Перевод: со всех языков на румынский

с румынского на все языки


  • 21 insurance

    noun (the promise of a sum of money in event of loss eg by fire or other disaster, given in compensation by a company etc in return for regular payments: Have you paid the insurance on your jewellery?; ( also adjective) insurance companies.) (de) asi­gu­rare

    English-Romanian dictionary > insurance

  • 22 put right

    1) (to repair; to remove faults etc in (something): There is something wrong with this kettle - can you put it right?) a repara
    2) (to put an end to or change (something that is wrong): You've made a mistake in that sum - you'd better put it right.) a corecta
    3) (to put (a watch, clock etc) to the correct time.) a potrivi
    4) (to correct (someone who has made a mistake): I thought the meeting was at 2.30, but he put me right.) a corecta
    5) (to make healthy again: That medicine will soon put you right.) a vindeca

    English-Romanian dictionary > put right

  • 23 rights

    noun plural (the legal right given in return for a sum of money to produce eg a film from a book: He has sold the film rights of his new book to an American company.) drepturi

    English-Romanian dictionary > rights

  • 24 sponsor

    ['sponsə] 1. verb
    1) (to take on the financial responsibility for (a person, project etc), often as a form of advertising or for charity: The firm sponsors several golf tournaments.) a patrona
    2) (to promise (a person) that one will pay a certain sum of money to a charity etc if that person completes a set task (eg a walk, swim etc).) a spon­soriza
    2. noun
    (a person, firm etc that acts in this way.) sponsor

    English-Romanian dictionary > sponsor

  • 25 correct

    [kə'rekt] 1. verb
    1) (to remove faults and errors from: These spectacles will correct his eye defect.) a corecta
    2) ((of a teacher etc) to mark errors in: I have fourteen exercise books to correct.) a corecta
    2. adjective
    1) (free from faults or errors: This sum is correct.) corect
    2) (right; not wrong: Did I get the correct idea from what you said?; You are quite correct.) exact; just
    - corrective
    - correctly
    - correctness

    English-Romanian dictionary > correct

  • 26 discount

    1. noun
    (a (small) sum taken off the price of something: He gave me a discount of 20%.) discount, rabat
    2. verb
    (to leave aside as something not to be considered: You can discount most of what he says - it's nearly all lies!) a nu pune la socoteală

    English-Romanian dictionary > discount

  • 27 fund

    1) (a sum of money for a special purpose: Have you given money to the repair fund?) fond
    2) (a store or supply: He has a fund of funny stories.) repertoriu; rezervă

    English-Romanian dictionary > fund

  • 28 investment

    1) (the act of investing.) in­ves­tiţie, plasament
    2) (a sum of money invested.) investiţie, plasa­ment

    English-Romanian dictionary > investment

  • 29 kitty

    plural - kitties; noun
    ((a container holding) a sum of money kept for a particular purpose, to which members of a group jointly contribute: The three friends shared a flat and kept a kitty for buying food.) fond de rezervă

    English-Romanian dictionary > kitty

  • 30 lump

    1. noun
    1) (a small solid mass of no particular shape: The custard was full of lumps and no-one would eat it.) cocoloş
    2) (a swelling: She had a lump on her head where she had hit it.) umflătură
    3) (a small cube-shaped mass of sugar.) bucată de zahăr
    2. verb
    ((usually with together) to treat or think of as (all) alike.) a băga în aceeaşi oală
    - lumpiness
    - lump sum
    - if you don't like it
    - you can lump it

    English-Romanian dictionary > lump

  • 31 mortgage

    ['mo:ɡi‹] 1. noun
    (a legal agreement by which a sum of money is lent for the purpose of buying buildings, land etc.) ipotecă
    2. verb
    (to offer (buildings etc) as security for a loan.) a ipoteca

    English-Romanian dictionary > mortgage

  • 32 nest-egg

    noun (a sum of money saved up for the future.) bani puşi deoparte

    English-Romanian dictionary > nest-egg

  • 33 obtain

    (to get; to become the possessor of: He obtained a large sum of money by buying and selling houses.) a obţine

