senses (a) and (b) bid, pt vt senses (c) to (e) bade [bæd], pp vt senses (c) to (e) bidden ['bɪdən], cont all senses bidding)∎ to bid for sth faire une offre pour qch;∎ they bid against us ils ont surenchéri sur notre offre∎ several firms bid on the project plusieurs entreprises ont soumissionné pour le projet∎ he's bidding for the presidency il vise la présidence∎ to bid fair to do sth promettre de faire qch;∎ the negotiations bid fair to succeed les négociations s'annoncent bien ou sont en bonne voie∎ what am I bid for this table? combien m'offre-t-on pour cette table?;∎ we bid £300 for the statue nous avons fait une enchère de 300 livres pour la statue∎ he bade them good day il leur souhaita le bonjour;∎ they bade him farewell ils lui firent leurs adieux;∎ she bade them welcome elle leur souhaita la bienvenue∎ he bade them enter il les pria d'entrer;∎ do as you are bidden faites ce qu'on vous dit3 noun∎ I made a bid of £100 (gen) j'ai fait une offre de 100 livres; (at auction) j'ai fait une enchère de 100 livres;∎ to make the first or opening bid faire la première enchère;∎ a higher bid une surenchère;∎ they made a higher bid ils ont surenchéri;∎ to put a bid in on a flat faire une offre pour un appartement∎ the firm made or put in a bid for the contract l'entreprise a fait une soumission ou a soumissionné pour le contrat;∎ the State invited bids for or on the project l'État a mis le projet en adjudication∎ it's your bid c'est à vous d'annoncer;∎ to make a bid of two hearts demander ou annoncer deux cœurs;∎ I make no bid je passe (parole);∎ "no bid" "passe", "parole";∎ he raised the bid il a monté ou enchéri∎ they made a bid to gain control of the movement ils ont tenté de prendre la tête du mouvement;∎ the prisoners made a bid for freedom les prisonniers ont fait une tentative d'évasion;∎ a rescue bid une tentative de sauvetage;∎ she failed in her bid to beat the record elle a échoué dans sa tentative de battre le record;∎ Press Birmingham fails in bid for next Olympics (in headlines) Birmingham n'est pas sélectionné pour recevoir les prochains jeux Olympiques∎ the bid and asked les cours mpl d'achat et de vente►► Finance bid bond caution f d'adjudication ou de soumission;Stock Exchange bid price cours m acheteurFinance enchérir ou surenchérir sur toute offreFinance enchérir ou surenchérir sur -
4 bid
I. 1. ост. поет. казвам, заповядвам, нареждам
to BID farewell/goodbye сбогувам се, прощавам се
3. (рt, pp bid) предлагам цена, наддавам (при търг), карта анонсирам
4. ост. nokaнвaм
BIDden guest поканен/зван гост
to BID defiance to ост. държа се предизвикателно с, проявявам неподчинение към
to BID fair to (с inf) обещавам/давам изгледи да
to BID up покачвам цена чрез наддаване (на търг)
II. 1. предлагане на цена, предложена цена, оферта (на търг)
2. ам. разг. покана
3. карта анонс
4. опит, начинание, усилие, призив
to make a BID for sympathy правя опит да спечеля съчувствие* * *{bid} v (bade {bad, beid};bid {bid}, bidden {bidn}) 1. ост.(2) n 1. предлагане на цена; предложена цена, оферта (на тьрг)* * *нареждам;* * *1. (рt, pp bid) предлагам цена, наддавам (при търг), карта анонсирам 2. bidden guest поканен/зван гост 3. i. ост. поет. казвам, заповядвам, нареждам 4. ii. предлагане на цена, предложена цена, оферта (на търг) 5. to bid defiance to ост. държа се предизвикателно с, проявявам неподчинение към 6. to bid fair to (с inf) обещавам/давам изгледи да 7. to bid farewell/goodbye сбогувам се, прощавам се 8. to bid up покачвам цена чрез наддаване (на търг) 9. to make a bid for sympathy правя опит да спечеля съчувствие 10. ам. разг. покана 11. карта анонс 12. опит, начинание, усилие, призив 13. ост. nokaнвaм* * *bid [bid] I. v ( bad(e) [bæd], bid [bid]; bidden, bid [bid(n)]) 1. (past, pp