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  • 1 חס על צווארו

    spared him, took pity on him

    Hebrew-English dictionary > חס על צווארו

  • 2 חסך ממנו

    spared him

    Hebrew-English dictionary > חסך ממנו

  • 3 חסך מעצמו

    spared himself

    Hebrew-English dictionary > חסך מעצמו

  • 4 חסך מעצמו טרחה

    spared the trouble

    Hebrew-English dictionary > חסך מעצמו טרחה

  • 5 לא חסך כל מאמץ

    spared no effort

    Hebrew-English dictionary > לא חסך כל מאמץ

  • 6 פלט

    פָּלֵט, פָּלִיטm. (preced.) escaping, spared. Hor.8a ממונן פ׳ their property is spared (from destruction); Yeb.9a. Tanḥ. Kor. 5 שכולן אובדין ואחד פ׳ that all will perish and one will escape; Num. R. s. 18; a. e.Pl. פְּלֵטִים, פְּלֵטִין, פְּלֵי׳. Ib. s. 19; Yalk. ib. 765, v. פָּרִיץ. Cant. R. to VII, 8. Snh.108a שבחוצה לה פ׳ the property outside of the city is spared; a. e. Fem. פְּלֵטָה, פְּלֵיטָה; pl. פְּלֵטוֹת, פְּלֵי׳. Tosef.Maasr.I, 6 שיבלים הפ׳ מןוכ׳ (Var. הפולטות) ears which escaped the storage.

    Jewish literature > פלט

  • 7 פליט

    פָּלֵט, פָּלִיטm. (preced.) escaping, spared. Hor.8a ממונן פ׳ their property is spared (from destruction); Yeb.9a. Tanḥ. Kor. 5 שכולן אובדין ואחד פ׳ that all will perish and one will escape; Num. R. s. 18; a. e.Pl. פְּלֵטִים, פְּלֵטִין, פְּלֵי׳. Ib. s. 19; Yalk. ib. 765, v. פָּרִיץ. Cant. R. to VII, 8. Snh.108a שבחוצה לה פ׳ the property outside of the city is spared; a. e. Fem. פְּלֵטָה, פְּלֵיטָה; pl. פְּלֵטוֹת, פְּלֵי׳. Tosef.Maasr.I, 6 שיבלים הפ׳ מןוכ׳ (Var. הפולטות) ears which escaped the storage.

    Jewish literature > פליט

  • 8 פָּלֵט

    פָּלֵט, פָּלִיטm. (preced.) escaping, spared. Hor.8a ממונן פ׳ their property is spared (from destruction); Yeb.9a. Tanḥ. Kor. 5 שכולן אובדין ואחד פ׳ that all will perish and one will escape; Num. R. s. 18; a. e.Pl. פְּלֵטִים, פְּלֵטִין, פְּלֵי׳. Ib. s. 19; Yalk. ib. 765, v. פָּרִיץ. Cant. R. to VII, 8. Snh.108a שבחוצה לה פ׳ the property outside of the city is spared; a. e. Fem. פְּלֵטָה, פְּלֵיטָה; pl. פְּלֵטוֹת, פְּלֵי׳. Tosef.Maasr.I, 6 שיבלים הפ׳ מןוכ׳ (Var. הפולטות) ears which escaped the storage.

    Jewish literature > פָּלֵט

  • 9 פָּלִיט

    פָּלֵט, פָּלִיטm. (preced.) escaping, spared. Hor.8a ממונן פ׳ their property is spared (from destruction); Yeb.9a. Tanḥ. Kor. 5 שכולן אובדין ואחד פ׳ that all will perish and one will escape; Num. R. s. 18; a. e.Pl. פְּלֵטִים, פְּלֵטִין, פְּלֵי׳. Ib. s. 19; Yalk. ib. 765, v. פָּרִיץ. Cant. R. to VII, 8. Snh.108a שבחוצה לה פ׳ the property outside of the city is spared; a. e. Fem. פְּלֵטָה, פְּלֵיטָה; pl. פְּלֵטוֹת, פְּלֵי׳. Tosef.Maasr.I, 6 שיבלים הפ׳ מןוכ׳ (Var. הפולטות) ears which escaped the storage.

