Перевод: с английского на словацкий

со словацкого на английский


  • 1 divided

    • delený
    • rozdelený

    English-Slovak dictionary > divided

  • 2 divided by

    • delený

    English-Slovak dictionary > divided by

  • 3 divide

    1) (to separate into parts or groups: The wall divided the garden in two; The group divided into three when we got off the bus; We are divided (= We do not agree) as to where to spend our holidays.) rozdeliť (sa)
    2) ((with between or among) to share: We divided the sweets between us.) rozdeliť (si)
    3) (to find out how many times one number contains another: 6 divided by 2 equals 3.) deliť
    - divisible
    - division
    - divisional
    * * *
    • vydelenie
    • hlasovat
    • delit (sa)
    • delenie
    • delit
    • rozdelit sa
    • rozdelovat
    • rozdelit
    • oddelovat
    • oddelit

    English-Slovak dictionary > divide

  • 4 partition

    [pə'tiʃən] 1. noun
    1) (something that divides, eg a light, often temporary, wall between rooms: The office was divided in two by a wooden partition.) priečka
    2) (the act of dividing; the state of being divided: the partition of India.) rozdelenie
    2. verb
    (to divide: They partitioned the room (off) with a curtain.) rozdeliť, prehradiť
    * * *
    • úsek
    • cast
    • rozklad
    • rozdelenie
    • partícia

    English-Slovak dictionary > partition

  • 5 casting vote

    (the deciding vote of the chairman of a meeting when the other votes are equally divided.) rozhodujúci hlas
    * * *
    • rozhodujúci hlas

    English-Slovak dictionary > casting vote

  • 6 compartment

    (a separate part or division eg of a railway carriage: We couldn't find an empty compartment in the train; The drawer was divided into compartments.) oddelenie
    * * *
    • kabína
    • kupé
    • oddelenie

    English-Slovak dictionary > compartment

  • 7 divisible

    adjective (able to be divided: 100 is divisible by 4.) deliteľný
    * * *
    • delitelný

    English-Slovak dictionary > divisible

  • 8 estate

    1) (a large piece of land owned by one person or a group of people etc: They have an estate in Ireland.) pozemky
    2) (a piece of land developed for building etc: a housing/industrial estate.) zástavba
    3) (a person's total possessions (property, money etc): His estate was divided among his sons.) majetok
    - estate-car
    * * *
    • statok
    • stav
    • hodnost
    • pomery
    • majetok
    • nemovitost

    English-Slovak dictionary > estate

  • 9 fork

    [fo:k] 1. noun
    1) (an instrument with two or more pointed pieces for piercing and lifting things: We usually eat with a knife, fork and spoon.) vidlička
    2) (the point at which a road, river etc divides into two or more branches or divisions: a fork in the river.) rázcestie; sútok, delta
    3) (one of the branches or divisions of a road, river etc into which the road, river etc divides: Take the left fork (of the road).) rameno; odbočka
    2. verb
    1) ((of a road, river etc) to divide into (usually two) branches or divisions: The main road forks here.) rozdvojovať sa
    2) ((of a person or vehicle) to follow one of the branches or divisions into which a road has divided: The car forked left.) odbočiť
    3) (to lift or move with a fork: The farmer forked the hay.) nabrať / prehadzovať vidlami
    - fork-lift truck
    - fork out
    * * *
    • vetva
    • vidlica
    • vidlicka
    • vetvit sa
    • vidly
    • zdvihnút vidlami
    • sútok
    • klukatý blesk
    • klukatit sa
    • alternatíva
    • rozkrok
    • rozbiehat sa
    • rozvetvovat sa
    • roztiahnut
    • rozvetvenie
    • rozvidlenie
    • rázsocha
    • rozcestie
    • pracovat vidlami
    • ladicka
    • nabrat vidlami
    • nasadnút rozkrocmo
    • odbocit

    English-Slovak dictionary > fork

  • 10 gender

    (any of a number of classes into which nouns and pronouns can be divided (eg masculine, feminine, neuter).) rod
    * * *
    • gramatický rod
    • plodit

    English-Slovak dictionary > gender

  • 11 indivisible

    (not able to be divided or separated.) nedeliteľný
    * * *
    • neviditelný

    English-Slovak dictionary > indivisible

  • 12 insect

    (any of many kinds of small six-legged creatures with wings and a body divided into sections: We were bothered by flies, wasps and other insects.) hmyz
    - insectivorous
    - insect repellent
    * * *
    • hmyz

    English-Slovak dictionary > insect

  • 13 instalment

    1) (one payment out of a number of payments into which an amount of money, especially a debt, is divided: The new carpet is being paid for by monthly instalments.) splátka
    2) (a part of a story that is printed one part at a time eg in a weekly magazine, or read in parts on the radio: Did you hear the final instalment last week?) diel, časť
    * * *
    • splátka
    • cast
    • pokracovanie

    English-Slovak dictionary > instalment

  • 14 jointed

    1) (having (especially movable) joints: a jointed doll.) kĺbový
    2) ((of an animal etc for cooking) divided into joints or pieces: a jointed chicken.) rozštvrtený
    * * *
    • klbový
    • clánkovitý
    • clánkovaný
    • kolenatý
    • kolenový
    • kolienkovitý

    English-Slovak dictionary > jointed

  • 15 molecule

    (the group of atoms that is the smallest unit into which a substance can be divided without losing its basic nature or identity.) molekula
    * * *
    • molekula

