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  • 1 יֵי׳ m. pl. (b. h.; המה) mules (v. Targ. Y. to Gen. 36:24). Y.Ber.VIII, 12b; Gen. R. s. 82, end, v. הֶמְיוֹנָס. Ḥull.7b (v. Pes.54a).

    יָמִין(sub. יַד) f. (b. h.; v. אָמַן) ( firm, right hand. Men.37a מה כתיבה בִּי׳ as the writing is done with the right hand, so is the binding to be done with the right hand (on the left). Ib. אטר … בִּימִינוֹוכ׳ a left-handed man ties the Tfillin on his right hand, because this is his left (weak) hand. Lam. R. to II, 3 (ref. to קץ הימין, Dan. 12:13) קץ נתתי לִימִינִיוכ׳ I have fixed a term to (the servitude of) my right hand (power); when I redeem my children, I vindicate my right hand. Zeb.62b, a. fr. דרך י׳ towards the right; a. fr.Denom. יְמָנִי, f. יְמָנִית.

    Jewish literature > יֵי׳ m. pl. (b. h.; המה) mules (v. Targ. Y. to Gen. 36:24). Y.Ber.VIII, 12b; Gen. R. s. 82, end, v. הֶמְיוֹנָס. Ḥull.7b (v. Pes.54a).

  • 2 צִי׳ m. (prob. fr. a root צבח, with format. ד or ר; cmp. next w., a. צָבַע I) (a grab, a little, few. Targ. 2 Chr. 24:24 (h. text מצער). Targ. Job 36:2 (h. text זעירּ). Targ. Is. 5:18; a. fr.Y.Ber.I, 3b top. מן גו דאינון צ׳ because they (the verses) are few; Y.Sabb.I, 3a bot. Y.Yoma VI, 43d אורכין צ

    צָבַט(b. h.) to seize, grab; to handle. Hag.22b (expl. בית הצביטה, ib. III, 1) מקום שצוֹבְטוֹ any part of a vessel by which you seize it. Ib. מקום שנקיי הרעת צוֹבְטִין (שותין) Ms. M. (ed. צובעין; Ar. s. v. בית הצביעה: שותין; v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note; Y. ib. III, 78d שהנקיים תופסין בו) that part of the vessel by which the cleanly seize it when drinking (under the rim); v. צָבע I.

    Jewish literature > צִי׳ m. (prob. fr. a root צבח, with format. ד or ר; cmp. next w., a. צָבַע I) (a grab, a little, few. Targ. 2 Chr. 24:24 (h. text מצער). Targ. Job 36:2 (h. text זעירּ). Targ. Is. 5:18; a. fr.Y.Ber.I, 3b top. מן גו דאינון צ׳ because they (the verses) are few; Y.Sabb.I, 3a bot. Y.Yoma VI, 43d אורכין צ

  • 3 קְלִיבִּינְטְרִין m. (a corrupt. of κλινο-βατήριον = βάθριον, corresp. to Lat. scamnum) step placed before the bed. Y.Ber.III, 5d bot. שומט קלבינטריןוכ׳ (ed. Lehm. קרביטין, corr. acc.; Mus. in Ar. ed. Koh. קלבינטירין, oth. ed. קלבינטר׳; Ar. קליבנטירין) he detaches the footstool from the state-bed (ד

    קלבסיםv. קְלִוְוסִין.

    Jewish literature > קְלִיבִּינְטְרִין m. (a corrupt. of κλινο-βατήριον = βάθριον, corresp. to Lat. scamnum) step placed before the bed. Y.Ber.III, 5d bot. שומט קלבינטריןוכ׳ (ed. Lehm. קרביטין, corr. acc.; Mus. in Ar. ed. Koh. קלבינטירין, oth. ed. קלבינטר׳; Ar. קליבנטירין) he detaches the footstool from the state-bed (ד

  • 4 עולם

    עוֹלָםm. (b. h.; עָלַם I) (strength, endurance, nature, existence, world; (b. h.) life-time, eternity. Y.Ber.IV, 7b bot. (ref. to עד עולם, 1 Sam. 1:22) והלא אין עוֹלָמוֹ של לויוכ׳ but the life-time (active service) of the Levite is only up to fifty years. Kidd.15a (ref. to Ex. 21:6 לְעֹלָם) הוה אמינא לע׳ ממש I might have thought, that it meant really for ever (for life); קמשמע לן לע׳ לעולמו של יובל it is intimated (by ושבתםוכ׳, Lev. 25:10) that l‘olam means up to the period of the jubilee. Ber.17a עוֹלָמְךָ תראה בחייךוכ׳ mayest thou see (enjoy) thy existence during thy life-time, and thy future (reward be reserved) for the life of the world to come. Arakh.16b bot. קיבל עולמו has received his reward in this world. Ber.IX, 5 כל חותמי … מן הע׳ (Bab. ed. 54a עד הע׳, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 20) in all conclusions of benedictions in the Temple they used to say, (Blessed is the Lord …) from everlasting; משקלקלו … אין ע׳ אלא אחדוכ׳ when the heretics (or Sadducees) degenerated and said, there is only one world, they ordained the formula, From everlasting to everlasting. Pes.56a; Tosef. ib. II (III), 19 they did not say ברוך שם כבוד מלכותו לע׳ וָעֶר blessed be the name of His glorious kingdom for ever and ever. Gen. R. s. 30, a. fr. ראה ע׳ חדש has seen a new world (a great change). Cant. R. to I, 3, a. e. ע׳ שאין בו מות, v. אֲתָאנַסְיָא; a. fr.Y.Ned.XI, 42c bot. פירות הע׳ the fruits of the world, i. e. coming from some other place, opp. צבורים בסידקי.ע׳ הזה (abbrev. עה״ז) this world, mundane existence; ע׳ הבא (abbrev. עה״ב) the world to come, the hereafter, also the Messianic days; the days of resurrection. Pes.50a לא טעה״זעה״ב not as in this world (the present), will it be in the Messianic days. Ber.51a זוכה ונוחל שני עולמים העה״ז והעה״ב will be permitted to inherit two worlds, this world and the hereafter. Ab. IV, 16, v. פְּרוֹזְדּוֹר. Snh.X, 1, a. fr. חלקלעה״ב a share in the world to come (resurrection); a. v. fr.אומות הע׳ (abbrev. אוה״ע, א״ה), v. אוּמָּה.בית ע׳ (euphem.) cemetery. Lev. R. s. 12, beg. (interch. with עֲלַם q. v.).Pl. עוֹלָמִים, עוֹלָמִין, עוֹלָמוֹת. Ber. l. c., v. supra. Snh.100a שלש מאות ועשרה ע׳ three hundred and ten worlds (existences of beatitude). Gen. R. s. 3, a. e. היה בורא ע׳ ומחריבן he created worlds and destroyed them again; a. fr.בית ע׳ the permanent house, the Jerusalem Temple, opp. משכן the Tabernacle. Succ.5b; a. fr.לְעוֹלָם a) forever, always, under all circumstances. Y.Ber.V, 9a Pl. חיים לע׳ a life for ever (not ceasing). Keth.IV, 5 לע׳ היא ברשותוכ׳ she (the betrothed) continues to be under the fathers jurisdiction (sharing his legal status), until she is wedded. B. Mets.59a לע׳ … בכבוד אשתו under all conditions a man must guard the honor of his wife. Yeb.46a, a. e. לע׳ אין גר עדוכ׳ a person is not considered a proselyte, until he has been circumcised and immersed; a. v. fr.b) (dialectic term) at all events, in spite of your argument, still. Ḥull.101a לע׳ קסברוכ׳ Rab may still be of the opinion that ; Ber.3a. Ib.b לע׳ בחדוכ׳ I may still say, it refers to one person and to recent debris; a. fr.מֵע׳ לא never. Yoma 49a מע׳ לא שאלניוכ׳ never (in my life) did a person consult me about ; (Ḥull.7b מימי). Sabb.108b מע׳ לא טבע גבראוכ׳ never yet has a person been drowned in the Dead Sea; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > עולם

  • 5 עוֹלָם

    עוֹלָםm. (b. h.; עָלַם I) (strength, endurance, nature, existence, world; (b. h.) life-time, eternity. Y.Ber.IV, 7b bot. (ref. to עד עולם, 1 Sam. 1:22) והלא אין עוֹלָמוֹ של לויוכ׳ but the life-time (active service) of the Levite is only up to fifty years. Kidd.15a (ref. to Ex. 21:6 לְעֹלָם) הוה אמינא לע׳ ממש I might have thought, that it meant really for ever (for life); קמשמע לן לע׳ לעולמו של יובל it is intimated (by ושבתםוכ׳, Lev. 25:10) that l‘olam means up to the period of the jubilee. Ber.17a עוֹלָמְךָ תראה בחייךוכ׳ mayest thou see (enjoy) thy existence during thy life-time, and thy future (reward be reserved) for the life of the world to come. Arakh.16b bot. קיבל עולמו has received his reward in this world. Ber.IX, 5 כל חותמי … מן הע׳ (Bab. ed. 54a עד הע׳, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 20) in all conclusions of benedictions in the Temple they used to say, (Blessed is the Lord …) from everlasting; משקלקלו … אין ע׳ אלא אחדוכ׳ when the heretics (or Sadducees) degenerated and said, there is only one world, they ordained the formula, From everlasting to everlasting. Pes.56a; Tosef. ib. II (III), 19 they did not say ברוך שם כבוד מלכותו לע׳ וָעֶר blessed be the name of His glorious kingdom for ever and ever. Gen. R. s. 30, a. fr. ראה ע׳ חדש has seen a new world (a great change). Cant. R. to I, 3, a. e. ע׳ שאין בו מות, v. אֲתָאנַסְיָא; a. fr.Y.Ned.XI, 42c bot. פירות הע׳ the fruits of the world, i. e. coming from some other place, opp. צבורים בסידקי.ע׳ הזה (abbrev. עה״ז) this world, mundane existence; ע׳ הבא (abbrev. עה״ב) the world to come, the hereafter, also the Messianic days; the days of resurrection. Pes.50a לא טעה״זעה״ב not as in this world (the present), will it be in the Messianic days. Ber.51a זוכה ונוחל שני עולמים העה״ז והעה״ב will be permitted to inherit two worlds, this world and the hereafter. Ab. IV, 16, v. פְּרוֹזְדּוֹר. Snh.X, 1, a. fr. חלקלעה״ב a share in the world to come (resurrection); a. v. fr.אומות הע׳ (abbrev. אוה״ע, א״ה), v. אוּמָּה.בית ע׳ (euphem.) cemetery. Lev. R. s. 12, beg. (interch. with עֲלַם q. v.).Pl. עוֹלָמִים, עוֹלָמִין, עוֹלָמוֹת. Ber. l. c., v. supra. Snh.100a שלש מאות ועשרה ע׳ three hundred and ten worlds (existences of beatitude). Gen. R. s. 3, a. e. היה בורא ע׳ ומחריבן he created worlds and destroyed them again; a. fr.בית ע׳ the permanent house, the Jerusalem Temple, opp. משכן the Tabernacle. Succ.5b; a. fr.לְעוֹלָם a) forever, always, under all circumstances. Y.Ber.V, 9a Pl. חיים לע׳ a life for ever (not ceasing). Keth.IV, 5 לע׳ היא ברשותוכ׳ she (the betrothed) continues to be under the fathers jurisdiction (sharing his legal status), until she is wedded. B. Mets.59a לע׳ … בכבוד אשתו under all conditions a man must guard the honor of his wife. Yeb.46a, a. e. לע׳ אין גר עדוכ׳ a person is not considered a proselyte, until he has been circumcised and immersed; a. v. fr.b) (dialectic term) at all events, in spite of your argument, still. Ḥull.101a לע׳ קסברוכ׳ Rab may still be of the opinion that ; Ber.3a. Ib.b לע׳ בחדוכ׳ I may still say, it refers to one person and to recent debris; a. fr.מֵע׳ לא never. Yoma 49a מע׳ לא שאלניוכ׳ never (in my life) did a person consult me about ; (Ḥull.7b מימי). Sabb.108b מע׳ לא טבע גבראוכ׳ never yet has a person been drowned in the Dead Sea; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > עוֹלָם

