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  • 1 member

    1) (a person who belongs to a group, club, society, trade union etc: The association has three thousand members.) meðlimur, félagi
    2) (short for Member of Parliament. M.P)

    English-Icelandic dictionary > member

  • 2 brother

    1) (the title given to a male child to describe his relationship to the other children of his parents: I have two brothers.)
    2) (a fellow member of any group ( also adjective): brother officers.)
    3) ((plural also brethren ['breƟrən]) a member of a religious group: The brothers of the order prayed together; The brethren met daily.)
    - brother-in-law

    English-Icelandic dictionary > brother

  • 3 fellow

    ['feləu] 1. noun
    1) (a man: He's quite a nice fellow but I don't like him.) náungi
    2) ((often as part of a word) a companion and equal: She is playing with her schoolfellows.) félagi
    3) (a member of certain academic societies; a member of the governing body or teaching staff of a college.)
    2. adjective
    (belonging to the same group, country etc: a fellow student; a fellow music-lover.) sam-; með-; -félagi
    - fellow-feeling

    English-Icelandic dictionary > fellow

  • 4 membership

    1) (the state of being a member: membership of the Communist Party.) félagsaðild
    2) (a group of members: a society with a large membership.) félagar, félagahópur
    3) (the amount of money paid to a society etc in order to become a member: The membership has increased to $5 this year.) félagsgjald

    English-Icelandic dictionary > membership

  • 5 senator

    1) ((sometimes abbreviated to Sen. in titles) a member of a lawmaking senate: Senator Smith.) öldungadeildarþingmaður
    2) (a member of a Roman senate.) öldungaráðsmaður

    English-Icelandic dictionary > senator

  • 6 sister

    ['sistə] 1. noun
    1) (the title given to a female child to describe her relationship to the other children of her parents: She's my sister; my father's sister.) systir
    2) (a type of senior nurse: She's a sister on Ward 5.) yfirhjúkrunarkona
    3) (a female member of a religious group.) systir
    4) (a female fellow member of any group: We must fight for equal opportunities, sisters!) systir
    2. adjective
    (closely similar in design, function etc: sister ships.) systur-

    English-Icelandic dictionary > sister

  • 7 affiliated

    (connected with or joined to (a larger group etc) as a member: an affiliated branch of the union.) tengdur

    English-Icelandic dictionary > affiliated

  • 8 airman

    noun (a member of an air force.) (óbreyttur) flugliði í flugher

    English-Icelandic dictionary > airman

  • 9 ancestor

    ['ænsistə, ]( American[) -ses-]
    American - ancestress; noun
    (a person who was a member of one's family a long time ago and from whom one is descended.) forfaðir
    - ancestry

    English-Icelandic dictionary > ancestor

  • 10 Anglican

    noun, adjective
    ((a member) of the Church of England.) meðlimur ensku þjóðkirkjunnar

    English-Icelandic dictionary > Anglican

  • 11 aristocrat

    [-kræt, ]( American[) ə'ristəkræt]
    noun (a member of the aristocracy.) aðalsmaður

    English-Icelandic dictionary > aristocrat

  • 12 bandit

    (an outlaw or robber, especially as a member of a gang: They were attacked by bandits in the mountains.) ræningi

    English-Icelandic dictionary > bandit

  • 13 belong

    1) ((with to) to be the property of: This book belongs to me.) tilheyra, vera eign
    2) ((with to) to be a native, member etc of: I belong to the sailing club.) tilheyra, vera félagi í
    3) ((with with) to go together with: This shoe belongs with that shoe.) eiga saman

    English-Icelandic dictionary > belong

  • 14 black sheep

    (a member of a family or group who is unsatisfactory in some way: My brother is the black sheep of the family.) svartur sauður

    English-Icelandic dictionary > black sheep

  • 15 chorister

    (a member of a (church) choir, especially a boy.) (kirkju)kórsöngvari

    English-Icelandic dictionary > chorister

  • 16 citizen

    1) (an inhabitant of a city or town: a citizen of London.) borgari
    2) (a member of a state or country: a British citizen; a citizen of the USA.) ríkisborgari

    English-Icelandic dictionary > citizen

  • 17 civil servant

    (a member of the civil service.) opinber starfsmaður

    English-Icelandic dictionary > civil servant

  • 18 commando

    plural - commandos; noun
    ((a member of) a unit of troops specially trained for tasks requiring special courage and skill.) hermaður í sérsveit

    English-Icelandic dictionary > commando

  • 19 constituency

    plural - constituencies; noun (the group of voters, or the area in which they live, represented by a member of parliament.) kjósendur; kjörkæmi

    English-Icelandic dictionary > constituency

  • 20 constituent

    [kən'stitjuənt] 1. noun
    1) (a necessary part: Hydrogen is a constituent of water.) hluti; efnisþáttur
    2) (a voter from a particular member of parliament's constituency: He deals with all his constituents' problems.) kjósandi
    2. adjective
    He broke it down into its constituent parts.) frumefni/-þáttur

    English-Icelandic dictionary > constituent

См. также в других словарях:

  • Member state of the European Union — Member states of the European Union …   Wikipedia

  • Member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States — Member states There are 10 member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Membership status of CIS countries See also: Community for Democracy and Rights of Nations, GUAM Organization for Democracy and Economic De …   Wikipedia

  • Member states of ALBA — Member states, w/o Honduras. Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas (ALBA) has eight member states. When it was launched, ALBA had two member states, Venezuela and Cuba …   Wikipedia

  • member — I (constituent part) noun article, branch, category, component, department, division, element, factor, feature, fraction, ingredient, integral part, item, link, part, piece, portion, section, segment, share, small part, subdivision, subordinate… …   Law dictionary

  • member bank — n. A bank that is affiliated with the Federal Reserve System. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008. member bank …   Law dictionary

  • Member states of Mercosur — Member states. Map includes Venezuela who is soon to be part of Mercosur Merc …   Wikipedia

  • member state — a state member of the European Union. Each state is allocated a weighted vote when voting by qualified majority in the Council of the European Union. The weighting follows each member state name. Initially there were six members: Belgium (5),… …   Law dictionary

  • Member State — a state member of the European Union. Each state is allocated a weighted vote when voting by qualified majority in the Council of the European Union. The weighting follows each member state name. Initially there were six members: Belgium (5),… …   Law dictionary

  • Member — Mem ber, n. [OE. membre, F. membre, fr. L. membrum; cf. Goth. mimz flesh, Skr. mamsa.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Anat.) A part of an animal capable of performing a distinct office; an organ; a limb. [1913 Webster] We have many members in one body, and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Member of the European Parliament — (MEP) European Union The members of the European Parliament are elected every five years under the proportional representation system. The election is held by direct universal suffrage. Voting systems vary, depending on the country. MEPs exercise …   Law dictionary

  • Member of Parliament — ➔ MP * * * Member of Parliament UK US noun [C] (ABBREVIATION MP) GOVERNMENT, POLITICS ► a politician who has been elected to the parliament of a country: »a Conservative/Labour/Liberal Member of Parliament …   Financial and business terms

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