bid) предлагам цена за (при търг, for), наддавам, прибавям, добавям; карти обявявам; 2. журн. опитвам, стремя се към ( for, to с inf); 3. ост. заповядвам, нареждам (с inf без to); do as you are \bidden прави каквото ти кажат; 4. ост. казвам, пожелавам; to \bid farewell ( adieu) сбогувам се, прощавам се, разделям се; to \bid goodnight казвам лека нощ; 5. ост. поканвам, нар. калесвам; \bidden guest поканен гост; • to \bid fair to изглежда твърде вероятно да, шансовете са твърде големи да; to \bid defiance предизвиквам, бравирам, отнасям се с пренебрежение, пренебрегвам; проявявам неподчинение; to be \bidden, to \bid the banns обявявам публично (в църква) намерението си да се женя; II. n 1. предлагане на цена; предложена цена, оферта (на търг); 2. ам. разг. покана; 3. карти анонс; 4. журн. опит, начинание; a \bid for sympathy опит да се спечели съчувствие. -
5 bid
bid [bɪd](preterite bade or bid, past participle bidden or bid)b. ( = say) to bid sb good morning dire bonjour à qn• he is bidding $20,000 for the painting il fait une offre de 20 000 dollars pour ce tableau3. nounb. ( = attempt) tentative f* * *[bɪd] 1.1) ( at auction) enchère f ( for sur; of de)to raise one's bid by £200 — surenchérir de 200 livres sterling
2) ( for contract) soumission f ( for pour; of de); ( for company) offre f ( for pour; of de)escape/suicide bid — tentative f d'évasion/de suicide
4) ( in bridge) ( first) annonce f; ( subsequent) enchère f2.2) ( say)3) ( in bridge) annoncer3.1) Commerce, Finance ( at auction) mettre une enchère, enchérir ( for sur); ( for contract) soumissionner ( for pour); ( for company) faire une offre ( for pour)to bid against somebody — ( at auction) renchérir sur quelqu'un
2) ( in bridge) faire une annonce, parler -
6 bid
bid 1. verb1) (- past tense, past participle bid - to offer (an amount of money) at an auction: John bid ($1,000) for the painting.) by2) ((with for) - past tense, past participle bid - to state a price (for a contract): My firm is bidding for the contract for the new road.) by på3) (- past tense bade bæd, past participle bidden - to tell (someone) to (do something): He bade me enter.) be; befale4) (- past tense bade bæd, past participle bidden - to express a greeting etc (to someone): He bade me farewell.) by2. noun1) (an offer of a price: a bid of $20.) bud, tilbud2) (an attempt (to obtain): a bid for freedom.) forsøk, bestrebelse•- bidder- bidding
- biddablebefaling--------kommandoIsubst. \/bɪd\/1) ( auksjon) bud• my highest bid will be £1002) ( handel) tilbud, anbud3) ( kortspill) bud, melding4) forsøk5) (hverdagslig, amer.) innbydelse, invitasjonmake a bid for something gjøre alt for å vinne noe, være ute etter noewin the bid få tilslagetII1) ( handel) by, legge inn et bud, gi (et) bud2) ( auksjon) by• two hundred bid!3) ( kortspill) by, melde4) (amer.) tilby medlemsskap tilbid against somebody by over noen, konkurrere med noenbid for something gjøre alt for å oppnå noe, være ute etter noelegge inn anbud på noe (kontrakt e.l.)bid on something (amer.) legge inn anbud på noeIII1) si, byde2) (litterært, poetisk) befale, beordre3) be, innbybid defiance to someone ( litterært) utfordre noen, trosse noenbid fair to be something eller bid fair to do something ( gammeldags) ha gode utsikter til å bli noe, ha gode utsikter til å gjøre noe, tegne til å bli noe, tegne til å gjøre noe -
7 bid
1) ( greet sb)to \bid sb sth jdm etw wünschen;to \bid sb farewell jdm Lebewohl sagen ( geh)to \bid sb good morning jdm einen guten Morgen wünschen;to \bid sb welcome jdn willkommen heißento \bid sb [to] do sth jdn etw tun heißen ( geh)he \bid them leave at once er hieß sie sofort gehen ( geh)[hostile] takeover \bid [feindliches] Übernahmeangebot;to put in a \bid ein Angebot vorlegenher \bid for re-election was unsuccessful ihr Bemühen um eine Wiederwahl war erfolglos;to make a \bid for fame versuchen Ruhm zu erlangen;to make a \bid for power nach der Macht greifen1) ( offer money) bieten2) ( tender) ein Angebot unterbreiten;to \bid for a contract sich akk um einen Auftrag bewerbento \bid sth etw bieten -
