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bear squeeze

См. также в других словарях:

  • bear squeeze — ˈbear squeeze noun [countable] FINANCE when share prices rise because it is known that people have sold these shares without actually owning them, hoping to be able to obtain them more cheaply later, before they have to deliver them to the buyer …   Financial and business terms

  • bear squeeze — / beə skwi:z/ noun 1. an action by banks to raise exchange rates, forcing currency bear sellers to buy back currency at a loss (i.e. at a higher price) 2. an operation by marketmakers to increase the price of shares, so as to force bears to buy… …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • bear down — *press, bear, squeeze, crowd, jam …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Squeeze — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Pour l album du Velvet Underground, voir Squeeze (album). Sommaire …   Wikipédia en Français

  • squeeze — Period when stocks or commodities ( commodity) futures increase in price and investors who have sold short must cover their short positions to prevent loss of large amounts of money. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * ▪ I. squeeze squeeze 1… …   Financial and business terms

  • squeeze — 1) Controls imposed by a government to restrict inflation. An income (pay) squeeze limits increases in wage and salaries, a credit squeeze limits the amounts that banks and other moneylenders can lend, a dividend (profits) squeeze restricts… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • bear — A dealer on a stock exchange, currency market, or commodity market who expects prices to fall. A bear market is one in which a dealer is more likely to sell securities, currency, or goods than to buy them. A bear may even sell securities,… …   Accounting dictionary

  • bear — A dealer on a stock exchange, currency market, or commodity market who expects prices to fall. A bear market is one in which a dealer is more likely to sell securities, currency, or goods than to buy them. A bear may even sell securities,… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • squeeze — [skwēz] vt. squeezed, squeezing [intens. of ME queisen < OE cwysan, to squeeze, dash against, bruise, akin to Goth quistjan, to destroy < IE base * gweye , to overpower > Sans jināti, (he) conquers] 1. to press hard or closely; exert… …   English World dictionary

  • squeeze — [n] pressure, crushing clasp, clutch, congestion, crowd, crunch, crush, embrace, force, handclasp, hold, hug, influence, jam, press, restraint, squash; concepts 219,674,687 Ant. opening squeeze [v1] exert pressure on sides, parts of something… …   New thesaurus

  • bear — vb 1 *carry, convey, transport, transmit Analogous words: *move, remove, shift, transfer: hold, *contain 2 Bear, produce, yield, turn out are comparable when they mean to bring forth as products. Bear usually implies a giving birth to offspring… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

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