1 beroligende
comforting, reassuring, reassuringly, sedative, soothing, soothingly* * *adj reassuring, soothing;(med.) sedative;[ beroligende middel] sedative; tranquillizer. -
2 beroligende
დამაწყნარებელი -
3 beroligende
заспокійливий -
4 beroligende pille
5 virke
работаработать* * *[viugə] sb.-t деятельность, работа———————— [vugə] vb. -r, -de, -tдействовать, функционировать; производить впечатлениеdet virker som en god idé складывается впечатление, что это неплохая идеяhan virker lidt deprimeret он производит впечатление несколько подавленного человека -
6 berolige
1успока́ивать, утеша́ть* * *allay, appease, calm, cool down, pacify, quiet, reassure, sedate, settle, soothe* * *vb calm, quieten ( fx a frightened child); calm down ( fx a furious customer); reassure ( fx he felt reassured); soothe ( fx a crying baby; one's conscience);(med.) sedate ( fx drugs that sedate); tranquillize;[ blive beroliget ved at høre] be relieved to hear;[ berolige ham]( også) set (el. put) his mind at rest;(se også beroligende). -
7 betryggende
adj( tilfredsstillende) satisfactory, adequate ( fx against adequate security);( beroligende) reassuring. -
8 nå
achieve, catch, get at, reach, well* * *I. vb( komme til) reach, get (, come) to ( fx Copenhagen, the hotel, the shore, the top),( med besvær også) make one's way to,F gain ( fx the shore);( ankomme til) arrive at ( fx the hotel, the town);( komme tids nok til) be in time for ( fx the overture);( befordringsmiddel) catch ( fx the train), make ( fx make the nine-thirty);( indhente) overtake, catch up with,( komme på højde med) come up to, equal;( opnå) achieve ( fx one's purpose; he has not achieved much),F attain ( fx a high degree of accuracy; the highest offices);( kunne række hen til, få fat i) reach, get at ( fx can you get at that branch?);( strække sig til) reach to ( fx his fields reach to the lake);( få gjort) get done ( fx I got a lot of work done today),( overkomme) manage ( fx that was all I could manage);[ nå at](dvs i tide) be in time to ( fx I was in time to see him off),( trods besvær) manage to ( fx I just managed to get it done);( have tid til) have time to ( fx I hadn't time to read his letter);[ han kan endnu nå at gøre det] there is is still time for him to do it;[ med adv:][ ikke nå toget (, bussen etc)] miss the train (, the bus etc);[ vi nåede ikke ret langt sidste gang] we did not get very far last time;(fig) he will go far;(fig) T he has come a long way;[ han nåede det lige] he just made it;[ han nåede lige at] he had (only) just time to, he was just in time to;[ han vil nå vidt] he will go far;[ med sb:][ nå en høj alder] reach (, F: attain) a great age;[ nå det fuldkomne] reach (, F: attain) perfection;[ nå sit mål] succeed, reach one's aim, achieve one's goal,F attain one's end;[ nå sine ønskers mål] reach (, F: attain) the object (el. the goal) of one's desires;[ med præp:][ jakken kan ikke nå om dig] the jacket won't meet;[ nå op på] reach ( fx the total reached £2500), come to ( fx the bill came to £75);[ nå op til] come up to;[ nå til] reach, get (, come) to, arrive at ( fx the hotel, the town);[ nå til en afgørelse (, til enighed)] reach (el. come to el. arrive at) a decision (, an agreement);(se også knæ).II. interj well;( forundret) oh; why;( beroligende) there;( som svar) I see;(= nå lad os høre) now then ( fx now then, what did you want?);[ nå nå!]( bebrejdende) now, now! come, come why! indeed! I say!( advarende) now then oh well;[ nå så det siger han!] so that's what he says, is it?[ nå sådan!] oh, is that it? I see! so that's the way it is! -
9 så
now, so, so that, sow, such, that, then, there, this* * *I. vb(også fig) sow;[ så sig selv] reseed itself.II. præt af se.III. adv( i den grad) so ( fx I am so glad; I was so tired that I had to liedown);T that ( fx I can't walk that far);( ligeså) as,( efter nægtelse) so, as ( fx as much as possible; you are as good as he; it is not so (el. as) easy as you think);( derfor) so ( fx he was not there, so I came back),F therefore;( i så fald) then ( fx then it must be here);( altså) so ( fx so you despise me?);( desuden) then, besides ( fx he has two cars, and then (el. besides) he has a private aeroplane);(efter imperativ for at indlede løfte el. trussel) and ( fx read it, and you will understand everything);( omtrent) so ( fx a month or so), thereabouts;( som indledning til eftersætning ofte uoversat, fx when I see him again I shall not forget to tell him);(let glds: således) thus ( fx he spoke thus);[ så at] so (that) ( fx he forgot his key, so (that) he couldn't get in),(se også V. så);[ jeg var så dum at tro på ham] I was foolish (el. fool) enough to believe him;[ jeg er ikke så dum at tro på ham] I am not so foolish (el. such a fool) as to believe him;[ han er så dum at han] he is so foolish that he;[ en så rig mand] such a rich man, a man so rich (as he);[ enten han så kommer eller ej] whether he comes or not;[ så er du]( efter imperativ) that's, there's ( fx hand me that book, that's a good boy! (, girl!) el. there's a dear!);[ men hvorfor gjorde du det så?] but then, why did you do it?[ så lala] so so;[ så og så mange] so many, such and such a number (of);[ så og så meget] so much;[om (...) så], se III. om;[ så som så] so so;[ som så] like this, like that;[ han er ikke større end som så] he is only `so high (el. T that high);(se også II. som);[ vel... så], se II. vel;[ vær så god], se god;[ så vær dog stille!] do be quiet![ vær så venlig], se venlig.( beroligende) there, there! come, come!( befalende) now then!( lettet) there now!( ærgerligt) there![ ja så], se ja.V. conj( så at) so that;( ofte =) till ( fx he squeezed my hand till I cried out). -
10 berolige
beroligende beruhigend
См. также в других словарях:
Sedativ — Beroligende (lægemiddel) … Danske encyklopædi
sedativ — I se|da|tiv 1. se|da|tiv sb., et, er, erne (beroligende lægemiddel) II se|da|tiv 2. se|da|tiv adj., t, e (OM LÆGEMIDDEL beroligende) … Dansk ordbog
Bjørn Sundquist — Infobox actor imagesize = 150px name = Bjørn Sundquist birthdate = birth date and age|1948|6|16 location = Hammerfest, Norway birthname = Bjørn Richard Sundquist occupation = Actor goldenglobeawards = Bjørn Richard Sundquist (born June 16 1948,… … Wikipedia
bromkalium — brom|ka|li|um sb., met (et beroligende middel) … Dansk ordbog