8 bid
A n1 ( at auction) enchère f (for sur ; of de) ; the opening/closing bid la première/dernière enchère ; to make a bid for sth mettre une enchère sur qch ; to raise one's bid by £200 surenchérir de 200 livres sterling ;2 ( for contract) soumission f (for pour ; of de) ; ( for company) offre f (for pour ; of de) ; to make a bid for a building contract soumissionner or faire une soumission pour un contrat de construction ;3 ( attempt) tentative f (to do pour faire) ; escape/suicide bid tentative f d'évasion/de suicide ; in a bid to do afin de faire ; to make a bid for power/the presidency tenter d'accéder au pouvoir/à la présidence ;4 ( in Bridge) ( first) annonce f ; ( subsequent) enchère f ; to make a bid faire une annonce or enchère ; it's your bid c'est à toi de déclarer ; no bid je passe.1 Comm, Fin offrir [money] (for pour) ; what am I bid for this painting? à combien est-ce que j'estime ce tableau? ;2 ( say) to bid sb good morning/goodbye dire bonjour/au revoir à qn ; to bid sb farewell faire ses adieux à qn ; to bid sb welcome souhaiter la bienvenue à qn ;4 ‡( ask) to bid sb to do inviter qn à faire ;5 ( in Bridge) annoncer.1 Comm, Fin ( at auction) mettre une enchère, enchérir (for sur) ; ( for contract) soumissionner (for pour) ; ( for company) faire une offre (for pour) ; to bid against sb in an auction renchérir sur qn dans une vente aux enchères ; five other companies are bidding against us for the contract cinq autres sociétés font des offres pour le contrat ;2 ( in Bridge) faire une annonce, parler.■ bid up:▶ bid [sth] up faire monter [price]. -
9 bid
[bid] 1. verb1) (- past tense, past participle bid - to offer (an amount of money) at an auction: John bid ($1,000) for the painting.) ponuditi (na dražbi)2) ((with for) - past tense, past participle bid - to state a price (for a contract): My firm is bidding for the contract for the new road.) dati ponudbo3) (- past tense bade [bæd], past participle bidden - to tell (someone) to (do something): He bade me enter.) ukazati4) (- past tense bade [bæd], past participle bidden - to express a greeting etc (to someone): He bade me farewell.) izreči2. noun1) (an offer of a price: a bid of $20.) ponudba2) (an attempt (to obtain): a bid for freedom.) poskus•- bidder- bidding
- biddable* * *I [bid]1.transitive verbukazovati; ponuditi; objaviti; naznaniti; archaic poetically pozvati, prositi;2.intransitive verbponujatito bid s.o. a good speed — želeti komu mnogo uspeha, božji blagoslovbid him come in — reci(te) mu, naj vstopiII [bid]noun( for) ponudba; American slang povabilo -
10 bid
[bid] 1. verb1) (- past tense, past participle bid - to offer (an amount of money) at an auction: John bid ($1,000) for the painting.) oferecer2) ((with for) - past tense, past participle bid - to state a price (for a contract): My firm is bidding for the contract for the new road.) concorrer3) (- past tense bade [bæd], past participle bidden - to tell (someone) to (do something): He bade me enter.) mandar4) (- past tense bade [bæd], past participle bidden - to express a greeting etc (to someone): He bade me farewell.) dizer2. noun1) (an offer of a price: a bid of $20.) oferta2) (an attempt (to obtain): a bid for freedom.) tentativa•- bidder- bidding
