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  • 1 sweet

    [swi:t] 1. adjective
    1) (tasting like sugar; not sour, salty or bitter: as sweet as honey; Children eat too many sweet foods.) sladký
    2) (tasting fresh and pleasant: young, sweet vegetables.) čerstvý
    3) ((of smells) pleasant or fragrant: the sweet smell of flowers.) sladký
    4) ((of sounds) agreeable or delightful to hear: the sweet song of the nightingale.) melodický
    5) (attractive or charming: What a sweet little baby!; a sweet face/smile; You look sweet in that dress.) ľúbezný
    6) (kindly and agreeable: She's a sweet girl; The child has a sweet nature.) milý
    2. noun
    1) ((American candy) a small piece of sweet food eg chocolate, toffee etc: a packet of sweets; Have a sweet.) sladkosť, cukrovinka
    2) ((a dish or course of) sweet food near or at the end of a meal; (a) pudding or dessert: The waiter served the sweet.) múčnik
    3) (dear; darling: Hallo, my sweet!) miláčik
    - sweetener
    - sweetly
    - sweetness
    - sweetheart
    - sweet potato
    - sweet-smelling
    - sweet-tempered
    * * *
    • vonavý
    • vlúdny
    • vonajúci
    • výhody
    • vzácny
    • zlato
    • zrucný
    • sladká vôna
    • sladká chut
    • sladké likéry
    • sladkokyslý
    • sladkost
    • skúsený
    • sentimentálny
    • sladký
    • svieži
    • tvárny
    • umiernený
    • tanecný
    • presladený
    • príjemnosti
    • príjemný
    • prevonaný
    • príjemná stránka
    • elastický
    • drahý
    • fantastický
    • klady
    • bonbón
    • citlivý
    • cukrovinka
    • cerstvý
    • cistý
    • dobrý
    • cukrík
    • dezert
    • radosti
    • roztomilý
    • rozkošný
    • pružný
    • osviežujúci
    • poddajný
    • plody
    • pastelový
    • ovocie
    • pekný
    • pohodlný do ruky
    • pôvabný
    • láskavý
    • kúzelný
    • kolosálny
    • lahko ovládatelný
    • lúbezný
    • lahodný
    • milý
    • múcnik
    • milácik
    • milovaný
    • múcnik (amer.)
    • melodický
    • mierny
    • neskazený
    • nasladlý
    • neskysnutý
    • obratný
    • nežný
    • obrovský

    English-Slovak dictionary > sweet

  • 2 sweet-smelling

    adjective sweet-smelling flowers.) voňavý

    English-Slovak dictionary > sweet-smelling

  • 3 sweet pea

    • hrachor

    English-Slovak dictionary > sweet pea

  • 4 sweet potato

    ((the edible tuber of) a tropical twining plant.) sladký zemiak

    English-Slovak dictionary > sweet potato

  • 5 sweet-tempered

    adjective (kind and friendly.) vľúdny

    English-Slovak dictionary > sweet-tempered

  • 6 a sweet tooth

    (a liking for sweet food: My friend has a sweet tooth.) maškrtnosť

    English-Slovak dictionary > a sweet tooth

  • 7 short and sweet

    His reply was short and sweet: `Get out!' he shouted.) krátky a jasný

    English-Slovak dictionary > short and sweet

  • 8 perfume

    1. ['pə:fju:m] noun
    1) (a sweet smell or fragrance: the perfume of roses.) vôňa
    2) (a liquid, cream etc which has a sweet smell when put on the skin, hair, clothes etc: She loves French perfume(s).) voňavka
    2. [pə'fju:m] verb
    1) (to put perfume on or in: She perfumed her hair.) navoňať
    2) (to give a sweet smell to: Flowers perfumed the air.) naplniť vôňou

    English-Slovak dictionary > perfume

  • 9 liquorice

    ['likəris, ]( American[) -riʃ]
    (a plant with a sweet root, or a black, sticky type of sweet made from it.) sladké drievko
    * * *
    • sladké drevo