    English-Romanian dictionary > obtain

  • 34 subscription

    1) (the act of subscribing.) subscripţie
    2) (a sum of money that is subscribed eg for receiving a magazine, for a membership of a club etc.) (plată a unui) abonament

    English-Romanian dictionary > subscription

  • 35 subsidy

    plural - subsidies; noun
    ((a sum of) money paid by a government etc to an industry etc that needs help, or to farmers etc to keep the price of their products low.) sub­venţie
    - subsidise

    English-Romanian dictionary > subsidy

  • 36 tidy

    1. adjective
    1) ((negative untidy) in good order; neat: a tidy room/person; Her hair never looks tidy.) îngrijit; ordonat
    2) (fairly big: a tidy sum of money.) mare
    2. verb
    ((sometimes with up, away etc) to put in good order; to make neat: He tidied (away) his papers; She was tidying the room (up) when her mother arrived.) a face curăţenie/ordine (în)
    - tidiness

    English-Romanian dictionary > tidy

См. также в других словарях:

  • The Sum of All Fears (disambiguation) — The Sum of All Fears is a novel by Tom Clancy.The Sum of All Fears may also refer to: * The Sum of All Fears (film), a 2002 American film directed by Phil Alden Robinson * The Sum of All Fears (video game), a video game developed by Red Storm… …   Wikipedia

  • the sum total — the whole amount : the entire total of something usually + of The sum total of the payments will be $28,000. That s the sum total of what I know about cars. [=that s all I know about cars] • • • Main Entry: ↑sum total …   Useful english dictionary

  • the sum of things — 1. The public weal 2. The universe • • • Main Entry: ↑sum …   Useful english dictionary

  • The Sum of Our Discontent — is a nonfiction book by David Boyle. It was published by Texere in 2001. The tagline and theme of the book is Why numbers make us irrational . PremiseThe author s premise is that humans have been trying to improve the quality of life and… …   Wikipedia

  • (the) sum total — the sum total UK US noun the whole amount of something, especially when it is not very much Thesaurus: everything and including everythingsynonym totals and total amountssynonym …   Useful english dictionary

  • The Sum of All Fears — ist der englische Originaltitel eines Romanes von Tom Clancy, siehe Das Echo aller Furcht (1991/92) sowie der Verfilmung dieses Romanes durch Phil Alden Robinson, siehe Der Anschlag (2002) Diese Seite ist eine …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • The sum of all fears — ist der englische Originaltitel eines Romanes von Tom Clancy, siehe Das Echo aller Furcht (1991/92) sowie der Verfilmung dieses Romanes durch Phil Alden Robinson, siehe Der Anschlag (2002) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • The sum of all fears — puede referirse a: La novela de Tom Clancy titulada en español La suma de todos los miedos o Pánico nuclear. La película titulada en español La suma de todos los miedos o Pánico nuclear. Esta página de desambiguación cataloga artículos… …   Wikipedia Español

  • The Sum of All Men — infobox Book | name = The Sum of All Men title orig = translator = image caption = US Hardcover Edition author = David Farland cover artist = Darrell K. Sweet country = United States language = English series = The Runelords genre = Epic fantasy… …   Wikipedia

  • The Sum of All Fears (video game) — Infobox VG title = The Sum of All Fears developer = Red Storm Entertainment Crawfish Interactive (Game Boy Advance) publisher = Ubisoft designer = engine = released = Microsoft Windows vgrelease|North America|NA|May 31, 2002 vgrelease|PAL… …   Wikipedia

  • The Sum of All Fears (film) — Infobox Film name = The Sum of All Fears caption = Theatrical poster for The Sum of All Fears . director = Phil Alden Robinson producer = Mace Neufeld writer = Tom Clancy (novel) Paul Attanasio, Daniel Pyne (screenplay) starring = Ben Affleck… …   Wikipedia

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