- biddable* * *[bid] n 1 oferta, proposta, licitação, concorrência pública, coleta de preços. 2 lance, quantia oferecida. 3 Amer coll convite. 4 declaração (em jogo de cartas). 5 tentativa para obter ou alcançar. • vt+vi (ps bade, bid, arch bad, pp bidden, bid) 1 mandar, ordenar. I bade him shut the door / mandei-o fechar a porta. 2 dizer, dar cumprimentos. he bade me farewell / ele despediu-se de mim. 3 convidar. bid him come in / faça-o entrar. 4 proclamar, declarar. 5 oferecer. he bade defiance / ele ofereceu resistência. 6 fazer um lance, oferecer um preço. he bid up / ele fez subir o preço pelos seus lances (leilão). 7 declarar (em jogo de cartas). it bade fair to succeed estava começando bem, estava promissor. they bid for safety eles agem com cuidado. -
11 bid
[bid] 1. verb1) (- past tense, past participle bid - to offer (an amount of money) at an auction: John bid ($1,000) for the painting.) byde2) ((with for) - past tense, past participle bid - to state a price (for a contract): My firm is bidding for the contract for the new road.) byde på3) (- past tense bade [bæd], past participle bidden - to tell (someone) to (do something): He bade me enter.) bede4) (- past tense bade [bæd], past participle bidden - to express a greeting etc (to someone): He bade me farewell.) byde2. noun1) (an offer of a price: a bid of $20.) tilbud2) (an attempt (to obtain): a bid for freedom.) forsøg; bestræbelse•- bidder- bidding
- biddable* * *[bid] 1. verb1) (- past tense, past participle bid - to offer (an amount of money) at an auction: John bid ($1,000) for the painting.) byde2) ((with for) - past tense, past participle bid - to state a price (for a contract): My firm is bidding for the contract for the new road.) byde på3) (- past tense bade [bæd], past participle bidden - to tell (someone) to (do something): He bade me enter.) bede4) (- past tense bade [bæd], past participle bidden - to express a greeting etc (to someone): He bade me farewell.) byde2. noun1) (an offer of a price: a bid of $20.) tilbud2) (an attempt (to obtain): a bid for freedom.) forsøg; bestræbelse•- bidder- bidding
- biddable -
12 bid
[bid]1. v հրամայել. գին առաջարկել. Do as you are bid (den) Արեք ինչպես հրա մայված է. bid fair խոստումներ տալ. final bid վերջնա կան գին. (հայտարկ անել) bid for contract պայ մանագրի հայտ առաջարկել. bid farewell/good-bye հրաժեշտ տալ. bid welcome ողջունել. bid against /up գինն ավելացնել. թղթխ. Whose bid ? Ո՞վ է հայտարարում. bid two clubs երկու խաչ հայտարարել.2. n առաջարկ, հայտ. գնի առաջարկ. սա կարկվող գին. bid sheet գնացուցակ. sham bid կեղծ հայտ -
13 bid
[bid] v.,n. -v. ( bad ( e); bidden, bid) 1. ofroj (një çmim), bëj një ofertë; bid up ngre ofertën; bid on jap një çmim; nxjerr në tender. 2. vjet. a) urdhëroj, porosis; bid him come in thuaji të hyjë brenda; b) ftoj; bid sb to a wedding ftoj dikë në dasmë; c) them; bid farewell to sb i them lamtumirë dikujt. 3. shpreh; bid fair to ka shpresë për, ka sy për t'u bërë, bid defiance to sfidoj.- n. 1. ofertë; a higher bid ofertë (çmim) më e (i) lartë. 2. kërkesë, përpjekje (për të arritur); make a bid for support përpiqem të gjej mbështetje. 3. vjet. ftesë -
14 bid
/bid/ * danh từ - sự đặt giá, sự trả giá (trong một cuộc bán đấu giá) - sự bỏ thầu - (thông tục) sự mời - sự xướng bài (bài brit) !to make a bid for - tìm cách để đạt được, cố gắng để được * (bất qui tắc) động từ bad, bade, bid; bidden, bid - đặt giá =he bids 300d for the bicycle+ anh ấy đặt giá cái xe đạp 300 đồng - (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) thầu =the firm decided to bid on the new bridge+ công ty ấy quyết định thầu làm cái cầu mới - mời chào =a bidden guest+ người khách được mời đến =to bid someone good-bye (farewell)+ chào tạm biệt ai =to bid welcome+ chào mừng - công bố =to bid the banns+ công bố hôn nhân ở nhà thờ - xướng bài (bài brit) - (văn học), (thơ ca); (từ cổ,nghĩa cổ) bảo, ra lệnh, truyền lệnh =bid him come in+ bảo nó vào !to bid against (up, in) - trả hơn tiền; tăng giá !to bid fair - hứa hẹn; có triển vọng =our plan bids fair to succeed+ kế hoạch của chúng nó có triển vọng thành công -
