1 beaded glass
adiactinic glass — стекло, не пропускающее актиничные лучи
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > beaded glass
2 beaded glass
Химия: гранулированное стекло -
3 beaded glass
4 glass
1. n стеклоfrosted glass — матовое стекло; шероховатое стекло с «ледяным» узором, стекло с «морозом»
2. n стеклянная посудаcut glass — хрусталь; хрустальная посуда
3. n стаканto drink a glass dry — выпить до дна, осушить стакан
4. n рюмка, бокал5. n парниковая рама; парникcheval glass — псише, большое зеркало в подвижной раме
6. n зеркалоpier glass — большое высокое зеркало; трюмо
7. n l8. n очки9. n бинокль10. n подзорная труба11. n телескоп12. n микроскоп13. n линза14. n барометр15. n песочные часыlog glass — склянка, песочные часы
16. n мор. склянканекристаллический, стекловидный материал
17. n геол. вулканическое стеклоto look through green glasses — ревновать; завидовать успеху
18. a стеклянныйglass roof — стеклянная крыша, крыша из стекла
absorbing glass — стеклопоглотитель, стеклянный поглотитель
19. v помещать в парник, в оранжереюlooking glass world — мир, где всё наоборот, странный мир
20. v вставлять стёкла; остеклять; покрывать стеклом21. v делать гладким, зеркальнымplate glass — зеркальное стекло; толстое листовое стекло
22. v смотреться в зеркало; помещать перед зеркалом23. v отражаться24. v герметически закрывать в стеклянной посудеСинонимический ряд:1. amount of liquid (noun) amount of liquid; carton; drink; glassful; half-pint; libation2. drinking container (noun) beaker; chalice; drinking container; goblet; jigger; mug; paper cup; shot glass; tumbler3. glasses (noun) bifocals; glasses; lenses; spectacles4. pane (noun) pane; window5. pane or mirror (noun) burning glass; lens; looking glass; magnifying glass; mirror; pane or mirror; windowpane6. reflect (verb) image; mirror; reflect -
5 glass beaded surface
Ebay. поверхность с бисерным покрытием (В речи специалистов тип поверхности обычно остаётся без перевода), бисерное покрытие -
6 glass beaded
тех.Поверхность экрана, покрытая микрочастицами, выполненными из стекла. Используется для концентрации отраженного света в определённом секторе при большей яркости отраженного света.Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > glass beaded
7 screen
1) грохот; сито; решето || просеивать; отсеивать; сортировать; разделять на ситах (см. тж
sieve)2) (защитный) экран || экранировать, защищать экраном5) решётка || оборудовать ( сооружение) решёткой7) светофильтр8) кфт. экран || показывать на экране9) формат экрана; кадр10) (сетчатый) трафарет || наносить через (сетчатый) трафарет; выполнять трафаретную печать11) текст. сетчатый шаблон13) полигр. растр || растрировать; экспонировать через растр14) парфюм. защитное вещество15) отбраковка; 100%-й контроль || отбраковывать проводить 100%-й контроль•-
absorbing screen
afterglow screen
air inlet screen
anodic screen
antifrost screen
antiglare screen
back projection viewing screen
background rear projection screen
banana-type screen
band screen
bar screen
beaded screen
beaded-surface screen
belt screen
black matrix screen
braided screen
brush-bundle screen
cab protective screen
camera screen
cathodic screen
cinema screen
circular screen
classifying screen
close-coupled screen
closed screen
CNC screen
coarse oil screen
coarse screen
color picture tube screen
color screen
comminuting screen
concave screen
contact printing screen
contact screen
conventional-format screen
convex screen
core screen
cross-line screen
curved screen
dark-trace screen
data entry screen
desliming screen
dewatering screen
diffusing screen
directional screen
dirt screen
dot-chaining screen
dot-type screen
double-deck screen
drum screen
electric screen
electrical fish screen
electromagnetic screen
electrostatic screen
elliptical-dot screen
engraved screen
Faraday screen
fast screen
film phosphor screen
film screen
fine screen
fish screen
flat screen
fluorescent screen
foam screen
focusing screen
fore screen
glass screen
grizzly screen
ground glass screen
half-tone screen
hanging screen
hemispherical screen
holographic screen
impact screen
impervious screen
induction screen
instrument screen
intake screen
jigging screen
juice screen
lapped screen
lenticular screen
light-diffusing screen
line screen
long-persistence screen
long-slotted screen
luminescent screen
luminous screen
magenta contact screen
magnetic screen
metal-backed screen
mosaic-type screen
mosaic screen
motion-picture screen
multideck screen
multilayered screen
multilayer screen
negative screen
oblong-hole screen
office landscape screen
oil screen
oil suction screen
opaque screen
outer screen
oval-hole screen
oversize control screen
page display screen
panoramic screen
perforated screen
phosphor screen
planar screen
positive screen
preangled contact screen
precleaner screen
previewing screen
primary screen