  • 6 אוכלוזא

    אוֹכְלֹוזא(perh. fr. r. כלז, cmp. Arab. ḳalaza, collegit, a. כרז, קלס; v. Ges. H. Dict. s. v. כרשׂ; var. forms: אָכְלֹוזָא, אוֹכְלֹוסָא, אֹוכְלָסָא, כְּלֹוזָא; h. form only in pl. אֹוכְלֹוסִין, const. אֹוכְלֹוסֵי, אֹוכְלָסִין) levy of troops or forced laborers (corresp. to h. צָבָא). Targ. 1 Chr. 11:6; 20:1.B. Bath.8a; B. Mets. 108a נפקי בא׳ (Ms. M. כלוזא) they have to go out themselves to do public labors (not permitted to hire substitutes). Ib. לאו בני א׳וכ׳ are exempt from the levy. Ber.58a; Yeb.76b יצא בא׳ went out with the army; (strike out ודרש בא׳ Ber. l. c., v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 40); a. fr.Pl. אֹוכְלֹוזִין, אֹוכְלֹוסִין, אֹוכְלָסִין (v. supra). Targ. 1 Chr. 12:22; a. fr.Tosef.Ber.VII (VI), 2 אוכלסין. Ber.58a; אֹוכְלֹוסֵי ישראל a Jewish army. Y.Ber.IX, 13c top.; Y.Snh.X, 29b top.… אֹוכלֹוסַיָּיא ד the armies of students; a. fr.Cmp. אָכְלֹושֵׁי. Y.Ber.IX, 13a; Midr. Till. to Ps. 4, v. אִסְכֹּולִי).

    Jewish literature > אוכלוזא

  • 7 אוֹכְלֹוזא

    אוֹכְלֹוזא(perh. fr. r. כלז, cmp. Arab. ḳalaza, collegit, a. כרז, קלס; v. Ges. H. Dict. s. v. כרשׂ; var. forms: אָכְלֹוזָא, אוֹכְלֹוסָא, אֹוכְלָסָא, כְּלֹוזָא; h. form only in pl. אֹוכְלֹוסִין, const. אֹוכְלֹוסֵי, אֹוכְלָסִין) levy of troops or forced laborers (corresp. to h. צָבָא). Targ. 1 Chr. 11:6; 20:1.B. Bath.8a; B. Mets. 108a נפקי בא׳ (Ms. M. כלוזא) they have to go out themselves to do public labors (not permitted to hire substitutes). Ib. לאו בני א׳וכ׳ are exempt from the levy. Ber.58a; Yeb.76b יצא בא׳ went out with the army; (strike out ודרש בא׳ Ber. l. c., v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 40); a. fr.Pl. אֹוכְלֹוזִין, אֹוכְלֹוסִין, אֹוכְלָסִין (v. supra). Targ. 1 Chr. 12:22; a. fr.Tosef.Ber.VII (VI), 2 אוכלסין. Ber.58a; אֹוכְלֹוסֵי ישראל a Jewish army. Y.Ber.IX, 13c top.; Y.Snh.X, 29b top.… אֹוכלֹוסַיָּיא ד the armies of students; a. fr.Cmp. אָכְלֹושֵׁי. Y.Ber.IX, 13a; Midr. Till. to Ps. 4, v. אִסְכֹּולִי).

    Jewish literature > אוֹכְלֹוזא

  • 8 ירא

    יָרֵא(b. h.) to tremble, fear; to revere; to shun. Sabb.88a (ref. to Ps. 76:9) אם יָרְאָהוכ׳ if she (the earth) trembled, how could she be at rest, ?Ber.16b ליִרְאָה את שמך so as to fear thy name.(Usu. as participle or adjective) יָרֵא m. Ned.8b (ref. to Mal. 3:20) אלו … שהן יְרֵאִין להוציאוכ׳ who are afraid to utter the name of the Lord in vain.יְרֵא חֵטא shunning sin, of careful conduct, conscientious. Ab. II, 5. Ib. 8; a. fr.יְרֵא שָׁמַיִם God-fearing, pious. Ber.8a גדול … יותר מי׳ ש׳ he who lives on the (honest) labor of his hand, stands higher than the pious man. Succ.49b, v. יָרַע; a. fr. Fem. יְרֵאָה, constr. יְרֵאַת. Lam. R. to II, 13 (play on י̇ר̇ושל̇ם̇) הבת שי̇ר̇אה ומשול̇מ̇ת לי the daughter that fears (me) and is at peace with me. Ib. כשאת יְרֵיאָה את מושלמת לי Ar. (missing in ed.) when thou art God-fearing, thou art at peace with me. Yeb.62b.Part. pass. יָראוּי. Ber.33b; Meg.25a Ms. M. (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note). Nif. נוֹרָא, fut. יִוָּרֵא to be feared. Koh. R. to IX, 7; Pesik. Ulkaḥ., p. 183b>, a. e. למען תִּוָּרֵאוכ׳ (Ps. 130:4) ‘in order that thou mayest be feared, that the fear of thee be put on mankind.Part. נוֹרָא fearful, awe-inspiring. Ber. l. c. Yoma 69b לא אמר נ׳ Jeremiah did not say nora (only gadol a. gibbor, Jer. 32:18). Fem. pl. ניֹרָאוֹת awe-inspiring deeds. Ib. אתא … נכרים … איה נוֹרְאוֹתָיו came Jeremiah and said, Strangers dance on His temple ruins, where are His awful deeds?; Y.Ber.VII, 11c. Ib. לזה נאה לקרות נורא בנ׳וכ׳ (Daniel said) Him it is becoming to call awe-inspiring for the awful deeds He performed for us ; Midr. Till. to Ps. 19; a. fr. Hithpa. הִתְיָירֵא, Nithpa. נִתְיָירֵא 1) to be feared, revered. Zeb.115b (ref. to Ps. 68:36) בשעה … מִתְיָירֵא ומתעלהוכ׳ when the Lord executes judgment on His saints, He is feared and praised ; Yalk. Lev. 525. 2) to be afraid. Ber.61b אי אתה מתי׳ מפניוכ׳ art thou not afraid of the (Roman) government?Midr. Till. l. c. שנכנסו … וכא נִתְיָירְאוּ the enemy entered His house and were not afraid (of the Lord). Ex. R. s. 29 אם המטרונה מִתְיָירֵאתוכ׳ if the queen is afraid, what shall the servants … do?; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > ירא

  • 9 יָרֵא

    יָרֵא(b. h.) to tremble, fear; to revere; to shun. Sabb.88a (ref. to Ps. 76:9) אם יָרְאָהוכ׳ if she (the earth) trembled, how could she be at rest, ?Ber.16b ליִרְאָה את שמך so as to fear thy name.(Usu. as participle or adjective) יָרֵא m. Ned.8b (ref. to Mal. 3:20) אלו … שהן יְרֵאִין להוציאוכ׳ who are afraid to utter the name of the Lord in vain.יְרֵא חֵטא shunning sin, of careful conduct, conscientious. Ab. II, 5. Ib. 8; a. fr.יְרֵא שָׁמַיִם God-fearing, pious. Ber.8a גדול … יותר מי׳ ש׳ he who lives on the (honest) labor of his hand, stands higher than the pious man. Succ.49b, v. יָרַע; a. fr. Fem. יְרֵאָה, constr. יְרֵאַת. Lam. R. to II, 13 (play on י̇ר̇ושל̇ם̇) הבת שי̇ר̇אה ומשול̇מ̇ת לי the daughter that fears (me) and is at peace with me. Ib. כשאת יְרֵיאָה את מושלמת לי Ar. (missing in ed.) when thou art God-fearing, thou art at peace with me. Yeb.62b.Part. pass. יָראוּי. Ber.33b; Meg.25a Ms. M. (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note). Nif. נוֹרָא, fut. יִוָּרֵא to be feared. Koh. R. to IX, 7; Pesik. Ulkaḥ., p. 183b>, a. e. למען תִּוָּרֵאוכ׳ (Ps. 130:4) ‘in order that thou mayest be feared, that the fear of thee be put on mankind.Part. נוֹרָא fearful, awe-inspiring. Ber. l. c. Yoma 69b לא אמר נ׳ Jeremiah did not say nora (only gadol a. gibbor, Jer. 32:18). Fem. pl. ניֹרָאוֹת awe-inspiring deeds. Ib. אתא … נכרים … איה נוֹרְאוֹתָיו came Jeremiah and said, Strangers dance on His temple ruins, where are His awful deeds?; Y.Ber.VII, 11c. Ib. לזה נאה לקרות נורא בנ׳וכ׳ (Daniel said) Him it is becoming to call awe-inspiring for the awful deeds He performed for us ; Midr. Till. to Ps. 19; a. fr. Hithpa. הִתְיָירֵא, Nithpa. נִתְיָירֵא 1) to be feared, revered. Zeb.115b (ref. to Ps. 68:36) בשעה … מִתְיָירֵא ומתעלהוכ׳ when the Lord executes judgment on His saints, He is feared and praised ; Yalk. Lev. 525. 2) to be afraid. Ber.61b אי אתה מתי׳ מפניוכ׳ art thou not afraid of the (Roman) government?Midr. Till. l. c. שנכנסו … וכא נִתְיָירְאוּ the enemy entered His house and were not afraid (of the Lord). Ex. R. s. 29 אם המטרונה מִתְיָירֵאתוכ׳ if the queen is afraid, what shall the servants … do?; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > יָרֵא