15 bid
[bid] 1. verb1) (- past tense, past participle bid - to offer (an amount of money) at an auction: John bid ($1,000) for the painting.) nabídnout (cenu)2) ((with for) - past tense, past participle bid - to state a price (for a contract): My firm is bidding for the contract for the new road.) podat nabídku3) (- past tense bade [bæd], past participle bidden - to tell (someone) to (do something): He bade me enter.) vyzvat4) (- past tense bade [bæd], past participle bidden - to express a greeting etc (to someone): He bade me farewell.) popřát2. noun1) (an offer of a price: a bid of $20.) nabídka2) (an attempt (to obtain): a bid for freedom.) pokus o, snaha•- bidder- bidding
- biddable* * *• nabídka• bid/bid/bid -
16 bid
bid [bɪd]1. n2) предлага́емая цена́3) разг. прете́нзия, домога́тельство;to make bids for smth. претендова́ть на что-л., домога́ться чего́-л.
4) карт. объявле́ние ма́сти; объявле́ние коли́чества взя́ток2) уст. прика́зывать;do as you are bidden де́лай(те), как веля́т, как прика́зано
3) уст. проси́ть4) попыта́ться получи́ть (голоса, выгодный контракт и т.п.; for)5) карт. объяви́ть масть; объяви́ть коли́чество взя́токbid against, bid up набавля́ть це́ну◊to bid fair сули́ть, обеща́ть, каза́ться вероя́тным, предвеща́ть
;to bid farewell ( или goodbye) проща́ться
;to bid welcome приве́тствовать
17 bid
[bid] 1. verb1) (- past tense, past participle bid - to offer (an amount of money) at an auction: John bid ($1,000) for the painting.) bjóða (í)2) ((with for) - past tense, past participle bid - to state a price (for a contract): My firm is bidding for the contract for the new road.) bjóða í3) (- past tense bade [bæd], past participle bidden - to tell (someone) to (do something): He bade me enter.) skipa, bjóða4) (- past tense bade [bæd], past participle bidden - to express a greeting etc (to someone): He bade me farewell.) biðja, bjóða, kveðja2. noun1) (an offer of a price: a bid of $20.) tilboð2) (an attempt (to obtain): a bid for freedom.) tilraun til, viðleitni til•- bidder- bidding
- biddable -
18 bid
[bid] 1. verb1) (- past tense, past participle bid - to offer (an amount of money) at an auction: John bid ($1,000) for the painting.) solīt (cenu)2) ((with for) - past tense, past participle bid - to state a price (for a contract): My firm is bidding for the contract for the new road.) piedāvāt (līguma kalkulāciju)3) (- past tense bade [bæd], past participle bidden - to tell (someone) to (do something): He bade me enter.) likt; pavēlēt4) (- past tense bade [bæd], past participle bidden - to express a greeting etc (to someone): He bade me farewell.) atvadīties2. noun1) (an offer of a price: a bid of $20.) piesolītā cena2) (an attempt (to obtain): a bid for freedom.) mēģinājums (kaut ko iegūt); priekšlikums•- bidder- bidding
- biddable* * *solīšana; piesolītā cena; priekšlikums; ielūgums; likt, pavēlēt; ielūgt; solīt -
19 bid
[bid] 1. verb1) (- past tense, past participle bid - to offer (an amount of money) at an auction: John bid ($1,000) for the painting.) siūlyti kainą2) ((with for) - past tense, past participle bid - to state a price (for a contract): My firm is bidding for the contract for the new road.) duoti paraišką3) (- past tense bade [bæd], past participle bidden - to tell (someone) to (do something): He bade me enter.) liepti, paprašyti4) (- past tense bade [bæd], past participle bidden - to express a greeting etc (to someone): He bade me farewell.) ištarti (sveikinimą, atsisveikinimo žodžius)2. noun1) (an offer of a price: a bid of $20.) siūloma kaina2) (an attempt (to obtain): a bid for freedom.) bandymas (pasiekti)•- bidder- bidding