    Jewish literature > פָּלִיט

  • 10 שאר

    שָׁאַר(b. h.) to swell, rise; to run over; (cmp. יָתַר, עָרַף) to remain over. Denom. מִשְׁאֶרֶת, שְׁאָר, שְׁאֵר Nif. נִשְׁאָר to be left over, reserved, preserved, spared. Gen. R. s. 76 (ref. to Gen. 32:9) אלו אחינו …אע״פ שנִשְׁאֲרוּ לפליטהוכ׳ this refers to our brethren in the diaspora …; although they have been spared for escape (from Roman persecution), yet they fasted for us (Palestinians) Cant. R. to II, 13 הנִשְׁאָרִים the survivors of the Messianic days; a. e. Pi. (שֵׁיאֵר.) שִׁיֵּיר to leave over, reserve. B. Bath.IX, 6 שכיב … וש׳וכ׳ if an ill person donated all his property to others and reserved some land for himself, his donation is valid (even if he recovers). Ib. 148a דקל לאחד וש׳ פירותיו לפניו ש׳ מקום פירי if he donated a palm-tree (for the wood of it) to a person, and reserved its fruit for himself, he meant to reserve for himself the place whereon the fruit grows (the branches). Ib. כל … בעין יפה מְשַׁיֵּיר whatever one reserves for ones self, one reserves liberally; a. v. fr.Part. pass. מְשוֹאָר, (מְשוּיָּיר). Y.Pes.VII, 35a top לא עשח בה המש׳ כיוצא the law does not treat that which is left over (of the sacrifice) like that which has been carried outside of its limits. Peah III, 3 נותן מן המש׳ על מה ששייר he must give to the poor out of the remainder in proportion to that which he left over; נותן מן המש׳ על הכל he must give out of the remainder a quantity corresponding to the whole (including that which he has taken out before); a. fr. Hif. הִשְׁאִיר same. Midr. Till. to Ps. 9 שלא להַשְׁאִיר זכרוכ׳ that he will not leave a remainder of the memory of Amalek; Yalk. ib. 642 להשאר (corr. acc.); a. e. Nithpa. נִשְׁתַּיֵּיר to be left over. Ḥull.III, 1 ניטל … ולא נ׳וכ׳ if the liver of a slaughtered animal is found consumed without any part of it left. Yoma 77a לא נִשְׁתַּיְירוּ משונאיהןוכ׳ no remnant or survivor would have been left of the enemies of Israel (euphem. for ‘of Israel); a. fr.

    Jewish literature > שאר

  • 11 שָׁאַר

    שָׁאַר(b. h.) to swell, rise; to run over; (cmp. יָתַר, עָרַף) to remain over. Denom. מִשְׁאֶרֶת, שְׁאָר, שְׁאֵר Nif. נִשְׁאָר to be left over, reserved, preserved, spared. Gen. R. s. 76 (ref. to Gen. 32:9) אלו אחינו …אע״פ שנִשְׁאֲרוּ לפליטהוכ׳ this refers to our brethren in the diaspora …; although they have been spared for escape (from Roman persecution), yet they fasted for us (Palestinians) Cant. R. to II, 13 הנִשְׁאָרִים the survivors of the Messianic days; a. e. Pi. (שֵׁיאֵר.) שִׁיֵּיר to leave over, reserve. B. Bath.IX, 6 שכיב … וש׳וכ׳ if an ill person donated all his property to others and reserved some land for himself, his donation is valid (even if he recovers). Ib. 148a דקל לאחד וש׳ פירותיו לפניו ש׳ מקום פירי if he donated a palm-tree (for the wood of it) to a person, and reserved its fruit for himself, he meant to reserve for himself the place whereon the fruit grows (the branches). Ib. כל … בעין יפה מְשַׁיֵּיר whatever one reserves for ones self, one reserves liberally; a. v. fr.Part. pass. מְשוֹאָר, (מְשוּיָּיר). Y.Pes.VII, 35a top לא עשח בה המש׳ כיוצא the law does not treat that which is left over (of the sacrifice) like that which has been carried outside of its limits. Peah III, 3 נותן מן המש׳ על מה ששייר he must give to the poor out of the remainder in proportion to that which he left over; נותן מן המש׳ על הכל he must give out of the remainder a quantity corresponding to the whole (including that which he has taken out before); a. fr. Hif. הִשְׁאִיר same. Midr. Till. to Ps. 9 שלא להַשְׁאִיר זכרוכ׳ that he will not leave a remainder of the memory of Amalek; Yalk. ib. 642 להשאר (corr. acc.); a. e. Nithpa. נִשְׁתַּיֵּיר to be left over. Ḥull.III, 1 ניטל … ולא נ׳וכ׳ if the liver of a slaughtered animal is found consumed without any part of it left. Yoma 77a לא נִשְׁתַּיְירוּ משונאיהןוכ׳ no remnant or survivor would have been left of the enemies of Israel (euphem. for ‘of Israel); a. fr.