  • 10 רצי

    רצי, רָצָה(b. h.; v. רְעֵי II) 1) to favor, pardon. Midr. Till. to Ps. 44 אף בניו … ולהם רָצִיתָ ולא לנו thou hast also done great things for his (Abrahams) children in the desert, and to them thou hast been benevolent, but not to us. Sifra Vayikra, Ndab., Par. 3, ch. 4 (ref. to Lev. 1:4) חמקום רוֹצֶה לו the Lord will receive his offering with favor (pardon him); ועל מה המקים רוצהוכ׳ and for what sins will the Lord pardon him? For sins of omission ; Yalk. Lev. 438. Ab. V, 11 נוח לִרְצוֹת easily appeased; a. e. 2) to please, desire, be willing, consent. Lev. R. s. 34 רְצֵה והחליצנו, v. חָלַץ. Meg.29a (play on תר̇צ̇ד̇ון̇, Ps. 68:17) למה תִרְֹצֹוּ ד̇ין̇ עם סיני why do you desire a contest with Sinai?; Yalk. Jud. 47 למה אתם ר֗ו֗צִ֗ים ומד̇יינ̇ים why are you so willing to contest? Macc.10b, a. e. בדרך שאדם רוצהוכ׳ on what way a man wants to go, they (heavenly powers) lead him. Keth.12b אם רָצוּ לעשותוכ׳ if they wish to follow the usage of priests Yeb.IV, 5 לאר׳ if he declines (to act as yabam). Ab. Zar.32a רוצה בקיומוע״י דבר אחר if he wants the preservation of an idolatrous object for some other purpose. Ber.7a כשרָצִיתִי לא רָצִיתָוכ׳ when I was willing (to reveal myself), thou wast unwilling (didst hide thy face) ; a. v. fr. Pi. רִצָּה 1) to appease, to procure pardon. Ex. R. s. 45 יהיו פני מְרַצִּין את פניך my countenance shall appease thy countenance, v. כָּעַס. Ib. כשהיה …הקב״ה מְרַצֶּה אותווכ׳ when Moses was angry with Israel, the Lord appeased him Ib. אהיה מְרַצְּךָ I shall appease thee; (Tanḥ. Ki Thissa 27 אני ברצון, v. רָצוֹן). Ab. IV, 18 אל תְּרַצֶּהוכ׳, v. כַּעַס. Ber. l. c. מנין שאין מְרַצִּיןוכ׳ whence do we learn that we must not attempt to appease a man at the moment of his excitement? Sifra l. c. אע״פ שלא סמך הזבח מרצה although he has not put his hand on the victim, the sacrifice produces pardon; Yalk. Lev. l. c. נרצה הזבח the sacrifice is accepted. Pes.16b על מה הציץ מרצה for what (mistake at sacrifices) does the high priests plate effect pardon (make the sacrifice acceptable)?; Men.25b. Ib. III, 3. Sifré Deut. 32 כשם שקרבנות מְרַצִּיםוכ׳ as sacrifices are the means of atonement, so are sufferings ; a. fr. 2) to make pleasing, acceptable. Midr. Till. to Ps. 85 הקב״ה … עד שתְּרַצֶּה מעשיה להקב״ה the Lord turns around and observes and puts his eye on her (the earth), until she makes her deeds pleasing unto the Lord; ib. אותה שעה היא מְרַצָּהוכ׳ then she makes her deeds pleasing ; Yalk. ib. 833. Nif. נִרְצָה 1) to be acceptable, be accepted. Sifra l. c. ונרצה לו לו ולזבחו ‘it shall be accepted for him (Lev. 1:4) he and his sacrifice shall be accepted; Yalk. Lev. l. c. Ib. נ׳ הזבח, v. supra; a. e. 2) to be appeased. Lam. R. to I, 2 (ref. to Ps. 77:8) לא לְרַצּוֹת ולא לֵירָצוֹת never to appease and never to be appeased; a. e. Hif. הִרְצָה 1) to satisfy (a debt), to make up for. Yalk. Lev. 675 (ref. to Lev. 26:34) the land shall rest of itself עד שתַּרְצֶח לפני … היא חייבת לי until it shall have made up before me for all the Sabbatical years which it owes me. Sifré Deut. 355 (ref. to רצוי, Deut. 33:24) שהיה מִתְרַצֶּה … והן מַרְצִים לו בתבואה he showed himself accommodating to his brethren with oil …, and they settled their account with grain; Yalk. ib. 962. 2) ( to combine, to assort coins; to count; to pay. Sabb.22a להַרְצוֹת מעותוכ׳ to assort coins by the Ḥanuckah lights. Ber.61a; Erub.18b המַרְצֶה מעות לאשהוכ׳ he who pays money to a woman counting from his to her hand for the sake of gazing at her. Snh.68a … הרבה מעות שולחני להַרְצוֹתָן I have many coins, but no money-changer to assort them (many questions to ask but none to solve them); a. fr. 3) (trnsf.) to arrange subjects for debate, to discourse. Tosef.Nidd.VI, 6 כשבאתי והִרְצֵיתִי דברים לפניוכ׳ when I came and discussed the subject before R. A. ; Ab. Zar.36b והִרְצֵתִי דבריוכ׳; Y.Peah VI, 19b bot.; Tosef.Ḥall.I, 6; Pes.38b; Y.Shek.V, 49a והריציתי (corr. acc.). Ḥag.14b ר׳ יהושעה׳ דבריםוכ׳ R. Joshua discoursed (on theosophy) before ; a. e., v. הַרְצָאָה. Hof. הוּרְצָה to be favorably received. Yoma 7a דם …ה׳ במזיד לאה׳ if blood became unclean, and one sprinkled it, if by mistake, it is received (and the flesh may be eaten), if wilfully, it is not; Pes.16b; a. fr. Hithp. הִתְרַצָּה, Nithpa. נִתְרַצָּה 1) to be reconciled, be satisfied; to comply with. Ex. R. s. 45 לך והִתְרַצֶּה להם go and comply with their wish, go back to the camp. Kidd.45a שמא נ׳ האב בקידושי שני perhaps the father was satisfied with (confirmed) the betrothal of the second man. Ib. b שמא נ׳ הבן perhaps the son sanctioned (his fathers action in his behalf). Y.Ber.IV, 7d top; Y.Taan.IV, 67d bot. נִתְרַצֵיתֶם אני ואתםוכ׳ if you are satisfied, let me and you go early to ; (Ber.28a נתפייסת); a. fr. 2) to be gratified, enjoy. Ber.53a bot. נ׳ להריח if he smelt (the idolatrous frankincense) with enjoyment.

    Jewish literature > רצי

  • 11 רצה

    רצי, רָצָה(b. h.; v. רְעֵי II) 1) to favor, pardon. Midr. Till. to Ps. 44 אף בניו … ולהם רָצִיתָ ולא לנו thou hast also done great things for his (Abrahams) children in the desert, and to them thou hast been benevolent, but not to us. Sifra Vayikra, Ndab., Par. 3, ch. 4 (ref. to Lev. 1:4) חמקום רוֹצֶה לו the Lord will receive his offering with favor (pardon him); ועל מה המקים רוצהוכ׳ and for what sins will the Lord pardon him? For sins of omission ; Yalk. Lev. 438. Ab. V, 11 נוח לִרְצוֹת easily appeased; a. e. 2) to please, desire, be willing, consent. Lev. R. s. 34 רְצֵה והחליצנו, v. חָלַץ. Meg.29a (play on תר̇צ̇ד̇ון̇, Ps. 68:17) למה תִרְֹצֹוּ ד̇ין̇ עם סיני why do you desire a contest with Sinai?; Yalk. Jud. 47 למה אתם ר֗ו֗צִ֗ים ומד̇יינ̇ים why are you so willing to contest? Macc.10b, a. e. בדרך שאדם רוצהוכ׳ on what way a man wants to go, they (heavenly powers) lead him. Keth.12b אם רָצוּ לעשותוכ׳ if they wish to follow the usage of priests Yeb.IV, 5 לאר׳ if he declines (to act as yabam). Ab. Zar.32a רוצה בקיומוע״י דבר אחר if he wants the preservation of an idolatrous object for some other purpose. Ber.7a כשרָצִיתִי לא רָצִיתָוכ׳ when I was willing (to reveal myself), thou wast unwilling (didst hide thy face) ; a. v. fr. Pi. רִצָּה 1) to appease, to procure pardon. Ex. R. s. 45 יהיו פני מְרַצִּין את פניך my countenance shall appease thy countenance, v. כָּעַס. Ib. כשהיה …הקב״ה מְרַצֶּה אותווכ׳ when Moses was angry with Israel, the Lord appeased him Ib. אהיה מְרַצְּךָ I shall appease thee; (Tanḥ. Ki Thissa 27 אני ברצון, v. רָצוֹן). Ab. IV, 18 אל תְּרַצֶּהוכ׳, v. כַּעַס. Ber. l. c. מנין שאין מְרַצִּיןוכ׳ whence do we learn that we must not attempt to appease a man at the moment of his excitement? Sifra l. c. אע״פ שלא סמך הזבח מרצה although he has not put his hand on the victim, the sacrifice produces pardon; Yalk. Lev. l. c. נרצה הזבח the sacrifice is accepted. Pes.16b על מה הציץ מרצה for what (mistake at sacrifices) does the high priests plate effect pardon (make the sacrifice acceptable)?; Men.25b. Ib. III, 3. Sifré Deut. 32 כשם שקרבנות מְרַצִּיםוכ׳ as sacrifices are the means of atonement, so are sufferings ; a. fr. 2) to make pleasing, acceptable. Midr. Till. to Ps. 85 הקב״ה … עד שתְּרַצֶּה מעשיה להקב״ה the Lord turns around and observes and puts his eye on her (the earth), until she makes her deeds pleasing unto the Lord; ib. אותה שעה היא מְרַצָּהוכ׳ then she makes her deeds pleasing ; Yalk. ib. 833. Nif. נִרְצָה 1) to be acceptable, be accepted. Sifra l. c. ונרצה לו לו ולזבחו ‘it shall be accepted for him (Lev. 1:4) he and his sacrifice shall be accepted; Yalk. Lev. l. c. Ib. נ׳ הזבח, v. supra; a. e. 2) to be appeased. Lam. R. to I, 2 (ref. to Ps. 77:8) לא לְרַצּוֹת ולא לֵירָצוֹת never to appease and never to be appeased; a. e. Hif. הִרְצָה 1) to satisfy (a debt), to make up for. Yalk. Lev. 675 (ref. to Lev. 26:34) the land shall rest of itself עד שתַּרְצֶח לפני … היא חייבת לי until it shall have made up before me for all the Sabbatical years which it owes me. Sifré Deut. 355 (ref. to רצוי, Deut. 33:24) שהיה מִתְרַצֶּה … והן מַרְצִים לו בתבואה he showed himself accommodating to his brethren with oil …, and they settled their account with grain; Yalk. ib. 962. 2) ( to combine, to assort coins; to count; to pay. Sabb.22a להַרְצוֹת מעותוכ׳ to assort coins by the Ḥanuckah lights. Ber.61a; Erub.18b המַרְצֶה מעות לאשהוכ׳ he who pays money to a woman counting from his to her hand for the sake of gazing at her. Snh.68a … הרבה מעות שולחני להַרְצוֹתָן I have many coins, but no money-changer to assort them (many questions to ask but none to solve them); a. fr. 3) (trnsf.) to arrange subjects for debate, to discourse. Tosef.Nidd.VI, 6 כשבאתי והִרְצֵיתִי דברים לפניוכ׳ when I came and discussed the subject before R. A. ; Ab. Zar.36b והִרְצֵתִי דבריוכ׳; Y.Peah VI, 19b bot.; Tosef.Ḥall.I, 6; Pes.38b; Y.Shek.V, 49a והריציתי (corr. acc.). Ḥag.14b ר׳ יהושעה׳ דבריםוכ׳ R. Joshua discoursed (on theosophy) before ; a. e., v. הַרְצָאָה. Hof. הוּרְצָה to be favorably received. Yoma 7a דם …ה׳ במזיד לאה׳ if blood became unclean, and one sprinkled it, if by mistake, it is received (and the flesh may be eaten), if wilfully, it is not; Pes.16b; a. fr. Hithp. הִתְרַצָּה, Nithpa. נִתְרַצָּה 1) to be reconciled, be satisfied; to comply with. Ex. R. s. 45 לך והִתְרַצֶּה להם go and comply with their wish, go back to the camp. Kidd.45a שמא נ׳ האב בקידושי שני perhaps the father was satisfied with (confirmed) the betrothal of the second man. Ib. b שמא נ׳ הבן perhaps the son sanctioned (his fathers action in his behalf). Y.Ber.IV, 7d top; Y.Taan.IV, 67d bot. נִתְרַצֵיתֶם אני ואתםוכ׳ if you are satisfied, let me and you go early to ; (Ber.28a נתפייסת); a. fr. 2) to be gratified, enjoy. Ber.53a bot. נ׳ להריח if he smelt (the idolatrous frankincense) with enjoyment.

