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См. также в других словарях:

  • omniscient — omniscient, iente [ ɔmnisjɑ̃, jɑ̃t ] adj. • 1700; de omniscience ♦ Littér. Qui sait tout. Nul n est omniscient. ⇒ universel. « La science n est ni omnisciente, ni infaillible » (Maurois). ● omniscient, omnisciente adjectif Littéraire. Qui sait… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • omniscient — OMNISCIÉNT, Ă, omniscienţi, te, adj. (livr.) Atotştiutor. [pr.: sci ent] – Din fr. omniscient, lat. omnisicens, ntis. Trimis de RACAI, 25.02.2009. Sursa: DEX 98  omnisciént adj. m. (sil. mf. sci ) …   Dicționar Român

  • Omniscient — Om*nis cient, a. [Omni + L. sciens, entis, p. pr. of scire to know: cf. F. omniscient. See {Science}.] Having universal knowledge; knowing all things; infinitely knowing or wise; as, the omniscient God. {Om*nis cient*ly}, adv. [1913 Webster] For… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • omniscient — omniscient, ente (o mni si an, an t ) adj. Qui a l omniscience. •   Dieu est omniscient ; le présent, l avenir sont également présents à ses yeux, VOLT. Lett. Prince roy. de Pr. octobre 1737, sur la liberté.. ÉTYMOLOGIE    Lat. omnis, tout, et… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • omniscient — [äm nish′ənt; ] Brit & Cdn [, ämnis′ē ənt] adj. [ML omnisciens < L omnis, all + sciens, knowing: see SCIENCE] having infinite knowledge; knowing all things the Omniscient God omnisciently adv …   English World dictionary

  • omniscient — I adjective all knowing, all seeing, all wise, apperceptive, comprehending, deific, deifical, discerning, encyclopedic, farseeing, foreseeing, godlike, infinitely wise, informed, knowing, knowledgeable, oracular, Palladian, pansophic, pansophical …   Law dictionary

  • omniscient — (adj.) c.1600, from Mod.L. omniscientem (nom. omnisciens), back formation from M.L. omniscientia (see OMNISCIENCE (Cf. omniscience)). Related: Omnisciently …   Etymology dictionary

  • omniscient — [adj] all knowing all seeing, almighty, infinite, knowledgeable, pansophical, preeminent, wise; concept 402 Ant. stupid, unknowing …   New thesaurus

  • omniscient — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ knowing everything. DERIVATIVES omniscience noun omnisciently adverb. ORIGIN Latin omnisciens, from scire to know …   English terms dictionary

  • Omniscient — Omniscience Est dit omniscient celui qui voit tout, en opposition a l omnipotence, qui signifie celui qui sait tout. Sommaire 1 Religion 2 Notion d analyse littéraire 3 L omniscience dans la littérature 3.1 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • omniscient — omnisciently, adv. /om nish euhnt/, adj. 1. having complete or unlimited knowledge, awareness, or understanding; perceiving all things. n. 2. an omniscient being. 3. the Omniscient, God. [1595 1605; < NL omniscient , s. of omnisciens, equiv. to L …   Universalium

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