- biddable -
20 bid
[bid] 1. verb1) (- past tense, past participle bid - to offer (an amount of money) at an auction: John bid ($1,000) for the painting.) ponúknuť (v dražbe)2) ((with for) - past tense, past participle bid - to state a price (for a contract): My firm is bidding for the contract for the new road.) dať ponuku3) (- past tense bade [bæd], past participle bidden - to tell (someone) to (do something): He bade me enter.) vyzvať4) (- past tense bade [bæd], past participle bidden - to express a greeting etc (to someone): He bade me farewell.) popriať2. noun1) (an offer of a price: a bid of $20.) ponuka2) (an attempt (to obtain): a bid for freedom.) snaha, pokus (o)•- bidder- bidding
- biddable* * *• vyzývat• vyzvat• prikázat• rozkázat• ponuka (vysielanie dát)• ponúkat• ponuka• ponúknut
См. также в других словарях:
bid — 1 / bid/ vb bid, bid·ding vt: to offer (a price) for payment or acceptance vi: to make a bid: state what one will pay or take in payment a contractor bidding for a job bid·der n bid 2 … Law dictionary
bid — bid1 [bid] vt. BADE, bidden, bidding; for vt. 3, 6, 8 & for vi., the pt. & pp. are always bid, bade or bid, bid [ME bidden, to ask, plead, pray < OE biddan < IE base * bheidh , to urge, compel; meaning and form merged with ME beden, to… … English World dictionary
Bid — (b[i^]d), v. t. [imp. {Bade} (b[a^]d), {Bid}, (Obs.) {Bad}; p. p. {Bidden}, {Bid}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Bidding}.] [OE. bidden, prop to ask, beg, AS. biddan; akin to OS. biddian, Icel. bi[eth]ja, OHG. bittan, G. bitten, to pray, ask, request, and E.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Bid — (b[i^]d), v. t. [imp. {Bade} (b[a^]d), {Bid}, (Obs.) {Bad}; p. p. {Bidden}, {Bid}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Bidding}.] [OE. bidden, prop to ask, beg, AS. biddan; akin to OS. biddian, Icel. bi[eth]ja, OHG. bittan, G. bitten, to pray, ask, request, and E.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Bid — (b[i^]d), v. t. [imp. {Bade} (b[a^]d), {Bid}, (Obs.) {Bad}; p. p. {Bidden}, {Bid}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Bidding}.] [OE. bidden, prop to ask, beg, AS. biddan; akin to OS. biddian, Icel. bi[eth]ja, OHG. bittan, G. bitten, to pray, ask, request, and E.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Bid'a — Bidʿa بدعة bid a, DMG bidʿa bedeutet „Neuerung“, „Ketzerei“, „ketzerische Lehre“ in der islamischen Theologie und Jurisprudenz und steht somit im Widerspruch zur Sunna. Grundsätzlich ist jede Neuerung zunächst verwerflich, wenn sie nicht im… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bidʿa — بدعة bid a, DMG bidʿa bedeutet „Neuerung“ in der islamischen Theologie und Jurisprudenz und steht somit im Widerspruch zur Sunna. Grundsätzlich ist jede Neuerung zunächst verwerflich, wenn sie nicht im Einklang mit dem Koran und der Sunna … Deutsch Wikipedia
bid — Ⅰ. bid [1] ► VERB (bidding; past and past part. bid) 1) offer (a certain price) for something, especially at an auction. 2) (bid for) (of a contractor) tender for (work). 3) (bid for) make an effort to obtain or achiev … English terms dictionary
Bid — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. {{{image}}} Sigles d une seule lettre Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres … Wikipédia en Français
Bid'a — Bid ah Religion religions abrahamiques : judaïsme · christianisme · islam C … Wikipédia en Français
bid — [n1] offering of money or services advance, amount, declaration, feeler, hit, invitation, offer, pass, price, proffer, proposal, proposition, request, submission, suggestion, sum, summons, tender; concepts 67,330 bid [n2] endeavor attempt, crack … New thesaurus