    Jewish literature > רצה

  • 12 רָצָה

    רצי, רָצָה(b. h.; v. רְעֵי II) 1) to favor, pardon. Midr. Till. to Ps. 44 אף בניו … ולהם רָצִיתָ ולא לנו thou hast also done great things for his (Abrahams) children in the desert, and to them thou hast been benevolent, but not to us. Sifra Vayikra, Ndab., Par. 3, ch. 4 (ref. to Lev. 1:4) חמקום רוֹצֶה לו the Lord will receive his offering with favor (pardon him); ועל מה המקים רוצהוכ׳ and for what sins will the Lord pardon him? For sins of omission ; Yalk. Lev. 438. Ab. V, 11 נוח לִרְצוֹת easily appeased; a. e. 2) to please, desire, be willing, consent. Lev. R. s. 34 רְצֵה והחליצנו, v. חָלַץ. Meg.29a (play on תר̇צ̇ד̇ון̇, Ps. 68:17) למה תִרְֹצֹוּ ד̇ין̇ עם סיני why do you desire a contest with Sinai?; Yalk. Jud. 47 למה אתם ר֗ו֗צִ֗ים ומד̇יינ̇ים why are you so willing to contest? Macc.10b, a. e. בדרך שאדם רוצהוכ׳ on what way a man wants to go, they (heavenly powers) lead him. Keth.12b אם רָצוּ לעשותוכ׳ if they wish to follow the usage of priests Yeb.IV, 5 לאר׳ if he declines (to act as yabam). Ab. Zar.32a רוצה בקיומוע״י דבר אחר if he wants the preservation of an idolatrous object for some other purpose. Ber.7a כשרָצִיתִי לא רָצִיתָוכ׳ when I was willing (to reveal myself), thou wast unwilling (didst hide thy face) ; a. v. fr. Pi. רִצָּה 1) to appease, to procure pardon. Ex. R. s. 45 יהיו פני מְרַצִּין את פניך my countenance shall appease thy countenance, v. כָּעַס. Ib. כשהיה …הקב״ה מְרַצֶּה אותווכ׳ when Moses was angry with Israel, the Lord appeased him Ib. אהיה מְרַצְּךָ I shall appease thee; (Tanḥ. Ki Thissa 27 אני ברצון, v. רָצוֹן). Ab. IV, 18 אל תְּרַצֶּהוכ׳, v. כַּעַס. Ber. l. c. מנין שאין מְרַצִּיןוכ׳ whence do we learn that we must not attempt to appease a man at the moment of his excitement? Sifra l. c. אע״פ שלא סמך הזבח מרצה although he has not put his hand on the victim, the sacrifice produces pardon; Yalk. Lev. l. c. נרצה הזבח the sacrifice is accepted. Pes.16b על מה הציץ מרצה for what (mistake at sacrifices) does the high priests plate effect pardon (make the sacrifice acceptable)?; Men.25b. Ib. III, 3. Sifré Deut. 32 כשם שקרבנות מְרַצִּיםוכ׳ as sacrifices are the means of atonement, so are sufferings ; a. fr. 2) to make pleasing, acceptable. Midr. Till. to Ps. 85 הקב״ה … עד שתְּרַצֶּה מעשיה להקב״ה the Lord turns around and observes and puts his eye on her (the earth), until she makes her deeds pleasing unto the Lord; ib. אותה שעה היא מְרַצָּהוכ׳ then she makes her deeds pleasing ; Yalk. ib. 833. Nif. נִרְצָה 1) to be acceptable, be accepted. Sifra l. c. ונרצה לו לו ולזבחו ‘it shall be accepted for him (Lev. 1:4) he and his sacrifice shall be accepted; Yalk. Lev. l. c. Ib. נ׳ הזבח, v. supra; a. e. 2) to be appeased. Lam. R. to I, 2 (ref. to Ps. 77:8) לא לְרַצּוֹת ולא לֵירָצוֹת never to appease and never to be appeased; a. e. Hif. הִרְצָה 1) to satisfy (a debt), to make up for. Yalk. Lev. 675 (ref. to Lev. 26:34) the land shall rest of itself עד שתַּרְצֶח לפני … היא חייבת לי until it shall have made up before me for all the Sabbatical years which it owes me. Sifré Deut. 355 (ref. to רצוי, Deut. 33:24) שהיה מִתְרַצֶּה … והן מַרְצִים לו בתבואה he showed himself accommodating to his brethren with oil …, and they settled their account with grain; Yalk. ib. 962. 2) ( to combine, to assort coins; to count; to pay. Sabb.22a להַרְצוֹת מעותוכ׳ to assort coins by the Ḥanuckah lights. Ber.61a; Erub.18b המַרְצֶה מעות לאשהוכ׳ he who pays money to a woman counting from his to her hand for the sake of gazing at her. Snh.68a … הרבה מעות שולחני להַרְצוֹתָן I have many coins, but no money-changer to assort them (many questions to ask but none to solve them); a. fr. 3) (trnsf.) to arrange subjects for debate, to discourse. Tosef.Nidd.VI, 6 כשבאתי והִרְצֵיתִי דברים לפניוכ׳ when I came and discussed the subject before R. A. ; Ab. Zar.36b והִרְצֵתִי דבריוכ׳; Y.Peah VI, 19b bot.; Tosef.Ḥall.I, 6; Pes.38b; Y.Shek.V, 49a והריציתי (corr. acc.). Ḥag.14b ר׳ יהושעה׳ דבריםוכ׳ R. Joshua discoursed (on theosophy) before ; a. e., v. הַרְצָאָה. Hof. הוּרְצָה to be favorably received. Yoma 7a דם …ה׳ במזיד לאה׳ if blood became unclean, and one sprinkled it, if by mistake, it is received (and the flesh may be eaten), if wilfully, it is not; Pes.16b; a. fr. Hithp. הִתְרַצָּה, Nithpa. נִתְרַצָּה 1) to be reconciled, be satisfied; to comply with. Ex. R. s. 45 לך והִתְרַצֶּה להם go and comply with their wish, go back to the camp. Kidd.45a שמא נ׳ האב בקידושי שני perhaps the father was satisfied with (confirmed) the betrothal of the second man. Ib. b שמא נ׳ הבן perhaps the son sanctioned (his fathers action in his behalf). Y.Ber.IV, 7d top; Y.Taan.IV, 67d bot. נִתְרַצֵיתֶם אני ואתםוכ׳ if you are satisfied, let me and you go early to ; (Ber.28a נתפייסת); a. fr. 2) to be gratified, enjoy. Ber.53a bot. נ׳ להריח if he smelt (the idolatrous frankincense) with enjoyment.

