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  • 1 pick

    I 1. [pik] verb
    1) (to choose or select: Pick the one you like best.) izvēlēties; izmeklēt
    2) (to take (flowers from a plant, fruit from a tree etc), usually by hand: The little girl sat on the grass and picked flowers.) lasīt (ogas); plūkt (puķes)
    3) (to lift (someone or something): He picked up the child.) pacelt
    4) (to unlock (a lock) with a tool other than a key: When she found that she had lost her key, she picked the lock with a hair-pin.) atmūķēt
    2. noun
    1) (whatever or whichever a person wants or chooses: Take your pick of these prizes.) izvēle; izraudzītais priekšmets
    2) (the best one(s) from or the best part of something: These grapes are the pick of the bunch.) vislabākais
    - pick-up
    - pick and choose
    - pick at
    - pick someone's brains
    - pick holes in
    - pick off
    - pick on
    - pick out
    - pick someone's pocket
    - pick a quarrel/fight with someone
    - pick a quarrel/fight with
    - pick up
    - pick up speed
    - pick one's way
    II [pik] noun
    ((also (British) pickaxe, (American) pickax - plural pickaxes) a tool with a heavy metal head pointed at one or both ends, used for breaking hard surfaces eg walls, roads, rocks etc.) kaplis; cērte
    * * *
    cirtiens; izlase, izvēle; labākais; bakstāmais, irbulis; ievākums; izvēlēties, izmeklēt; kaplēt; kapāt, cirst; knābāt, knābt; urbināt, bakstīt; apskrubināt; lasīt, plūkt; plūkāt; atmūķēt; zagt; apzagt; spēlēt, strinkšķināt; vislabākais

    English-Latvian dictionary > pick

См. также в других словарях:

  • best of the bunch — noun The best or most preferred person or item within a group. I once heard father say that, with all his faults, he was the best of the bunch. Syn: pick of the litter …   Wiktionary

  • (the) best of the bunch — the best/pick/of the bunch phrase the best person or thing in a group Thesaurus: best person or thing or the best examplesynonym Main entry: bunch * * * the best/pick of the ˈbunch …   Useful english dictionary

  • the best of the bunch — the best (or the pick) of the bunch the best in a particular group …   Useful english dictionary

  • best of the bunch — best one of the whole group, cream of the crop, creme de la creme …   English contemporary dictionary

  • (the) pick of the bunch — the best/pick/of the bunch phrase the best person or thing in a group Thesaurus: best person or thing or the best examplesynonym Main entry: bunch * * * the best/pick of the ˈbunch …   Useful english dictionary

  • pick of the bunch — best of the group, cream of the crop …   English contemporary dictionary

  • pick of the bunch —  Best, pick on Find fault with …   A concise dictionary of English slang

  • bunch — [[t]bʌ̱ntʃ[/t]] ♦♦♦ bunches, bunching, bunched 1) N COUNT: usu sing, oft N of n, adj N A bunch of people is a group of people who share one or more characteristics or who are doing something together. [INFORMAL] My neighbours are a bunch of… …   English dictionary

  • best — [[t]be̱st[/t]] ♦ 1) Best is the superlative of good. If you want further information the best thing to do is have a word with the driver as you get on the bus... It s not the best place to live if you wish to develop your knowledge and love of… …   English dictionary

  • bunch — n. & v. n. 1 a cluster of things growing or fastened together (bunch of grapes; bunch of keys). 2 a collection; a set or lot (best of the bunch). 3 colloq. a group; a gang. v. 1 tr. make into a bunch or bunches; gather into close folds. 2 intr.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • bunch —  1. Group.  2. best of the bunch Best of those available …   A concise dictionary of English slang

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