Перевод: с английского на шведский

с шведского на английский


  • 1 beam

    n. ljusstråle; radiosignal; strålande leende
    v. le glatt; stråla, skina; utstråla, sända (ut)
    * * *
    [bi:m] 1. noun
    1) (a long straight piece of wood, often used in ceilings.) bjälke
    2) (a ray of light etc: a beam of sunlight.) stråle
    3) (the greatest width of a ship or boat.) största skeppsbredd
    2. verb
    1) (to smile broadly: She beamed with delight.) stråla, le stort
    2) (to send out (rays of light, radio waves etc): This transmitter beams radio waves all over the country.) sända []

    English-Swedish dictionary > beam

  • 2 beam of light

    stråle, ljusstråle, strålknippe, ljuskägla

    English-Swedish dictionary > beam of light

  • 3 I beam pointer

    I-balk markör, textmarkör, I-formad markör som kommer fram då man pekar på ett område med redigerbar text (data)

    English-Swedish dictionary > I beam pointer

  • 4 Laser beam

    laserstråle (stark ljusstråle som har mycket energi)

    English-Swedish dictionary > Laser beam

  • 5 electron beam

    elektronstråle (stråle med elektriska partiklar (atomens beståndsdelar))

    English-Swedish dictionary > electron beam

  • 6 high power laser beam

    högeffektiv laserstråle

    English-Swedish dictionary > high power laser beam

  • 7 light beam


    English-Swedish dictionary > light beam

  • 8 radio beam

    riktad radiosignal

    English-Swedish dictionary > radio beam

  • 9 supporting beam


    English-Swedish dictionary > supporting beam

  • 10 wooden beam


    English-Swedish dictionary > wooden beam

  • 11 laser

    n. laser (apparat som förstärker ljusstyrkan genom strålning; utskjutande av strålning)
    * * *
    ((an instrument that produces) a narrow and very intense beam of light: The men were cutting the sheets of metal with a laser; ( also adjective) a laser beam.) laser

    English-Swedish dictionary > laser

  • 12 dip

    n. dopp (ning); nedgång; sluttning; minskning
    v. doppa, sänka ned; sjunka; sänka
    * * *
    [dip] 1. past tense, past participle - dipped; verb
    1) (to lower into any liquid for a moment: He dipped his bread in the soup.) doppa
    2) (to slope downwards: The road dipped just beyond the crossroads.) slutta, sänka sig
    3) (to lower the beam of (car headlights): He dipped his lights as the other car approached.) blända av
    4) ((of a ship) to lower (a flag) briefly in salute.) hälsa []
    2. noun
    1) (a hollow (in a road etc): The car was hidden by a dip in the road.) sänka, svacka
    2) (a soft, savoury mixture in which a biscuit etc can be dipped: a cheese dip.) dipsås
    3) (a short swim: a dip in the sea.) dopp

    English-Swedish dictionary > dip

  • 13 girder

    n. bärbjälke, balk, järnbalk
    * * *
    (a large beam of steel etc, eg to support a road or bridge: The girders of the bridge have collapsed.) bärbjälke, balk

    English-Swedish dictionary > girder

  • 14 moonbeam

    n. månstråle
    * * *
    noun (a beam of light reflected from the moon.) månstråle

    English-Swedish dictionary > moonbeam

  • 15 prism

    n. prisma
    * * *
    1) (a solid figure whose sides are parallel and whose two ends are the same in shape and size.) prisma
    2) (a glass object of this shape, usually with triangular ends, which breaks up a beam of white light into the colours of the rainbow.) prisma

    English-Swedish dictionary > prism

  • 16 rafter

    n. flottkarl, flottare
    * * *
    (a beam supporting the roof of a house.) taksparre

    English-Swedish dictionary > rafter

  • 17 ray

    n. Ray (förnamn)
    * * *
    1) (a narrow beam (of light, heat etc): the sun's rays; X-rays; heat-rays; a ray of light.) stråle
    2) (a slight amount (of hope etc).) strimma,