    English-Slovak dictionary > molecule

  • 16 odd

    1) (unusual; strange: He's wearing very odd clothes; a very odd young man.) zvláštny, výstredný
    2) ((of a number) that cannot be divided exactly by 2: 5 and 7 are odd (numbers).) nepárny
    3) (not one of a pair, set etc: an odd shoe.) jednotlivý
    4) (occasional; free: at odd moments.) voľný
    - oddly
    - oddment
    - odds
    - odd jobs
    - odd job man
    - be at odds
    - make no odds
    - oddly enough
    - odd man out / odd one out
    - odds and ends
    - what's the odds?
    * * *
    • volný
    • výpomocný
    • výstredný
    • zastrcený
    • záhadný
    • zapadnutý
    • zvláštny
    • zvyšný
    • trochu
    • úder naviac v golfe
    • príležitostný
    • jednotlivý
    • bližšie neurcený
    • cudný
    • rôzny
    • roztrúsený
    • podivný
    • podivínsky
    • ostávajúci
    • nadpocetný
    • náhodný
    • nepravidelný
    • nepárny
    • nevysvetlitelný
    • naviac
    • nerovný
    • nemanželský
    • nestály
    • nesúvislý
    • neformálny
    • neobvyklý
    • niektorý
    • ojedinelý

    English-Slovak dictionary > odd

  • 17 part

    1. noun
    1) (something which, together with other things, makes a whole; a piece: We spent part of the time at home and part at the seaside.) časť, súčasť
    2) (an equal division: He divided the cake into three parts.) diel, kus
    3) (a character in a play etc: She played the part of the queen.) rola
    4) (the words, actions etc of a character in a play etc: He learned his part quickly.) text, rola, úloha
    5) (in music, the notes to be played or sung by a particular instrument or voice: the violin part.) part, hlas
    6) (a person's share, responsibility etc in doing something: He played a great part in the government's decision.) podiel, účasť
    2. verb
    (to separate; to divide: They parted (from each other) at the gate.) rozísť sa, rozlúčiť sa
    - partly
    - part-time
    - in part
    - part company
    - part of speech
    - part with
    - take in good part
    - take someone's part
    - take part in
    * * *
    • súciastka
    • cast
    • diel

    English-Slovak dictionary > part

  • 18 prime number

    (a number that can only be divided without a remainder by itself and 1, eg 3, 5, 7, 31.) prvočíslo
    * * *
    • prvocíslo

    English-Slovak dictionary > prime number

  • 19 section

    1) (a part or division: He divided the orange into sections; There is disagreement in one section of the community; the accounts section of the business.) časť
    2) (a view of the inside of anything when, or as if, it is cut right through or across: a section of the stem of a flower.) rez, prierez
    * * *
    • územie
    • výrez
    • zložka
    • skupina
    • sekcia
    • segmentovat
    • stránka
    • stat
    • štvrt mesta
    • štvrt
    • úsek
    • useknutý kus
    • prierez
    • preparát
    • príloha
    • profil
    • družstvo
    • kapitola
    • cast
    • cata
    • rez
    • rezanie
    • rubrika
    • pitva
    • paragraf
    • podtrieda
    • porezanie
    • kraj
    • narezat
    • odsek
    • oddiel
    • odrezat mikrotomom
    • oblast
    • odstavec
    • oddelenie

    English-Slovak dictionary > section

  • 20 segment

    1) (a part or section: He divided the orange into segments.) časť, diel
    2) (a part of eg a circle cut off by a straight line.) segment
    * * *
    • vrstva
    • výsek
    • segmentovat
    • sekcia
    • segment
    • sektor
    • úsek
    • úsecka
    • cast
    • diel
    • clánok
    • dielik
    • odvetvie
    • odrezok
    • odkrojok

    English-Slovak dictionary > segment

См. также в других словарях:

  • Divided by Night — Studio album by The Crystal Method Released May 12, 2009 …   Wikipedia

  • Divided regions — are transnational regions, islands, etc., (i.e. areas that are known under a common name) that may have at one time been a united sovereign state but are or have been subsequently politically divided by national borders, into separate sovereign… …   Wikipedia

  • Divided by Night — Divided by Night …   Википедия

  • Divided (song) — Divided Single by Tara MacLean from the album Passenger Released 2000 Format CD single Length …   Wikipedia

  • Divided Heaven (film) — Divided Heaven Guests in the premiere of Divided Heaven in the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival. 12 July 1964 …   Wikipedia

  • Divided by Zero — is an American rock band formed in 2002 in San Diego, California, USA. Best known for fusing elements of melodic hard rock, punk, and reggae to create a highly original sound that combines metal s aggressiveness with classic hooks and melodies,… …   Wikipedia

  • Divided (game show) — Divided Format Game show Created by Talpa Endemol UK Presented by …   Wikipedia

  • divided — di·vid·ed adj 1 a: separated into parts, classes, or portions divided coverage divided custody b in the civil law of Louisiana: separately owned, possessed, or held: no longer held in indivision owner of a divided part or of the entire estate… …   Law dictionary

  • Divided (disambiguation) — Divided refers to arithmetic division in mathematics. Divided may also refer to: Divided (game show), a British game show Divided (EP), a 2010 EP by Benevolent Divided (song), a 1999 song by Tara MacLean Divided (Stargate Universe) This… …   Wikipedia

  • Divided We Fall (film) — Divided We Fall Directed by Jan Hřebejk Produced by Pavel Borovan Ondřej Trojan …   Wikipedia

  • Divided Kingdom —   Author(s) Rupert Thomson Cover artis …   Wikipedia

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