    Jewish literature > רָצָה

  • 13 גדר

    גָּדַר(b. h.; v. גדד I) 1) to cut, esp. to harvest dates. B. Mets.89b (Ar. גדד, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 300). B. Bath.36b עד שיגדור ג׳ גדירות until he has reaped three date harvests.Y.Sabb.VII, 9c top; Bab. ib. 73b (terms equivalent to קוצר); Y. ib. 10a ed. Krot. הגורד (corr. acc.).Sabb.50a; 125b חריות … שגְּדָרָן לעצים twigs of a date tree which one cut with the intention of using them for fuel; v. גָּדַע.Tosef.Ber.IV, 21; a. fr.Part. pass. גָּדוּר cut down. Tosef.Shebi.IV, 13 כרם ג׳ בציפורי (Var. גדול; R. S. to Shebi. VI, 4 גריד) a ruined vineyard in Zepphoris. 2) to surround with a גֶּדֶר, fence in; to limit, control, ward off. B. Kam.23a שהיה לו לגֹודְרָהּ ולא גְדָרָהּ he ought to have fenced it in and did not do so. Tosef.M. Kat. I, 7 חומת … גֹּודְרִין אותה if a city wall is broken into, we may fence it in (repair it, during the festive week).Gen. R. s. 49 (play on haaf, Gen. 18:23) אתה גֹודֵר את האף והאף לא יִגְדָּרְךָ Thou controllest the anger, but the anger does not control Thee.Y.Ber.IX, end, 14c וגֹודְרָהּ, v. זָקֵן I.Mikv. V, 6 גודר כלים one may form a dam with garments (Tosef. ib. IV, 10 גרר, corr. acc.). Y.Ber.III, 6c דבר שהוא גֹודֵר את ישראל מןוכ׳ a custom which guards Israel from sin. Lev. R. s. 24 מי שהוא גודר עצמווכ׳ (Y.Yeb.II, 3d top פורש) he who guards himself against sin (restraining himself from anything unchaste) is called holy. Gen. R. s. 70 גָּדְרוּ עצמןוכ׳ trained themselves to chastity; a. fr.Part. pass. גָּדוּר abstinent, chaste. Lev. R. s. 22 ומעצמו הוא ג׳ and he will become abstinent of his own accord. Gen. R. l. c. אנשי מזרח גְּדוּרִיםוכ׳ the people of the East are chaste; a. fr.ג׳ פרצה (or sub. פרצה) to fence in a breach, to remedy calamities, also to check lawlessness by preventive measures (v. גְּזֵרָה). Ber.19a שתִּגְדֹּורוכ׳ that Thou repair our breaches (relieve us); B. Bath.91b.Lev. R. s. 1 (play on Abigdor 1 Chr. 4:4) הרבה גֹודְרִיןוכ׳ Israel had many fence-makers (guardians against sin). Ruth. R. s. 2, a. fr.Erub.6a, a. e. ג׳ בה גדר, v. בִּקְעָה.Y.Erub.X, 26b bot. דלת גודרתוכ׳; Tosef. ib. XI (VII), 18 גוררת ed. Zuck., Var. גוד׳, v. גָּרַר.Y.Sabb.XV, 15b top וגדרתא, read וּגְדָרַתָּהּ. Nif. נִגְדָּר to be guarded; to guard ones self. Y.Sabb.XVII, beg.16a כיון שנִגְדְּרוּ (ib. III, 6a top שנִתְגַּדְּרוּ) when they had been trained (to guard against desecrating the Sabbath). Lev. R. s. 32 נ׳ כל הנשיםוכ׳ all women were made chaste through her meritorious example; a. e. Pi. גִּידֵּר to cut into. Gitt.56b; Lev. R. s. 20; 22; Num. R. s. 18 וגִידּ׳ את הפרוכת and cut into the curtain (Koh. R. to V, 8; Tanḥ. Ḥuck. 1 וגָד׳). Tosef.Shebi.III, 20 מְגַדֵּר בחורשין Var. (ed. Zuck. מברך) to cut into, to clear thickets, v. בהה. Hithpa. הִתְגַּדֵּר 1) ( to cut onesself off from others, to distinguish ones self, to excel; to raise ones self above others, to arrogate power, he presumptuous. Ber.17a כשם שהוא אינו מִתְגַּדֵּרוכ׳ as he cannot excel in my work (study), so can I not in his (field labor). Ḥull.7a my predecessors have left room for me להִתְגַּדֵּר בו to distinguish myself; Yoma 78a; (Y.Dem.II, 22c bot. עטרה לחתעטר, Ar. להתגדר).Ned.81a כדי שלא יִתְגַּדְּרוּ עלוכ׳ in order that they may not be presumptuous towards the people; v. גָּבַר Hithpa. (Mekh. Bshall., Vayassa 1 כבן שמתגדרוכ׳, v. גָּרַר II. 2) to be trained, v. supra Nif.

    Jewish literature > גדר

  • 14 גָּדַר

    גָּדַר(b. h.; v. גדד I) 1) to cut, esp. to harvest dates. B. Mets.89b (Ar. גדד, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 300). B. Bath.36b עד שיגדור ג׳ גדירות until he has reaped three date harvests.Y.Sabb.VII, 9c top; Bab. ib. 73b (terms equivalent to קוצר); Y. ib. 10a ed. Krot. הגורד (corr. acc.).Sabb.50a; 125b חריות … שגְּדָרָן לעצים twigs of a date tree which one cut with the intention of using them for fuel; v. גָּדַע.Tosef.Ber.IV, 21; a. fr.Part. pass. גָּדוּר cut down. Tosef.Shebi.IV, 13 כרם ג׳ בציפורי (Var. גדול; R. S. to Shebi. VI, 4 גריד) a ruined vineyard in Zepphoris. 2) to surround with a גֶּדֶר, fence in; to limit, control, ward off. B. Kam.23a שהיה לו לגֹודְרָהּ ולא גְדָרָהּ he ought to have fenced it in and did not do so. Tosef.M. Kat. I, 7 חומת … גֹּודְרִין אותה if a city wall is broken into, we may fence it in (repair it, during the festive week).Gen. R. s. 49 (play on haaf, Gen. 18:23) אתה גֹודֵר את האף והאף לא יִגְדָּרְךָ Thou controllest the anger, but the anger does not control Thee.Y.Ber.IX, end, 14c וגֹודְרָהּ, v. זָקֵן I.Mikv. V, 6 גודר כלים one may form a dam with garments (Tosef. ib. IV, 10 גרר, corr. acc.). Y.Ber.III, 6c דבר שהוא גֹודֵר את ישראל מןוכ׳ a custom which guards Israel from sin. Lev. R. s. 24 מי שהוא גודר עצמווכ׳ (Y.Yeb.II, 3d top פורש) he who guards himself against sin (restraining himself from anything unchaste) is called holy. Gen. R. s. 70 גָּדְרוּ עצמןוכ׳ trained themselves to chastity; a. fr.Part. pass. גָּדוּר abstinent, chaste. Lev. R. s. 22 ומעצמו הוא ג׳ and he will become abstinent of his own accord. Gen. R. l. c. אנשי מזרח גְּדוּרִיםוכ׳ the people of the East are chaste; a. fr.ג׳ פרצה (or sub. פרצה) to fence in a breach, to remedy calamities, also to check lawlessness by preventive measures (v. גְּזֵרָה). Ber.19a שתִּגְדֹּורוכ׳ that Thou repair our breaches (relieve us); B. Bath.91b.Lev. R. s. 1 (play on Abigdor 1 Chr. 4:4) הרבה גֹודְרִיןוכ׳ Israel had many fence-makers (guardians against sin). Ruth. R. s. 2, a. fr.Erub.6a, a. e. ג׳ בה גדר, v. בִּקְעָה.Y.Erub.X, 26b bot. דלת גודרתוכ׳; Tosef. ib. XI (VII), 18 גוררת ed. Zuck., Var. גוד׳, v. גָּרַר.Y.Sabb.XV, 15b top וגדרתא, read וּגְדָרַתָּהּ. Nif. נִגְדָּר to be guarded; to guard ones self. Y.Sabb.XVII, beg.16a כיון שנִגְדְּרוּ (ib. III, 6a top שנִתְגַּדְּרוּ) when they had been trained (to guard against desecrating the Sabbath). Lev. R. s. 32 נ׳ כל הנשיםוכ׳ all women were made chaste through her meritorious example; a. e. Pi. גִּידֵּר to cut into. Gitt.56b; Lev. R. s. 20; 22; Num. R. s. 18 וגִידּ׳ את הפרוכת and cut into the curtain (Koh. R. to V, 8; Tanḥ. Ḥuck. 1 וגָד׳). Tosef.Shebi.III, 20 מְגַדֵּר בחורשין Var. (ed. Zuck. מברך) to cut into, to clear thickets, v. בהה. Hithpa. הִתְגַּדֵּר 1) ( to cut onesself off from others, to distinguish ones self, to excel; to raise ones self above others, to arrogate power, he presumptuous. Ber.17a כשם שהוא אינו מִתְגַּדֵּרוכ׳ as he cannot excel in my work (study), so can I not in his (field labor). Ḥull.7a my predecessors have left room for me להִתְגַּדֵּר בו to distinguish myself; Yoma 78a; (Y.Dem.II, 22c bot. עטרה לחתעטר, Ar. להתגדר).Ned.81a כדי שלא יִתְגַּדְּרוּ עלוכ׳ in order that they may not be presumptuous towards the people; v. גָּבַר Hithpa. (Mekh. Bshall., Vayassa 1 כבן שמתגדרוכ׳, v. גָּרַר II. 2) to be trained, v. supra Nif.