printing screen
projection screen
protecting screen
push-through screen
random dot screen
rear projection screen
rear-screen projection
rectangular screen
rectangular-mesh screen
resonance screen
revolving screen
rod screen
roll screen
roller screen
rotary screen
rotating probability screen
round-hole screen
secondary screen
sewage screen
sheet-piling screen
short-persistence screen
sieve bend screen
silk screen
single-deck screen
sizing screen
snow screen
sound screen
split screen
spreading screen
square-hole screen
stainless steel screen
stencil screen
storage screen
straight line screen
strip screen
sun screen
tailings screen
television screen
testing screen
thermometer screen
top screen
touch-sensitive screen
touch screen
translucent screen
trash screen
triangular-hole screen
tricolor mosaic screen
trommel screen
undersize control screen
unelectroded screen
unitized screen
vibrating screen
viewing screen
water screen
wedge wire screen
well screen
well tube screen
white-matte screen
wind screen
window screen
wire screen
workstation screen
X-ray intensifying screen -
8 insulation
1) изоляция•insulation against loss of heat — изоляция от теплопотерь, теплоизоляция;-
acoustic insulation
adsorbent insulation
air insulation
all-film impregnated insulation
arc-resistant insulation
asbestos insulation
asphalt impregnated mica insulation
banding insulation
basic insulation
batt insulation
beaded insulation
bead insulation
belt insulation
bitumen insulation
blanket insulation
block insulation
brick insulation
building insulation
built-up insulation
butyl rubber insulation
cable insulation
cable-core insulation
cambric insulation
capacitor insulation
car insulation
cast insulation
ceramic fiber insulation
ceramic insulation
class A insulation
class B insulation
class C insulation
class O insulation
coil insulation
commutator segment insulation
commutator shell insulation
composite insulation
compressed-SF6 insulation
connection insulation
cotton insulation
cross-linked polyethylene insulation
crown insulation
electrical insulation
electrodeposited mica insulation
enamel insulation
epoxy micaceous insulation
epoxy-air suspension insulation
ethylene propylene rubber insulation
external insulation
fiber insulation
fiber-glass insulation
fibrous insulation
fibrous-glass insulation
field insulation
field spool insulation
fill insulation
film insulation
fireclay insulation
fire-resistant insulation
fish-paper insulation
flexible insulation
fluoroplastic insulation
foam thermal insulation
foamed-in-place insulation
frame insulation
full insulation
fully impregnated insulation
gaseous insulation
glass backed mica paper insulation
glass fiber insulation
glass insulation
granular-fill insulation
groundwall insulation
ground insulation
gypsum insulation
hard paper insulation
heat insulation
heat-shrinkage insulation
hexafluorated sulfur insulation
high-temperature insulation
high-voltage insulation
hi-seal epoxy insulation
hot-face insulation
impregnated insulation
impregnated-paper insulation
indoor external insulation
internal insulation
interphase insulation
interturn insulation
laminar insulation
laminated bakelite insulation
lamination insulation
layer insulation
lightweight insulation
line insulation
liquid insulation
loose-fill insulation
loose insulation
low-voltage insulation
magnetic insulation
main insulation
mass-impregnated and drained insulation
mass-impregnated paper insulation
mica insulation
mica-resin groundwall insulation
mineral insulation
mineral wool insulation
minor insulation
molded insulation
multilayer insulation
noise insulation
nonself-restoring insulation
oil insulation
oil-barrier insulation
oil-paper insulation
organic insulation
outdoor external insulation
oxide insulation
paper insulation
paper-oil insulation
phase coil insulation
phase insulation
phase-to-earth insulation
phase-to-phase insulation
plastic insulation
pole insulation
polyethylene insulation
polypropylene film-liquid insulation
polyvinylchloride insulation
post-cured insulation
pour-in-place insulation
pressboard insulation
primary insulation
rail joint insulation
reduced insulation
refractory insulation
rigid insulation
rigid thermal insulation
roof insulation
rubber insulation
sandwich-type insulation
sectional insulation
self-restoring insulation
SF6 gas insulation
silicone elastomer insulation
silicone insulation
silk insulation
slot insulation
solid insulation
sound insulation
subhearth insulation
synthetic insulation
thermal insulation
thermoplastic insulation
thermosetting insulation
thinned insulation
total insulation
track insulation
turn-to-turn insulation
turn insulation
uniform insulation
up-shaft insulation
varnish insulation
varnished-cambric insulation
vibration insulation
vitreous insulation
waxed cotton insulation
winding insulation
wire insulation -
9 bead
1. сущ.