    Jewish literature > שָׁאַר

  • 12 שיזב

    שֵׁיזֵב, שֵׁיזֵיב, שֵׁזֵ׳(Shaf. of עזב, v. Del. Proleg., p. 140) 1) to release, save. Targ. Ex. 2:19. Targ. Deut. 32:39; a. fr.Snh.96a היינו … דשֵׁיזֵבֵיהוכ׳ (not דשיזבין) this is the great God that saved Noah ; Yalk. Is. 27:6. Gen. R. s. 33 כמימר שֵׁיזְבֵנִי as if saying, save me. Lev. R. s. 34 יְשֵׁיזֵיב, v. חָלַץ; a. fr. 2) to be delivered. Targ. Jer. 7:10; a. e. Ithpe. אִשְׁתֵּיזֵיב, אִשְׁתְּזֵב to be saved, spared. Targ. Gen. 32:31. Targ. Is. 20:6; a. fr.Y.Ned.IV, 38d וא׳ כולה and all (the neighborhood) was saved (spared from conflagration); Y.Yoma VIII, 45b. Lev. R. s. 16 תִּשְׁתֵּיזֵיב מן צנתא mayest thou be saved from cold. Koh. R. to XI, 1 ולא א׳ גבאי מידי and nothing has been left me (from the shipwreck). Ib. ואומתך מִשְׁתֵּזְבָן and thy people shall be released; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > שיזב

  • 13 שיזיב

    שֵׁיזֵב, שֵׁיזֵיב, שֵׁזֵ׳(Shaf. of עזב, v. Del. Proleg., p. 140) 1) to release, save. Targ. Ex. 2:19. Targ. Deut. 32:39; a. fr.Snh.96a היינו … דשֵׁיזֵבֵיהוכ׳ (not דשיזבין) this is the great God that saved Noah ; Yalk. Is. 27:6. Gen. R. s. 33 כמימר שֵׁיזְבֵנִי as if saying, save me. Lev. R. s. 34 יְשֵׁיזֵיב, v. חָלַץ; a. fr. 2) to be delivered. Targ. Jer. 7:10; a. e. Ithpe. אִשְׁתֵּיזֵיב, אִשְׁתְּזֵב to be saved, spared. Targ. Gen. 32:31. Targ. Is. 20:6; a. fr.Y.Ned.IV, 38d וא׳ כולה and all (the neighborhood) was saved (spared from conflagration); Y.Yoma VIII, 45b. Lev. R. s. 16 תִּשְׁתֵּיזֵיב מן צנתא mayest thou be saved from cold. Koh. R. to XI, 1 ולא א׳ גבאי מידי and nothing has been left me (from the shipwreck). Ib. ואומתך מִשְׁתֵּזְבָן and thy people shall be released; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > שיזיב

  • 14 שֵׁיזֵב

    שֵׁיזֵב, שֵׁיזֵיב, שֵׁזֵ׳(Shaf. of עזב, v. Del. Proleg., p. 140) 1) to release, save. Targ. Ex. 2:19. Targ. Deut. 32:39; a. fr.Snh.96a היינו … דשֵׁיזֵבֵיהוכ׳ (not דשיזבין) this is the great God that saved Noah ; Yalk. Is. 27:6. Gen. R. s. 33 כמימר שֵׁיזְבֵנִי as if saying, save me. Lev. R. s. 34 יְשֵׁיזֵיב, v. חָלַץ; a. fr. 2) to be delivered. Targ. Jer. 7:10; a. e. Ithpe. אִשְׁתֵּיזֵיב, אִשְׁתְּזֵב to be saved, spared. Targ. Gen. 32:31. Targ. Is. 20:6; a. fr.Y.Ned.IV, 38d וא׳ כולה and all (the neighborhood) was saved (spared from conflagration); Y.Yoma VIII, 45b. Lev. R. s. 16 תִּשְׁתֵּיזֵיב מן צנתא mayest thou be saved from cold. Koh. R. to XI, 1 ולא א׳ גבאי מידי and nothing has been left me (from the shipwreck). Ib. ואומתך מִשְׁתֵּזְבָן and thy people shall be released; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > שֵׁיזֵב