    English-Slovak dictionary > liquorice

  • 10 pudding

    1) (any of several types of soft sweet foods made with eggs, flour, milk etc: sponge pudding; rice pudding.) puding
    2) (the sweet course of a meal; dessert: What's for pudding?) múčnik
    * * *
    • pudink
    • nákyp

    English-Slovak dictionary > pudding

  • 11 wrapper

    noun (a paper cover for a sweet, packet of cigarettes etc: a sweet-wrapper.) papierový obal
    * * *
    • župan (lahký)
    • páska (poštová)
    • obal(na knihu)
    • obalový list (cigary)

    English-Slovak dictionary > wrapper

  • 12 biscuit

    1) ((American cookie) a crisp, sweet piece of dough baked in small flat cakes.) sušienka
    2) (a similar savoury flat cake.) suchár
    3) ((American) a small soft round cake.) biskvit
    * * *
    • sušienka
    • suchár
    • keks

    English-Slovak dictionary > biscuit

  • 13 candy

    plural - candies; noun
    1) (sugar formed into a solid mass by boiling.) kandizovaný cukor
    2) ((American) a sweet or sweets; (a piece of) confectionery: That child eats too much candy; Have a candy!) bonbón, cukrík
    - candy floss
    * * *
    • scukornatiet
    • cukrovinka
    • cukrovinky
    • cukrík
    • cukrová vata
    • obalit v cukre

    English-Slovak dictionary > candy

  • 14 caramel

    1) (sugar melted and browned, used for flavouring: This sauce is flavoured with caramel.) karamel
    2) (a sweet made with sugar, butter etc, a toffee.) karamelový cukrík
    * * *
    • karamelová farba
    • karamelka
    • karamel
    • pálený cukor

    English-Slovak dictionary > caramel

  • 15 cedar

    1) (a cone-bearing evergreen tree.) céder
    2) ((also cedarwood) its hard, sweet-smelling wood.) cédrové drevo
    * * *
    • cédrové drevo
    • borovica

    English-Slovak dictionary > cedar

  • 16 chewing-gum

    noun (a type of sweet made from sweetened and flavoured gum.) žuvačka
    * * *
    • žuvacia guma
    • žuvacka

    English-Slovak dictionary > chewing-gum

  • 17 chocolate

    [' okəlit] 1. noun
    1) (a paste made from the seeds of the cacao tree.) čokoláda
    2) (a sweet or drink made from it: Have a chocolate; a cup of chocolate.) čokoláda
    2. adjective
    (of, made from, covered with, chocolate: chocolate ice-cream; chocolate biscuits.) čokoládový
    * * *
    • cokoláda

    English-Slovak dictionary > chocolate

  • 18 custard

    1) (milk, eggs etc cooked together and flavoured.) puding
    2) (a sauce made of milk, sugar and cornflour for sweet dishes.) anglický krém
    * * *
    • vajecný krém

    English-Slovak dictionary > custard

  • 19 dessert

    1) (the sweet course in a meal; pudding: We had ice-cream for dessert.) múčnik
    2) (fruits, sweets etc served at the end of dinner.) zákusok
    * * *
    • dezert (ovocie)
    • múcnik

    English-Slovak dictionary > dessert

  • 20 dry

    1. adjective
    1) (having little, or no, moisture, sap, rain etc: The ground is very dry; The leaves are dry and withered; I need to find dry socks for the children.) suchý
    2) (uninteresting and not lively: a very dry book.) suchopárny
    3) ((of humour or manner) quiet, restrained: a dry wit.) suchý
    4) ((of wine) not sweet.) suchý
    2. verb
    (to (cause to) become dry: I prefer drying dishes to washing them; The clothes dried quickly in the sun.) utierať; uschnúť
    - drier
    - dryer
    - drily
    - dryly
    - dryness
    - dry-clean
    - dry land
    - dry off
    - dry up
    * * *
    • smädný
    • schnút
    • sušit
    • suchý
    • trpký
    • holý
    • chladný
    • nevlúdny
    • nudný

    English-Slovak dictionary > dry

См. также в других словарях:

  • Sweet Valley High — Author Francine Pascal Country United States Language English Genre Children s literature Published 1983 …   Wikipedia

