1 beer yeast
2 beer yeast
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > beer yeast
3 beer yeast
Химия: пивные дрожжи -
4 beer yeast
5 beer yeast
6 beer yeast
7 beer yeast
Англо-русский словарь по пищевой промышленности > beer yeast
8 beer yeast
9 beer yeast
пивные дрожжи -
10 beer yeast
English-Russian dictionary restaurant vocabulary > beer yeast
11 yeast
yeast дрожжиalcohol yeast спиртовые дрожжиalkane-utilizing yeast парафинокисляющие дрожжиamylolytic yeast дрожжи с амилолитической активностьюasporogenous yeast аспорогенные дрожжиautolyzed yeast дрожжевой автолизатbaker's yeast пекарские дрожжиbeer yeast пивные дрожжиbottom (fermentation) yeast дрожжи низового броженияbottom fermenting yeast дрожжи низового броженияbrewer's yeast пивные дрожжиcompressed yeast прессованные дрожжиdistellery yeast спиртовые дрожжиdistiller's yeast спиртовые дрожжиdry yeast сухие дрожжиfast-growing yeast быстрорастущие дрожжиfeed yeast кормовые дрожжиflocculating yeast флоккулирующие дрожжи, хлопьевидные дрожжиflotating yeast флотирующие дрожжиfodder yeast кормовые дрожжиfood yeast пищевые дрожжиgranular yeast зернистые дрожжи (образующие зернистые осадки)handling of baker's yeast выделение пекарских дрожжейhigh-protein yeast дрожжи с повышенным содержанием белкаlow-protein yeast дрожжи с пониженным содержанием белкаmethanol yeast утилизирующие метанол дрожжиmethylotrophic yeast метилотрофные дрожжиnonspore-forming yeast аспорогенные дрожжиnutrient yeast кормовые дрожжиnutrient yeast пищевые дрожжиoleaginous yeast жирообразующие дрожжиosmotolerant yeast осмотолерантные дрожжиpellet yeast пеллетированные дрожжиpitching yeast задаточные дрожжиpressed yeast прессованные дрожжиpure-culture yeast дрожжи чистой линии культурыripened yeast вызревшие дрожжиseed yeast посевные дрожжиspore-forming yeast спорообразующие дрожжиsporogenous yeast спорогенные дрожжиsporulating yeast спорообразующие дрожжиtop (fermentation) yeast дрожжи верхового броженияwild yeast дикие дрожжиwine yeast винные дрожжиEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > yeast
12 yeast
- asporogenous yeast
- baker's yeast
- beer yeast
- bottom fermentation yeast
- bottom yeast
- brewer's yeast
- budding yeast
- cultivated yeast
- distillers' yeast
- fission yeast
- flocculating yeast
- fodder yeast
- food yeast
- granular yeast
- methanolic yeast
- methylotrophic yeast
- nonspore-forming yeast
- pitching yeast
- spore-forming yeast
- sporulating yeast
- top fermentation yeast
- top yeast
- wild yeast
- wine yeast
- xylose-fermenting yeast -
13 yeast
1. n дрожжи; закваска2. n фермент3. n пена4. n брожение, возбуждение, волнение5. v бродить6. v покрываться пенойСинонимический ряд:1. foam (noun) foam; froth; lather; spume; suds2. leavening (noun) bacteria; barm; catalyst; diastases; ferment; fungus; leaven; leavening; mold; mould -
14 yeast
дрожжи, закваска, бродить, покрываться пенойactive yeast активные дрожжиale, brewer's, beer yeast пивные дрожжиbaker's yeast хлебопекарные дрожжи -
15 beer
I [bıə] n1) пивоbeer mug [bottle, glass, yeast] - пивная кружка [бутылка, -ой стакан, -ые дрожжи]
beer parlour - амер. пивная
2) слабый алкогольный напиток♢
small beer - а) слабое пиво; б) мелочи(to be) in beer - (быть) под хмельком /навеселе/
II [bıə] n текст.life is not all beer and skittles - жизнь не простая штука; ≅ жизнь прожить - не поле перейти
16 yeast extract
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > yeast extract
17 bakery yeast
18 bottom yeast
19 fast-working yeast
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > fast-working yeast
20 acetone yeast
взвесь дрожжей в воде, убитых ацетоном и эфиромThe English-Russian dictionary general scientific > acetone yeast
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Yeast — Yeast, n. [OE. [yogh]eest, [yogh]est, AS. gist; akin to D. gest, gist, G. gischt, g[ a]scht, OHG. jesan, jerian, to ferment, G. gischen, g[ a]schen, g[ a]hren, Gr. ? boiled, zei^n to boil, Skr. yas. [root]111.] [1913 Webster] 1. The foam, or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Yeast cake — Yeast Yeast, n. [OE. [yogh]eest, [yogh]est, AS. gist; akin to D. gest, gist, G. gischt, g[ a]scht, OHG. jesan, jerian, to ferment, G. gischen, g[ a]schen, g[ a]hren, Gr. ? boiled, zei^n to boil, Skr. yas. [root]111.] [1913 Webster] 1. The foam,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Yeast plant — Yeast Yeast, n. [OE. [yogh]eest, [yogh]est, AS. gist; akin to D. gest, gist, G. gischt, g[ a]scht, OHG. jesan, jerian, to ferment, G. gischen, g[ a]schen, g[ a]hren, Gr. ? boiled, zei^n to boil, Skr. yas. [root]111.] [1913 Webster] 1. The foam,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Yeast powder — Yeast Yeast, n. [OE. [yogh]eest, [yogh]est, AS. gist; akin to D. gest, gist, G. gischt, g[ a]scht, OHG. jesan, jerian, to ferment, G. gischen, g[ a]schen, g[ a]hren, Gr. ? boiled, zei^n to boil, Skr. yas. [root]111.] [1913 Webster] 1. The foam,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
yeast — [ jist ] noun uncount a white substance used for making bread rise or for making beer ╾ yeast|y adjective … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Beer — This article is about the alcoholic beverage. For other uses, see Beer (disambiguation). Schlenkerla Rauchbier straight from the cask … Wikipedia
Beer style — is a term used to differentiate and categorize beers by various factors such as colour, flavour, strength, ingredients, production method, recipe, history, or origin.The modern theory of beer style is largely based on the work done by the late… … Wikipedia
Yeast — of the species Saccharomyces cerevisiae Scientific classification Domain … Wikipedia
Beer in New Zealand — Beer is the most popular alcoholic drink in New Zealand, accounting for 63% of available alcohol for sale.[1] New Zealand is ranked 19th in beer consumption per capita, at around 75.5 litres per person per annum. The vast majority of beer… … Wikipedia
Beer bread — is a very simple bread based on the idea that both beer and bread have a common creation process: yeast is used to turn sugar into alcohol, which in the case of bread then boils off.Beer bread can be simply made with flour, beer, and sugar.… … Wikipedia
Yeast flocculation — typically refers to the clumping together (flocculation) of brewing yeast once the sugar in a beer brew has been fermented into ethyl alcohol. In the case of top fermenting ale yeast ( Saccharomyces cerevisiae ), the yeast sinks to the bottom of… … Wikipedia