    English-Swedish dictionary > ray

  • 18 scan

    n. avsökning, skanning; avsökare, scanner (datorstyrd avsökare); forskande blick
    v. granska; studera; ögna igenom, skumma; undersöka; analysera metriskt; vara metriskt riktig (om vers)
    * * *
    [skæn] 1. past tense, past participle - scanned; verb
    1) (to examine carefully: He scanned the horizon for any sign of a ship.) granska, studera
    2) (to look at quickly but not in detail: She scanned the newspaper for news of the murder.) ögna igenom, skumma
    3) (to pass radar beams etc over: The area was scanned for signs of enemy aircraft.) avsöka, svepa över
    4) (to pass an electronic or laser beam over a text or picture in order to store it in the memory of a computer.) skanna
    5) (to examine and get an image of what is inside a person's body or an object by using ultra-sound and x-ray: They scanned his luggage at the airport to see if he was carrying drugs.) avsöka, skanna, röntga
    6) (to fit into a particular rhythm or metre: The second line of that verse doesn't scan properly.) vara metriskt riktig
    2. noun
    She had an ultrasound scan to see whether the baby was a boy or a girl; a brain scan; a quick scan through the report.) avsökning, skanning, []undersökning, snabb genomläsning, ögnande

    English-Swedish dictionary > scan

  • 19 searchlight

    n. strålkastare
    * * *
    noun (a strong light with a beam that can be turned in any direction, used eg to see enemy aeroplanes in the sky.) strålkastare, sökarljus

    English-Swedish dictionary > searchlight

  • 20 timber

    n. timmer, virke; timmerstock; ämne, stoff
    v. förtimra; bygga med trä
    * * *
    1) (wood, especially for building: This house is built of timber.) timmer, trä, virke
    2) (trees suitable for this: a hundred acres of good timber.) timmerskog
    3) (a wooden beam used in the building of a house, ship etc.) bjälke

    English-Swedish dictionary > timber

См. также в других словарях:

  • Beam — (b[=e]m), n. [AS. be[ a]m beam, post, tree, ray of light; akin to OFries. b[=a]m tree, OS. b[=o]m, D. boom, OHG. boum, poum, G. baum, Icel. ba[eth]mr, Goth. bagms and Gr. fy^ma a growth, fy^nai to become, to be. Cf. L. radius staff, rod, spoke of …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Beam — may refer to: *Beam (structure), a construction element *Beam (nautical), the most extreme width (or breadth) of a nautical vessel, or a point alongside the ship at the mid point of its length *A narrow, propagating stream of particles or energy …   Wikipedia

  • BEAM — (englisch „Strahl“) steht für: Beam (Robotik), Sammelbegriff für eine bestimmte Sorte von Robotern Beam (Band), ein Musikduo Breite über alles (Schiffsbreite) Beam ist der Nachname folgender Personen: Jacob Beam (1760–1839, eigentlich Johannes… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • beam — beam·age; beam; beam·er; beam·fill·ing; beam·i·ly; beam·ing·ly; beam·ish; beam·less; beam·ster; semi·beam; white·beam; mi·cro·beam; …   English syllables

  • Beam — (englisch „Strahl“) steht für: Beam (Robotik), Sammelbegriff für eine bestimmte Sorte von Robotern Beam (Band), ein Musikduo Breite über alles (Schiffsbreite) Beam ist der Nachname folgender Personen: H. Beam Piper (1904–1964), US amerikanischer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • beam — ► NOUN 1) a long piece of timber or metal used as a support in building. 2) a narrow horizontal length of timber for balancing on in gymnastics. 3) a ray or shaft of light or particles. 4) a radiant smile. 5) a ship s breadth at its widest point …   English terms dictionary

  • beam — [bēm] n. [ME < OE, a tree, piece of wood, column; akin to Ger baum, Du boom, tree] 1. Obs. the squared off trunk of a tree 2. a) a long, thick piece of wood, metal, or stone, used in building b) such a piece used as a horizontal support for a… …   English World dictionary

  • Beam — est un domaine de la robotique qui cherche à construire des robots avec le minimum de composants électroniques. La condition sinéquanone pour qu un robot soir considérré comme BEAM , inventée par le roboticien Mark Tilden, est de réduire au… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Beam — 〈[bi:m] m. 6〉 Zielstrahl eines Satelliten [engl.] * * * Beam   [biːm; englisch »Richtstrahl«] der, s/ s, die Strahlungskeule eines Satellitensenders (Transponder); im Querschnitt kreisförmig, elliptisch oder in anderen gezogenen Rundformen,… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • beam — [n1] length of material used as support axle, bail, balk, bolster, boom, brace, cantilever, column, crossbar, crosspiece, girder, jamb, joist, lath, lintel, pile, piling, pillar, plank, pole, post, prop, rafter, reach, scaffolding, scantling,… …   New thesaurus

  • beam|y — «BEE mee», adjective, beam|i|er, beam|i|est. 1. like a beam; massive. 2. (of a ship) broad in the beam. 3. Figurative …   Useful english dictionary

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