  • Sweet — Datos generales Origen Londres, Reino Unido Información artística …   Wikipedia Español

  • Sweet — Sweet, a. [Compar. {Sweeter}; superl. {Sweetest}.] [OE. swete, swote, sote, AS. sw[=e]te; akin to OFries. sw[=e]te, OS. sw[=o]ti, D. zoet, G. s[ u]ss, OHG. suozi, Icel. s[ae]tr, s[oe]tr, Sw. s[ o]t, Dan. s[ o]d, Goth. suts, L. suavis, for suadvis …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Sweet alyssum — Sweet Sweet, a. [Compar. {Sweeter}; superl. {Sweetest}.] [OE. swete, swote, sote, AS. sw[=e]te; akin to OFries. sw[=e]te, OS. sw[=o]ti, D. zoet, G. s[ u]ss, OHG. suozi, Icel. s[ae]tr, s[oe]tr, Sw. s[ o]t, Dan. s[ o]d, Goth. suts, L. suavis, for… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Sweet apple — Sweet Sweet, a. [Compar. {Sweeter}; superl. {Sweetest}.] [OE. swete, swote, sote, AS. sw[=e]te; akin to OFries. sw[=e]te, OS. sw[=o]ti, D. zoet, G. s[ u]ss, OHG. suozi, Icel. s[ae]tr, s[oe]tr, Sw. s[ o]t, Dan. s[ o]d, Goth. suts, L. suavis, for… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Sweet bay — Sweet Sweet, a. [Compar. {Sweeter}; superl. {Sweetest}.] [OE. swete, swote, sote, AS. sw[=e]te; akin to OFries. sw[=e]te, OS. sw[=o]ti, D. zoet, G. s[ u]ss, OHG. suozi, Icel. s[ae]tr, s[oe]tr, Sw. s[ o]t, Dan. s[ o]d, Goth. suts, L. suavis, for… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sweet Billy — Sweet Sweet, a. [Compar. {Sweeter}; superl. {Sweetest}.] [OE. swete, swote, sote, AS. sw[=e]te; akin to OFries. sw[=e]te, OS. sw[=o]ti, D. zoet, G. s[ u]ss, OHG. suozi, Icel. s[ae]tr, s[oe]tr, Sw. s[ o]t, Dan. s[ o]d, Goth. suts, L. suavis, for… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Sweet calabash — Sweet Sweet, a. [Compar. {Sweeter}; superl. {Sweetest}.] [OE. swete, swote, sote, AS. sw[=e]te; akin to OFries. sw[=e]te, OS. sw[=o]ti, D. zoet, G. s[ u]ss, OHG. suozi, Icel. s[ae]tr, s[oe]tr, Sw. s[ o]t, Dan. s[ o]d, Goth. suts, L. suavis, for… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Sweet calamus — Sweet Sweet, a. [Compar. {Sweeter}; superl. {Sweetest}.] [OE. swete, swote, sote, AS. sw[=e]te; akin to OFries. sw[=e]te, OS. sw[=o]ti, D. zoet, G. s[ u]ss, OHG. suozi, Icel. s[ae]tr, s[oe]tr, Sw. s[ o]t, Dan. s[ o]d, Goth. suts, L. suavis, for… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Sweet cane — Sweet Sweet, a. [Compar. {Sweeter}; superl. {Sweetest}.] [OE. swete, swote, sote, AS. sw[=e]te; akin to OFries. sw[=e]te, OS. sw[=o]ti, D. zoet, G. s[ u]ss, OHG. suozi, Icel. s[ae]tr, s[oe]tr, Sw. s[ o]t, Dan. s[ o]d, Goth. suts, L. suavis, for… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Sweet cicely — Sweet Sweet, a. [Compar. {Sweeter}; superl. {Sweetest}.] [OE. swete, swote, sote, AS. sw[=e]te; akin to OFries. sw[=e]te, OS. sw[=o]ti, D. zoet, G. s[ u]ss, OHG. suozi, Icel. s[ae]tr, s[oe]tr, Sw. s[ o]t, Dan. s[ o]d, Goth. suts, L. suavis, for… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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