1) молитва( этимологически связано с глаголом bid) bid a bead beads bidding say one's beads
2) мн. церк. четки( специальные бусы для отсчета числа произнесенных молитв, получили свое название по смежности) tell beads count beads pray without one's beads
3) шарик( с просверленным сквозным отверстием), бусина, бисерина bead-frame
4) мн. бусы;
5) капля( расплавленного металла, пота на лице и т.п.)
6) пузырек( воздуха, газа) ;
пенная шапка на пиве, шампанском
7) воен. мушка, прицел draw bead on
8) тех. борт, отогнутый край, заплечик, реборда, буртик
9) архит. капельки (архитектурное украшение)
2. гл.
1) нанизывать
2) вышивать бисером
3) украшать капельками см. bead
1), 8
4) целиться, наводитьбусина;
шарик - to thread *s нанизывать бусы pl бусы;
бисер - glass *s стеклярус (электротехника) изоляционная бусинка pl (церковное) четки - to count /to say, to tell/ one's *s читать молитву по четкам, молиться пузырек (пены) ;
пена капля (пота и т. п.) pl (архитектура) капельки (украшение на фронтоне) узелок, шишечка ( в вышивке или вязанье) - * in yarn (текстильное) шишечка или узелок на пряже пузырек (газа, воздуха) - wine with a fine * игристое вино королек( техническое) заплечик;
реборда (военное) (разговорное) прицел, мушка - to get one's * прицеливаться, наводить - to draw a * (on) наводить (на) ;
целиться (в), брать на прицел - to keep a * on удерживать прицел (на) ;
держать на прицеле;
держать под обстрелом pl счеты (устройство) > to pray without one's *s просчитаться, ошибиться;
не заглянув в святцы, бух в колокола украшать или отделывать бусами;
вышивать бисером нанизывать образовать капли, пузырьки и т. п. - the sweat *ed on his brow у него на лбу выступил пот, его лоб покрылся испариной (устаревшее) читать молитвы _ тех развальцовыватьbead тех. борт, отогнутый край, заплечик, реборда, буртик ~ pl бусы;
бисер ~ вышивать бисером ~ архит. капельки (украшение по краю фронтона) ;
to pray without one's beads просчитаться ~ капля ~ нанизывать (бусы) ;
the houses are beaded along the river дома тесно стоят (букв. нанизаны как бусы) вдоль реки ~ тех. отгибать борт;
расчеканивать ~ воен. прицел, мушка;
to draw a bead on прицеливаться ~ пузырек (воздуха) ~ украшать бусами ~ уст. читать молитвы ~ pl церк. четки;
to tell one's beads читать молитвы (перебирая четки) ~ шарик, бусина;
бисерина~ воен. прицел, мушка;
to draw a bead on прицеливаться~ нанизывать (бусы) ;
the houses are beaded along the river дома тесно стоят (букв. нанизаны как бусы) вдоль реки~ архит. капельки (украшение по краю фронтона) ;
to pray without one's beads просчитаться~ pl церк. четки;
to tell one's beads читать молитвы (перебирая четки) tell: ~ уст. считать;
to tell one's beads читать молитвы, перебирая четки;
all told в общей сложности, в общем;
включая всех или все -
10 lizard
ящерица; pl ящерицы ( Lacertilia)- angle-headed lizard
- anguine lizard
- armed lizard
- armour glass lizard
- Asian bark lizard
- Asiatic flying lizard
- Australian dragon lizard
- banded rock lizard
- beaded lizard
- bearded lizard
- blue scaly lizard
- Brasilian lizard
- Brook's lizard
- bull lizard
- butterfly lizard
- Canarian lizard
- casque-headed lizard
- club-tailed lizard
- collared lizard
- common lizard
- common wall lizard
- crested keeled lizard
- crested lizard
- crocodile lizard
- Cuban night lizard
- curly-tailed lizard
- deaf lizard
- dragon lizards
- dune lizard
- earless lizard
- emerald lizard
- eyebrowed lizard
- flap-footed lizards
- flat lizard
- Florida worm lizard
- flying lizard
- frilled lizard
- fringe-toed lizard
- giant lizard of Komodo
- girdle-tailed lizard
- glass lizard
- granular-scaled lizard
- greater earless lizard
- green lizard
- gridiron-tailed lizard
- guest lizards
- helmeted lizard
- horned lizard
- Iberian mountain lizard
- keeled lizard
- keel-tailed lizard
- lateral fold lizards
- lava lizard
- legless lizard
- leopard lizard
- long-headed lizard
- long-legged lizard
- long-tailed lizard
- lyre-headed lizard
- meadow lizard
- Mexican blind lizard
- Mexican snake lizard
- monitor lizard