    Jewish literature > גָּדַר

  • 15 יצא

    יָצָא(b. h.) 1) to go forth; to rise (of the sun); to go out. Gen. R. s. 39 אֵצֵא ויהיווכ׳ I shall leave (my fathers house), and they may desecrate Ib. י׳ לו מוניטון a medal was issued in his memory, v. מוֹנִיטוֹן. Ib. s. 6 בשעה שהוא יוצא when he (the sun) rises; בשעה שהיא יוֹצֵאת when she (the moon) rises. Snh.52a ארור שיָצָאת זו מחלציו (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note) cursed is he from whose loins this woman went forth.Sabb.V, 1 במה … יוֹצְאָה what is an animal permitted to wear on going out (on the Sabbath)? Ib. VI, 1 לא תֵצֵאוכ׳ a woman must not wear on going out ; a. v. fr. 2) to end; to go to the end of, to live through. Y.Ber.VIII, 12b bot. כיון שיָצָת שבת when the Sabbath ended. Y.Shebi.VI, 36c top אינו יוצא שבתו ולא יָ׳וכ׳ he shall not live to the end of this week, and he did not arrive at the end of the week before he was dead; (Erub.63a הוציא שנתו, v. infra); a. e. 3) to be expended. Num. R. s. 14, end, v. הוֹצָאָה. 4) to be excluded; exempt; (rarely) to exclude, deduct. Y.Ned.II, beg.37b י׳ דבר של איסור this is to exclude a vow concerning a forbidden act; Bab. ib. 17a י׳ נשבע לבטלוכ׳ this excludes the case of one who makes oath that he will disregard a law. Y.Yeb.I, 2c top אשר תלד יָצְתָה זווכ׳ ‘whom she may bear (Deut. 25:6), herewith is excluded she (the אַיְילוֹנִית) who ; a. v. fr.Y. Ḥag.I, 76c top צֵא מהם שני ימים deduct from them two days; ib. צא שבת מהם deduct the Sabbath day.Esp. idiomatic uses: a) י׳ בן חורין, י׳ לחירות, or only י׳ to be freed. Peah III, 8; Gitt.42a. Kidd.24a יוצאבשןוכ׳ he is freed, when his master caused his loss of a tooth or an eye; a. v. fr.b) (of a wife) to be sent away, to be divorced. Keth.VII, 6 ואלו יוֹצְאוֹת שלא בכתובה the following wives have to leave without receiving their Kthubah. Ib. 7 תֵּצֵא̇ she must leave. Ib. X, 5; a. v. fr.c) י׳ ידי (or מִידֵי) to go out of the power of; to be released; to do justice to, be justified before. Shek. III, 2 לפי שאדם צריך לָצֵאת ידי הבריות … לָצֵאת ידי המקום because man must appear justified before men as well as before God; Ex. R. s. 51; a. fr.י׳ ידי חובתו, or י׳ to comply with the requirements of the law. Ber.8b. Ib. II, 1 אם כיון לבו י׳ if he read with attention, he has done his duty (which requires the reading of the Shma). Y.Shek.III, 47b bot. מהו לצאתוכ׳ is the law complied with when one uses wine ?Mekh. Bo, Pisḥa, s.6; a. v. fr.Gen. R. s. 39 לא יָצָאתָה ידי השבועה thou hast not redeemed thy oath; ib. s. 49; Lev. R. s. 10, beg.Makhsh. VI, 5; Tosef.Toh.X, 3 י׳ מידי שמן, v. מוֹחַלי׳ מידי פשוטו, v. מִקְרָא.d) י׳ מן הכלל or י׳ to be taken out of the general rule, to be specified (although being implied in the general rule). Sifra, introd. כל דבר שהיה בכלל וי׳ … לא ללמד על עצמו י׳וכ׳ whatever would have been implied in the general law and yet is specified again (in the Biblical text) in order to teach (something not mentioned before), has been specified not only to teach something new concerning the specific case, but to teach it concerning the whole class. Ib. י׳ לטעון, v. טָעַן I. Tem.I, 6 ולמה י׳ and for what purpose are tithes especially mentioned (Lev. 27:30, sq.)?; a. fr.e) כַּיּוֹצֵא ב־ like that which passes with it (in the same class), similar; in a similar way. Pes.III, 2 אם יש כי׳ בו שהחמיץ if there is a similar dough (started simultaneously with the one in question) which has begun to ferment. Ber.59b, sq. ואין לו כי׳ בו when he has no house like it; כי׳ בהם garments like them. Zeb.V, 6 המורם מהם כי׳ בהם what is taken of them for the priest, is like them (subject to the same laws). M. Kat. 16b כי׳ בדבר אתה אומרוכ׳ in a similar way (as something coming under the same category) yon read Sifré Num. 32; a. v. fr.f) י׳ שכרו בהפסדו its benefit is lost in its disadvantage; i. e. benefit and disadvantage are counterbalanced. Ab. V, 11, sq.g) (euphem.) to retire for human needs (v. Toh. X, 2). Ber.62a השכם וצֵאוכ׳ go out early in the morning Ex. R. s. 9 ואינו יוצא לנקביו and has no human needs. Ib. לא היה יוצא אלאוכ׳ he used to go out only to the water (to make believe he was a superhuman being); a. fr.h) to be proved, identified. Keth.II, 3 היה כתב ידם יוצא ממקום אחר if their signature can be identified otherwise (than by their own declaration); a. e. Hif. הוֹצִיא 1) to take out, to lead forth, bring forth; to release, discharge, send off. Ber.VI, I before eating bread one says, המוֹצִיא לחםוכ׳ (blessed be thou, O Lord) who hast brought forth bread out of the earth (v. ib. 38a as to המוציא or מוציא); ib. 37b; a. fr.Ab. Zar.41b, a. fr.; אין ספק מוציאוכ׳, v. וַדַּאי. B. Mets.37b לא זו הדרך מוֹצִיאָתוֹ מידי עבירה עדוכ׳ this is not the way that relieves him from sin (this is no full atonement), (he is not relieved) until he pays ; Yeb.XV, 7. Ib. 6, sq. אין זו דרך מוֹצִיאָתָהּוכ׳ she is not relieved from the possibility of sin, unless she is not permitted to marry again and forbidden to partake of Trumah.Ib. 36b יוֹצִיא (יוֹצִיאָהּ) בגט he dismisses her with a letter of divorce. Ib. ואם נשא יוציא and if he married her (against the law), he must dismiss her (divorce her); a. fr.Ab. II, 11, a. fr. מוֹצִיאִין את האדם מן העולם take a man out of the world, i. e. cause him to lose the true enjoyment of life. 2) to exclude. Y.Yeb.I, 2c top איילונית מטעם אחר הוֹצֵאתָהּ the aylonith thou dost (the law does) exclude for another reason (v. supra). Num. R. s. 14, end אוֹצִיא את ישראל let me exclude the Israelites, א׳ את הזקנים the elders; a. fr.להוֹצִיא (= ch. לאפוקי, v. אַפֵּק, or למעוטי, v. מעט) to the exclusion of. Succ.28a; Kidd.34a האזרח לה׳ את הנשים the native (Lev. 23:42) intimates the exemption of women (from the duty of dwelling in booths); a. v. fr. 3) to lead to the end, to live through. Erub.63a, v. supra. 4) to produce, present. Keth.XIII, 8 המוציא שטר חוב … והלהה׳וכ׳ if one produces a note of indebtedness against his neighbor, and the latter produces evidence that the claimant sold him a field (and paid him, which he would not have done, if he had a claim). Ib. 9. Ib. IX, 9 הוֹצִיאָה גט if she produces a letter of divorce; a. v. fr. 5) to spend, lay out. Ib. VIII, 5, v. הוֹצָאָה; a. fr.Esp. idiomatic uses: a) ה׳ ידי חוב־ or ה׳ (v. supra) to be the instrument of a persons complying with the law, e. g. to read a prayer and thus cause the listener to perform his duty as though he read it himself; to act in anothers behalf effectively. R. Hash. III, 5 אין מוֹצִיאִין את הרבים ידי חובתן they cannot act (blow the Shofar) in behalf of the assembled congregation. Ib. 29a אע״פ שיצא מוציא although he has done his duty (has read the prayer for himself), he may act in behalf of others. Ib. ולעצמו מוציא and can he (the half-slave and half-freedman) act in his own behalf?; a. fr.b) to collect, to claim. Keth.VIII, 1 הבעל מוציא מיד הלקוחות the husband can reclaim the property from those who bought it. B. Kam. III, 11 המוציא מחבירו עליו הראייה the claimant must produce evidence; a. v. fr.c) to utter. Arakh.5a, a. fr. אין אדם מוציא דבריו לבטלה no man utters his words for no purpose (he must have meant something).ה׳ לעז to slander, discredit. Sabb.97a, a. fr., v. לַעַז.d) to carry an object (on the Sabbath) out of a private to a public place, or from one private place to another, v. רָשוּת. Sabb.VII, 2, sq.; a. fr.e) to secrete. Sifré Num. 88 יש לך … שאין מוציאוכ׳ is there a woman-born being that does not discharge the food he eats?; a. e.f) ה׳ שבת to dismiss the Sabbath with prayer, opp. הכניס. Sabb.118b מוֹצִיאֵי שבתוכ׳ those who dismiss the Sabbath at Sepphoris.

