1 Bézier curve
названа по имени её автора, французского математика Пьера Безье (Pierre Bézier), который работал в компании Рено и занимался моделированием поверхностей кузовов автомобилей. Относится к классу кубических функций. Строится с использованием минимум четырёх точек: двух базовых - начала и конца - и двух промежуточных (называемых управляющими метками-манипуляторами, handle), которые влияют на форму кривой, но обычно не лежат на ней непосредственно. В графических программах перетаскивание меток-манипуляторов (которые изображаются маленькими квадратиками на экране) позволяет вручную менять сложность и форму кривойАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > Bézier curve
2 Bezier curve
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > Bezier curve
3 Bezier curve
Вычислительная техника: кривая Безье -
4 Bezier curve
вчт кривая Безье -
5 Bezier curve
вчт. кривая БезьеThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > Bezier curve
6 bezier curve
Англо-русский словарь компьютерных и интернет терминов > bezier curve
7 Bezier curve
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > Bezier curve
8 Bezier curve
9 Bezier curve
отрезок плавной кривой линии, задаваемый концевыми точками и касательными в нихThe English-Russian dictionary of geoinformatics > Bezier curve
10 cubic Bezier curve
Майкрософт: Кривая Безье третьего порядка -
11 quadratic Bezier curve
Майкрософт: Кривая Безье четвёртого порядкаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > quadratic Bezier curve
12 curve
1) кривая•- aging curve
- anhysteretic curve
- anhysteretic magnetization curve
- anode characteristic curve
- antiferromagnetic resonance curve
- arrival curve
- bathtub curve
- bell curve curve
- bell-shaped curve curve
- Bezier curve
- B-H curve
- blackbody curve
- Bloch curve
- Bragg curve
- calibration curve
- capacitance-voltage curve
- characteristic curve
- characteristic time curve
- coexistence curve
- collector characteristic curve
- commutation curve
- confidence curve
- counter tube characteristic curve
- counting-rate curve
- current-voltage curve
- C-V curve
- decay curve
- demagnetization curve
- density curve
- discriminator curve
- dispersion curve
- distribution curve
- D-log E-curve
- dynamic transfer-characteristic curve
- electro-capillary curve
- energy product curve
- equalization curve
- experience curve
- exponential curve
- ferromagnetic resonance curve
- fitness curve
- Fletcher-Munson curves
- fractal curve
- French curve
- frequency-response curve
- gauge curve
- Gaussian curve
- growth curve
- H and D-curve
- heteroclinic curve
- homoclinic curve
- Hurter and Driffield curve
- hysteresis curve
- initial magnetization curve
- isobathic curve
- isocandela curve
- isocost curve
- isoluminance curve
- isolux curve
- isopreference curve
- i-v curve
- Kingsbury curves
- learning curve
- liquidus curve
- Lissajous curves
- load curve
- logarithmic curve
- log-log curve
- logistic curve
- Lorentzian curve
- luminosity curve
- luminous intensity distribution curve
- magnetic induction demagnetization curve
- magnetic induction magnetization curve
- magnetic induction thermal-sensitivity curve
- magnetic moment demagnetization curve
- magnetic moment magnetization curve
- magnetic-product curve
- magnetization curve
- manufacturing learning curve
- Meissner curve
- memory operating characteristic curve
- NC curves
- noise criterion curves
- normal distribution curve
- normal induction curve
- normal magnetization curve
- operating curve
- phase equilibrium curve
- phase transition curve
- photon emission curve
- plateau characteristic curve
- point set curve
- polar response curve
- potential curve
- price-learning curve
- pulse response curve
- receiver operating characteristic curve
- recoil curve
- recording curve
- regression curve
- resistor derating curve
- resonance curve
- resonant curve
- response curve
- RIAA curve
- Robinson-Dadson curves
- saturation curve
- sensitivity curve
- sine curve
- smooth curve
- solidus curve
- spectral response curve
- static magnetization curve
- transmission curve -
13 curve
1) кривая•- aging curve
- anhysteretic curve
- anhysteretic magnetization curve
- anode characteristic curve
- antiferromagnetic resonance curve
- arrival curve
- bathtub curve
- bell curve curve
- bell-shaped curve curve
- Bezier curve
- B-H curve
- blackbody curve
- Bloch curve
- Bragg curve
- calibration curve
- capacitance-voltage curve
- characteristic curve
- characteristic time curve
- coexistence curve
- collector characteristic curve
- commutation curve
- confidence curve
- counter tube characteristic curve
- counting-rate curve
- current-voltage curve
- C-V curve
- decay curve
- demagnetization curve
- density curve
- discriminator curve
- dispersion curve
- distribution curve
- D-log E curve
- dynamic transfer-characteristic curve