- narrow-tailed lizard
- night lizard
- ocellated lizard
- Old-World lizards
- oriental grass lizard
- plate-bellied night lizards
- plated lizard
- ringed lizards
- rock lizard
- rough-scaled lizard
- sailing lizard
- sail-tailed lizard
- sand lizard
- sand spined-foot lizard
- scaly lizard
- sharp-snouted worm lizard
- shovel-snouted legless lizards
- sleepy lizard
- slender glass lizard
- snake lizards
- snake-eyed lizard
- spiny lizard
- spiny-tailed lizard
- starred lizard
- strange lizards
- stump-tailed lizard
- tegu lizard
- thorny-tailed lizard
- tiger lizard
- two-legged worm lizard
- two-pored lizard
- variable lizard
- venomous lizard
- viviparous lizard
- wall lizard
- water lizard
- whip lizard
- whiptail lizard
- worm lizard
- worm-like lizards
- zebra-tailed lizard* * *• ящерица• ящерицы -
11 бисер
12 bead
1. [bi:d] n1. 1) бусина; бисерина; шарик2) pl бусы; бисер3) эл. изоляционная бусинка2. pl церк. чёткиto count /to say, to tell/ one's beads - читать молитву по чёткам, молиться
3. пузырёк ( пены); пена4. 1) капля (пота и т. п.)5. узелок, шишечка ( в вышивке или вязанье)bead in yarn - текст. шишечка или узелок на пряже
6. пузырёк (газа, воздуха)7. метал. королёк8. тех. заплечик; кромка; реборда9. воен. разг. прицел, мушкаto get one's bead - прицеливаться, наводить
to draw a bead (on) - наводить (на); целиться (в), брать на прицел
to keep a bead on - а) удерживать прицел (на); держать на прицеле; б) держать под обстрелом
10. pl счёты ( устройство)2. [bi:d] v♢
to pray without one's beads - просчитаться, ошибиться; ≅ не заглянув в святцы, бух в колокола1. украшать или отделывать бусами; вышивать бисером2. нанизывать3. образовать капли, пузырьки и т. п.the sweat beaded on his brow - у него на лбу выступил пот, его лоб покрылся испариной
4. ист. читать молитвы5. тех. развальцовывать -
13 board
1) доска англ. (шириной до 10 см и толщиной до 5 см); амер. ( шириной до 20 см и толщиной до 5 см)2) мн. ч. пиломатериал ( обычно из хвойных пород)3) картон (массой свыше 250 г/см2)4) плита; щит12) электрон. плата13) мор. возд. борт14) осуществлять ( производить) посадку, садиться (на судно, самолёт)15) переплётная крышка; сторонка ( переплётной крышки)•to assemble board — монтировать( печатную) плату;to calender board — каландрировать картон;to cast board — отливать картон;to dress board in planer — обрабатывать доску по поверхности, строгать доску;to glaze board — глянцевать картон;to mold board — калевать доску;to paste board — склеивать листы картона;to run board in ( through) planer — обрабатывать доску по поверхности, строгать доску;to run board through molder — калевать доску;to shiplap board — строгать доску на фальц;to size board — проклеивать картон;to surface board — обрабатывать доску по поверхности, строгать доску-
access board
additive board
asbestos-cement board
asphalt board
axially fluted board
back board
baffle board
bare board
barge board
barrier board
batter board
bench board
bilge board
binder board
bleached board
bleached sulfate board
bluff board
bogus board
boning board
bottom board
box board
bread board
bridging board
Bristol board
bulletin board
cane fiber board
cant board
caption board
cement-asbestos board
center board
center-beaded board
central control board
cheek boards
chip board
circuit board
clapper boards
comb board
combined board
composite board
control board
cordless board
corrugated asbestos-cement board
corrugated board
corrugated plastic board
cover board
CPU board
crawling board
cross-corrugated board
cutout board
dagger board
danger board
dash board
data board
delivery board
densely populated board
digital board
distant-warning board
distribution board
double-double face corrugated board
double-face corrugated board
double-height board
double-sided board
double-wall corrugated board
drafting board
draining board
drain board
drawing board
duplex board
echo board
edged board
elbow board
elevating board
end board
end boards
evaluation board
expansion board
extension board
fascia board
fat board
feather-edged board
feather-edge board
feed board