  • 15 שֵׁיזֵיב

    שֵׁיזֵב, שֵׁיזֵיב, שֵׁזֵ׳(Shaf. of עזב, v. Del. Proleg., p. 140) 1) to release, save. Targ. Ex. 2:19. Targ. Deut. 32:39; a. fr.Snh.96a היינו … דשֵׁיזֵבֵיהוכ׳ (not דשיזבין) this is the great God that saved Noah ; Yalk. Is. 27:6. Gen. R. s. 33 כמימר שֵׁיזְבֵנִי as if saying, save me. Lev. R. s. 34 יְשֵׁיזֵיב, v. חָלַץ; a. fr. 2) to be delivered. Targ. Jer. 7:10; a. e. Ithpe. אִשְׁתֵּיזֵיב, אִשְׁתְּזֵב to be saved, spared. Targ. Gen. 32:31. Targ. Is. 20:6; a. fr.Y.Ned.IV, 38d וא׳ כולה and all (the neighborhood) was saved (spared from conflagration); Y.Yoma VIII, 45b. Lev. R. s. 16 תִּשְׁתֵּיזֵיב מן צנתא mayest thou be saved from cold. Koh. R. to XI, 1 ולא א׳ גבאי מידי and nothing has been left me (from the shipwreck). Ib. ואומתך מִשְׁתֵּזְבָן and thy people shall be released; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > שֵׁיזֵיב

  • 16 שֵׁזֵ׳

    שֵׁיזֵב, שֵׁיזֵיב, שֵׁזֵ׳(Shaf. of עזב, v. Del. Proleg., p. 140) 1) to release, save. Targ. Ex. 2:19. Targ. Deut. 32:39; a. fr.Snh.96a היינו … דשֵׁיזֵבֵיהוכ׳ (not דשיזבין) this is the great God that saved Noah ; Yalk. Is. 27:6. Gen. R. s. 33 כמימר שֵׁיזְבֵנִי as if saying, save me. Lev. R. s. 34 יְשֵׁיזֵיב, v. חָלַץ; a. fr. 2) to be delivered. Targ. Jer. 7:10; a. e. Ithpe. אִשְׁתֵּיזֵיב, אִשְׁתְּזֵב to be saved, spared. Targ. Gen. 32:31. Targ. Is. 20:6; a. fr.Y.Ned.IV, 38d וא׳ כולה and all (the neighborhood) was saved (spared from conflagration); Y.Yoma VIII, 45b. Lev. R. s. 16 תִּשְׁתֵּיזֵיב מן צנתא mayest thou be saved from cold. Koh. R. to XI, 1 ולא א׳ גבאי מידי and nothing has been left me (from the shipwreck). Ib. ואומתך מִשְׁתֵּזְבָן and thy people shall be released; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > שֵׁזֵ׳

  • 17 חסך

    v. be saved, spared
    v. to save, economize; spare, withhold

    Hebrew-English dictionary > חסך

  • 18 חשך

    v. be darkened
    v. be withheld; spared; stopped; saved
    v. to darken, grow dark
    v. to darken, make dark
    v. to grow dark, darken
    v. to withhold; spare; stop, refrain; save

    Hebrew-English dictionary > חשך

  • 19 נחסך ממנו

    he was spared

    Hebrew-English dictionary > נחסך ממנו

  • 20 עשה חסד

    did a favor, helped; spared

    Hebrew-English dictionary > עשה חסד

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  • Spared — Spare Spare, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Spared}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Sparing}.] [AS. sparian, fr. sp[ae]r spare, sparing, saving; akin to D. & G. sparen, OHG. spar?n, Icel. & Sw. spara, Dan. spare See {Spare}, a.] 1. To use frugally or stintingly, as that …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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