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См. также в других словарях:

  • one's best bib and tucker — ► one s best bib and tucker informal one s smartest clothes. Main Entry: ↑bib …   English terms dictionary

  • one's best days — To be now on the decline ● see …   Useful english dictionary

  • one’s best shot — n. one’s best attempt (at something). □ That was his best shot, but it wasn’t good enough. □ I always try to give something my best shot …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • one's best friend — one s closest or favorite friend …   Useful english dictionary

  • To do one's best — do do (d[=oo]), v. t. or auxiliary. [imp. {did} (d[i^]d); p. p. {done} (d[u^]n); p. pr. & vb. n. {Doing} (d[=oo] [i^]ng). This verb, when transitive, is formed in the indicative, present tense, thus: I do, thou doest (d[=oo] [e^]st) or dost… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • one's best years — the most vigorous and productive period of one s life; one s prime he had spent the best years of his life working at the stables …   Useful english dictionary

  • one's best — the highest standard or level attainable. → best …   English new terms dictionary

  • one's best bib and tucker — informal one s smartest clothes. → bib …   English new terms dictionary

  • one's best bib and tucker — informal one s finest clothes …   Useful english dictionary

  • do one's best — verb perform a task as well as possible (Freq. 3) The cast gives full measure every night • Syn: ↑go all out, ↑give one s best, ↑give full measure • Hypernyms: ↑do, ↑perform …   Useful english dictionary

  • at one's best — {prep. phr.} In best form; displaying one s best qualities. * /Tim is at his best when he has had a long swim before a ballgame./ * /Jane rested before the important meeting because she wanted to be at her best./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

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