- electro-capillary curve
- energy product curve
- equalization curve
- experience curve
- exponential curve
- ferromagnetic resonance curve
- fitness curve
- Fletcher-Munson curves
- fractal curve
- French curve
- frequency-response curve
- gauge curve
- Gaussian curve
- growth curve
- H and D curve
- heteroclinic curve
- homoclinic curve
- Hurter and Driffield curve
- hysteresis curve
- initial magnetization curve
- isobathic curve
- isocandela curve
- isocost curve
- isoluminance curve
- isolux curve
- isopreference curve
- i-v curve
- Kingsbury curves
- learning curve
- liquidus curve
- Lissajous curves
- load curve
- logarithmic curve
- logistic curve
- log-log curve
- Lorentzian curve
- luminosity curve
- luminous intensity distribution curve
- magnetic induction demagnetization curve
- magnetic induction magnetization curve
- magnetic induction thermal-sensitivity curve
- magnetic moment demagnetization curve
- magnetic moment magnetization curve
- magnetic-product curve
- magnetization curve
- manufacturing learning curve
- Meissner curve
- memory operating characteristic curve
- NC curves
- noise criterion curves
- normal distribution curve
- normal induction curve
- normal magnetization curve
- operating curve
- phase equilibrium curve
- phase transition curve
- photon emission curve
- plateau characteristic curve
- point set curve
- polar response curve
- potential curve
- price-learning curve
- pulse response curve
- receiver operating characteristic curve
- recoil curve
- recording curve
- regression curve
- resistor derating curve
- resonance curve
- resonant curve
- response curve
- RIAA curve
- Robinson-Dadson curves
- saturation curve
- sensitivity curve
- sine curve
- smooth curve
- solidus curve
- spectral response curve
- static magnetization curve
- transmission curveThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > curve
14 curve
кривая; график; диаграмма; характеристическая кривая; изгиб; кривизна -
15 Bézier surface
поверхность с плавными переходами, образованная как сеть (решётка) кривых Безье (см. Bézier curve)Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > Bézier surface
16 decay curve
17 decay curve
18 actual curve
19 analytic curve
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > analytic curve
20 bell curve
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Bézier curve — /bezˈi ā kûrv/ noun A curve, used eg in car body design, that is created from two fixed end points and two or more control points which can be moved to alter the shape of the curve ORIGIN: Pierre Bézier (1910–99), French engineer … Useful english dictionary
Bézier curve — Cubic Bézier curve A Bézier curve is a parametric curve frequently used in computer graphics and related fields. Generalizations of Bézier curves to higher dimensions are called Bézier surfaces, of which the Bézier triangle is a special case. In… … Wikipedia
Bézier curve — Bezjė kreivė statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Parametrinis kreivės vaizdavimo būdas plokštumoje arba erdvėje. Bezjė kreivės formą galima interaktyviai ir lengvai valdyti, keičiant valdančiųjų taškų pozicijas. Šios savybės panaudojamos… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
Bezier curve — curve produced by a special set of mathematical formulae … English contemporary dictionary
Bezier curve — /ˈbɛziə kɜv/ (say bezeeuh kerv), /ˈbɛzjeɪ/ (say bezyay) noun a mathematical curve defined by several control points that mark the start, end, and intermediate points of the curve …
Bézier curve — noun A cubic curve used as a spline, defined by four control points, of which two are the ends, and the other two determine the velocity with respect to the parameter at the ends … Wiktionary
Bézier surface — Bézier surfaces are a species of mathematical spline used in computer graphics, computer aided design, and finite element modelling. As with the Bézier curve, a Bézier surface is defined by a set of control points. Similar to interpolation in… … Wikipedia
Bézier — can refer to:*Pierre Bézier, French engineer and creator of Bézier curves *Bézier curve *Bézier triangle *Bézier spline *Bézier surface * The town of Béziers in France * AS Béziers Hérault, a French rugby union team *Bézier Games, an American… … Wikipedia
Bézier triangle — A cubic Bézier triangle is a surface with the equation:(alpha s+eta t+gamma u)^3 | 0 le s le 1, 0 le t le 1, 0 le u le 1, s+t+u=1:=egin{matrix} eta^3 t^3 + 3alphaeta^2 st^2 + 3eta^2gamma t^2 u + 3alpha^2eta s^2 t + 6alphaetagamma stu +… … Wikipedia
Bézier spline — In the mathematical field of numerical analysis and in computer graphics a Bézier spline is a spline curve where each polynomial of the spline is in Bézier form.DefinitionGiven a spline S of degree n with k knots x i we can write the spline as a… … Wikipedia
bezier — noun A Bézier curve … Wiktionary