    Jewish literature > יצא

  • 16 יָצָא

    יָצָא(b. h.) 1) to go forth; to rise (of the sun); to go out. Gen. R. s. 39 אֵצֵא ויהיווכ׳ I shall leave (my fathers house), and they may desecrate Ib. י׳ לו מוניטון a medal was issued in his memory, v. מוֹנִיטוֹן. Ib. s. 6 בשעה שהוא יוצא when he (the sun) rises; בשעה שהיא יוֹצֵאת when she (the moon) rises. Snh.52a ארור שיָצָאת זו מחלציו (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note) cursed is he from whose loins this woman went forth.Sabb.V, 1 במה … יוֹצְאָה what is an animal permitted to wear on going out (on the Sabbath)? Ib. VI, 1 לא תֵצֵאוכ׳ a woman must not wear on going out ; a. v. fr. 2) to end; to go to the end of, to live through. Y.Ber.VIII, 12b bot. כיון שיָצָת שבת when the Sabbath ended. Y.Shebi.VI, 36c top אינו יוצא שבתו ולא יָ׳וכ׳ he shall not live to the end of this week, and he did not arrive at the end of the week before he was dead; (Erub.63a הוציא שנתו, v. infra); a. e. 3) to be expended. Num. R. s. 14, end, v. הוֹצָאָה. 4) to be excluded; exempt; (rarely) to exclude, deduct. Y.Ned.II, beg.37b י׳ דבר של איסור this is to exclude a vow concerning a forbidden act; Bab. ib. 17a י׳ נשבע לבטלוכ׳ this excludes the case of one who makes oath that he will disregard a law. Y.Yeb.I, 2c top אשר תלד יָצְתָה זווכ׳ ‘whom she may bear (Deut. 25:6), herewith is excluded she (the אַיְילוֹנִית) who ; a. v. fr.Y. Ḥag.I, 76c top צֵא מהם שני ימים deduct from them two days; ib. צא שבת מהם deduct the Sabbath day.Esp. idiomatic uses: a) י׳ בן חורין, י׳ לחירות, or only י׳ to be freed. Peah III, 8; Gitt.42a. Kidd.24a יוצאבשןוכ׳ he is freed, when his master caused his loss of a tooth or an eye; a. v. fr.b) (of a wife) to be sent away, to be divorced. Keth.VII, 6 ואלו יוֹצְאוֹת שלא בכתובה the following wives have to leave without receiving their Kthubah. Ib. 7 תֵּצֵא̇ she must leave. Ib. X, 5; a. v. fr.c) י׳ ידי (or מִידֵי) to go out of the power of; to be released; to do justice to, be justified before. Shek. III, 2 לפי שאדם צריך לָצֵאת ידי הבריות … לָצֵאת ידי המקום because man must appear justified before men as well as before God; Ex. R. s. 51; a. fr.י׳ ידי חובתו, or י׳ to comply with the requirements of the law. Ber.8b. Ib. II, 1 אם כיון לבו י׳ if he read with attention, he has done his duty (which requires the reading of the Shma). Y.Shek.III, 47b bot. מהו לצאתוכ׳ is the law complied with when one uses wine ?Mekh. Bo, Pisḥa, s.6; a. v. fr.Gen. R. s. 39 לא יָצָאתָה ידי השבועה thou hast not redeemed thy oath; ib. s. 49; Lev. R. s. 10, beg.Makhsh. VI, 5; Tosef.Toh.X, 3 י׳ מידי שמן, v. מוֹחַלי׳ מידי פשוטו, v. מִקְרָא.d) י׳ מן הכלל or י׳ to be taken out of the general rule, to be specified (although being implied in the general rule). Sifra, introd. כל דבר שהיה בכלל וי׳ … לא ללמד על עצמו י׳וכ׳ whatever would have been implied in the general law and yet is specified again (in the Biblical text) in order to teach (something not mentioned before), has been specified not only to teach something new concerning the specific case, but to teach it concerning the whole class. Ib. י׳ לטעון, v. טָעַן I. Tem.I, 6 ולמה י׳ and for what purpose are tithes especially mentioned (Lev. 27:30, sq.)?; a. fr.e) כַּיּוֹצֵא ב־ like that which passes with it (in the same class), similar; in a similar way. Pes.III, 2 אם יש כי׳ בו שהחמיץ if there is a similar dough (started simultaneously with the one in question) which has begun to ferment. Ber.59b, sq. ואין לו כי׳ בו when he has no house like it; כי׳ בהם garments like them. Zeb.V, 6 המורם מהם כי׳ בהם what is taken of them for the priest, is like them (subject to the same laws). M. Kat. 16b כי׳ בדבר אתה אומרוכ׳ in a similar way (as something coming under the same category) yon read Sifré Num. 32; a. v. fr.f) י׳ שכרו בהפסדו its benefit is lost in its disadvantage; i. e. benefit and disadvantage are counterbalanced. Ab. V, 11, sq.g) (euphem.) to retire for human needs (v. Toh. X, 2). Ber.62a השכם וצֵאוכ׳ go out early in the morning Ex. R. s. 9 ואינו יוצא לנקביו and has no human needs. Ib. לא היה יוצא אלאוכ׳ he used to go out only to the water (to make believe he was a superhuman being); a. fr.h) to be proved, identified. Keth.II, 3 היה כתב ידם יוצא ממקום אחר if their signature can be identified otherwise (than by their own declaration); a. e. Hif. הוֹצִיא 1) to take out, to lead forth, bring forth; to release, discharge, send off. Ber.VI, I before eating bread one says, המוֹצִיא לחםוכ׳ (blessed be thou, O Lord) who hast brought forth bread out of the earth (v. ib. 38a as to המוציא or מוציא); ib. 37b; a. fr.Ab. Zar.41b, a. fr.; אין ספק מוציאוכ׳, v. וַדַּאי. B. Mets.37b לא זו הדרך מוֹצִיאָתוֹ מידי עבירה עדוכ׳ this is not the way that relieves him from sin (this is no full atonement), (he is not relieved) until he pays ; Yeb.XV, 7. Ib. 6, sq. אין זו דרך מוֹצִיאָתָהּוכ׳ she is not relieved from the possibility of sin, unless she is not permitted to marry again and forbidden to partake of Trumah.Ib. 36b יוֹצִיא (יוֹצִיאָהּ) בגט he dismisses her with a letter of divorce. Ib. ואם נשא יוציא and if he married her (against the law), he must dismiss her (divorce her); a. fr.Ab. II, 11, a. fr. מוֹצִיאִין את האדם מן העולם take a man out of the world, i. e. cause him to lose the true enjoyment of life. 2) to exclude. Y.Yeb.I, 2c top איילונית מטעם אחר הוֹצֵאתָהּ the aylonith thou dost (the law does) exclude for another reason (v. supra). Num. R. s. 14, end אוֹצִיא את ישראל let me exclude the Israelites, א׳ את הזקנים the elders; a. fr.להוֹצִיא (= ch. לאפוקי, v. אַפֵּק, or למעוטי, v. מעט) to the exclusion of. Succ.28a; Kidd.34a האזרח לה׳ את הנשים the native (Lev. 23:42) intimates the exemption of women (from the duty of dwelling in booths); a. v. fr. 3) to lead to the end, to live through. Erub.63a, v. supra. 4) to produce, present. Keth.XIII, 8 המוציא שטר חוב … והלהה׳וכ׳ if one produces a note of indebtedness against his neighbor, and the latter produces evidence that the claimant sold him a field (and paid him, which he would not have done, if he had a claim). Ib. 9. Ib. IX, 9 הוֹצִיאָה גט if she produces a letter of divorce; a. v. fr. 5) to spend, lay out. Ib. VIII, 5, v. הוֹצָאָה; a. fr.Esp. idiomatic uses: a) ה׳ ידי חוב־ or ה׳ (v. supra) to be the instrument of a persons complying with the law, e. g. to read a prayer and thus cause the listener to perform his duty as though he read it himself; to act in anothers behalf effectively. R. Hash. III, 5 אין מוֹצִיאִין את הרבים ידי חובתן they cannot act (blow the Shofar) in behalf of the assembled congregation. Ib. 29a אע״פ שיצא מוציא although he has done his duty (has read the prayer for himself), he may act in behalf of others. Ib. ולעצמו מוציא and can he (the half-slave and half-freedman) act in his own behalf?; a. fr.b) to collect, to claim. Keth.VIII, 1 הבעל מוציא מיד הלקוחות the husband can reclaim the property from those who bought it. B. Kam. III, 11 המוציא מחבירו עליו הראייה the claimant must produce evidence; a. v. fr.c) to utter. Arakh.5a, a. fr. אין אדם מוציא דבריו לבטלה no man utters his words for no purpose (he must have meant something).ה׳ לעז to slander, discredit. Sabb.97a, a. fr., v. לַעַז.d) to carry an object (on the Sabbath) out of a private to a public place, or from one private place to another, v. רָשוּת. Sabb.VII, 2, sq.; a. fr.e) to secrete. Sifré Num. 88 יש לך … שאין מוציאוכ׳ is there a woman-born being that does not discharge the food he eats?; a. e.f) ה׳ שבת to dismiss the Sabbath with prayer, opp. הכניס. Sabb.118b מוֹצִיאֵי שבתוכ׳ those who dismiss the Sabbath at Sepphoris.

    Jewish literature > יָצָא

  • 17 ישב

    יָשַׁב(b. h.) 1) to sit down, rest; to dwell, remain; to be inactive. Macc.III, 15 כל חיוֹשֵׁב ולא עברוכ׳ whoever is inactive and commits no sin, i. e. omits to do wrong; Kidd.39b.Erub.100a שֵׁב ואל תעשה עדיף ‘sit and do nothing, i. e. not to act in doubtful cases, is better, opp. קום ועשה. Ber.20a שב ואל תעשה שאני with an omission it is different. Tosef.Snh.VII, 8 ולא יֵשְׁבוּ … להם שֵׁבוּ and they must not sit down until he says to them, Be seated; Hor.13b; Y.Bicc.III, 65c bot.Y.Dem.II, 23a top שי׳ בישיבח who has a seat in the scholars meetings. Snh.10b; Tosef. ib. II, 1 אחד אומר לֵישֵׁב if one is in favor of sitting (holding deliberation in court). Zeb.II, 1 יוֹשֵׁב in a sitting position. Ber.28b מיוֹשְׁבֵיבה״מ one of the attendants at college, יושבי קרנות those placed at street corners (traders, idlers). Gen. R. s. 75 יושבי קרנות (corr. קרונות) sitting in chariots; a. v. fr. 2) to be settled (v. יִישּׁוּב), be inhabited. Num. R. s. 4 הגבעה … יוֹשְׁבִים Gibeah and Kiryath Jearim were settled at the same time.Erub.86a (ref. to Ps. 59:8) אימתי יושב עולם לפניוכ׳ (Rashi a. Ar. יֵשֵׁב) when is the world settled (evenly balanced) before God? When kindness and truth are appointed to guard it (differ. in Rashi v. infra). Pi. יִשֵּׁב, יִישֵּׁב 1) to settle, put in place, to arrange evenly. Y.Sabb.XII, beg.13c הבנאי י׳ את האבןוכ׳ the builder that placed a stone on top of the row (v. דִּימוֹס I.). Ib.d top; Y.Pes.VIII, 33b top מפני שהוא כמְיַישֵּׁב בידו because it is like settling the web with ones own hand. Lev. R. s. 37 (read:) יָשַׁב וְיִ׳ להם סבלותםוכ׳ he sat down (as a judge) and arranged their burdens in proper proportions between man and woman. Ib. אתה עתיד ליַישֵּׁבוכ׳ thou art designated to settle and explain to my children their vows Ex. R. s. 31 (ref. to Ps. 59:8, v. supra) יַשֵּׁב עולמך make thy world evenly balanced (as to property); Tanḥ. Mishp. 9 תיישר עולמך בשוה (read: תְּיַישֵּׁב). Ex. R. s. 52 לא היו יודעין ליַישְּׁבוֹ they knew not how to put its parts together; a. fr.Trnsf. to set the mind at ease, to quiet. Sabb.87a דברים שמְיַישְּׁבִין לבווכ׳ Ms. M. (ed. שמושכין) words which quiet the mind of man ; Gen. R. s. 80 דברים שמְיַישְּׁבִים את הלב. Y.Pes.V, end, 32d (expl. וישב, 2 Sam. 7:18) וַיַישֶּׁב עצמו לתפלה he quieted his mind for prayer; a. e. 2) to settle, cultivate, populate. Ber.58a עתיד … להחזירו וליַישְּׁבוֹ Ms. M. (ed. ליִישּׁוּבוֹ) the Lord will again people it. Sot.22a מְיַישְּׁבֵי עולם cultivators of the world.Part. pass, מְיוּשָּׁב, f. מְיוּשֶּׁבֶת a) seated. Meg.21a. Y.Gitt.VII, 48d top; a. fr.b) sedate, at ease. Y.Ber.IV, 8b bot. לבו מי׳ his mind is at ease (about his animal); Bab. ib. 30a לפי שאין דעתו מי׳ עליו because his mind is not at ease without it. Sifré Num. 131 היה … בקי ומי׳ the polemarch was experienced and cool-headed; a. fr. Hif. הוֹשִׁיב to seat, place, appoint; to settle. Yoma 38a sq.; Tosef. ib. II, 7 במקומך יוֹשִׁיבוּךָ people will finally seat thee in the place which thou deservest. Tosef.Sabb.VI (VII), 17 (among superstitious practices) חמוֹשֶׁבֶת אפרוחים (ו)אמרה איני מוֹשַׁבְתָּןוכ׳ a woman who sets hens to brood and says I will not set them except in pairs (v. ed. Zuck. note). Snh.IV, 4 מוֹשִׁיבִין אותווכ׳ a seat is assigned to him in the third row. Macc.10a ואין מוֹשִׁיבִין אותםוכ׳ and we must not lay them out except on a river; (Tosef. ib. III (II), 8 בונין).Tosef. l. c. מביאין … ומושיביןוכ׳ other people are imported and settled in their place. B. Kam.16b bot. הוֹשִׁיבוּ ישיבהוכ׳ they held scholars meetings by his grave. Snh.17a אין מושיבין בסנהדריוכ׳ none can be appointed members of the Sanhedrin except ; a. v. fr. Nif. נוֹשָׁב to be inhabited. Pirké dR. El. ch. 43 ארץ נוֹשֶׁבֶת an inhabited land, settlement; (Koh. R. to I, 15 יִישּׁוּכ). Hithpa. חִתְיַישֵּׁב, Nithpa. נִתְיַישֵּׁב 1) to be settled, colonized. Ber.31a כל ארץ שגזר … ליישוב נִתְיַישְּׁבָה every land which Adam designated for settlement, has been settled. 2) to be at ease, to be refreshed, to come to. Yoma 82a אם נִתְיַשְּׁבָה דעתה if she feels that her craving has been gratified. Lam. R. to 1, 11 (ref. to להשיב נפש, ib.) עד כמה מִתְיַישֶּׁבֶת נפש how much is required for one fainting from hunger (v. בּוֹלִימוֹס) to come to himself again?Ḥag.3b לאחר שנתיישבה דעתו after his excitement had subsided. Erub.65a כל המתיישב ביינו he who remains clear-minded when drinking wine. Kinnim III, 6 כל זמן … דעתם מתישבת עליהם the older they grow, the more clear-minded do they become, opp. מיטרפת; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > ישב

