Перевод: с английского на македонский

с македонского на английский


  • 1 drunk

    k) n. пијан човек, пијаница;
    2. (сленг) пијанка; пијан; пијан; пијаница; алкохоличар, пијан drunk with success опиен од успех

    English-Macedonian dictionary > drunk

  • 2 blind drunk

    мртов пијан
    * * *

    English-Macedonian dictionary > blind drunk

  • 3 dead drunk

    English-Macedonian dictionary > dead drunk

  • 4 punch-drunk

    1.гроги, грогиран (боксер)
    2. збунет, шашардисан

    English-Macedonian dictionary > punch-drunk

  • 5 to get drunk

    English-Macedonian dictionary > to get drunk

  • 6 as against

    во споредба со
    * * *
    во споредба со as compared with compare as instructed според упатствата as drunk as a lord пијан како труп as far as доколку; с до

    English-Macedonian dictionary > as against

  • 7 blind

    слеп, ќор, несвесен за
    n завеса за сонце, ролетна, сончана завеса
    v заслепува, ослепува
    * * *
    adj.слеп; to go blind - ослепува;
    2. нечитлив, нејасен;
    3. неразумен; to be blind to - неспособен да разбере, процени нешто;
    4. (сленг) пијан (исто и blind drunk)
    n. (pl.) слепци
    v. ослепи, заслепи;
    2. затемнува, намалува светлина; слеп; ролетна; слеп, заслепува; n 1. ролетна, желузини; to draw the blinds спуштање на релетни; to raise the blinds подигнување на ролетни (also Venetian blind);
    2. Br.; see window shade;
    3. (hunting) чека;
    4. измама; лажен објект;
    5. misc.; *the blind leading the blind не се зна кој е поголем слепец; blind II a слеп; born blind слеп од раѓање; blind obedience слепа послушност; blind in one eye слеп на едно око, ќор; she is blind to his mistakes таа е слепа на неговите грешки; *as blind as a bat сосема слеп; blind III v tr ослепување; заслепување; blinded by the sun заслепен од сонцето

    English-Macedonian dictionary > blind

  • 8 dead

    2. глув; напуштен; угасен;
    3. бессвесен, несвесен;
    4. сув, овенат (за лисја, цвеќе и сл.);
    5. без живот, тром
    6. отрпнат
    v. (употр. во pl.) покојници;
    2. мртвило, глуво доба, длабока тишина; the dead of night - глуво доба во ноќта; adv. целосно, во целост; dead broke - целосно, сосема упропастен, уништен; dead against - одлучно против; dead drunk - мртов пијан; dead tired - ужасно изморен, мртов уморен; мртви; мртов; средина; потполн; сосема

    English-Macedonian dictionary > dead

  • 9 drink

    n. пијалок;
    2. алкохолен пијалок
    v. (past drank pp. drunk) пие;
    2. се опива; to drink down - испива до крај; to drink in - впива; пијалок; пие; пие, пијалок

    English-Macedonian dictionary > drink

  • 10 get

    причинува, влегува, дофаќа, се навикнува (на)
    прима, стекнува, добива
    * * *
    (pt pp) got добива, стекнува, прима; (go) into a huff станува нерасположен, се лути; заработува, сфаќа, разбира, дотерува, има, зема
    v. добива, заработува, стекнува, има; постигнува; сфаќа; постои; се наоѓа, наоѓа време (средства, можности); прима; get along with youl - оди си! чисти се! тргни ми се од пред очи!; to get at - доаѓа до, постигнува; to get away - избегнува, побегнува, се повлекува; to get asleep - заспива; to get clear off - се ослободува, се одвојува; to get drunk - се опијанува; to get in - влегува, внесува; собира; добива; to get by heart - учи напамет; to get off - се соблекува, се ослободува; си оди, слегува; to get on - облекува, навлекува; напредува, успева; to get over - совладува, се теши; to get rid of - се ослободува од; to get ready - се спрема; to get through - завршува, постигнува, извршува; to get up - подготвува; станува; смислува; составува; to get out - излегува; to get together - се собира, се среќав

    English-Macedonian dictionary > get

  • 11 obviously

    adv. очигледно, видливо (возбуден/среќен/лут): He was obviously drunk Се забележуваше дека е пијан; Obviously, he needs help Очигледно е дека нему му е погребна помош; Obviously not! Очигледно не!

    English-Macedonian dictionary > obviously

  • 12 rip-roaring

    adj. inf.
    1.огромен, фантастичен: a rip-roaring success фантастичен успех
    2. бурен, возбудлив, неконтролиран (забава/прослава); rip-roaring drunk мортус пијан, фрескосан

    English-Macedonian dictionary > rip-roaring

  • 13 royally

    adv. 1. величествено; be royally received величествено е пречекан
    2. целосно, сосема; get royally drunk inf. мортус пијан се направи; се фрескоса

    English-Macedonian dictionary > royally

См. также в других словарях:

  • Drunk driving in the United States — Drunk driving is the act of operating and/or driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs to the degree that mental and motor skills are impaired. It is illegal in all jurisdictions within the United States, though… …   Wikipedia

  • Drunk driving (United States) — Drunk driving is the act of operating and/or driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs to the degree that mental and motor skills are impaired. It is illegal in all jurisdictions within the U.S. The specific… …   Wikipedia

  • drunk - drunken — Drunk is the past participle of the verb drink . See entry at ↑ drink. ◊ drunk used as an adjective Drunk is also an adjective. If someone is drunk, they have drunk too much alcohol and are not in complete control of their behaviour. The colonel… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Drunk dialing — is a pop culture term denoting an instance in which an intoxicated individual places phone calls that he or she would not likely place if sober. The term often refers to a lonely individual calling former or current love interests. I have this… …   Wikipedia

  • drunk — drunk, drunken, intoxicated, inebriated, tipsy, tight are comparable when they mean being conspicuously under the influence of intoxicating liquor. Drunk and drunken are the plainspoken, direct, and inclusive terms {drunk as a fiddler} {drunk as… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Drunk Girls — Single by LCD Soundsystem from the album This Is Happening Released May 3, 2010UK …   Wikipedia

  • drunk — drunk·ard; drunk·en·ly; drunk·en·ness; drunk·ery; drunk·om·e·ter; un·drunk; drunk; drunk·en; …   English syllables

  • drunk´en|ness — drunk|en «DRUHNG kuhn», adjective, verb. –adj. 1. overcome by alcoholic liquor; drunk: »The noisy, drunken man was arrested by the police. SYNONYM(S): intoxicated. 2. caused by being drunk: »a drunken act, drunken words. 3. often drinking too… …   Useful english dictionary

  • drunk´en|ly — drunk|en «DRUHNG kuhn», adjective, verb. –adj. 1. overcome by alcoholic liquor; drunk: »The noisy, drunken man was arrested by the police. SYNONYM(S): intoxicated. 2. caused by being drunk: »a drunken act, drunken words. 3. often drinking too… …   Useful english dictionary

  • drunk|en — «DRUHNG kuhn», adjective, verb. –adj. 1. overcome by alcoholic liquor; drunk: »The noisy, drunken man was arrested by the police. SYNONYM(S): intoxicated. 2. caused by being drunk: »a drunken act, drunken words. 3. often drinking too much… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Drunk — Drunk, a. [OE. dronke, drunke, dronken, drunken, AS. druncen. Orig. the same as drunken, p. p. of drink. See {Drink}.] 1. Intoxicated with, or as with, strong drink; inebriated; drunken; never used attributively, but always predicatively; as, the …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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