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См. также в других словарях:

  • obedient — obedient, docile, tractable, amenable, biddable mean submissive to the will, guidance, or control of another. Though applied chiefly to persons, they are sometimes extended to things. Obedient implies due compliance with the commands or requests… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • obedient — OBEDIÉNT, Ă, obedienţi, te, adj. (livr.) Supus, ascultător. [pr.: di ent] – Din lat. obediens, ntis, it. obbediente. Trimis de RACAI, 21.10.2003. Sursa: DEX 98  OBEDIÉNT adj. v. ascultător, bun, cuminte, docil, plecat, supus …   Dicționar Român

  • Obedient — O*be di*ent, a. [OF. obedient, L. obediens, oboediens, entis. p. pr. of obedire, oboedire, to obey. See {Obey}.] Subject in will or act to authority; willing to obey; submissive to restraint, control, or command. [1913 Webster] And floating… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • obedient — [ō bē′dē ənt] adj. [OFr < L obediens, prp. of obedire,OBEY] obeying or willing to obey; submissive obediently adv. SYN. OBEDIENT suggests a giving in to the orders or instructions of one in authority or control [an obedient child ]; DOCILE… …   English World dictionary

  • obedient — (adj.) c.1200, from O.Fr. obedient (11c.), from L. obedientem (nom. obediens), prp. of oboedire to obey (see OBEY (Cf. obey)). Related: Obediently …   Etymology dictionary

  • obedient — I adjective acquiescent, amenable, attentive, behaved, biddable, complaisant, compilable, compliant, complying, conformable, conforming, controllable, dedicated, deferential, devoted, dicto audiens, docile, ductile, duteous, dutiful, faithful,… …   Law dictionary

  • obedient — [adj] well behaved; submissive acquiescent, amenable, at one’s beck and call*, attentive, biddable, complaisant, compliant, controllable, deferential, devoted, docile, docious, duteous, dutiful, faithful, governable, honoring, in one’s clutches* …   New thesaurus

  • obedient — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ willing to obey an order or submit to another s authority. DERIVATIVES obedience noun obediently adverb. ORIGIN from Latin oboedire obey …   English terms dictionary

  • Obedient Wives Club — The Obedient Wives Club is an international Islamic organisation dedicated to teaching wives to be submissive to their husbands. It was formed in 2011, establishing branches in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Jordan.[1] It was founded by… …   Wikipedia

  • obedient — o|be|di|ent [əˈbi:diənt] adj [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: Latin, present participle of oboedire; OBEY] 1.) always doing what you are told to do, or what the law, a rule etc says you must do ≠ ↑disobedient ▪ an obedient child obedient… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • obedient — adjective obviously, you want an obedient dog for security work Syn: compliant, acquiescent, tractable, amenable; dutiful, good, law abiding, deferential, respectful, duteous, well trained, well disciplined, manageable, governable; docile, tame,… …   Thesaurus of popular words

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