fiber board
fiddle board
filler board
fine-line board
finger board
fitting board
flight progress board
floor board
floor boards
fluted board
folder register board
food board
fourble board
fuse board
gable board
gage board
gangway board
glass-epoxy board
gradient board
gravel board
grease-resistant board
guard board
gypsum board
hard board
hard-sized board
hex-width board
high-density board
hybrid-circuit board
hybrid board
illuminated indicator board
illustration board
impregnated board
in-and-out board
input-output board
instrument board
jack board
junction board
known-good board
kraft-lined board
lacing board
laminated printed circuit board
layer board
lazy board
lear board
lens board
leveling board
light board
limber board
load board
loaded board
loom board
louver board
manger board
manila board
manilla board
matched boards
match boards
matrix board
memory board
meter board
mill-lined board
mixed straw board
module board
moisture-barrier board
mold board
molded bead board
molded board
molded pulp board
molding board
moldproof board
monkey board
mother board
mottled white board
multifunction board
multilayer interconnection board
naked board
navigation lights board
nontest board
notch board
number board
odd-side board
one-sided board
otter board
panel board
particle board
patch board
pattern board
peg board
perforated board
pilot-balloon plotting board
pin board
pipe racking board
pit boards
plain board
plotting board
plug board
plug-in board
poling board
poppet board
populated board
power-ground board
printed-circuit board
proofing board
propulsion control board
prototyping board
quard-height board
race board
racking board
raw printed circuit board
rigid-when-wet corrugated board
rod board
rough board
route card board
run board
saddle board
saddleback board
sarking boards
scaffold board
scum board
sheet-lined board
side boards
sign board
signal board
single-face corrugated board
single-sided board
single-wall corrugated board
skid board
skirt board
skirting board
slab board
sleeve board
sluice board
snow board
sound board
spacing board
spinning board
splash board
spot board
square board
squat board
stabbing board
stability board
stamping board
stock pile board
story board
strickle board
strip board
subtractive board
sulfate board
terminal board
test board
thole board
timing board
toll board
tonnage board
transom board
triple-wall corrugated board
trunk-line board
tubing board
turnover board
two-sided board
unbleached sulfate board
unedged board
unloaded board
valley board
varnished board
vat-lined board
verge board
video control board
visual control board
warning board
water-repellent board
water-resistant board
wax-treated board
weatherproof board
window board
wire-circuit board
wire board
wire-wrap board
zoned vacuum board -
14 bead
1. n бусина; бисерина; шарик2. n бусы; бисер3. n эл. изоляционная бусинка4. n церк. чётки5. n пузырёк; пена6. n капля7. n архит. капельки8. n узелок, шишечка9. n метал. королёк10. n тех. заплечик; кромка; реборда11. n воен. разг. прицел, мушкаto draw a bead — наводить ; целиться, брать на pl счёты
12. v украшать или отделывать бусами; вышивать бисером13. v нанизыватьthe sweat beaded on his brow — у него на лбу выступил пот, его лоб покрылся испариной
14. v ист. читать молитвы15. v тех. развальцовыватьСинонимический ряд:1. beads (noun) beads; necklace; rosary2. drop (noun) ball; bean; bubble; dot; drop; droplet; grain; particle; pea; pellet; spherule3. stone (noun) bauble; gem; jewel; pearl; stone -
15 rim
1. n ободок; край2. n обод; реборда; бандажrim weather side — часть колесного обода, не закрытая шиной
3. n тех. зубчатый венец4. n тех. скоба, опорное кольцо5. n мор. водная поверхность6. n край кратера7. v служить ободком, обрамлять8. v коснуться мячом края корзиныСинонимический ряд:1. border (noun) border; borderline; boundary; brim; brink; brow; confine; edge; edging; fringe; hem; lip; margin; perimeter; periphery; selvage; skirt; top; verge2. border (verb) border; bound; confine; define; edge; fringe; hem; margin; outline; skirt; surround; vergeАнтонимический ряд:center; inside -