  • 18 יָשַׁב

    יָשַׁב(b. h.) 1) to sit down, rest; to dwell, remain; to be inactive. Macc.III, 15 כל חיוֹשֵׁב ולא עברוכ׳ whoever is inactive and commits no sin, i. e. omits to do wrong; Kidd.39b.Erub.100a שֵׁב ואל תעשה עדיף ‘sit and do nothing, i. e. not to act in doubtful cases, is better, opp. קום ועשה. Ber.20a שב ואל תעשה שאני with an omission it is different. Tosef.Snh.VII, 8 ולא יֵשְׁבוּ … להם שֵׁבוּ and they must not sit down until he says to them, Be seated; Hor.13b; Y.Bicc.III, 65c bot.Y.Dem.II, 23a top שי׳ בישיבח who has a seat in the scholars meetings. Snh.10b; Tosef. ib. II, 1 אחד אומר לֵישֵׁב if one is in favor of sitting (holding deliberation in court). Zeb.II, 1 יוֹשֵׁב in a sitting position. Ber.28b מיוֹשְׁבֵיבה״מ one of the attendants at college, יושבי קרנות those placed at street corners (traders, idlers). Gen. R. s. 75 יושבי קרנות (corr. קרונות) sitting in chariots; a. v. fr. 2) to be settled (v. יִישּׁוּב), be inhabited. Num. R. s. 4 הגבעה … יוֹשְׁבִים Gibeah and Kiryath Jearim were settled at the same time.Erub.86a (ref. to Ps. 59:8) אימתי יושב עולם לפניוכ׳ (Rashi a. Ar. יֵשֵׁב) when is the world settled (evenly balanced) before God? When kindness and truth are appointed to guard it (differ. in Rashi v. infra). Pi. יִשֵּׁב, יִישֵּׁב 1) to settle, put in place, to arrange evenly. Y.Sabb.XII, beg.13c הבנאי י׳ את האבןוכ׳ the builder that placed a stone on top of the row (v. דִּימוֹס I.). Ib.d top; Y.Pes.VIII, 33b top מפני שהוא כמְיַישֵּׁב בידו because it is like settling the web with ones own hand. Lev. R. s. 37 (read:) יָשַׁב וְיִ׳ להם סבלותםוכ׳ he sat down (as a judge) and arranged their burdens in proper proportions between man and woman. Ib. אתה עתיד ליַישֵּׁבוכ׳ thou art designated to settle and explain to my children their vows Ex. R. s. 31 (ref. to Ps. 59:8, v. supra) יַשֵּׁב עולמך make thy world evenly balanced (as to property); Tanḥ. Mishp. 9 תיישר עולמך בשוה (read: תְּיַישֵּׁב). Ex. R. s. 52 לא היו יודעין ליַישְּׁבוֹ they knew not how to put its parts together; a. fr.Trnsf. to set the mind at ease, to quiet. Sabb.87a דברים שמְיַישְּׁבִין לבווכ׳ Ms. M. (ed. שמושכין) words which quiet the mind of man ; Gen. R. s. 80 דברים שמְיַישְּׁבִים את הלב. Y.Pes.V, end, 32d (expl. וישב, 2 Sam. 7:18) וַיַישֶּׁב עצמו לתפלה he quieted his mind for prayer; a. e. 2) to settle, cultivate, populate. Ber.58a עתיד … להחזירו וליַישְּׁבוֹ Ms. M. (ed. ליִישּׁוּבוֹ) the Lord will again people it. Sot.22a מְיַישְּׁבֵי עולם cultivators of the world.Part. pass, מְיוּשָּׁב, f. מְיוּשֶּׁבֶת a) seated. Meg.21a. Y.Gitt.VII, 48d top; a. fr.b) sedate, at ease. Y.Ber.IV, 8b bot. לבו מי׳ his mind is at ease (about his animal); Bab. ib. 30a לפי שאין דעתו מי׳ עליו because his mind is not at ease without it. Sifré Num. 131 היה … בקי ומי׳ the polemarch was experienced and cool-headed; a. fr. Hif. הוֹשִׁיב to seat, place, appoint; to settle. Yoma 38a sq.; Tosef. ib. II, 7 במקומך יוֹשִׁיבוּךָ people will finally seat thee in the place which thou deservest. Tosef.Sabb.VI (VII), 17 (among superstitious practices) חמוֹשֶׁבֶת אפרוחים (ו)אמרה איני מוֹשַׁבְתָּןוכ׳ a woman who sets hens to brood and says I will not set them except in pairs (v. ed. Zuck. note). Snh.IV, 4 מוֹשִׁיבִין אותווכ׳ a seat is assigned to him in the third row. Macc.10a ואין מוֹשִׁיבִין אותםוכ׳ and we must not lay them out except on a river; (Tosef. ib. III (II), 8 בונין).Tosef. l. c. מביאין … ומושיביןוכ׳ other people are imported and settled in their place. B. Kam.16b bot. הוֹשִׁיבוּ ישיבהוכ׳ they held scholars meetings by his grave. Snh.17a אין מושיבין בסנהדריוכ׳ none can be appointed members of the Sanhedrin except ; a. v. fr. Nif. נוֹשָׁב to be inhabited. Pirké dR. El. ch. 43 ארץ נוֹשֶׁבֶת an inhabited land, settlement; (Koh. R. to I, 15 יִישּׁוּכ). Hithpa. חִתְיַישֵּׁב, Nithpa. נִתְיַישֵּׁב 1) to be settled, colonized. Ber.31a כל ארץ שגזר … ליישוב נִתְיַישְּׁבָה every land which Adam designated for settlement, has been settled. 2) to be at ease, to be refreshed, to come to. Yoma 82a אם נִתְיַשְּׁבָה דעתה if she feels that her craving has been gratified. Lam. R. to 1, 11 (ref. to להשיב נפש, ib.) עד כמה מִתְיַישֶּׁבֶת נפש how much is required for one fainting from hunger (v. בּוֹלִימוֹס) to come to himself again?Ḥag.3b לאחר שנתיישבה דעתו after his excitement had subsided. Erub.65a כל המתיישב ביינו he who remains clear-minded when drinking wine. Kinnim III, 6 כל זמן … דעתם מתישבת עליהם the older they grow, the more clear-minded do they become, opp. מיטרפת; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > יָשַׁב

  • 19 מאור

    מָאוֹרm. (b. h.; אוּר) 1) luminary, light. Ber.VIII, 5 Beth-Shammai reads שברא מאור האש (Blessed be) who created the light of fire; Beth Hillel בורא מְאוֹרֵי האש the Creator of the lights (colors) of fire. Tosef. ib. VI (V), 6 they differ על המ׳וכ׳ as to the order of the benedictions over light and over spices; Ber.52b; Pes.103a; a. fr.מְ׳ עינים eye-sight. Ib. 62b. Y.Taan.IV, 68d top.Ḥag. 5b, (euphem.) ומ׳ עינים הוא he is blind (cmp. נְהוֹרָא).Ber.17a עיניך … במְ׳ תורה may thy eyes shine through the light of the Law. Midr. Till. to Ps. 119:135 במ׳ פנים with a shining face (benevolence); a. fr.Pl. מְאוֹרוֹת; constr. מְאוֹרֵי. Ber.52b הרבה מ׳ יש באור there is a combination of lights (colors) in the artificial light. Ib. פליגי מאור ומאורי they differ as to (saying in the benediction) maor or moré, v. supra. Meg.IV, 6 כל שלא ראה מ׳ מימיו he who has never seen the luminaries (born blind). Ber.12a (closing formula of a morning benediction) יוצר המ׳ the Creator of the luminaries; a. fr. 2) light-hole, opening, window. Ohol. XIII, 1 העושה מ׳ בתחילה he who leaves an opening (in the wall) from the start (when building). Tosef. ib. XIV, 1 פתח שעשאו למ׳ an opening which one made to serve as a window; הגיפו למ׳ if he filled the window up. Sabb.XXIV, 5; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > מאור

  • 20 מָאוֹר

    מָאוֹרm. (b. h.; אוּר) 1) luminary, light. Ber.VIII, 5 Beth-Shammai reads שברא מאור האש (Blessed be) who created the light of fire; Beth Hillel בורא מְאוֹרֵי האש the Creator of the lights (colors) of fire. Tosef. ib. VI (V), 6 they differ על המ׳וכ׳ as to the order of the benedictions over light and over spices; Ber.52b; Pes.103a; a. fr.מְ׳ עינים eye-sight. Ib. 62b. Y.Taan.IV, 68d top.Ḥag. 5b, (euphem.) ומ׳ עינים הוא he is blind (cmp. נְהוֹרָא).Ber.17a עיניך … במְ׳ תורה may thy eyes shine through the light of the Law. Midr. Till. to Ps. 119:135 במ׳ פנים with a shining face (benevolence); a. fr.Pl. מְאוֹרוֹת; constr. מְאוֹרֵי. Ber.52b הרבה מ׳ יש באור there is a combination of lights (colors) in the artificial light. Ib. פליגי מאור ומאורי they differ as to (saying in the benediction) maor or moré, v. supra. Meg.IV, 6 כל שלא ראה מ׳ מימיו he who has never seen the luminaries (born blind). Ber.12a (closing formula of a morning benediction) יוצר המ׳ the Creator of the luminaries; a. fr. 2) light-hole, opening, window. Ohol. XIII, 1 העושה מ׳ בתחילה he who leaves an opening (in the wall) from the start (when building). Tosef. ib. XIV, 1 פתח שעשאו למ׳ an opening which one made to serve as a window; הגיפו למ׳ if he filled the window up. Sabb.XXIV, 5; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > מָאוֹר

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