16 lizard
beaded lizard ядозуб, Helodermabearded lizard бородатая ящерица, Amphibolurus barbatusemerald lizard зелёная ящерица, Lacerta viridiseyed lizard глазчатая ящерица, Lacerta ocellataflap-footed lizards чешуеноги, Pygopodidaeflying lizard летучий дракон, Draco volansfrilled lizard плащеносная ящерица, Chlamydosaurus kingiigiant lizard of Komodo гигантский комодийский варан, Varanus komodoensisglass lizard панцирная веретеница, Ophisaurusgreen lizard зелёная ящерица, Lacerta viridishorned lizard жабовидная ящерица, Phrynosomamonitor lizard варан, Varanusringed lizards амфисбены, двуходковые, Amphisbaenidaerock lizard скальная ящерица, Lacerta saxicolasand lizard прыткая ящерица, Lacerta agilissnake-eyed lizard змееголовка, Ophisops occidentalisspiny-tailed lizard шипохвост, Uromastixstarred lizard агама стеллион, Agama stelliostump-tailed lizard тупохвостый австралийский сцинк, короткохвост, Trachysaurus rugosustegu lizard жакруару, Tupinambis nigropunctatusviviparous lizard живородящая ящерица, Lacerta viviparawall lizard стенная ящерица, Lacerta muraliswater lizard 1. парусная ящерица, Hydrosaurus; 2. тритон, Triturus; 3. американский протей, NecturusEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > lizard
См. также в других словарях:
beaded — bead ► NOUN 1) a small piece of glass, stone, etc., threaded in a string with others to make a necklace or rosary. 2) a drop of a liquid on a surface. 3) a small knob forming the foresight of a gun. 4) the reinforced inner edge of a tyre. ► VERB… … English terms dictionary
industrial glass — Introduction solid material that is normally lustrous and transparent in appearance and that shows great durability under exposure to the natural elements. These three properties lustre, transparency, and durability make glass a favoured… … Universalium
Depression glass — Pink Sunflower patterned depression cake plate Depression glass is clear or colored translucent glassware that was distributed free, or at low cost, in the United States around the time of the Great Depression. The Quaker Oats Company, and other… … Wikipedia
Bohemian glass — Jug in Bohemia, Karlsbad (Karlovy Vary) by L. Moser Sohne Launch year 13th century Bohemian glass, or Bohemia crystal, is a decorative glass produced in regions of Bohemia and Silesia, now in the current state of the Czech Republic, since the … Wikipedia
Li'l Missy Beaded Dolls — Li l Missy Beaded Doll Kits were made in the early 1970 s. The 6 tall doll had a dylite form body that required no sewing.Each kits included pins, sequins, beads, colorful fabric, ribbons and trim. Other embellishments included flowers and fruit … Wikipedia
Granny Takes a Trip — was an boutique opened in the 1960s at 488 Kings Road, Chelsea, London, by Nigel Waymouth and Sheila Cohen. The shop, which remained open until 1973, has been called the first psychedelic boutique in the Swinging London in the 1960s.… … Wikipedia
Visual arts by indigenous peoples of the Americas — encompasses the visual artistic traditions of the indigenous peoples of the Americas from ancient times to the present. These include works from South America, Mesoamerica, North America including Greenland, as well as Siberian Yup ik peoples who … Wikipedia
Jewellery — (also spelled jewelry, see spelling differences) is a personal ornament, such as a necklace, ring or bracelet, made from gemstones, precious metals or other materials.The word jewellery is derived from the word jewel , which was anglicised from… … Wikipedia
lizard — /liz euhrd/, n. 1. any of numerous scaly reptiles of the suborder Sauria, order Squamata, typically having a moderately elongate body, a tapering tail, and two pairs of legs held outward from the body, comprising mostly terrestrial and burrowing… … Universalium
Pearl — For other uses, see Pearl (disambiguation). Pearl Pearls General Category Mineral Chemical formula Ca … Wikipedia
Alice Adams (artista) — Alice Adams Retrato de la escultora[1] Nacimiento 16 d … Wikipedia Español